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The Broken Promise


This is my first story, that being said a few things you need to know before start reading...
1) English is not my first language, this story will have spelling and grammar errors.
2) This story will have some parts that may not be suitable for under 18. Read at your own discretion.
3) I don't own the images (they are pick from internet search), I will just used them when is necessary (Example: to represent the characters icon)
4) This is an experiment for myself. I will only have a few episodes only.
With that on the record, l present you the characters 😊
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
My name is Liang Fang at the age of 17 I made a promise to my soulmate but life sometimes make you take roads that you can't control. It have passed 10 years and I'm back as the CEO of K-TECH Industries and now I will be in control. Note: He is intelligent and handsome with very well manners. He didn't want to leave and move abroad but couldn't do anything about it.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
My name is Jun Wu at the age of 16 everything was perfect and I receive the most amazing promise, but he was gone next day. With out a single note, with out a simple good bye. After that I close all my doors, I decide to not fall in love and to not let anyone hurt me. Now after all I'm trying to graduate from University. Note: Intelligent, cute, doesn't talk to much and doesn't like socialize after what happen. He is living alone in an apartment closed to the university. He created a new identity with the name of Yan Li at the age of 18, with the help of Hiroshi Zhang because he didn't want to remember his past. Enters the University at the age of 22 because he didn't want Hiroshi financial help.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
My name is Jiang Fang and I'm Liang older brother. I'm his assistant and right hand on K-TECH Industries. I know everything and everyone. Note: He is a genius that doesn't love, but will protect his family and friends. Have a killer eyesight with an amazing body thanks to Xue who made him take all kinds of martial arts.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
My name is Xue Cheng and best friend of the famous Fang Brothers. I'm a Tech Nerd (Hacker) that meet Jiang at the university. I was a playboy who created problems and love to fight. Jiang call me "Redhead" when he is angry and I love him. After all he saved me from my dark past, so I promise to be loyal to him and his brother. Note: He wants to be Jiang boyfriend even if he have to hack his heart.
Mr. Zhang
Mr. Zhang
My name is Hiroshi Zhang I moved from Japan to make a company and become the best in the technology industry. After I met Jun Wu I tried everything to make him fall for me, but he never let me enter his heart. He didn't even want my financial help. Note: He fall in love with Jun Wu after find him crying in the park. He support him all this time but he couldn't win Jun's heart. He doesn't know who was the responsable for Jun's crying or what happened.

The arrival

Jiang and Xue arrived two years before to complete the company process. They are living in Jiang penthouse.
Present Day at the airport on a Friday.
-Liang makes a call-
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Where are you?
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
I'm in front of the airport.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I saw you, bye.
-End Call-
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Welcome back. How was your flight?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
With this weather it was horrible.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
I don't understand this heavy rain in November. Let's just said is climate change.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Are you hungry? Want to buy something to eat?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
A little but is already late and I want to arrived as soon as possible.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Well I don't think we are going to arrive to soon, the traffic is a nightmare with this rain even at this hour.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I hope to be at least before Xue goes to sleep. I need information "rush".
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
He will be up, just because he loves to be on the computer until 4AM.
Jun have been working on a 24/7 Store for a few years. Is one of the two jobs that he have to survive and paid the University.
Jun look the clock on the wall. It's 12:05AM.
-On his mind-
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
I'm so tired. I just want to be out of here. Need to finish some projects and study for finals. Where it's this guy? He is always late!
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Raining again. Ugh! Please stop.
The next worker arrived.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Hey at last!
Store Worker
Store Worker
Sorry this heavy rain make the traffic a nightmare.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
No problem, I understand. I just need to go.
Store Worker
Store Worker
Sorry again dude. Hope you have a good night.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Okay bye, have a nice turn.
Jun start to run in the heavy rain, his apartment is close to his jobs and the University.
Back in the car, the brothers have been talking about the company and the new sponsors.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
When you are going to make your first appearance in the company.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
On Monday. Please make sure that the first reunion with the employees is at 8AM.
Liang look through the window and saw a person running in the rain.
-On his mind-
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
This city haven't change at all. Crazy people still runs under the rain on cold days.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
That will end in a fever and cold for sure.
After an hour on traffic they arrived to the penthouse.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Welcome Back Baby!
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
I'm not your baby, Xue.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Yes, yes, whatever you said. 🙄
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
-But you will be my baby sooner or later-
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
I heard that, only in your dreams Xue.
Jiang goes to the his room.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Hey, no welcome for me.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Oh, Hi Liang.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
WOW, that was cold. 😁
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I need something "rush" from you.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Talk! What you need?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Information ASAP.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Send me the name, in 24 hours you will have your info.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Done, please keep it a secret. It's something personal.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I will go to the guest room. Tomorrow I will check the apartments to pick one. I don't want to live with you two for too long.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
I don't want you here neither. I need time alone with my baby.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
You know that my brother doesn't love anyone.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
I will make him love me. You will see. 😏
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Whatever Dude! Keep your hopes up. I'm tired, see you in the morning.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Good night... (with a grumpy face)
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Good night...
Liang goes to the guest room and take a shower. After that he sat on the bed.
-He take out from the suit jacket a simple bracelet with a heart-
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Are you still mad at me? Please give me a chance to explain... I miss you...
He puts the bracelet on the night table and with a tear on his face he falls to sleep.


