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Intoxicated By You

Beautiful Butterfly


Yuri was sleeping silently. Even when she was sleeping, she was looking like a beautiful piece of art that was created very carefully by the god. It was 6AM in the morning. Her alarm rang. But she didn't gave a damn about it. Suddenly her mother came into the room.

"Yuri, Wake up now! Wake up!" her mother shouted.

"Ohh! This damn child. Wake uupppppppp" she shouted with all her might.

"AAHHHHHH" yuri screamed and woke up.

She annoyingly asked" Mom, do you want to give me heart attack?" She said sarcastically "Plz behave yourself Mom, you are Mrs. KIM. You should be polite and graceful like me"

Her mother was getting furious but controlled herself because she doesn't wanted to be mocked by her own daughter again and again.

Lia Kim (Yuri's mother) asked very gently "My dear daughter, did you forget about the blind date that has been set up for you?"


"Is it today?" Yuri asked in a confusing manner.

"You little thing" Mrs. Kim shouted.

Her mother was about to yell at her but Yuri interrupted her by mockingly saying that "are you still that gentle lady whom my dad married?"

"Oh, dear lord!" she sighed.

Yuri got up from the bed, and headed towards the bathroom.

After 30mins, she came back and saw all the servants holding dresses and make up and are ready to take the commands of her mother.

Her mother ordered the servants "You all, what are you waiting for, huh?

Go and dress her up as I have told you"

"Yes, MADAME" all the maid obeyed her.

Yuri sighed and said while being dressing up by the maids "Mom, you know I still have my dreams that I want to achieve. Why are you forcing me to marry? I am just 22 now.

"Don't you know the reason" her mother said with a smirk on her face.

"Mom, I've acquired every possible knowledge about the company since I was a little girl with brother, I'm worth a shot, I'll support you all, just give me a chance, please. You don't have to worry about the company, I know business n finances, You know that I have mastered in Business Studies." Yuri said in a pleading way.

"Shut Up!" her mother said coldly.

"If you want to help us plz just do what we are saying" she said it in a commanding manner.

After 1 hour, Yuri is ready for the date.

When she came downstairs from her room, her father and brother both blessed her and complemented her while her mother was being aloof.

"Mom!" she said it while making puppy eyes.

Her mother wasn't able to control the effect of her daughter's cuteness and melted down.

"Oh, my baby come here." she hugged her daughter and kissed her forehead gently.


(A coffee cafe where couples from high class comes to have their quality time)

"It's been almost 20min, where's that damn man". Yuri said annoyingly.

"Behind you, miss" DONGFANG whispered in her ear.

Yuri got chills and stood up immediately. For Yuri, it was so scary as well as a little bit of embarrassing.

From childhood till the present day, she has always been distant from boys. But, when a man whispered with a very manly voice, it was a little seductive too.

Yuri greeted him while her face was all red, as if she was blushing and at the same time was embarrassed too.

When Dongfang kept staring at her, she became nervous too.

*Wow! She's like a Beautiful Butterfly. Although I have seen many beautiful women, but all of them have a an irritating aura plus they want my money. Heh! What am I thinking? She too is here for my money. If it weren't for grandpa to force me, I wouldn't be here wasting my time.* - DONGFANG's thoughts.


Yuri cleared her throat purposely to make Dongfang come out of his thoughts.

"AHEM! A.... Mr LI, I'll not waste your time with the marriage nonsense. I came here today to negotiate with you about our engagement cancellation."

Dongfang was shocked, although he controlled his expression very well.


Dongfang asked her "What did said? I couldn't catch it. Will you be more clear, Ms.Kim".

Mr. Dongfang, I am an ambitious person. I don't want to waste my youth on trivial matters like marriage, having kids and taking care of them all day and night. I came here just to show my courtesy to you and also because of family pressure" said Yuri confidently."So, What do you want me to do?" asked Dongfang suspiciously.

"It is very simple, Mr. Dongfang. You just have to reject me. Actually, my family doesn't believe in me at all. They just doesn't see me as a fit competitor for my brother, and thinks that I won't be able to maintain the CEO position, even if I become one day. But, the one thing that they don't know is I can handle THE KIM'S FASHION SPOT (Kim family's Fashion Company) very well" said Yuri proudly.

"Ms. Kim, will you come to the point?" said Dongfang impatiently.

"Ohhh! Sorry to waste your precious Time" said Yuri apologetically.

Yuri explained in a direct way "Mr. Dongfang, I am not like others who just want to be with you. Sorry to say this but, I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU.

And because of my family pressure I can't cancel this planned engagement on my own. So, I just need you to me a favor.

That is all, please just reject me and say no to the engagement in front of my family. "

Dongfang's ego and his pride got a little bit of hurt.

(AUTHOR'S WORD - By little bit of hurt I mean actually very very much hurt. Hey fl what are you doing, stop making him mad again and again. Your words are like dagger which is hitting him hard)

Dongfang thought *Is she trying to get my attention by showing that she doesn't want my attention?

Just who is this narcissistic girl? Can't she see that I am the man of every girls dream and yet she dare to say that she isn't interested in me?*

"And why do you think that I'll do you a favor?" asked Dongfang suspiciously.

"By seeing the irritated expression on your face, I am sure that you are also not interested in this marriage. "And also didn't you owe me one?" Yuri said with a smirk on her face.

"Well, What did I owed you?" said Dongfang confusingly.

"I came here to meet you, didn't I? If hadn't came today and when your grandfather would know about it, wouldn't he be upset with you? " said Yuri.

