I Hate You Israel Salvatore
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Hlo guys 😌
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
My new C.S
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Let's start ✨✨✨
In a beautiful house or you can also say it as a mansion
Delice Goméz [FL]
Grandma I am going now
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
Ok dear...Have a nice day *smile*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*peck her cheeks*
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
*peck on her forehead*
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
*dramatically* only love for your grandma....don't you want this old man anymore 🥺
Delice Goméz [FL]
oh fo *hugs him*
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
Be safe there hmm
Delice Goméz [FL]
and grandpa don't arrange shadow guards *said while brocking hug*
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
*smile* okay dear *lie*
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
(I can't take risk dear...You are my precious and only granddaughter)
Delice Goméz [FL]
Okay bye then
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
Bye dear..take care 😇
Delice Goméz [FL]
I will grandma 😇
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
okay then we are going
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
*get down of the car*
Delice Goméz [FL]
okay bye grandpa *look at him*
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
bye dear
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile* thanks
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
silly girl don't be thanks I am your grandpa *shook head*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*giggles* okay okay
Delice Goméz [FL]
and don't break the backbone of my grandma
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
ahem *thinks about Hena*
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
you brat
Delice Goméz [FL]
*runs from there while saying bye*
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
*blush and sit in car, drive off*
Delice Goméz [FL]
(😆 Now I am in same collage as his )
Delice Goméz [FL]
(I promised him that I will score good to take admission in this superb collage 😁)
Delice Goméz [FL]
*roaming all over Uni*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*bumps into someone* Eh!!
Delice Goméz [FL]
*look at that certain someone*
Delice Goméz [FL]
I..I am sorry
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
I. It's o..okay
Delice Goméz [FL]
Well you are so much beautiful 😇
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
well are you here new
Delice Goméz [FL]
oh I am in first year
Delice Goméz [FL]
and my name is Delice....Delice Goméz
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
then I am Aria Gibson
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
you can also call me Ari, Ria, Ira *smiles*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smiles back* Your dimples 🤩
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
oh see you have vampire teeth
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
only 1% people have these type of teeth
Delice Goméz [FL]
Oh My mom also had these teeth
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
oh I think your mom is also cute as you
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*frowns* What happened
Delice Goméz [FL]
*snaps out* huh
Delice Goméz [FL]
oh *wipes her tear*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
A..are you okay??
Delice Goméz [FL]
oh maybe dust
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
ohh *relief*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
wanna be my friend
Delice Goméz [FL]
*happy* yup!!
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
and I am also new here and in first year
Delice Goméz [FL]
oh that's great then
Delice Goméz [FL]
umm...In which department
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
In science and technology....and you
Delice Goméz [FL]
I am also in that department
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
woah coincidence
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
oh then I should go in my class
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile* okay
Then they heads to their class but later finds that they are in same section
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
woah we are classmates
Delice Goméz [FL]
maybe God don't want us to be in separate sections
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*slightly laughs*
then both get inside and sit on last bench
After some more lectures bell rings indicating that it's Break time
Delice Goméz [FL]
*happy* (Now I can meet him....yuppie)
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Let's go it's brea---
Delice Goméz [FL]
I know *stand up*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
huh....okay so let's go
Delice Goméz [FL]
*saw someone*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*drag Aria to a particular seat*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
H..hey *getting drag by her*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*stop* Hello Israel *smile*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*Didn't even look at her*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*look at her coldly* What 🥶🥶
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*just looking at them*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Eziah Robin[ML BFF]
ahem....Well Israel I am going you eat 😁 *left*
Zayn Anton[ML BFF]
(This bishhhhhh)
Zayn Anton[ML BFF]
*look at Nash*
Nash Ferguson[ML BFF]
*look at Zayn*
Nash Ferguson[ML BFF]
Nash Ferguson[ML BFF]
ahem....well little girl come we have to talk to you *to Aria*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*look at him*
Nash Ferguson[ML BFF]
Zayn Anton[ML BFF]
*sneaks from there*
then Nash and Aria left from there
Delice Goméz [FL]
*hold his arm* Irael...see I a----
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*jerk her hand*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
Don't touch me you slut 🥶🥶🥶🥶
then everyone starts to look at them
Delice Goméz [FL]
*feeling humiliated*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*Roll eyes and left*
Delice Goméz [FL]
(His voice is same for everyone but why I feeling like he is only cold with me....ONLY ME)
Delice Goméz [FL]
*dry throat*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Hey! Elice
Delice Goméz [FL]
huh *look back*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Why didn't you tell me that you have. A crush on him from 5 years and pursuing him
