NovelToon NovelToon

Forgotten Valley

Episode 1

Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Come on you have to come down and play someday!
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
No I don’t want to!
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Why are you so boring and serious?!
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Your only 8 once why don’t you come down and play with us!
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
If I come down will you stop bothering me!?
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Fine I’ll come down and play with you if it gets you to stop bothering me!
Vic jumped down from the building top he was on frowning a bit he shoved it down and walked with Mary.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Mary aren’t you sick and tired of this place?!
Mary looked at Vic she shaked her head.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
No not really every so often we get new kids, or adults, food and toys here so I’m not tired of it.
Vic looked down angered and annoyed a bit.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Hey Vic don’t you remember where our names came from?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Yeah of course I do as we are the only few people with names my name I picked out from a book both my last and first name while your first name you picked from a book but your last name is tomorrow but shortened and spelled differently.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
After Mary giggled she looked down upset.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Vic your smarter then me you don’t deserve to be here I hope you’ll find a way to escape and live a normal life.
Vics eyes opened he shook his head.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
No if I do find a way I’m taking you with me I’m oh so close to figuring out a spell for us to leave here!
Mary stopped walking Vic continued but looked back when he noticed she stopped walking Vic looked at her he saw that she was physically upset.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Okay then scratched that I’ll find a way for all of us to escape!
Mary wiped away her tears she moved towards Vic and hugged him, Vic blushed he immediately pushed her away.
Mary frowned but she shook it off she went back to smiling.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Your the brightest out of all of us!
Hey guys!
Mary and Vic turned around surprised they both sighed.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Hey Mia.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Yeah hi Mia.
So have you two heard about the disappearance, murder and other things going around town?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Vic looked shocked and surprised as the forgotten valley hadn’t heard of any murders ever happening in forgotten valley.
Yeah supposedly a body was found it had looked like the poor forgotten had been electrocuted.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Mia are you sure this isn’t just your run in the mill lightning strike we do have storms?
I’m really sure this is a murder and not no lightning strike and come on Victor when has anyone died of a lightning strike remember were all tethered here no one can die unless it’s from aging?!
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Yeah I know!
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
But I just think it’s strange normally the spells that get left here are all safe no attack spells?
Mary looked back and forth as they talked not understanding a word their saying.
Yeah I know but what if the forgotten valley is much bigger then just our huge kingdom what if there were other kingdoms containing forgotten?!
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
It’s not possible look crazy mic always talks about this there is no chance the forgotten valley is bigger everyone a long time ago had tried leaving and it didn’t work everyone just appeared back in the center of the town.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Mia don’t tell me your buying into his crap?!
*rolls eyes*
Look I’m not buying into it I’m just thinking when have we ever currently tried to leave this place ever since that one report thousands of years ago no one literally no one ever tried to escape!?
Vic sighed he noticed then a few guards and the forgotten had looked over to them Vic shushed his friends quickly.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Look Mia saying stuff like this is what gets you to disappear stop talking about it.
Vic whispered Mia rolled her eyes.
Mic has been talking about this for as long as I can remember not have I ever once seen him disappeared.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Well that’s because he’s the only elf everyone thinks he’s naturally crazy.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
But us were humans..... actually scratch that I’m a mage in training while Mary is a knight apprentice you.... your just human.
Mia looked at Vic surprise and upset she immediately ran crying.
Mary had got Vic in the arm, Vic groaned and looked at her confused.
Vic ribbed his arm tearing up a bit.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
What did i do?!
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
What the heck was that!?
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
You know that Mia feels useless because she has no affinity!
Vics eyes opened widely he sighed feeling a bit guilty.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Oh crap I forgot!
Hi this is just narrator this will be used to describe certain things in this world.
Affinity is a skill or a job to a certain skill there is the cleric affinity which deals with health, and health potions.
There’s the mage/witch affinity affinity which deal with health, and magic, and strength.