Dongfang got angry "Are you threatening me?"

"How could I? I dare not. I just answered to your question" said Yuri calmly.

*A DEEP SIGH* "Huhhhh! Alright, I'll return the favor by doing what you said" said Dongfang.

"Thank you very much Mr.Dongfang"

"Pleasured to meet you" said Yuri with a polite bow.

Yuri left the cafe but Dongfang stayed for a couple of minutes.

Dongfang's Secretary asked him in a very confusing manner "Sir, if you are gonna do as Ms. Kim told you to, then how are gonna face your grandfather, who forces you to have a marriage with Ms. Kim."

Dongfang smiled mischievously and said "Did you ever saw me following someone's order?"

"Err..... No sir" said his secretary hesitantly.

"So now are you expecting me to be following someone's orders, huh? said Dongfang arrogantly.

"My apologies to you, sir" said his secretary.

"You just watch the show, that's all" said Dongfang with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, sir" Obeyed his secretary.

I want HER to be in my CAGE

New Day, New Enthusiasm

Yuri woke up at 9AM. She slept peacefully last night.

She was with full of enthusiasm and joy.

Whenever she thinks about the incident that happened in the cafe, her hope of being an Independent Woman in the Business World gets high.

Unfortunately, reality doesn't match the expectations of an individual.

After an hour, Yuri went downstairs to have a peaceful breakfast with her family. But, unexpectedly Mr. LI was already sitting there.

Yuri thought "Woah! This man is punctual, came so early in the morning. Well, I can tell that he's a man of his words. But he's sitting in my spot, I hate it when someone sits on my seat."

"Hey! Finally my Sleeping Beauty woke up, come, have breakfast dear" her father said gently to her.

"Sure" she replied.

*They all prayed to the lord and started digging in food *

"Yuri I am glad that you both have accepted each other and are ready to get engaged ASAP" said Yuri's mother joyfully.

Yuri almost got choked with the food that she was eating and glared at Dongfang suspiciously.

"Mom, I think you got this in a wrong way" when Yuri was about to complete her sentence, her mother interrupted "Ohh honey! There's nothing to be confused off. My son-in-law (Mr. LI) already made it as clear as crystal."

"And what did he said? " Yuri asked with the suspicion in her eyes, eyes that were glaring at Dongfang continuously.

Dongfang liked it and started staring at her.

By seeing this, Yuri's family members (mother, father, brother and grandparents) thought that they were deeply in love with each other and It was a 'LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT '

"Well, Mr. LI said that you both are very much interested in each other and want to have a engagement as soon as possible" said her father.

Yuri got shocked. She thought "The man who doesn't like me and isn't interested in this marriage has said that he wants to get engaged with me ASAP?

She was about make it very clear with everybody but, Dongfang held her hand and took permission from the elders to talk to his fiancee in person.

He took her to the garden. Before he could say anything, Yuri punched him in his face. Dongfang thought "I never knew that this little kitten who is so full of herself would become so wild and savage".

When he looked at her closely, he was surprised. The expression of extreme anger can be clearly seen on her face, her chubby cheeks becomes so red as she was some kind of boiler, who got all red just because of the maximization of the heat. To Dongfang, her expression were very cute. He couldn't help but chuckled and laughed.

Yuri couldn't control herself when she becomes hangry (hungry+angry).

*Yuri didn't have a proper breakfast because of Dongfang's nonsense at the dinner table*

"Is marriage some kind of joke to you?" Yuri asked hangrily.

"No, when did I joked about something so important like marriage?" said Dongfang mockingly.

He wanted to see more angry side of Yuri but, when Yuri tried to punch him again, she was pinned down by Dongfang in just a blink of an eye.

"My dear WIFE TO BE, I won't fall for the same trick again. You should try new methods, maybe they'll work. Hm?" said Dongfang gently.

"Why did you lie to them? Didn't we agreed to call off the engagement?" Yuri yelled.

"Shushhhh! If they hear what you said just now, wouldn't they be upset with you or might be heartbroken, isn't it? After all, you are their favorite. How could you let them down? " Dongfang said it with a smirk on his face.

"Are you threatening me?" Yuri asked furiously.

"I think yes. I just repaid you"

"Huhh?" Yuri was confused.

"Wasn't you the one who threatened me first, hm?" Dongfang referred the Negotiation part.

"You bastard, we made a deal. It was deal" Yuri clarified.

"Hey you hot chick, who do you think you are, huh?" said Dongfang with disgust in his eyes for Yuri.

"Many girls out there are dying for me to just give them a little bit of a glimpse, but I personally came to see you just for the sake of my grandfather. And what did you do? Threatened me with grandpa's words. And also said to me that you aren't interested in me and even tried to negotiate with me. Congratulations babe, you've hurted my ego very badly." said Dongfang in a very resentful manner.

Yuri was shocked and trembled because the gaze of Dongfang was murderous.

"Girl, go and get yourself ready for the engagement. "Oh! I forgot to tell you that the engagement is tomorrow." said Dongfang with a big smile on his face.

"Tomorrow? No I don't want to be with you. I already said I don't want this marriage now. So, please stop this all.

I apologize for my mistakes" said Yuri.

*huhhmhuh* Dongfang chuckled.

"It's impossible, because you've successfully caught my attention, babe" said Dongfang with a little grin.

Dongfang grabbed her waist, pulled her closer, lifted her chin to see her crystal clear eyes and then whispered in her ear in a very seductive way




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