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The Twin's Way Back Home.

Chapter 1: Transmigration

“Hey, Aiden...”

“... Yeah?”

“ Is it time already?”

“ ... I suppose so.”


The sound of an opening old wooden door break the silence. Behind it, an old middle age man, holding a tray of baby foods and clean white clothes for us appear, as usual. We start eating our meals obediently, wash ourselves using towels dipped in the cold water bucket.

After seeing we are done changing, he cleaned up and leave imediately through the door, and disapear along with it.

We live here, isolated from the outside world. It was a small, old room, with a single bed, a tiny table and no window. The only source of light we have was a fist-sized light stone and a little crack, as big as a baby's palm from the rocky walls. However, the sight was limited, and through the thick leafy branches, we are only able to distinguished between day and night. For as long as we remembered, we have been living here.

We are called Aiden and Alora in this world. We are twins. Orginally, we belong to a place called the Earth, and it seems like we are transmigrated to this place after we died. It was an unfortunate accident.

We are a twin boy and girl, both will be 17 this year. It was such a wonderful day. We went on our plane, exited for the trip to England to met with our parents and siblings.

It will be our birthday tomorow, exactly a week after we start school's summer break.

However, things just don't go as we planed.

During the time we crossed the vast ocean, a storm occurs, and the plane was hit by lightnings so one of the wings exploded. The plane fell from a height of over 10,500 meters then crumbled on the sea surface, breakdown and swallowed up by gigantic, fierced waves.

We died, drowned.

It was a scary experienced, but it was strange too. We felt sufficated for a breif moment, but the terrible feelings are gone now. Once we opened our eyes, it was dark and cramped.

Are we locked inside of a box? We were about to scream for help, when all of a sudden, a man's voice was heard.

“So, are these things the rumored twins?”

The box was kicked from the outside.

“It's ‘em, there are no way we got ‘em wrong since their appearance are so eye-catching.”

Another man replied.

“Since when did ‘that humble person' interested in strange things like these?”

“We just need to do want we are told, don't questioned anything, that is, if you still valued your lives” Another women voice, sounded grumpy.

“Deliver the goods and we're done” Said the man.

After a long time, the motioned stopped, and we can felt the box being lifted up by someone. Where are they bringing us?

It was then we are placed down and the box's lid was opened. The sudden light after being in the dark for so long almost blinded us. When our visions are clear and we looked, there was tall man, masked and cloaked.

He pulled us out forcefully, then take us to a dark forrest, deep inside. It was dawn. While passing through the forrest, trees and branches leave light scraches all over our body, even our clothes are torned up like rag.

He took us to a tall tower made of rocks. It looks sturdy and ancient, with bushes and green vines of ivys all over the wall. He unlockes a wooden door using a gold key adn through us inside. The last thing we heard when he leave us their was still vivid for us.

“Aiden, Alora, live here for the rest of your life like worms and try not to die before we can make use of you, ok?”

The heavy sound of the wooden door was heard closing. It has disappeared right infront of our eyes. We began to get ancious and panic. The was really gone. We don't even know where we are or what was happening earlier. As we scan through the room, it feels like this place was an old room for prisoners! The light stone was just enough to lit up this room and give us a clear view of what's inside. After a while, the boy start to speak.

“... Let's calm down first and see what going on here.”

They both decided to sit down on the bed together, the sheet was soft.

“Ahhhh...” gasped the girl, in supprized.

“, your appearance..., is that... really you, younger brother? Asked the girl.

Along with what she just said, the boy's facial expression seems amazed as well.

“ ...Something is strange about this situation, aren’t we, like, supposed to not be here, and even living, as that?” Asked the boy.

“I don't know, and whose body's this anyway? Why are we thrown in here? And what about the crazy bullsh\*t things that strange man just said?” Cried the girl, panicked.

“... Let me think for a bit, from what he have said earlier, hmm... Aiden and Alora, i can assumed that they are the ‘names' of these bodies we are in then. You are Alora, since it sounds girly, so i must be Aiden then.” Claimed the boy.

“ Seeing that we are going to live in a place like this, are we imprisoned after being kidnap?!?” Said Alora.

“... I supposed that was the most sensible option we can come up for now, so let's assumed we are.” Said Aiden, in a disheveled tone.

“ No way!!! I don't wanna live in a crappy place like this, it looks disgusting! And how are we supposed to live without food and water anyway! I want presents and birthday cake! I want delicious food and i want to see mom and dad! They must be so worrried! Wahh.... I wanna go home... Not here...” Said Alora, sobbing.

“... Let's just calmed down first, and then think of a way out together, sister.”

They start to look around for some useful thing, sadly, there weren’t any. It was quiet in the room. There are broken things here and there, covered in dust. A three-leg chair, a mug with chipped edge and a tall, old wooden grandfather clock. The big clock looks neglected in this room. It must have stayed in here for quite a long time, since the clock's hands stop turning.

We tried to open up the clock and fix it, but it didn’t work no matter how hard we fix, so we leave it like that.

Once again, the twin sat down on the bed again, tired and exhausted. They look at each other, saying nothing, hold hands and went to sleep.

