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Wishes and Witches


"I am your daytime witch."

A pretty looking lady appears out of thin air dressed in a white dress. She looks at the crowd of people on the ground, most of them frightened and embarrassed, because they're naked and there's a strange woman floating above them.

"I'll make it easy on you." she says in an eerily calm voice then points at the far corner of the room behind the crowd. "In 15 minutes a man will come in with a blindfold and bring clothing items. It's a one size fits all. So, I'm sorry if your body doesn't fit the standard."

She looks at them, "You are my defenders."

The crowd looks at her confused, a woman starts yelling at her and riles up the people. The witch doesn't say anything. One of the girls tries calming the woman down, but she doesn't stop pitting the folk against the witch.

The witch circles her finger in the air creating a little wind tornado above her forefinger, "You seem hesitant now. Didn't you agree to work with me or was it a false promise?" The woman starts arguing, "When did I make that promise?" The witch scoffs, "You see, when you wish for someone, you involve me. Involving me includes paying too. You owe me for granting those wishes. Your last wish was to die was it not. I granted that, now pay for it."

The crowd goes silent then the woman starts mumbling, she then talks louder trying to defend her reason for the failed retaliation, "I thought I could just die peacefully." The witch sighs, "Hm."

The blindfolded man arrives and the whole crowd rushes over to fetch and put on the clothes angrily and hastily. The older women weren't as quick to reach the clothes so the younger women got dressed faster.

The witch starts chuckling then stops.

"Eager I see. I should mention that there is a fight every noon and every midnight.

We will fight the night witch at midnight and they will fight us at noon."

Another woman from the crowd speaks up, she asks how they will fight and why and who the night witch is and if they're related, but the witch doesn't answer her. The woman gets a little agitated, and thinks the witch is being arrogant for sending them into battle without telling them how to prepare for it.

"You work in the light and they work in the dark.

Your abilities are only useful in the presence of light, without it, you will have a hard time.

I suggest you study how to adapt to certain circumstances and overcome their attacks when they come onto you. Every fight last an hour.

I will only interfere when I deem it necessary meaning you'll have to rely on yourself more than anyone else. No teaming up. No support playing.

It's you paying off your debt. I have been clear enough. Food and other facilities will be made available, because you are my human workers."


"I am your night time witch... Blah blah blah!"

A pretty looking lady dressed in a black dress rolls her eyes as she talks to the naked people who're all covering their bodies with their hands as much as possible. She hovers infront of them in a circular manner so they can all hear her clearly.

She points at a corner of the room. "The creepy blind woman will come with your clothes, just wait a bit and yeah. That is your battle fit." She talks in a arrogant tone, "If you don't fight for me, I won't feed you or bring you back. I have an opp and she has minions, your mission is to win. You'll fight them at noon and midnight. So, don't sleep during those hours. I will bite your neck off and heal it repetitively."

The crowd looks at her in fear and shock. She stops floating above them, turns around with her back facing them then disappears into thin air. The people look at each other and start panicking wondering if they're dreaming, some are questioning why they're naked, how they got there and how they can avoid the witch. Amidst all the questions one of the men suggest they listen to her and maybe they'll get a reward, but he's smacked behind the head for being silly. Another man then defends the man asking them if they're truly that blind to power, he's pleading that she has obvious superiority over them and it wouldn't be so bad to hear her out and fight for whatever she wants. Another man then argues that she'll just kill them all off before they even get to fight, another agrees recalling that she said she'd torture them if they didn't fight.

"You will obey me! You owe me your life!"

The witches angry voice echo through the room, but she's nowhere to be seen.

They are left even more frightened by her powers. One of the guys then screams out that she's able to read their minds and creates an uproar of even more mistrust and confusion among them.

The blind folded woman arrives and drops off their folded clothes on a large flat metal surface, she places it on the floor, turns around then exits through the wall.

They stare shocked at the concrete wall, the conspiracy guy then fuels his claims saying that even her workers have powers and that they're all the witches ingredients and that she left to mix her potions and she will cook them to feed her workers.

a bunch of high schooler boys start laughing at his story then runs over to the clothes.

The others rush to the clothes too after them then put it them on hastily and soon everyone was dressed in underwear, black shorts and sweaters.

"Most of you committed suicide and some of you were murdered. You are in the afterlife as a result of your dying wish. It's a case of 'be careful what you wish for' at it's core."


At exactly noon, the walls of both rooms glide into the ground and the men and women face each other.

The women are all dressed in white shorts and sweaters and the men in black.

The witches look at each other then at the workers of each side.

The Day Witch brings up a table from under the ground, on it there are different light objects for the women. The objects range from light bulbs, candles to torches, lighters, and more.

The Day Witch orders them to defend their room with these objects to prevent the dark workers from entering with ease as their eyes are sensitive to these things.

The Night Witch brings down a table from above, on it are dark objects for the men to use to assist them during their infiltration such as sleeper masks, shades and weapons to destroy those objects.

The Night Witch orders them to prepare themselves physically as well, as their bodies are not accustomed to endure that amount of exposure to radiation, after death, their bodies became witches's property.

The Night Witch looks at her workers then orders them to go and beat their games.

The men rush over after grabbing the objects they're most comfortable using.

The Light Witch looks at her workers, "The first game is called defend the light. You have to blind them so they will have to retreat. You may use any method to do so."

The first minute of the song

"can't take my eyes off you sung by Frankie Valli"

can be heard playing in the background.

The Light workers quickly set up as many lightbulbs as they can with plugs and leads being provided, speed is essential in this situation. Other girls are lighting as many candles and lanterns as they can, some of the others are adding batteries to their torches, some women are lighting fires.

The Night workers with the shades are able to reach the candles faster to blow them out, as they have more vision than the others who are wearing the sleeper masks, those dark workers have to rely on their other senses to destroy the lights.

The girl who noticed the boys blowing out the candles brought bright torches and shown them in their eyes, then tried taking off their sunglasses so they have to see the light, but they manage to fight them off due to their physical abilities.

The men who were blindfolded and has sleeper masks on kick around anything their feet can find whether it is a bulb or lantern, one of the guys started jumping onto the lanterns and light bulbs breaking the glass, causing some of the lights to go out.

After an hour of trying and putting out lights the walls start rumbling then closing up again. The dark side went over to their room again.

The Day witch looks at the remaining lights which were about a quarter left compared to the start.

She sighs, "They manage to put out more than half our lights meaning you failed to pay your debt. Those whose lights still remained lit.

You will come with me."

The light workers whose lights were still on, sees a bright oval like portal and the Light Witch points at it,

"Your debt has been paid for."

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