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Make Me Your Happiness

Chapter 1

The church was beautifully decorated, everyone was seated in the church. On the altar was a handsome young man who's waiting for his bride. The door flew open and a beautiful young lady walks inside the church, everyone watched as the bride walked to the altar with her father by her side.

She got to the altar and her soon to be husband took her hand. The ceremony began and everything went on peacefully until the priest asked, do you Wesley take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?.

"I do" Wesley replied} do you Lilith take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?.

"" The bride looks at her family present before her. Her Father, Mother and Brother then her husband to be.

" I...I..I don't" She said and everyone gasped in surprise. Everyone began to whisper.

"Wesley you're a wonderful guy but I'm aware you don't want don't want to marry don't love me and I don't love you either. We're both doing this to make both our dads happy. I think it's time we make our own decisions and if our dads want to partner with one another they should do so without making our lives miserable"

Lilith looks at her Father. "Sorry dad but I can't do this....I can't ruin my life just to make you happy"

She turns to Wesley. "Wesley I hope we could be friends in the future"

"Sure"Wesley replied. Lilith leans closer to Wesley and said. "Now if you'd excuse me, I gotta go before my dad hangs my head up on the wall.

Lilith ran to her friend's house. 'Lilith...oh, my God. Why? What happened? aren't you suppose to get married today?" Joyce asked. "It's a long story" Lilith replied. "Come on Lilith what's going on?" "I kinda ruined the wedding..... I can't marry the nigga for heavens sake. I don't love him and he doesn't love me either" Lilith said.

"What did your dad say?" Honestly i don't even want to talk about it.....but I left the church before he could say a word" Lilith said. "So what're you gonna do now?"Joyce asked

"Um...I'd have to stay with you for a while". "Ok....but you have to change into something more decent cause you look like Cinderella when she left prince charming on the Altar" Joyce said.

"Hey Cinderella never left prince charming on the altar, she left him on the day of the royal ball.....what kind of fairytale do you even read?" Lilith asked

"whatever" Joyce screamed as she made her way to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat?" Joyce asked "anything you could find in the fridge" Lilith said

Joyce gave me a pack of chips and a glass of milk. "Manage's all I have now" Joyce said "It's better than nothing" Lilith said. Lilith stayed with Joyce for a while and she reluctantly left. Lilith got to her house and she met her family in the living room.

"Where are you coming from?" Her dad asked. " went...I...went to meet....a friend" Lilith said. Her dad rushed to her was about to hit her but her mom held his hand.

"You ungrateful piece of shit.....after everything I've done for you, you still had to screw things for me...why can't you do something right?...for once, just once why can't you make this family proud?" Lilith's dad said

"Do you want me to sell myself?.....I can't marry someone just because of your partnership with his dad" Liilith said. "you're nothing but an ungrateful are going to marry him" Her dad said. "I'm eighteen dad, don't you think I'm old enough to make my own decisions?" Lilith said.

"You can only make your own decisions when you can put a roof over your head, feed yourself, clothe yourself and pay for your school but since I did all of that for you, you don't have any decision to I was about to say this before but I'd say it now. Mr Colin has given us another chance so you are to marry Wesley" Her dad said. "read my lips dad I WILL NEVER MARRY WESLEY".

This made her dad so furious that he slapped Lilith so hard. "You will marry him like it or not" Her dad said. "Then you'd have to take my dead body to the altar" Lilith said.

Lilith's dad slapped her again 'Leave my house, I don't ever want to see your face again.....from today I no longer have a daughter and you no longer have a Father...go upstairs and pack your things" Honey please don't do this...she's still your daughter" His wife pleaded.

" I'll forgive her, only if she marries Wesley" Her dad said "'d have to kill me" Lilith said "

"So be it...from now onward you're here by cut off from your inheritance and I disown're to leave my house effective immediately".

"You cut me off my inheritance just because I refuse to marry Wesley?...fine I'd leave" Lilith said.

Lilith went to her room, her Mom joined her. Lilith hugged her Mom tightly knowing she has no where to go. Lilith walks out of the house with nothing but just the little money her Mom gave to her before leaving.

Hey, I'm Lilith and what you've just witnessed happened five years ago. Now i'm twenty three years old and I work in a successful company as a secretary. Although my salary is much but I still struggle to manage it.

Ever since I was disowned by dad, I've been determined to be successful and rub my wealth all over his face, but how can I?...when my salary isn't enough to pay my rent. Work was over, I got home, I flung my bag aside.

I went to the fridge to see if I could find anything to eat but unfortunately the only thing I could find was a bottle of water. Oh, well it seems like I'd have to sleep without food tonight. I brought out my laptop and I walked straight to bed, I still have some paper works to attend to before going to bed.

I took a few sips of the water and I began my work. After typing for so many hours I was done with everything and I fell asleep.

