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My Boyfriend Is Vampire

My college

I m Janice 18 age I have done my high school now I got into the college . My new journey start from here .

Hi ! janice why are standing there ? jack (cousin brother) come on let's go

he is Jack yeah obviously he is not biological brother . Many girls likes him yeah he handsome and goody goody . we are on same class since childhood .

jack: janice come on bells ring let's go class going to begin

janice: You go I will come in 5 minute

While going to the class in hurry my foot slip I about to fall then suddenly everything stop it's like time stop . Tall young man holding me he said be careful don't you have eyes there are water on the floor...he was rude and with cold face but his blue crystal eyes and handsome face with perfect body shape and with black suit. I can't stop stare at him . I said to him thank you bro ...i ran to the class grab my seat near Jack. Teacher enter into the class I was suprise to see him again he is the same guy that I met before I didn't expect he is teacher . when I heard his first voice so attractive melting voice. every girl already fallen for him.

Teacher: please sit down everyone . I m Bellamy your new biological teacher. let's stop here all rubbish and continue with study without any wasting time. I hope everyone focus because I m really strict and I don't want any nuisance.

jack: Cell phone ring !!! Oh no shit !

Teacher came near to the Jack and took his mobile.

Teacher: Mr jack didn't you read the instructions before entering class any mobiles or and electronic devices are not allowed. Now begin with Chapter 1....

After the class over .

Girls gossiping: he is so charming . I like him . other girl said you only like him but I am want him .

Janice: it's okay jack I will talk to teacher to give your mobile back.

Jack: I don't like that teacher he is so arrogant and rude . I want my mobile back my all data in it . I am not gonna let him go easily.

janice head to the office to find teacher but he couldn't find him ..she saw him on principal's office . where she got to know that he is principal of the college also .

she Entered into the office and ask for forgive jack give his mobile back .

Teacher : Why are you so concerned about him

Is he is your boyfriend?

Janice : None of your business sir

Teacher: I will give his mobile back but you have to stay here and help me with some work.

I control my anger and calm down my myself and said to him okay

Teacher: Go and make coffee for me after that clean my office and and arrange those books according to this list .

Janice: sir your coffee here .

He said too much hot coffee make it again

second time again it's cold coffee do it again

third time too much sugar like this.

he torture me **** I am gonna kill him.

What's going on

In the office while keeping books I got little cut on my hand blood came out . I saw bellamy (teacher) stare at my wound suddenly his eyes got red .

Bellamy: Get out from my office ..go away!!

I run away from him. omg he was getting so scary I exhausted came out it's almost dark

I saw behind Bellamy standing there he drag me into his car .

Bellamy: let me drop you home ..its almost dark dangerous for you baby girl.

janice: thanks but I can go myself .

when I wake up I saw he right next to me I shouted Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Bellamy. hey hey what's wrong

Janice: what did you do ? why you here ?

Bellamy: well you slept in my car so I didn't wake u up and brought you here at my home .

I didn't touch you but your body smell attract me lot . you are the first girl I brought at my home should consider yourself Lucky girl..

janice: you crazy bastard you change my clothes?

Bellamy: oh no no it was you in sleeping you took off clothes..I dare not touch you ..

janice: you bastard lie to me

Bellamy came closer quickly and kiss me ...he whispered in my ears if you again say bastard you even not imagine what I will do to you.

breakfast is ready come have some.. after that I drop you college.

huh!! you will pay for this bass....

oh ! He made sandwiches when I taste its really yummy ..I never imagine he can cook too but I m wondering why he living alone at this big horror house empty no one there even sun rays can't enter at this place ...

I feel peaceful here voice I m so relax

Bellamy: let's go or we will late because of you

Janice: yeah I m ready

At college

jack : hey Janice ! morning where were you last night I called you many times

janice: I went to my one of my friend home she invited me for dinner so I end up there.

jack: yeah ok but pick up call next time I was worried ..

janice:hmmm...let's go class going to begin

After class

jack: janice wanna go for hiking tomorrow

janice: well I don't have mood

jack: come on janice its weekend should enjoy

Janice: okay

In the dorm

Lucy: janice oh long time after high school you didn't tell me which college you going now see I follow you here .haha suprise

Janice: yeah really what a suprise well you really coming for me or for jack !!hehe

Lucy: no no totally for you ..jack is just my friend just friend

Janice: Ok ok I can see into your eyes ..forget it tomorrow me and Jack going for hiking and you are coming .

next day

So I am ready to go for hiking yay!!

I saw Lucy she wear party dress

I literally shocked to see her

lucy what are you wearing.. we are not going for prom night its hiking go change it

lucy: what's wrong isn't it cool

it's not cool for today just go take that dress its fit for you

I know she trying to impress my jack hehe !!

let's go lucy jack waiting outside

I saw bellamy with jack

jack: hello !! ladies today our teacher will guide us let me introduce mr.bellamy ....sir!!

