Kenji, who transmigrated in the body of Ilyana Brighte Solveig through unfortunate means laughed heartily as if there weren't any sword pointed at her throat.
"Well, I'm not really the serious type of person but bloody hell! How can you betray me for the eleventh time already? Somehow, that makes you exceptional but absolutely not in a good way. In all my lifetimes, the one who would betray me varies but you, kind sire, is more consistent than most of the lovers back on earth who does online dating!"
"..." The man stayed rather silent for a while, observing the lunatic who seemed to have lost her mind mumbling nonsensical words that he does not understand what the meaning is.
Then he said with a face full of grief "Brigh, It seems that Helene was right. You have truly gone insane."
"Helene? Oh, that Helene who acts like an adorable little rabbit but is secretly colluding with the demons! I mean, who can blame her right? After all, the demons are particularly attractive. I say they're a nine out of ten. And most importantly, stop calling me brigh, the people over here have an awful naming sense. Plus, the name Helene is overused. Can't they name their villains better?"
"Nonsense! How dare you tarnish her name with baseless rubbish!" Ilyana stared at the man whose veins were about to pump out of his neck and arms. She smiled bitterly and thought that it was unfair on how he always betrays her who saved his life but stays loyal to Helene who's only using him for her devious plan of destroying the world.
"Ah, indeed. This world shall be destroyed. Come to think of it, I should express my gratitude to that little rabbit helene in advance."
"Do not say her name with that—" He was cut off when Roryiana laughed.
His repeating words from all twelve lifetimes, like that of a broken tape was seriously starting to annoy Ilyana "Let me guess, Filthy mouth of mine?"
The man was about to say another word, but he was astonished when the woman, who's hair shone under the moonlight, smiled peculiarly with tears falling from her eyes that shone even brighter than her hair under the moon's embrace.
"Every life time, you swore your love to me. You would kneel and give me a white rose while professing how not even the Gods and Goddesses can stop your love for me. You confessed your love, swearing how not even the Devil himself can get in between you and your so called undying love for me. What's worst is that you would always, always without fail, tell me how you would find me and love me even in another life." She scoffed and let out a laugh full of mockery.
"You would find me, alright! But love me? My beloved, even the Gods and Goddesses would not be able to make you truly love me. However, it was not the fact that you could never love me that breaks my heart, instead it is fact that, may it be in my past lives, in this life, or in another life, I will always, without fail, fall for you. Ah, indeed I am cursed, cursed in an endless cycle of loving a man who would never love me back." Ilyana thought that it was foolishly hilarious how she can be defeated by the same man twelve times in this world where women rules and men were simply nothing but fancy jewels to collect.
Ilyana glanced at the huge window that should be called a door instead because of its size.
'Well to be honest, these are at least the words that the real Ilyana would have said. Not mine though. Ah but on a serious note, let this senior rest in peace and stop pointing that sword in this humble and old senior!' she thought
She ran towards the window, or door, or whatever it should be called and stood at the very edge.
"This time, I beg you to give me the honor of taking my own life. You usually torture me to death, which believe it or not, is absolutely uncanny."
Before the man could even process her words, she jumped out without any hesitation while yelling the words of freedom.
"Fuck you!"
[System Restarting: 0.0001%]
"My Liege, the barbarians in the north have gone wild once again. What should we do about them? Even though they aren't worth your precious time, we have no choice but to solve this ourselves. After all, the great emperor has her hands full with indulging her concubines. She's a newly wed after all." The knight laughed heartily and handed the invitations that was delivered earlier to the aide beside her master.
"My liege?" The knight tilted her head a little when she got no response from her master who was just blankly staring in the pile of papers in front of her.
'Is my liege furious that she must work in the stead of the emperor? Well, who wants to work overtime when my liege could have been spending her time coddling with her concubine instead of working. I truly admire my liege for being patient instead of barging in the emperor's castle to smack the emperor in the head like she always does!' the knight thought.
After a moment of silence, the woman spoke.
"Who's your liege?" The knight's brows furrowed in confusion.
"Is that even a question? Of course, it is you, my liege! The one and only noble duke of the empire. This humble one does not have any master other than you, this knight does not dare betray her liege!" the knight bowed, firmly placing her right fist in her chest.
"How lively. Right, you were always this lively Clovis. This only means one thing then." Ilyana smiled and looked at the familiar passionate knight in front of her. She was back from the very beginning. This is exactly it, this is the familiar starting point of the novel every time she regressed.