Chapter 2

The next morning, I was awoken by the alarm. I turned off the alarm, I looked at the time and the time is 7: 45am. Shit I'm late for work.

       I ran to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth. I really didn't have time to shower, I just wore neat clothes, I applied perfume. I brushed my hair, I grabbed my bag and I dashed out of my apartment.

      I got to the stairs and I met my landlord. "Your rent is due Lilith!!" my landlord yelled. "Good morning to you too". I said as I ran down the stairs.

        I tried hauling a taxi but some one beat me to it. It looks like I'm gonna run to work. I started running but a car pulled up in front of me, the window came down and someone wearing glasses looked at me.

        "Need a lift?" He asked. "No thank you, I'm almost there" I said. "Don't you recognize me?" He asked. "No" I replied. "Lilith it's me....Wesley" He said. "Wesley?.....for real? Oh, my God. Wesley" I said.

          "So do you need a lift?" He asked. ", there's no need" I said. "Lilith it's the least I could do" He said. "Um..." I said. "Don't say no" Wesley said.

     I reluctantly entered the car. Wesley drove to the company. "Thank you" I said. "You're welcome...can I have your number" Wesley said. "Sure" I said. I gave him my number and I immediately jumped out of the car. "Goodbye" Wesley said. "Bye" I said.

        I entered the company, I ran straight to my office. "You're late" I heard a voice say from behind, I slowly turned to see Jerry the accountant standing behind me with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Care it explain why you're late?" Jerry asked.

       "I overslept" I said with a smile on my face. I know that he can't do or say anything. I went to my office. "Good morning Sir" I said. "Lilith where have you been?" Mr White said. "Um....I went to get a latte for myself" I said. "You went to get a latte for yourself?" Mr White asked.

    "Yes....." "So where is it?" "I drank it on my way here" I said. "Alright, we're having meeting today with the board of I expect you to be prepared" Mr White said. "Yes Sir" I said. "Now get me a cup of latte.....would you?" "Yes Sir" I sighed in relief as I walked towards the elevator. " sugar please" "Yes Sir" I said.

          I went to get the latte, I returned from the coffee shop. "Lilith, Lilith....wait up" Angela said. I stopped to know why she called, she ran to me. "Lilith.....aren't you going to tell me" Angela said. "Tell you what?" I asked in confusion. "Don't pretend.....I'm talking about the car that dropped you off and the hot guy that was inside"

          "Stop talking nonsense Angela" I said. "Lilith who is he?" Angela asked. "Someone" I said. "Someone?.....who's important?" "Angela please I need to get this latte to Mr White" I said. "Don't worry about the latte.....I'd ask someone to give the latte to Mr White while you tell me everything in details"

 "Thank you very much Angela but last time I checked, I have hands and legs....which by the way are working perfectly fine" I said. "Come on Lilith...if you have nothing to do with him could you at least hook me up with him?" Angela said.

        "Angela I never told you I was a fisher man that would hook up fishes" I said. "Are you calling me a fish?" Angela said "I never said it.....out loud but you took the words out of my mouth" I said. Angela stormed off, I guess that takes care of that.

        I got to my office. "Lilith what took you so long?" Mr White asked "The line at the café was a little bit too long" I said. "I see.....anyway I hope you're prepared" Mr White said "For what?" I asked. "For the meeting of course" "Um....."

       "Come on Lilith the presentation starts in an hour" Mr White said. "I'd go get ready immediately" I said. I went to my desk and started rehearsing for the presentation. "Over the past month we've noticed that the.....that I just can't concentrate.

      The meeting had already begun. Everyone was seated, Mr White gave me the signal to begin. "Over the past month we've noticed that the stocks has gone low and the only solution is if we make the product more affordable for those that can't afford it.....and I also think that we should make the product more presentable....I mean it's okay the way it is but I feel like we could do more with the packaging and advertising"

       "We could also expand our organization, we could make it easier for people to get our products....for instance if we advertise it on line an perhaps a customer orders something, we could make it our number one priority to deliver on time" I said.

         Ever one whispered and Mr White had his hand on his forehead as a sign of disappointment. Suddenly everyone began to clap, I myself am surprised. I thought all I just said was rubbish but I had no idea the board of directors would love the idea.

       "Well have given us a meaningful presentation" A man said. "Thank you" I said. The meeting was over and I went to the office. Mr White hugged me. "You did it Lilith...."

Chapter 3

 I got home that evening and as usual there's nothing to eat. I got a text message from Joyce saying I should join her for dinner. How can I refuse that?

 Joyce and I have been besties even before I was disowned by my Father. I took a shower, I got changed into something more comfortable and I went to Joyce's house.