Chapter 2: The pocket watch...


We both woke up next morning hearing strange creaking sound.


The door opened up and there stand an old man. He didn’t say anything, nor did neither of us think that he could talk, since his lips were sewed up tightly.

He place down the tray he was holding and went out immediately. The door disappeared once again.

We rush down the bed to see what he brings. There was a change of clothes for both of us, a plain, pure white dress, pant's and a long-sleve shirt. Two small handkerchief could be spotted too. Everything is white and plain. There are also two small breads and butter, with two cups of milk and a bottle full of water.

Is this food for us? This seriously can't be any more prison-like – thought both of the twins.

We start shreding up pieces of bread and dip it into the milk cup. Milk and bread make a decent meal for breakfast, especially when we are only 3 years old. We wiped our mouths and stand up, ready to change ourr clothes. Although not fancy or special, the clothes are comfortable and refreshing, compared to the rag-like clothes torn up during our trip, this feels much better.

After getting a good look at our yesterday’s clothes, it somehow looks expensive and detailed made. The fabrics are soft and it seems like noble's clothing.

“Hey, without those holes, don't you think they would look quite marvelous, don't you think, umm... Ai... Aiden?” The girl asked, weirdly called out her younger brother’s name.

“... Yes, in fact, they looks like clothes for Westerner nobles from the old days, actually.” Said Aiden, uncertainly.

“Then does that make these kids... I mean, us nobles too?” Asked Alora excitingly.

“Probably...” Answered Aiden.


Before they could discuss any further, the door appeared and the man stand infront of them. They backed down and become wary of the man, however, he only came to clean up the dishes, cups and even the ragged clothes.

“Wa...Wait, wait a momment!!!” cried Aiden, reaching his hand out.

The man doesn’t seem to care, or maybe he had bad hearing, since he didn’t look back and went straight out.



The door closed and disappeared.

“Wh... What wrong, A... Aiden?” asked Alora.

“... Damn it, he took the clothes, an important source of information out before we could even search further in for some clues about our ‘family', there might be crests or some items in the pocket too...” Said Aiden, a bit irritated.

“ Then, what should we do now, Aiden?”

“ ..., Let's just research the room more just to make sure we didn’t leave out anything yesterday due to tiredness.” Said Aiden.

They carefully search throughout the room again, but the result was rather disapointing, until Alora kicked something hard on the ground near the place where the door disappeared.

“ Aiden, hey, Aiden! I think i just kicked something hard near the place where that old man disappeared! Come and see quickly!” Cried Alora, excitedly.

Aiden quickly rush toward the place where Alora stand, with the light stone in his hand. He shone to the spot Alora pointed.

“Where is it, Alora? Hmm..? This..., it's a pocket watch? Let me see!” Said Aiden

He place the light stone next to the pocket watch and start scanning over it. The watch shone brightly under the light. The front surface was crafted meticulously with purplish jewels and on the other face, it has a strange crest. A three-headed snake wrapped around a big sword and shield.

“This pocket watch is gorgeous! Wow, is that silver? It looks just like a masterpiece! Don't you think so too, Aiden?” Cried Alora

The boy didn’t say anything. He closely scan through the crest on the surface while mumbling small words. Crest... Three-headed snake... Sword... He looked deep in thought. Something start to appear in his mind before quickly vanished.

“... Damn it...” mumbled the boy.

“Aiden? Is there something wrong?” Said the girl.

“... No, nothing, I just have a feeling that the crest looks familiar, i might have heard about it somewhere... Or somehow...” said Aiden, uncertainly.

“ You did!?! Well maybe it was in some kind of games or stories you have. Anyway, let's open it up quickly! I can't wait to see the insides!!!” cried Alora, excitingly.

“... Ok.” Said Aiden, calmly, as he opened the pocket watch.

Its insides were as perfect as the outside. Every single hands of the watch was made percisely, even to the small details. There are many jewels of different colors in place for the twelve numbers of the watch, which shones brightly even in the dark.

“Wow, Aiden, the hands and jewels! It shones in the dark! Now we don't have to worry about time any more since we have this thing here with us” said Alora.

Just as Alora has said, in an isolated place where they could only know when’s day and night, a having a watch was much better.

Time flies, and after some time, the old man appeared again with a tray on his hand. There are some soup in the bowls and another bottle of water. It was now 12 o'clock according to the watch. We hurriedly finish lunch and place the bowls with emptied bottle on the tray. The man came back and took it away.


The door closed and disappeared again.

We sat down on the bed together. Alora break the silence.

“ Hey, Aiden, I've read many magical fantasy story like this before, and they say secrets can be found in mysterious place like this. Do you think there may be something here too?”

“... We can considered that possibility too, since the only thing we've done was look through the room, we haven’t check all the floors and walls and more stuff like that, though it would took a long time to get everything checked”. Said Aiden.

“Hehe, no worries, right now we are a time-billionares after all.” Said Alora joyfully.

The time-billionare twins began their search for the "secrets" of the timeless prison.

