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The village

I am Seyran from a small village in Antep and have an elder sister and my parents want to marry my sister her name is suna and I really love my sister and today a family from Istanbul is coming to see my sister, and I am really excited and happy for her, she is really nervous i have a boyfriend his name is Yusuf

He is cute and sweet, and I really like him my father kayzim is very strict I also have a grandmother and my mother emse is very kind and understanding mother and so back to the story Yusuf wanted me to meet him as I was not allowed to go out since last week, so he wanted to see me, and he texted me and my sister also suggested me to go meet him, so I was waiting for an opportunity my father went out for some work and my grandmother was busy in preparation, so I sneaked out of the house and went to the garden where we always meet, and he was really happy to see me, and I was happy too, and he knew after my sister is married my father will marry me to someone else too, so he was telling me that we should run away, but I somehow convinced him that now was not the right time and that we should wait for the perfect time.

After meeting him I quickly went home before my father came and it was already noon so my grandmother told me to go to the market and bring some pistscios from the shop we always buy so I went there and I was in a hurry so the pistachios basket fell as I collided into someone and he was a handsome boy when I saw him I knew he was not from here *Antep. He helped me pick up the pistachios and he said sorry I was in a hurry so I left without saying anything..

When I reached home my sister was getting ready and I was excited she was really nervous as this was her first time the guests arrived and she made coffee and I got ready and she was so nervous to the point her hands were shaking and I helped her take to coffee down the stairs and in front of the living room i gave her the tray and I was watching from the window as I was curious and the coffee tray sliped from my sister hand and to the floor I was worried so I quickly went to my sister and when I went into the room i picked up the tray and I saw him the boy I met earlier at the pistachios shop he was smiling he whispered something into his mother's ear and his mother said that they wanted me to be the bride for her son and I was so shocked i froze my sister ran from the room and I went after her and she locked herself in the room my mother called me and I made the coffee and gave it to everyone I did not want to get married but I couldnt say no to what my father says...........

My Father

After all the guests left the wedding was planned to be in 1 week and my father called me in the living room he dragged me by the hair to the dungeon we have in the basement and locked me in there for a whole day it was dark he slapped me so hard I fell on my knees, and I was so scared I cried all day and after the day was over the next day my mother opened the door she gave me food and water, and I was not hungry my father was angry at me because he told me not to come in front of the guests, but I still did so that's why and my sister was so excited that she was finally getting married and when she saw the photo of ferit she was amazed by his looks she said to me look sister my husband is so handsome I can't believe I am going to get married to him.

Suna was single her whole life she was so innocent and kind, but now she doesn't even want to see me I am so sad by what happened I didn't mean it to happen the wedding day arrived and yusuf got to know from the villagers that they asked for seyrans hand in marriage and not her elder sister suna he was heartbroken as he wanted to marry Seyran but could as he was not wealthy he did not have a father and was also ready to marry him, and she was ready to run away with him but yusuf was scared as there is no one to feed his mother and younger sister if anything happens to him, so he did not know what to do.

Her sister suna saw the wedding from her room window and the bride and the groom exchanged rings and after the wedding was over Seyran left for Istanbul and ferit had blood pressure and Seyran was not aware of it and at night they reached the hotel to stay till morning for rest as they were all tired when Seyran went into her wedding room there was a girl she introduced herself as pelin aka ferits girlfriend Seyran was so shocked to know this she immediately went into the bathroom and she cried for an hour and couldn't breathe so she unzipped her wedding dress to breathe and when she came out of the room she saw that pelin was asleep there was red wine spilled on the floor pelin slept on the bed and ferit was lying on the floor she felt dizzy as she saw her wedding room she saw another women with her husband she was furious she tried to wake up ferit but he wasn't responding and she got scared she didn't have a cell phone so she took ferits phone it was unlocked and she called his bodyguard also driver of ferit he came immediately and woke pelin up and sent her home and gave ferit his medicine and took him to the hospital....

The reason ferit got married

So the docters kept ferit for a whole day until he his blood pressure got normal he told everyone to go home and that he was fine at the same night ferit was at the hospital and Seyran woke up in the middle of the night because she was thirsty and while she was going to the kitchen she saw ferits aunt (Ifakat) and ferits father (orhan) together kissing she was very shocked to see this and she quickly went to her room they did not notice her, and she was not able to see because of what she witnessed in the morning ferit came home, and he was all fine Seyran decided not to tell ferit about his father's affair but she thought that he would not believe her so she didn't say anything and pelin came to visit ferit and she left quickly as anyone from the family could see her it was dinner time ferits grandfather (khalis) has this rule that everyone should be present at the dinner table at 8 pm and no should is allowed to skip dinner so Seyran and ferit went to eat dinner and after they came back to the room

Seyran told ferit that he should not being pelin to their room as anyone can see her and that he should visit her at her home but ferit said no she told Seyran that pelin would do whatever she likes as they are in a relationship since 3 years but Seyrann got angry and started to yell at him and she was screaming so loud that the family members could listen so ferit in attempt to stop her he kissed her just for a few seconds but Seyran was so shocked she slapped him he explained and said that was the only way to stop her after that they went to sleep ferit would sleep on the couch and Seyran would sleep on the bed anytime pelin would come from the window Seyran was sick of this Seyrans father (Kayzim) was smart and greedy so he asked khalis for a house in Istanbul as a gift as they were now a family and seyrans family came to visit her and Seyran did not tell anyone anything in the evening the family members told ferit and his brother to go out with Seyran and suna so they agreed to go to fine restaurant they were enjoying the evening they ordered wine and everyone got drunk and Seyran played piano and everyone was mesmerized Seyran wanted to go to the restroom so fuat went with Seyran and ferits bodyguard and friend abidin was watching them from afar and suna asked ferit to dance with him as she was bored and while dancing suna told ferit that since childhood nobody in the family liked her she was always alone her life was miserable and that if that day she did not spill the coffee then they would be married right now she then kissed ferit he did not respond and Seyran was returning and fuat went to get the car as they will be leaving soon.......

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