 I got to Joyce's house and I met Nathaniel who's Joyce's boyfriend. "Lilith I'm glad you were able to make it....Thank you" Nathaniel said. "For what?" I asked. "Joyce insisted we watch a romantic movie...we both know how that will end" Nathaniel said.

 We both laughed. "What's funny?" Joyce asked. "Nothing" Nathaniel and I replied. "So Lilith how was your day?" Joyce asked. "It was not bad" I replied. "What's the special occasion?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Joyce asked "You asked me to come over.....and I know you too well, there must be a reason" I said.

 "There isn't a special occasion're over reacting" Joyce said "Mhm" I said in disbelief. "Fine..... aside from the fact that I wanted you to have dinner with us, I also wanted to talk to you cause it's been a while since we last chatted" Joyce said.

 "Dinner is ready" Nathaniel said. I had no idea he made dinner...I mean I'm aware that he's a good Cook but I didn't expect him to be prepared. "Come on girls could we talk about this after dinner?" Nathaniel said. I looked at Joyce and we both laughed for a while before having dinner. After dinner we were all in the living room..... Nathaniel was too busy looking for the perfect movie to watch. "Lilith have you heard?" Joyce asked.

 "Heard what?" I asked. "Well your brother Harrison has taken over your Father's company" Joyce said. I was silent for a while cause I knew this day would come..... although I'm suppose to take over my Father's company but ever since he disowned me, I knew he would hand down everything to Harrison.

 "That's good" was all I could say. "You know what let's forget about movie night and talk about you" Nathaniel said. "Me?" I asked. "Yeah....we want to know how you feel.....Lilith we're worried" Joyce said "Worried?.....about what?" I asked.

 "That you'd end up being single for the rest of your life" Joyce said. "Joyce I thought we've been through this before?" I asked. "No we haven't, you need a guy in your life Lilith" Joyce said. "Why would I need a guy in my life?" I asked.

  "Because you need some one to protect you and look out for you" Joyce said "Nathaniel please tell Joyce that I'm better off on my own and I can protect myself" I said

 "Sorry Lilith but for once I agree with Joyce on this one" Nathaniel said. "Are you kidding me?" I asked. "As much as you might try to deny it.....the fact still remains that you need someone who would love and cherish you" Joyce said "love is over rated" I said. "That wasn't what you told me when I met Nathaniel" Joyce said.

 "I didn't say anything" I said. "That's not said love is a force that can't be hidden no matter how hard you try, you also said that love ties two souls together for eternity and when you find someone that makes you feel special then hold on to them like your life depended on it" Joyce said.

 Did I really say all of that? Wow I'm a wise Monk. "I think what Joyce is trying to say is that you should open your heart to love and you will be loved" Nathaniel said. "Don't forget that you're the reason why Nathaniel and I are dating" Joyce said.

 "I didn't do anything" I said. "No that's not true..... you knew Nathaniel and I hated each other and you also knew that deep down we had feelings for each other but we were both full of pride to admit it... Lilith you brought us together and I want to see you happy" Joyce said.

 It is true that I played Cupid for the both of them.....They both had feelings for each other back then but they both behaved like cat and mouse.....well what I did was simple, I looked them in a room and told them that I would throw the keys away if they don't confess their feelings to each other and start making out. My plan worked and ever since then they've been in a serious relationship.

 "Joyce yours is different....but I don't have the energy to argue so yes you're right I do need a boyfriend and don't worry I'd find one soon" I said. "That's good" Nathaniel said. "Oh did I tell you that I met Wesley?" I asked "Huh!!! Wesley? As in Wesley.....the same reason you were disowned by your dad?" Joyce asked.

 "He's not the reason why I was disowned but yes the same Wesley" I said. "When did you meet him?" Nathaniel asked. "I met him on my way to work this morning" I said. "Perhaps this is destiny speaking" Joyce said "Here we go again" Nathaniel said while he rolled his eyes.

 "Think about guys were supposed to get married five years ago but you realized that you didn't love each other..... what if..... what if destiny is giving you a second chance to fall in love" Joyce said.

 "Seriously? Joyce what makes you think that?.....if you ask me I think it's rather suspicious....I mean perhaps your dad wants him to keep an eye on you" Nathaniel said. "That makes more sense" I said. "And what if you're wrong and destiny's speaking?" Joyce asked "Well I'd have to silence destiny till I'm certain about everything" I said.

 "That's smart" Nathaniel said. "Thank you" I replied. "Hey what about me? Aren't I smart?.....are you saying your girlfriend is dum?" Joyce asked. "No....not at all....if anything my girlfriend is the smartest person who ever lived" Nathaniel said

 "Mhmm" I said. Joyce and Nathaniel were both acting all lovey dovey and I couldn't concentrate on the movie anymore. Well soon enough I went home and I slept like a baby.....I hope tomorrow would be better than today.

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