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My 7 Mafia Husband

episode 1


\( **At present \)

\(y/n pov\)


*wakes up and yawns *

Me:hmmmm... another same day... I better get ready so I won't be late at work

*goes to the bathroom and taking shower*

(20minutes later)

you were done getting ready you sneakily open the door quitely. and closed it . you slowly walk down stairs when you look down you saw there's no one there.. so you quickly go walk and goes outside..

Me:(sign)... few good thing I didn't caught... welp! I should go now...


\( Time skip \)

\(when you arrived\)


you quickly go inside and goes to the changing room and change into your work clothes as a cashier

Boss:Y/N... come here!!

Me:??? (goes closer ) yes sir?

Boss:how many times do I have to tell you keep smiling your making the people down!! now tell me what's making you sad huh?!

Me: s-sorry... sir! I won't do it again and.. nothing.. I just got space out.. that's all

Boss:(sign) ok! I'll let you past this time ok! now go back to work!!

Me:yes sir!!

you bowed and go back to the working... place...


*Bell rings*

tic toe²... tic toe²... tic toe²...


they heard some foot steps..

all the people inside of the restaurant stands up and bowed quitely except you..

????:(looks at you)

Boss:(whispered) y/n!! bow ! now!

Me:huh?!? (shocked and bowed**)

????: Waiter!

the waiters couldn't answer theyre scared if they'll do a mistake Infront of them so they step back


other waiter:(push you) go! take there order!

Me:w-what ?!? why me??!

other waiter:please!! y/n I'm begging you!

Me:(gulp)... o-ok..

you slowly goes to them

Me:May.. I take your order s-sir!?



????:what's your name?

Me:u-uh... umm.. I'm Kim y/n sir! (bow)


all the people shocked seeing one of the mafia smile they whispered and whispered and gasping about what they saw

Me:m-may I take your order sir?!

????:hmm.. (looks at the menu )...

I would like some ##### that's all

Me:ok sir your order will be here!


Me:I'll take my leave now(bowed)

*and you left*

????:(calls someone)📱..i found.. her..

?????:📱good.. you know.. what to do..


(ends call)


\(time skip\)


"after your done with your work"

you were walking in the dark place you feel scared while walking...then you heard some foot steps noise


you quickly speed up your steps

but still you heard the foot step coming for you

suddenly you can't take it anymore you quickly run faster

stranger??:hey!! (chase you)

Me:plssss!!!! leave me alone!!

you were running fast as you can and while your running you saw a man standing you quickly went to the man and hold he's hand while looking at the man chasing you

Me: plss!! help me sir!! there's a stranger chasing me!! please-

right before you say anything else the man you're holding puts a towel on your mouth to make you fall asleep...


your eyes getting tired... your body become weak.. then right you were falling the stranger hold you you were looking at the stranger right before you fall asleep the last word you heard is..

"Good.. night princess..."

I hope you guys like this episode 💟💟❣️

and thanks for reading my story❣️


sorry guys I delete my introduction

I hope you understand but I'll still continue the story I hope you guys won't mind!




episode 2

you slowly open your eyes and you "yawn" and start rubbing your eyes

Me(mind:hmm.. I never sleep on a comfy bed before...)

then your realize something got up quickly and look around

Me:where am I?!?! (scared..)

then suddenly you remember yesterday what happened

Me:(scared).. I need to find away out of here

the you suddenly here someone coming you got scared then you hold the blanket and your self in it

then someone opens the door

when you look at the person you were so shocked you couldn't believe it

Me:(mind: Sir Jimin?!?? o-one of the biggest mafia?!?!)

Jimin:oh you're awake come eat breakfast with us!😊

Me:a-am I dreaming?!?!😨

Jimin:nope your not

Me:s-sir jimin why am I here ??! I didn't do anything wrong please I'm poor I have no money ?!?!😟😟

Jimin:hey hey calm down nothing's gonna happened to you we just want to talk about something

Me:ehh?!? ... about what??

Jimin:before that come eat breakfast with us..

Me:(mind:us?!? what does he mean ??)

Jimin:come lets go eat breakfast

Me: o-ok..

(when you both are in the dining room)

you were shocked for seeing all of the biggest mafia in Korea are all in the dining room

Maid:ma'am please take your sit


you sat down

then one of them go closer to you and puts your breakfast in front of you

????:here.. eat this

Me:?!? o-ok.. (you eat)

????:how does it taste?

Me:mm!!! yummy!😊


Me:mmm.. I never taste this kind of food before what's this food??

????:ehh.. it's pancakes..

Me:wow?!? this pancake is delicious!!😊

?????:have you ever tasted this before??

Me:hmm.. nope exactly😅 sir Taehyung


?????:no need to call us.. sir call us by name..

Me:o-ok.. sir.. I mean Namjoon

Namjoon:eat as many as you want there's plenty there where came from

Me:😅 o-ok..

(Time skip)

all of you guys are in the leaving room

Me:so I I was asking why am I here??🤔

Namjoon:well.. you're here because we want to tell you about your father and our fathers contract promise

Me; contract promise?!

