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Cant Help Falling


doctor Charlotte there is an important patient. please hurry over.

"wats the matter, wat happened".

someone got into an accident ur asked to rush over for the surgery.

"what why me"

do you even need to ask dat. u r the best surgeon around here. no time hurry.

" ok I heard you I'm on my way

" ok".

what now I hate to rush things you guys should know that well.

come on stop making a fuss over that.if you are gonna complain why become a doctor in the first place .or are you nervous."

nervous haha are you kidding me"do you doubt my professionalism "

no no it was just a joke dobt take it seriously"

so where is the patient now"

he is in the OR. h

ave you contacted his parents


"good then "let's start"


Louis:main character a notable rising entrepreneur playboy fake smiles cold on the inside who has totally shut himself

Charlotte:female lead a cardiologist n super specialist in cardio surgery also a neurosurgeon. soft side for children warm hearted but always busy.keep her cool and damn character.

caroline: Charlotte best friend

clary: sidekick charlotte colleague

harry:louis most trusted friend

diana n Larry:Charlotte's parents kindhearted loving and humble

Eunice and peter: louis parents takes pride in their son but quite good inside

before the accident happen "sir your parents called up and said they wanted to meet up for dinner".

ok have you caught the culprit who wanted to destroy the company.

sorry sir still in progress .

u know I hate slow workers you better hurry up or are you sick of the job.

no no sir sorry were trying our best but the person is not ordinary he/she hardly leaves traces behind.

does that mean the person I hired are not competent enough.i want the person caught as soon as possible.

(phone rings)

yeah hary what's up.

louis so how's my sister in-law.

oh you cant wait for a sister in law you never knew me hary. I'm disappointed.

come on bro I oridy knew that you are going for a blind date tonight.

stop fooling around it's not funny.

are you playing dumb or you really dont know. I'm pretty sure you know Taylor the city's richest family daughter. you know she's quite hot and you're familiar with often meet her in dinner parties. she's the date your parents arranged for you tonight.

you're kidding me.(was distracted with the phone didn't concentrate ahead)

suddenly a truck came and hit their car.the driver died on the spot and he and his secretary was in a critical condition.


jackson:hello everyone I'm louis secretary Jackson I wasnt introduced before.i love my master and saviour. I'll never betray him.


I hope you guys enjoy it. further suggestions for the good and improvement of the story is welcomed. please feel free to give suggestions.


after three hours of surgery Charlotte came out rather with a triumphant spirit. louis parents were anxious and rushed over to enquire his condition. Charlotte replied that the patients condition is not very stable but that the surgery was successful so they need not worry too much and as for further information she told them to ask the assistants about it. she left in a hurry. after a long tiring surgery Charlotte was taking a nap when her bestie came to the hospital to pay her a visit. she brought lunch for her.

"hey you sure are my best friend. you even knew that I'm hungry".

it's easy to guess anyway you never ate on how's today."

dont even say today a patient came in he was severely injured and in critical condition had he being brought here a bit late he would not have made it.hes lucky that a doctor like me took care of him"

😁😁 ah are you even a doctor dont you think it's your duty to save the dont have to be full of yourself.

"come on are you even my friend.aniway why are you here".

cant I come here I missed you(hugs)hey this is hospital if someone sees us well be misunderstood.

"hey I cant even hug my best friend now🥺🥺 do you like the patients more then me".

there there there.come on can you stop being so childish I cant bear it. now go back home and do your designings. dont waste your time here.

"ok but make sure you drop by after class ok".

ok now go I still have works to do anyway thanks for the lunch.

ok bye".

on the way back caroline dash on someone accidentally.

ugh wat now

"hey cant you look around while walking why are you so I got the coffee stains all over m.why am I so unlucky"

on looking up she was dumbfounded she was caught by the looks of the guy standing.

"sorry miss I apologise I didn't mean to do it. my friend got into an accident so I was in a hurry. hope you dont mind it.

(aw is he an angel how can someone with a pretty face be so humble)

anyway miss you should also be careful watch your steps next you won't be so lucky to meet a good guy like me next time. dont bumped into someone sees where you are going.

😖😖😖I was wrong what humble.

aniway it's a pity if i dont forgive such a handsome gentleman .

it's ok looking forward to our next meeting😉😉.

caroline walk away in her own dreamland.

on the other side aunty uncle"hows louis condition"

"oo you're here doctor says that the surgery was successful but not sure how he will be. you are a busy man yourself you dont have to come".

its ok it's my friend how can I not come.

caroline was still in her own world . she waited for sometime outside to cross the road. she unconsciously was almost hit by a car when someone pulled her from the back.

hey miss it's you again dont you think you're too young to commit suicide

"oh handsome it's you again".

I think you need to go for treatment".

hey I'm not sick.anyway my friend is the best doctor in the whole country so.

how can u be so active after attempting suicide

"i said I didn't "

oh whatever keep the story to yourself im busy I dont have time for matter what think well before you do that bye".

bye(oh how can someone be so handsome.he's totally my type"😊😊


after work as usual Charlotte and caroline met up. caroline started narrating her part of the story. how she bumped into the guy and how later he saved her from an accident.

OMG hes totally my type so cool so handsome.she was drooling over him.

hey can you please stop.and how can you easily fall for someone you just met him and he even saved you.are you sure he just did it without any ulterior motive.

hey char. come on stop doubting everyone this is why you are still single.

Humph I'm single because I chose to be single. I dont trust guys they dont deserve to be trusted. and you my friend caro can you stop acting so cheap.

hey am I even your friend how can you call me cheap I'm really hurt☹☹.

ok I'm sorry. now did you call me here jst to say this damn boring stuffs.

hey how can you say it's boring.charl do you probably dont believe in love at first sight do you. I think I'm in love with the guy.

come on caro do you even know his name no what type of work he does no where he lives no how can you be so careless. can you grow up ok. dont be stubborn you'll end up hurting yourself. dont simply give your heart to just anyone ok. I dont want to see my best friend with a broken heart.

hey you the one who is breaking my heart. how long are you planning to oppose relationships. it is also the right time for you to find your mr. right.

hey I'm gonna make him mine. I really like him.

thinking"you like every guy".aniway it's getting late I need to head back now take care bye.

are you even my friend.i wonder who would you marry"

three days later

dr Charlotte it's an emergency please hurry here.

what now.

the patient who was brought in with severe I jury wants to discharge.

what is he crazy.we cant stop him can you go and talk out with him.

hey you are not fully recovered you cant be so careless."

hey beauty you must be the one in charge I wanna discharge feeling totally fine now".

are you the doctor how do you know if you are fine or not. anyway I'm not letting you go you better be good aand stay here till you recover fully".

"hey do you know who I am you are in no position to argue with me."

I dont care who you are you are in the hospital and it s my duty to make sure everything is in better corporate

" hey are you into me.let me tell you I'm not interested in rude girls like you".

"rude .ha you are crazy whatever dont worry I'm not and I'll never be into self righteous people like are the kind I hate the most". into you dream on.

boss what should we do.

this doctor is like a mad dog I'm afraid my condition will worsen.

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