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Forgive Me & Don't Forget Me


There are some things in life that are out if our control.

That we can't change it and we have to live with it.

No one can deny that everyone of us is carrying a different heaviness.

Everyone have alot of fears which he or she is holding back.

Everyone have alot of invisible tears which no one can see because it's not his eye's tears ,actually it's his heart's tears which he only can feel.

There are sometimes in life where we feel so week,fall down and we don't have the strength to get back up and we convece ourselves that is the end.

Suddenly we realized that we are still breathing. we realized that we are still alive and we have to go on whatever happened, No matter How much painful it was.

Everytime we convince ourselves that there must be away out as long as we are here.

Plus we convince ourselves that the fact we are here should persuade we have another chance.

Every one has his share of sorrows, that he will suffer sooner or latter, but it will be so hard when this sorrows turned out to be for the most dearest one to you heart.

But I assure you that there is somepeaple when they got out from your life they left abig scare which engraved deeply in our heart.

Whatever you try to do this unbearable pain will not go away

Especially when this person is your other half .

Especially when you have spent the most of your life with him.

When he left you will feel like you have lost every thing.

You will feel like all years before have been lost for nothing.


W͟͟H͟͟E͟͟N͟͟ H͟͟E͟͟ L͟͟E͟͟F͟͟T͟͟


You will fell like if some one has ripped you heart out.



There are some things are worth getting your heart broken for.

You will be thankful for every moment he spent with you.

You will be grateful for every memory you shared with him.

But you will always feel un complete.

You will feel that is something missing .

You will miss the time when he was around .

You will memory every story he told you even the trivial one.

You will even heard his voice in your ears and feel him around you.

Every single day agian and agian, it will be endless pain.

But unfortunately the only thing left only dreams.

People will try to cheer you up, but it will not work.




There is always away out.

But the ugly truth that you have to live with this pain and endure it .

The good new you can make this pain gradually decreases, but I won't promise you that it will completely disappear.

You just need anew clear goal, So you must dream a better dream... then work to make it real.

Don't let any spare time.kill the time by doing any thing useful because when we have a spare time.

We will give our minds time to think and recall agian and agian Things that always torture us.




Don't let this ever happened.

Believe me it's the best cure to this endless pain.


the copyright for the picture does not belong to me. it belongs to it's artist.but the cover is created by myself.


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...🦋Forgive me & don't forget mr🦋...

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Status: Ongoing

Started: 15/ 6/2019


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I hope you enjoy them too.

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By : Rahma Ali.

Chapter 1

[I͟N͟ A͟ F͟A͟M͟O͟U͟S͟ H͟O͟S͟P͟I͟T͟A͟L͟ I͟N͟ J͟A͟P͟A͟N͟]

There was an Egyptian woman called Hanin talking to her Japanese nurse friend Sakura.

Sakura said to Hanin, "My son is sick and hospitalized, He wants to see me, I know you are a doctor but as we are afriend you must help me out therefore can you please take over my shift for three hours, Please ?

" As know if anyone wants to take a leave, He has to find someone else to take over his shift otherwise his pay and bouns will be deducted, If worse he will be fired, So you have no other option, You must help me."

Hanin sighed deeply ss she said to Sakura, " You are welcome, After every thing you are my friend and I already owe you a lot, Just give me arough explanation of what I need to do. "

Sakura said to her, " There is a charming young man in Room 201, unfortunately he's suffering from a rare and incurable disease. "

" What apity? Doctors have not found a cure for that disease yet, Most doctors said at the most he would live for only six months ."

"I know that you are a famous doctor that Japanese government gave you the grant to be able to complete your research here in Japan."

" Further mor, All patients with leukemia here, Respect you And live in the hope that you will finish your research, Then they will be able to cure thier leukemia only by taking tablets without the need to chemically treat or surgery. "

" How a mazing are you my friend? "

Hanin said to her," That's not a big deal, The tablets will make the blood cells which infected by cancer destroy each other, At the end, the healthy cells will be the only one which be remain ."