Janice: but why he is here

jack: he is good guy yeah at first time I was angry but I am totally fine now ..look my mobile back and help me with my project he is cool dude ...Oh lucy you also here hii nice to meet you again

Lucy: ahh yeah me look still cool like before no change.

Janice: Cab is here let's go ...

why should I be with you ???

Bellamy: hey janice nice to see you again..

janice: why you bother to go with us

Bellamy: because I wanna stay with u

janice: what ?? what did u say

Bellamy: I would like you to be my girlfriend

janice: sorry sir ..did I offend you ?

Bellamy: oh no u didn't

janice: Are you punking me ...I don't like you even little

Bellamy: oh that's okay I give you time to like me and stay away from others boys are mine now

janice: am I your pet or what give me order and obey it ..huh!!

Jack: seems like very hot conversation going on between you

janice: nothing ...leave me alone ..he such jerk

lucy: Suddenly weather getting bad ..its gonna be rain soon ...let's get out of this place ..

Jack : where is Janice??

lucy: I just saw her moving forward fast I thought she will wait for us ..oh no what if she lost ..

Bellamy: you two stay here ..its dangerous I am going to find her ..

janice ....where are you??

janice: oh no where I m now seems like I m lost that brat bellamy 😡

Bellamy: there you are ..I got u silly why you run away like this ..its dangerous to go like this in mountain

janice: leave me alone ..I can go back ..

Bellamy: where you are going that's wrong way ..

janice: ouch!! seems like got sprain..can't move

Bellamy: oh dear come piggy back..

janice : no

Bellamy: you such a stubborn...ok I will leave u here bye

janice: oh no he is going...its scary in dark

Bellamy: ok fine I m will still with you ..we will in morning..right now take rest ..

janice : whatever 😑

it's so cold omg ...I m become ice till morning

Bellamy: take my jacket ..

janice: why he sit near me ...his hands so cold ..

jack and lucy: Janice..teacher here are you

Bellamy: we are here..

jack: are u okay got sprain let me help you come on

In the hospital

bellamy: you okay jack I am going back I got some urgent work ...

jack and lucy : thanks sir ...

Janice: why he didn't came to the hospital..oh something is fishy ..I will investigate hehe

My foot is fine now ..I can walk look lucy ..

lucy : yeah now let's go to the college

Janice: 😭lucy I didn't done my assignment today is last day of submission..

Bellamy: afternoon class I hope everyone done their assignments..submit now one by one and can leave class ..those who are not done will stay here and reflect themselves..

lucy : Janice I have a plan when I go to submit assignment you stay back at me

jack: yes Janice I will protect you from behind and hide you ...

bellamy : next come on fast

Oh janice why are you hiding ..come out where is your assignment

janice : actually sir I was sick ...

Bellamy: oh really where

Janice: yes look at my foot ..its pain so I forget to done my assignment

Bellamy: your hands are fine moreover I give that assignment 1 week ago ...stay here ..complete your assignment or otherwise u won't go home

janice : 😅ok sir ..

bellamy: come on your assignment...

janice : I am hungry I can't do it while I am hungry

Bellamy: Ok I am going to buy something for u till complete your work

Janice: yes he gone ..I have nice time ..I got some blood from hospital...let me verify ..I should pour this blood on his table

bellamy : here's your food it ..and how much you done work ..what's that smell ..oh no ..Janice you ...get out now

Janice: no sir I won't go .. tell me are you sick or what ...allergy ??

bellamy : just go ..or I will kill u ...

janice : oh no ..he has long teeth and eyes are red ..he is coming towards me go are vampire !!!

Bellamy: you guess right ...coz of you I can't stop my I am gonna suck you blood

Janice: no ...Ahhh ...

janice : where am I...I saw bellamy took me again to his home

bellamy : you wake up ...oh no need to scare of me are now my girlfriend..

janice : you bloody bastard..I m not your girlfriend..why should I be your girlfriend so you can suck my blood ..feed you ...its better u kill me..

oh no ..don't come closer Bellamy...I will kill u kiss me again ...ahhh!!

Bellamy: if you curse me more ..I will kiss u just shhh!!

I need to cure you ...if you didn't provoked me ..I wouldn't bite you ..but now you are my responsibility...I will take care of you

janice : why cure me I sick ??

Bellamy: yeah kind of take you have to stay here after college come back ...

Janice: what if I won't

Bellamy: then you will become vampire like me ..

janice: oh no bas...!!

Bellamy: huh say again what

janice : nothing..I m not cursing you just heal me fast as soon as possible

Bellamy: I will do my best dear !!

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