She stood up and smacked herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.
"M-m-my Liege! Are you alright? Why did you do that?!" The startled Clovis didn't know what to do.
[A deduction of twenty points is currently on-going. Dear Host, a quick reminder from this system. Self-harm is strictly prohibited unless it is necessary. Twenty points will be deducted for every self-harm inflicted without proper reasoning.]
There wasn't any more proof she needed that she was indeed back from the very beginning. The annoying voice of the system and the familiar chiming of the system deduction was enough.
"Ah fuck."
"My liege, is there anything wrong?" Ilyana's other knight asked.
"Nothing. Let's discuss this another time Cladel. All of you, get out." Ilyana sat back to her chair and stared at the two identical knights in front of her. They are her twin knights, Cadel and Clovis. Despite being a man and a commoner, she blessed Cadel and his twin sister Clovis, the orphans she saved, as guardians which is the highest title bestowed to those knights who are chosen to personally protect their masters.
"I am extremely glad that both of you are alive, you must keep it that way." The knights stared at their master, teary-eyed.
'They must absolutely live because they're uselessly strong, my beloved meat shields, stay alive so I can slack the fuck off' She thought while giving them her business smile.
"Master, could it be that- " Cladel and Clovis stared at her, like they knew something.
"That you're concerned for us? we are so grateful for this honor my liege!" The twin knights exclaimed in unison while wiping their tears.
'Well, I am definitely glad to see that they're still as stupid as they was before.' Ilyana thought.
She gave them both a light pat in their heads which made them extremely happy, if they had tails I'm sure it would have been wagging excitedly now. Ilyana then called the attention of her aide who didn't stop working with the invitations despite all the commotion
"Yes, Master?" He lifted his head. Nero is Ilyana's aide. Although men are not allowed to study, she sponsored Nero when he was young and allowed him the opportunity to be literate and become her aide.
Ilyana approached him and gently wiped the blood falling from the blindfold that he always wear.
"Your eyes are bleeding once again. Go to the physician and have him examine you. It seems that the medicine have lost its effects."
Nero flinched at the sudden action. He was confused by the sudden whiff of gentleness that his master has bestowed to him.
He was silent for a while but he eventually responded "Yes, master."
"Very well. All of you, leave for now." The three of them bowed to their master and left without questioning anything.
Ilyana transferred to the sofa located at the middle of her estate's main office. Her hands started shaking and her heartbeat rose in an irregular level. She can feel it, an extreme amount of rage that she has never felt before. It clouded her vision and the adrenaline rushed throughout her entire being.
"It seems that I'm back again, why?" She bit her lower lip until it bled.
[Host's mentality has decreased a lot. There are several potions that might assist the host. The system recommends checking out the vvip potion shop.]
Her lips pulled back as she bared her teeth, and her veins emphasized how extremely angry she is. She grabbed the glass in front of her and smashed it to the wall. The wall was stained by the red wine that was once in the glass. At that moment, there was only one thing in her mind.
She was done.
While it is true that she was mad for she has suffered too much due to the betrayals, the deaths, and the tragedies from her past life time, what caused her rage the most however, was not those. Instead, it was the fact that she wasn't able to take her well deserved vacation.
Yes, You indeed read it right. Her well deserved Vacation.
Ah, How lovely would it be if only she could bask in the sunlight while rolling around the green grass in her small backyard on the outskirts of the city.
"This is the fucking twelfth time. Did you hear me you son of a bitches?" She looked up the sky, extremely furious.
"Reincarnating again is not the issue here. I don't fucking care no matter how many times I reincarnate. It's probably boring in heaven anyways. However, you should at least give me a vacation you inhumane beings." She grinded her teeth, she was way beyond furious. Ilyana saw the golden statue of the God of War and without any hesitation, she grabbed it and smashed it in the ground.
"You know what? Fuck this, I'm so fed up. Alright, you damned system, You won't give me my vacation? Fine. It's time you burn in hell. Since I can't even reach these damned Gods, let's at least die together with this system. Operate system."
[Welcome host! Congratulations for being granted, yet another opportunity to reincarnate. Please press restart to gain automatic 100 points. However, due to excessive internal system overload, all the previous progress was automatically deleted.]
"This is fucking insane. Delete the system."
'Now this is interesting' Ilyana thought.