Namjoon:yes! exactly your father were the one making this contract promise

Me:you mean.. my father'..Jinhuyeon..

Namjoon:no! it's Kim Junyeon

Me:ehh?? k-kim junyeon ??


Me:but! my father is Jinhuyeon!! maybe I'm not girl you guys looking for?!?you guys must been mistaken?!

Namjoon:no were not!! your are the daughter of Mrs Kim and M's Kim ! the one your calling father is just your step father

Me:w-what.. you mean.. h-hes not.. my father..

you hold your bruises


then suddenly someone hold your hands

Me:huh?!?? Yoongi!! let g-go!(shocked)

yoongi take pull up your shirt and they saw your bruises they were sos shocked

Yoongi:Who did that to you?!??(concern)

Me:...n-no.. one I fell..

Jin:Y/N!! tell us now!! (holds your hand)

Me:hey!! I'm fine ok!! it's not that h-hurt!

Jin:Maid !! get some emergency kit right now!

Maid:yes sir!(goes gets the kit)

Yoongi:y/n! tell us now who did this?!??

Me:no one ok!!

Taehyung:you better tell the f*ck to us y/n!!!(angry)

Maid :here sir

Jin quickly open the emergency kit and gets some healing bandage and puts it on your bruises

Me:ouch!! it hurts!!

Jin:tae! yoongi! hold y/n now!


tae and yoongi hold you

Me:ouch!! let go of me!! it hurts!!

Jin: y/n stand still!!

Me:it hurts (tears start falling down)

the others starting to worried looking at you in pain

Jin:done.. I'm sorry y/n but it needs to heal (kissed your forehead)

Me:(shocked & blushed) it's ok...

Jin:(picks up your chin & and wipes your tears ) now.. tell us who did this..


Yoongi;... please..

Me:i-its... my father...








hope you guys like this episode ❣️

episode 3

Me: i-its.. my father...

All of them shocked hearing what y/n said

Me:but don't worry it doesn't.. hurt.. much I get.. use to it.. anyway..

Namjoon:y/n.. why did he hurt you?

Me:....there's.. nothing.. Important about it..

yoongi: yes it is!! come on y/n!! why won't you tell us!!

Me:... ok fine!! My dad thought I killed mom!! (starts to cry)....

"all of them shocked and confused"

Me:but I didn't!! even my step sis don't believe me!! and same us my dad!!...(Cry's)....

"Taehyung stand up and takes out he's towel and goes wipes y/n tears"


Taehyung:it's ok.. we understand don't cry much.. we just want to know who hurt you.. OKy.. now stop crying.. your making us worried even more..

Me:(shocked what he said)...

Taehyung:(smiled with his boxy smile)


and then taehyung go back where he sat

Me:(blushed) (mind:gosh...) (calms down)

Namjoon:are you ok now??

Me:(sign) (nods) so... the one.. you guys talking about is my.. real father??


Me: h-how come??

Namjoon:the one you calling dad is just your step dad..

Me:and what about my mo-

Namjoon:it's your real mom

Me:oh.. why is my father not with my mom?!?! for all this time!?! I know I was feeling something that he's not my real dad he never loved mom & me... I hate him.. so much.. now tell me?!? how come my real parent aren't together??

"all of them shocked "

Jin:thats the part that we won't tell you yet..

Me:ehh?!? why not!

Yoongi:some reasons.. (cough)

Me: please.. tell me!! i have the right to know I'm their daughter !! taehyung !! please..

Taehyung:.. sorry.. but.. no..

Me: why can't you guys tell me huh?!?! it's not that big deal!!

Jin:we will tell you in the right time

Me:why not now?!?

Jin:cause your not ready for it!! it's not the right time!! do you understand!

Me:yes it is!!

Jin:y/n!! we will tell you when right time comes it's just it's not the right time!! just wait ok!!(angry)

Me:....(speechless)(mind:what have I done.. now.. he's angry..)

Jimin:hyung calm down..


Me:fine.. I'm tired I need to rest ..

Jimin:ok wait ! maid!!

maid:yes sir (bowed)

Jimin:show her room

maid:yes sir! right this way ma'am

(the maid lead you the way to your room)

*Mafias pov*

Namjoon:you need to calm down Jin..

your making her scared.

Jin: it's not my fault that she wouldn't understand it quickly!

yoongi: enough ! with this chit chat! now lets focus in now .. it's time to deal.. with her.. father.. and sister.. huseok did you already located where they leave??

huseok:I thought you'd said that yes I have its ######

yoongi:ok good Jin,tae come with me

we have a mission to take care of..


*y/n pov*

Me:why won't they tell me about my parents.. hmmmm... I'm so damn I make one of the biggest mafia in Korea angry!! 😥😥 I think I should apologize him tomorrow...

"then you slowly fall asleep "

(Time skip)

you were sleeping so warmly then suddenly you feel something like someone is holding you slowly open your eyes " your eyes are wide open after seeing who's the person cuddle you"







who do you think cuddle (y/n,you)

any guesses comment down below if you want some answers💜💜💜❣️

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