Knight affinity which deal with sword skill anyone with this affinity are faster learners to combat fighting.
Templar affinity which deal with anti magic abilities and also knight abilities but less potent.
Each affinity except mage/witch has a sub type to their own affinity Templar’s have witch hunters and monster slayers.
While knights have monster slayer and protector and sword master.
Cleric has healer, poison maker, and trade.
Okay that’s it back to the book!
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
You have to go apologize after training alright.
Vic nodded smiling.
Vic and Mary’s started to run they had both went their separate ways for the moments Vic had passed multiple streets the forgotten looked at him smiling.
Vic get a bit uncomfortable so he started running faster until he found himself in front of the tower he quickly entered shutting the door behind him breathing heavily.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
I hate this place!
Vic immediately had hit the door.
Somebody immediately appeared out of the shadows
A girl with silver hair and blue horns Vic smiled.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
May Sin
May Sin
Victor your early today what happened?!
Victor looked down then back up at May.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
N-nothing today’s your arriving day so I didn’t want to be late!
May Sin
May Sin
Awww your sweet but kid your making me seem like I’m turning 30 I’m turning 19.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
I know but none of us know our true birthdates take me for example I arrived 9 years ago as a baby none of you know my birth month, day, and year you just go by when I arrived.
May Sin
May Sin
May Sin
May Sin
You were such a small baby we didn’t know if you would survive due to the tether not having being made yet.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
But I survived.
May Sin
May Sin
Yeah..... you did but your immune system it’s weaker then the other kids you could get sick easier.
Victor looked down
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
(Yeah I know master I don’t need a reminder that I’ll stay weak.)
May Sin
May Sin
Okay so today will be a easy assignment.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Okay what’s the assignment?!
May Sin
May Sin
You know the evaluation test the little ones take and some of the adults take?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Yeah of course I remember for some reason everyone with a low score of 100 disappear.
May Sin
May Sin
Yeah do you know victor how long it takes for a tether to set in?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Yeah of course it takes 5 to 3 years to set in.
May Sin
May Sin
Okay good the reason those with a low test grade disappear is because.....
May Sin
May Sin
They are dead.
Victors eyes opened widely he backed up into the wall.

Episode 2

Victor looked down in shock.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Dead what do you mean!?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
N-no they can’t be dead?!
May Sin
May Sin
I’m afraid they are sadly this village doesn’t have the supply for weaklings or stupidity.
Victor looked down breathing heavily.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
So Gil he’s.... he’s dead?
May Sin
May Sin
Yes.... but every war has its sacrifices.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
What do you mean?!
May looked down.
May Sin
May Sin
You see.... we the forgotten are at war with the king.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
What if we are at war then why don’t we fight back!?
May looked up then back at victor shaking her head.
May Sin
May Sin
You see this place the forgotten valley our home isn’t just filled with us the forgotten or the item that were lost or forgotten it’s also filled with NRP.
Victor looked at her confused.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
May Sin
May Sin
NRP stands for not real person or people while they are NRP we are RP real people.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
May Sin
May Sin
The king is a god here he has thousands if not millions of NRP under his control with just a flick of a ink he can have them make all of us disappear!
Victor looked at her shocked he slouched down and fell to the floor.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Wh-why am I here I was always so weak as a baby I always got sick?
May Sin
May Sin
Your alive because I believe victor that you can save us all.
Victor backed up frighten.
Knock knock knock.
May and Vic looked towards the door confused the door immediately bashed in guards surrounded them they all cleared their way a white haired figured appeared victor knew who it was he bowed.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
K-King abbot!
May looked towards the bowing victor she immediately looked back frightened.
May Sin
May Sin
K-king abbot what are you doing here you rarely leave the castle?!
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Guards contain the traitor.
The guards: yes sir!
The guards immediately subdued May who had tried to cast a spell but failed the guards who had subdued May had left other guards immediately tried to arrest victor but Abdul stopped him the guards immediately left feeling embarrassed.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Hello victor.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
You may stand!