"Complain to who, sweetheart?"
"Well, It's a little bit too late for that sweetheart. Alright, you better listen to me before I blow both of our heads off." Ilyana smiled sweetly.
[Bloody hell]
**"Bloody hell indeed" **
Ilyana's breath hitched. Her lips started to turn upward and her smile resembled that of the devil's incarnate. Her whole being was quivering with excitement.
"It's been awhile since I felt this****excited without seeing a bag full of gold\, you should feel lucky\, you know?" She felt the chills run down her spine, straight through her soul, and flowing through her veins.
Her smile widened even more when she didn't hear any response from the system. After all, the system's silence confirmed one very important thing.
Unfortunately for that damned system, that something could turn the games upside-down.
Ilyana sighed deeply, "In front of a beautiful and kind lady, a man shouldn't shut his damn trap, alright? that's just plain disrespectful sweetheart."
[K-kind my ass!]
"Oh my, aren't I?"
[Dear host, the system sent a vomiting emoji. You're just a shrewd and completely useless host who has done nothing but make my life harder!]
Ilyana smiled sweetly. 'He can even send emojis like this? How adorable. I should definitely rip off this damn system until he learns manners.'
[Dear host, the system is shaking in fear. What are you planning you old hag? y-you evil witch!] Ilyana chuckled as a response, the system is quite adorable after all. It can even shake in fear, yet it didn't do anything useful for her during her past eleven lifetimes.
"Nothing much. However, you damned system, you better listen to me before I blow both of our heads off. You know very well that I am capable of doing that."
[Bloody hell]
**"Bloody hell\, indeed." **
'What an amazing gift from the Gods. I'll take my time milking this little shit until he drops dead' She thought while licking her lips like she just saw the most delectable meal in the whole universe.
[You think you're allowed to do this? I will report this to them, then you'll for sure face severe punishments!]
"Come on now, sweetheart. Honestly speaking, the worst that could happen to me is death. Just how many times have I died already? Even if I die, I'll just reincarnate again. In fact, loosing you would be beneficial because I won't have punishments anymore and I can do what I want, what exactly is there for me to fear?"
[Y-you won't dare!]
"Don't test my patience sweety. You should never underestimate what a two hundred seventy three years old, furious, tired, and vacationless woman would do. You must have forgotten that I castrated my ex-lover for cheating on me back in my original world. This time, however, I won't castrate your head down below, but your head above." Ilyana smiled
'Ah, I wonder if he actually have a head below.'
[You worship the God of wealth, Plutus but you sure do act like the God of the underworld, Hades. Dear host, the system is stomping his feet in anger.]
"My, thank you for the compliment. I'll take that as you saying that you'll do anything I say."
[Dear host, the system is sulking in the corner]
"That's enough acting like a child. Answer me properly, who the hell is behind all of these?"
[You crazy xxxxx, if it was as easy as just telling you, both of us wouldn't be here in your twelfth life time. Use your brain, I'll get crispy burnt if I actually tell you everything. Besides, I don't even know much. My authority only revolves around the system controls, like the punishments and rewards, along with the quest notifications.]
"You do know that there's no need to censor that, do you? You pretty much swore at me like your life depended on it earlier. And, you bastard, so you're the one behind those crazy punishments."
[W-well, yes. But it wasn't entirely my fault, you know. There are laws that I have to follow and I can only twist those laws to a certain extent. I can't even give you clues, I'll get severe backlash otherwise. I might even get shut down temporarily! Those damned xxxx would never let any huge violations pass.]
"I didn't see anything. xxxx, why is it censored?"
[I knew it, it would be automatically censored. I already told you the answer to your question but it wouldn't let me. There's someone trying to intercept us.]
Ilyana was about to say something when all of the sudden, her head suddenly rang. It felt heavy. Like a brick of huge stone was slammed directly in her skull. In a span of a few seconds, she lost her consciousness and she fell in the ground like a lifeless corpse, with a heavy thud.
[Host! shit, this isn't good.]
Several notifications suddenly rang from the system screen.
[Dear host, due to the violations, the system will shut down temporarily. Shutting down in five seconds. This is a warning to the host, please act appropriately, any violations might result to an even more severe punishment both for you, and your system. And you, system. Please watch your mouth, they might accidentally sue it shut if you keep it too loose.]
A smiling being suddenly popped up in the screen.
[Dear host, the system is quivering in fear, Just like he should.]
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