Chapter 3: The old diary

The twin start checking every single rocks on the walls and floor. After two hours have past, they manage to find a little hidden space under the bed. The small hole was stealthily covered up by a piece of rock. Underneath it was an old metal box.

They pulled the box out from under the bed to gave it a careful look. It looks old and rusty, with scratches everywhere. They brush off the piled up dust that cover up leters underneath it. “Mariane Boones” was carved unskillfully on the metalic surface. It must have been carved using a pointy piece of metal or knife.

It was strange that although they have never seen these letters anywhere, they still somehow under stand the meaning of it.

They carefully took out the lid from the box. What lies inside it was a small yellowish diary, an old quill pen with tattered feathers and a sealed leather book. Since they can't opend the old book no matter how hard they try, and the quill pen can't be use anymore, the opened the old dairy.

Unlike the squiggly letters carved on the box's lid, the words written in this diary are flawless and holy. However, the content aren’t that beautiful, with curses and harsh words toward the “Empire”, “Trashes” and the “Petty worshippers”.

The first day in hell:

You m*rr*ns and mother f**ker who dares to kidnaped and imprisoned this holy beings just because I clean up the dirty “Trashes” in the Empire!!!

You leeched the poor who you considered stepping stones and sacrifices while being so humble over it!

You who commited great sins, I shain't forgive you!!!

You all deserved to be cursed by the sun god more than anyone else! This holy saint will give curses to you all everyday and pray that you shall never live a good life nor rest in peace, forever!!!

First week in hell:

Turns out that Majestic Underdog from the Empire also take part in this crazy plan.

*Hahaha, i knew things won't be so easy with just those annoying r@$cle$ and idiots.

Hahaha, i knew it*!!

F**k my life!!!

You money leech!!! Sc*mbags!!!

That sh*ty guy also came today just to laugh at my face while saying bullsh*t about how he have warned me serveral times not to poked my nose in and said i deserve this fate!!!

You m*rr*n!!! I shall curse you petty people too, then! Just wait for it!!!

The second week in hell:

God have mercy, even my most trusted friend tricked me!!! How did i even fall for this kind of being anyway? I must have been blinded! God blinded me!!! I did good deeds all the time, why?!? Godness!

Even him who have no desired for these things was bewitched by it!!! How could you do this to me?!?

You stole my sacras items which was given by the god herself and even break it!!!

You theft, gave it back!!!

You even came here shamelessly while saying sorry and thank you and all the bullsh*t too!!!

I pray that you will forever live in shame and pay the prices!!!

The first month in hell:

Seems like those m*rr*ns and Underdog's royalty will be paying the price soon!!!

It's called karma, f**kers!!! You will be serves what you deserves!!!

Ahhh... Such a wonderful day even though my executional day was drawing near.

The sun must be shining brightest today, hahaha!!!

Whatever, I don't give a damn anyway, for my great and mighty escaped path have been prepared for weeks now, so I'm gonna get the hell out of this place, m*rr*ns.

Have a great day!!! Bye!!!

“Wow..., I really don't know what to say after reading all of this, is that person really a holy saint? Do all holy saint act and speak like her?” said Alora, in awe.

“ ...I'm not so sure about that problem you are asking, but it seems like there are ways to get out of this place, judging from what she said in this dairy.” Claimed Aiden, calmly.

“How are we supposed to find it then? Tou know, the exit” Asked Alora.

Aiden didn’t answer immediately. He continued to flipped the blanked pages carefully while searching for hints of hope. At the end of the diary, there was something written there.

“This is my last moment before i get the f**k out of here. It reminds me of my past memory when i was still at home, with my family.

I was able hide them and it it along with me when they kidnapped me. The quill pen and the book. As for the clock, this prison like room and tower was actually my failed attempt to design a building use for ‘special' criminals. Coincidentally, this room was where i place my hand made grandfather clock so seeking a way out was easy.

But i know things won't end just like this, because with those son of a b***hes personality, I'm sure they will definitely brought more people here and lock them up just like how they did it to me too, so in case of emergency, use these tools and escape.

You must have a very goodluck and blessed to get into this room. In fact, this was a the only room with an escape.

Think wisely. These are the “Keys”, whereas another “Door” was located in this room. Once you get out bring them with you, they are useful artifacts, you will be so thankful to me, and of course, I know how great and mighty I am too.”


Mariane Boones...

A strange sense of silence filled the air.

Alora then opened her lips:

“... She's definitely strange, and scary, too. She didn’t even tell us specifically what to do and how to obtained the keys or the door...” said Alora, strangely.

“... There can be many situations, as this was a place to jailed ‘special people' as she mentioned, so she could’ve never guessed the ‘lucky person' getting in this room would be three years old kids...” said Aiden, indifferently.

The two kids decided they will check out the other things in this box later at night, since the ‘weird old man' won't appeared after dinner until breakfast, as a safety measure.

They patiently wait for the old man to bring the tray of food.

“... I guessed this ould be the first time in my life I've ever wanted that old man to come here quickly...” Said Alora, boringly.

“... True” Replied Aiden.

After a waiting for a long time, which felt like enternity for them, the old man finally make his entrance, with a tray on his hands.

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