Sakura said to her, " I wish if you could find a cure for this poor man's disease, but unfortunately he doesn't have enough time for that. "

All of sudden, Sakura looked at her watch & said shockingly, " OH.MY.GOD. I'm running late, I have to get going right now. "

Then, Sakura said to her While she was heading to the door in order to leave at the same time looking back and pointing to a file, " You'll find everything about his treatment is written in this file, Please take a good care of him, He has so powerful and rich family."

" They hired me as his private nurse here in the hospital and they were wanting me to be his private nurse in his house too. "

" Although they offered me a lot of money per month but I could not agree because I have a husband and children to take care of them, So I couldn't leave them and move to his house. "

" I have to go now, See you later. "

Hanin said to her ," See you later, Sakura ."

(15 M͜͡I͜͡N͜͡U͜͡T͜͡E͜͡S͜͡ L͜͡A͜͡T͜͡E͜͡R͜͡)

The second, Hanin entered the man's room and laid an eye on him, She frozen in her place, Stared at him madly while she was saying to him shockingly, " among all the people in the world, why should you be the one whom I meet, What a small world? Ali. "

Ali was sitting on the bed holding a small pink diary in his hand, Once he heard her voice, He couldn't believe himself, So he started to lift his head up gradually because of shock.

Then, looked at her with a surprise while he was saying to her, " I know very well that you're not gonna believe me, but I was just thinking about you. "

Hanin replied him mockingly, "Don't lie to me, You thought about me a minute ago, How could it be? We left each other eight years."

Suddenly , Ali , reached his hand out to hand over the diary which he was holding in his hand to her.

Once, Hanin saw the dairy , She placed her open palm on her mouth in shock while she was saying to him, "OH.MY.GOD, This is my diary that I lost eight years ago, How did you find it? and why are you still keeping it all that years?"

Chapter 2

Suddenly Hanin recalls the past.

I met Ali, for the first time when I was only six years old. His family was so rich and powerful . My mother worked for them as a servant and my father worked for them as a driver.

Ali was very weak since his childhood and was lonely and always sat under a tree in his garden.

Once I went to him while he was sitting under the tree and I talked to him back then he was very shy and did not have any friends to talk to them.

We have talked a lot since then we became friends.

(A month later)

Ali noticed that his father was coming toward us while we was setting and talking under the tree . Ali ordered me to hid as fast as I can .

After his father left, I went to my mother and told her everything that happened.

She warned me and ordered me not to talk to him in the future and she said that,"I was lucky that his father did not see me talking to him otherwise he would have fired both of my mother and my father."

Every day after that day I watched him from afar while he was waiting for me to come to him day after day but I did not go to see him.

Until one day when I saw him weeping from despair I could not stop myself and went to him and took him in my arms and wiped his tears and I told him,"In this life, every year, every day, every minute and every second as long as I breathe, I will take care of you and put you before myself."

Since then we have been meeting every day secretly.

He was always telling me his pains ,feelings and his matter's .We grew up together as friends.

When I became a teenager I became of the age of fifteen years.My parents told me that ,"We Arabs have strict customs and traditions and that it would not be suitable For an teenager girl to stay with a teenager boy at the same age under one roof no matter what the reasons.It is not suitable for us as Arabs to do such thing .People will spread rumors about us therefore I will have to go and live with my grandmother in the countryside."

At that time I realized that I had to wake up from the sweetest dream Ihave ever had.

I am now fifteen years old and throughout the previous nine years I used to meet Ali every day .He is my only friend with the passage of time I knew that I considered him more than that I realized that I consider him as a life partner and this means in Egypt marriage in the future.

Now I have to go away from him,but how can I do that after I promised him before to stay with him and take care of him until the end of my life.

After all this is my punishment for ignorance our customs and traditions that prevent any girl from establishing a friendship relationship with any boy.

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