Victor sighed he immediately stood up but he kept looking down frightened that Abdul would arrest him.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
King abbot I wish for you know that I-I would never side with her I mean what she said can’t be true the forgotten must have been remembered.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
I know victor but sadly she was right all the people with lower scores and lower strength are dead.
Victor began to tremble shocked that he would accept it so easily.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
You know it’s rude to look down when talking to the king.... look up please.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Yes sir sorry.
Victor looked up still shocked and trembling.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Victor you are aware of the murders am I correct?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Y-yes I’m aware king abbot!
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Good you know victor when I made this world... this realm.... no this dimension I was creating it out of love for my daughters and for me for I’m not ready to die I created this world hoping no one would have to deal with betrayal of any sort.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Yet this whole world might be the same as the one the gods created.... I created this world so no one has to die no one would have to get old yet this world is the opposite of my dreams my family still ages and die my citizens also still age and die the only one who doesn’t age and die is me you see I’ve been alive in this world for a long long long long time and throughout my years of living I can see when I would need to die and pass my world to a heir.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
W-What are you saying king abbot!?
Abdul reaches out his hand.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
I want you to become the new king of the village of the forgotten!
Victor looked at him shocked his eyes widened.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
What why me out of everyone else why me?!
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Because victor I see the same potential that I had a long time ago in YOU!
Victor looked at him shocked.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
And I know your longing, the longing to finally have a family the longing to belong.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Besides this what’s the benefits in doing this?
Abdul smiled widely his smile went from ear to ear.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Well the first benefits is you’ll be untethered.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor looked at his chest a invisible rope like thing showed a little bit he looked at Abdul.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
And you’ll be able to untether anyone else and your able to leave.
Victor smiled immediately after hearing that.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
(This can be used as a advantage I know what’s he trying to do he’s trying to manipulate me but I know that I can use this as a advantage.)
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
One question are there really other kingdom?
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Yes there are five including this one we are the forgotten kingdom the others are the lost kingdom the missed kingdom, the dead kingdom and the lost kingdom of Arcadia.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
But let me tell you something they don’t have what you need.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Anyway I will give you until midnight to decide.
Victor looked at him still a bit trembling Abdul left his guards following victor dropped to his knees breathing hard.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
I have to find a way to escape I won’t take his deal.
Victor got up he immediately started running outside he circled around the tower he saw the forest he immediately ran and ran.
Trembling he jumped through the many trees until he had hit a wall.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
The city’s northeast wall these walls are luckily super thick no one ever routes this area.
Victor looked around the wall he robbed the wall until he found a brick his pushed it a few minutes later the brick opened and a button appeared he waited 5 minutes then pushed the button he heard minutes later bricks shifting and bricks opening a secret door opened revealing a tunnel.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Light sphere!
A light orb immediately appeared victor entered the tunnel closing the door behind him.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Each wall has at least one secret area this one happens to be in the wall since there’s a city limit before your basically led back to the towns center this one just has a lot of left and rights no straight.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
It’s sorta like a maze or a labyrinth.
Victor followed the enlightened trail leading to a big house filled with books and furniture victor walked towards a bed filled with cat designs he fell onto it he starts to cry’s.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Why just why can’t I escape this place I just want to see who my mom and dad are.
Kong’s point of view.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Damn it!
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
A few minutes later guards appeared curious on what he wanted.
Guard1: yes my lord?
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Victor Giles must accept my offer within 1 hour.
Guard1: yes my lord.
The guard immediately left.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
If that bastard doesn’t accept everything to this very point would be pointless every minutes and every second every month, day, and year would have been for nothing.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
This world only has 2 days left of the magic I ensued into it several thousand years ago if he doesn’t accept....

Episode 3

Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Vic have you heard about the princess?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Yeah princess of abbot is pregnant right?