Saturday Morning
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Why I feel like I'm dying? Let me check the hour.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Crap! I overslept and now I don't have much time to prepare.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Do I have a fever? Thanks rain! 😒
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
I'm skipping breakfast or I will be late.
Jun takes a shower, prepare his stuff and run out to the job at the Coffee Shop. It's a coffee place in front of the University.
At Jiang's penthouse.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Good Morning Want breakfast?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Good Morning No, I will pick something in the way.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Are you going out?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Yes, I'm going to visit the apartments and pick one.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
You can stay here.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I just want a place for myself.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I can't ruin your love nest.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Stop, before you get a very well deserved punch in the face.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Don't get cranky brother. You know that you can't live without him 😏.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Shut Up! 😒 Just call me if you need anything.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Ohh by the way, where is Xue?
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Sleeping like always.
Liang smiles and goes out to meet the realtor.
-Liang text the realtor-
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Good Morning, Miss Wang.
Good Morning, Mr. Fang.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Please send me the information of the place of meeting.
The address is 14 Jufengyuan Rd. I will be at the Coffee Shop.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Thanks, see you soon.
At the coffee shop.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Good morning, may I have your order.
Yes, I would like a Cappuccino.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Anything else Miss.
No, thank you.
The realtor pay and go to the restroom to give final touches to her makeup. After a minute she is out, take her order and sat on a table.
In front of the coffee shop, Liang park his car and get out. He enters the coffee shop and decide to have at least a coffee since he skipped breakfast.
At the same time Jun was looking to the man entering the shop.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
-On his mind-
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
What a good looking man.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Definitely he have to be a celebrity, his look is breath taking.
Jun feels like he doesn't know if it's hot because of his fever of because of the man entering the coffee shop.
Liang walks in, found Miss Wang and goes to her before ordering.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Morning, Miss Wang.
Good Morning Mr. Fang, nice to meet you in person.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Sorry, that I make you wait. I will make an order and we can go. Do you want anything else?
Don't worry you are on time and thanks for asking but just a cup of coffee is perfect.
Liang walks to make his order.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
*Nervous* 😌 Good morning sir, may I have your order.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I would like an Americano, please.
Liang look at him closely. He have this strange feeling, but doesn't understand why. His face doesn't look like anyone he knows and his name tag said "Yan".
Still those eyes for some reason remind him of Jun.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Anything else, Sir.
Jun manage to said even when he doesn't know why he feels so hot. Maybe the fever is getting worse and is making his body is reacting strange in front of this man.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
No, Thank You.
Liang keep looking at Jun.
Jun prepares the drink. But he feel strange maybe because the man is looking at him like he is scanning his soul.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Sir, here is your order.
Liang pay the order and take the coffee.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Thanks, have a nice day.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
You too sir.
Liang start walking to the door where the realtor is waiting. He feels wrong for leaving.
Jun keep his eyes on him as he exit the shop. He feels like he want to cry when he saw him walking away.
-On his mind-
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Why I'm feeling like this? Maybe because I'm sick?
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
He looks fine that it's a fact. Anyone would love to have a man like that on his side.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
But no day dreaming and no romantic relations.
In that moment he remember the day he was left alone with out an answer.
An said to himself.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Don't fall for anyone, if you don't open the door no one will break you again.
Jun keep working until he's turn is over.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
At last my turn is over. I'm going to pick some medicine and go to the apartment.
In his apartment he take the pills and take a very long bath. After that he start studying for the finals.
But no matter what the image of the mystery man keep appearing.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Stop thinking!
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
You will never see him again.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Why you keep appearing in my head?
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Frustrated with his mind, he goes to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Jun Wu (Yan Li)
Maybe food will remove the image of him in my head.
Is late in the afternoon an after all day looking for an apartment. Liang pick a beautiful penthouse with an amazing view of the city.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
This one is perfect.
Perfect choice Mr. Fang.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
When can be available?
On Monday, I will have the keys. Where do you want to meet?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Please, send them directly to K-TECH Industries.
No problem sir. I will make sure that you receive them in the morning.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
It was a pleasure working with you Mr. Fang.
At Jiang's penthouse.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Welcome back.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Did you find an apartment?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Yes, I already pick one.
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
Do you want to eat?
Jiang Fang
Jiang Fang
I prepare dinner today.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I already ate. I will take a shower and go to sleep.
As he is passing though Xue Room.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Liang... 😔
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
What is wrong with your face?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Did my brother give you an ultimatum?
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
No. It's about the information you ask.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
What is wrong?
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Do you have it?
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Can you enter to my room for a few minutes. I don't want to talk about it on the hallway.
They enter to the room full of computers and a simple bed on a side.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
I have bad news.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Don't mess with me...
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Well, it's strange even for me. But he became a ghost 8 years ago or get lost and never found.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
What are you saying!
Liang became still as a memory came to his mind. He is thinking if the call that he made 8 years ago have something to do with his disappearing.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
I just find information of him until he graduated from high. After that is like the earth eat him.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
No records, no credit cards, or phones, not even university registration, nothing. It's like he was gone.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
Without him getting anything that left a record. It's impossible for me to find something.
Liang face became pale and his eyes started to became red.
Xue Cheng
Xue Cheng
I'm sorry, I know it's very important to you. But I did everything I could.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
It's okay, I know that you did everything in your hands. I trust you. I just can't believe that he is gone.
An with that been said he goes to the guest room. He take out the bracelet.
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I can't believe it!
Liang Fang
Liang Fang
I will not believe that you are gone.
Liang couldn't handle the information that Xue was telling him, he falls to the ground as his tears flow. He couldn't believe that Jun was gone.
After a few minutes he stand up, take a shower and goes to bed.
He fall sleep with tears on his eyes again and with his heart telling him that is not true. That he can't be gone.

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