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Okay anyway let’s go talk to Tris.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Mary and victor began to walk to the south they continued until they found a wall they looked around at the trees and everything until they found a lever victor pulled it immediately the floor lifted showing ladders Mary and Victor went down the ladder victor closed the hatch behind him.
30 minutes later.
Victor and Mary finally got to the bottom victor examined the area it was a mineshaft that hadn’t been used for years.
Mary and victor kept walking until a bright light appeared at the end of the hall.
They both started running towards it.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
(Unlike my home this place isn’t a maze it’s just multiple ladders down and one right then a left.)
Victor and Mary stopped when they heard voices.
Rick tomari
Rick tomari
This plan is dangerous after all the NRPs are master in sword skills and magic skills.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Yeah Sean this plan might be a huge risk there will certainly be a lot of casualty’s.
Sean hut
Sean hut
Sean hut
Sean hut
But this is our only shot they are off guard due to them finding out Mays betrayal and I am sure that she will turn us over!
Rick tomari
Rick tomari
I’m not looking to risk my sisters life over just a small chance of this working!
Mack mead
Mack mead
Yeah me too I won’t risk my brothers safety either!
If you need help understanding this basically rick and May are sibling they aren’t blood related but you’ll see what I mean in a bit Mack will also have some light shed.
Sean hut
Sean hut
Sean hut
Sean hut
Your unusually quite tris What’s your opinion on this tris?
Victor looked over a horned lady appeared she had looked like May but tanned skin with red horns.
My sister will surely tell them after a few hours of torture we must infiltrate the castle while my sister could take.
Sean smiled a little bit.
Rick tomari
Rick tomari
Mack immediately signaled for him and the others to shush.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Come out I know your there!
Victor jumped a bit Mary looked surprised both victor and May came out of the shadows everyone looked at them shocked Mack became angered while rick looked unchanged.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Foolish little brother we’re you listening this whole time?!
Rick tomari
Rick tomari
Wow sister great skills in stealth.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
I tried brother but I accidentally went too much over the ledge.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Brother I’m sorry I didn’t mean too.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Didn’t mean too?
Mack mead
Mack mead
Then why were you not showing yourself when you found us over here!?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Because me and Mary were playing we didn’t know you guys were out here.
Mack mead
Mack mead
We’re you followed!?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
No I promise big brother i wasn’t followed I used the invisible spell like you taught me!
Victor started to tremble he started to feel stressed.
Mack mead
Mack mead
How long ago.... no how did you become my brother!?
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Y-You found me as a baby you took me in when others wouldn’t because they noticed my immune system was weak you taught me everything you knew and because of that I’m a genius!
Mack mead
Mack mead
Good now tell me something?!
Victor nodded immediately Mary and everyone in the room felt awkward so they headed towards the door.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Sean stay right here!
Mack said immediately Sean stood still worried a bit.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Now what would you do if I were to disappear at the hands of the king and don’t try to act stupid you obviously know because May told you before she was arrested!?
Sean looked over to victor who was still trembling.
Sean hut
Sean hut
Hey Mack isn’t this extr-
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
I would attack them no matter what I would get you back!
Sean froze when he heard victor he had been surprised by his words.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Okay then it’s clear!
Rick and tris looked over to Mack confused.
Rick tomari
Rick tomari
What’s clear?
Mack mead
Mack mead
Tonight we will invade the kings castle Rick I understand if you don’t want to have any part in this but you victor decided this so you’ll be coming.
Rick looked down he nodded while victor nodded.
Rick tomari
Rick tomari
I’ll definitely participate after all if you guys get injured you’ll need a healer.
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Victors brother Mack can I come please!?
Rick and Mack looked over to Mary confused.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Why would we let you join?
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Because it’s clear to me that you only have clerics or witches on this job you’ll definitely need a knight specified in sword master sub affinity.
Mack looked over to rick.
Mack mead
Mack mead
She’s your sister so it’s your choice.
Rick smiled.
Rick tomari
Rick tomari
My sister is so smart hmm.... why not!
Mack mead
Mack mead
Then it’s settled let’s go.
Everyone nodded victor and everyone else exited the building they took the help they needed and reinforced at the castle.
They were met by a large group of vampire like creatures.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Vampires.... no they look monstrous anyway I’m in the sub affinity vampire hunter affinity so I’ll take them head on victor keep the others safe if they come near use holy light if that doesn’t work then use that spell you’ve been trying to make.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
W-What but brother that spell is only in the testing faze this spell could possibly wipe out everything including you if my calculations aren’t correct.
The vampire creatures noticed them Mack smiled he got up and conjured a sword he ran into the fight.
Mack mead
Mack mead
It’s just me over the lives of the others I don’t care I want you to end this nightmare and set us free!
Mack stopped moving he held the sword preparing for the fight he then started to run again he rammed into the vampires he impaled one that ran towards him a few got away and ran towards victor.
Victor breathed heavily he immediately calmed himself preparing for the spell.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Επιτρέψτε μου να σταματήσουν την κίνησή τους, αφήστε κάθε άγιο πλάσμα να καίει στο φως σας!
A bright light engulfed the room destroying the vampires who tried to attack.
But more kept coming victor hesitated but he knew he had too he prepared for his second spell a attack based spell based around lightning.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
οι αστραπές σπάζουν την ψυχή τους πάνω στη θέλησή μου και έκαψαν το σώμα τους σε πιασίματα!
Victor finger tips were engulfed by lightning he pointed towards the creatures and shot a big blast of electricity fired killing all the vampires that tried to attack the rest grew fearful of victors power and ran even those attacking Mack ran, Mack was surprised and happy by his brothers decision he walked over to victor and patted his head smiling victor smiled a bit.
Mack mead
Mack mead
Little brother you are even more powerful then I thought.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Thanks brother I will try to be even stronger so I can protect everyone else.
Mack smiled they immediately ran towards the castle but something happened Mia appeared frightened and so did abbot.
Victor saw a sword behind Mias back.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
Mary tomari
Mary tomari
Mary ran immediately victor followed
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
λάμπει τόσο φωτεινός όσο ο ήλιος μου η ακτίνα του ήλιου μας δείχνει όλο το φως αλλά προσελκύει όσους έχουν κακή πρόθεση!
A bright light staggered Abdul Mary grabbed Mia and impaled abbot she immediately ran with Mia.
Mia, Mary, and victor stood there victor prepared a final spell.
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
σκοτώστε τους ανίκανους αψηφά τους νόμους αυτού του ηρεμίου και σπάστε αυτόν τον κόσμο και ελευθερώστε μας όλους!
A beam of swords appeared they fired at abbot he trembled shocked.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
How is this?
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
A attack based spells but how.... I thought I burned all the books?!
Victor Quince
Victor Quince
You should know one thing before you die there are other places where a item can go take a book for attack based spell it could appear right in front of us with the right rune.
Blood spilled from Abdul his coughed out blood.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
Damn you!
Abdul dispelled the spell still bleeding he stood still.
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
You want to be free fine be free this world will no longer keep the list forgotten or anything like that but I hope your ready for what’s too come!
Abdul Abbott
Abdul Abbott
άσε το θέλημά μου να είναι γνωστό, άσε εκείνους που θέλουν να φύγουν ή εκείνους που θέλουν να φύγουν να τους αφήσουν να είναι ελεύθεροι, τότε να καταστρέψουν αυτόν τον κόσμο από οποιεσδήποτε συνδέσεις από τον άλλο κόσμο, αλλά να τον καταστρέψουν μαζί μου!
A bright light appeared engulfing the world and everyone in it.
Victor opened his eyes he saw a gray sky he got up and looked around him he saw he wasn’t in the kingdom anymore and jumped up and smiled.

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