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile* Now you also know that
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
But why he was talk-----
Delice Goméz [FL]
Leave it
Delice Goméz [FL]
Let's go to our class *changing the topic*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Oh I forgot
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
But Lunch *stomach growls*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Oh let's go to cafeteria first
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*nods* hmm
Delice Goméz [FL]
*waiting for her grandpa*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
umm...well my dad is coming to pick me so if your Grandpa is not coming th---
Delice Goméz [FL]
No No He is just coming maybe late bcoz of traffic
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
oh the---
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*look back*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
oh my dad....bye
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile* bye
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*come out from his class*
Eziah Robin[ML BFF]
hey dude see *point at Delice*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
What!! *look where he was pointing*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*Roll eyes* whatever I am going
Eziah Robin[ML BFF]
Hey br---
Israel Salvatore[ML]
Zayn Anton[ML BFF]
*shook head* She is not like others then why can't he understand
Nash Ferguson[ML BFF]
Well let's go or he will left us here
Eziah Robin[ML BFF]
oh yeah yeah
Delice Goméz [FL]
*sit on her toe* Umm when he will come *waiting for Carson*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*about to call him but*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*phone switch off* huh
Delice Goméz [FL]
ugh this frinking phone 😒
Delice Goméz [FL]
🥺🥺 Grandpaaaa
Delice Goméz [FL]
*stand up and starts to walk*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*feeling something wrong* why I am feeling like something bad is going to happen
Delice Goméz [FL]
*shook head*
Delice Goméz [FL]
maybe I am overthinking
Delice Goméz [FL]
*walking to and fro*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Delice Goméz [FL]
*left for bus station*
After that she take bus and arrived in her house
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
bye guys
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Delice Goméz [FL]
*shocked after seeing front view*
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
*crying badly while Carson's head was in her laps*
Carson Goméz[FL Grandpa]
*laying dead*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
C...Carson P...HIC Please WA...wake up s...see ou...HIC our grandd...granddaughter is here
Delice Goméz [FL]
*froze at her place*
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
*tears were flowing down continuously*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*fall on her knees*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Delice Goméz [FL]
wh...what happened to G...Grandpa
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
*crying continuously*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*body was trembling*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Grandpa *mumble*
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
S...Salvatore *mumble and unconscious bcoz of crying continuously*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*shocked* GRANDMA 😨😢
Delice Goméz [FL]
*stand up and rush to her*
Delice Goméz [FL]
😭😭😭😥 HIc *pick up her grandma's phone and dial ambulance number*
Delice Goméz [FL]
😭😭😭 Grandma be safe
Delice Goméz [FL]
Hic first my parents hic then g...grandpa and *Shook her head*
Delice Goméz [FL]
be safe hic grandma
Delice Goméz [FL]
*look at her and rush to her* Doctor
Delice Goméz [FL]
what happened to my g..grandma
Doctor cheng
Sorry Yound miss Goméz bcoz of shock her mylin sheath can't bare it
Doctor cheng
and she is in coma now
Delice Goméz [FL]
*stumbles* w..what
Delice Goméz [FL]
and...and w...what about m..my grandpa
Doctor cheng
Miss Goméz he is dead
Delice Goméz [FL]
*tears coming out continuously*
Delice Goméz [FL]
A..and when she will come out from coma
Doctor cheng
we can't say anything
Doctor cheng
maybe she take a week a month a year or *shook head*
Doctor cheng
or can go in vegetative state for forever
Delice Goméz [FL]
D..Doctor please
Doctor cheng
*sigh* we can't do anything miss Goméz
Doctor cheng
and when we were checking her she was saying a name
Doctor cheng
umm I think I...Israel Salvatore
Delice Goméz [FL]
*too shocked after hearing his name* what Israel
Nurse: doctor a patient is here
Doctor cheng
oh I am coming
Doctor cheng
Well I am going as my patient is here mam
Delice Goméz [FL]
*fall on floor* Grandma
Delice Goméz [FL]
*clench fist* if he is behind all this then I will kill him
Delice Goméz [FL]
*goes inside Hena's room*
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
*laying on hospital bed*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*sit beside her* Grandma
Delice Goméz [FL]
Please wake up...now you are only one in my life
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
Delice Goméz [FL]
don't be silent
Delice Goméz [FL]
wake up *teary eyes*
Delice Goméz [FL]
I can't see you like this grandma
Delice Goméz [FL]
*hold her hand* Grandma
Delice Goméz [FL]
*a tear drop fell on Hena's hand*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Hic please w..wake up
Delice Goméz [FL]
See I am crying please console me like you always do whenever I am upset
Delice Goméz [FL]
please wake up na
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
*clench her hand in unconsciousness*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*Didn't notice that*
: Mam meeting time is over you have to go
Delice Goméz [FL]
O..Okay *wipes her tears*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*stand up and left*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*had a call*
Delice Goméz [FL]
huh it's from hospital *happy*
Delice Goméz [FL]
is she wake up
Delice Goméz [FL]
*happily pick up the call*
Doctor cheng
mam please come hospital
Delice Goméz [FL]
huh but what happened
Doctor cheng
please cooperate
Delice Goméz [FL]
okay I am coming *hang up*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*message Aria that she will not come Uni today*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*hurriedly left*
Nurse: *Taking out a dead body from Hena's room*
Doctor cheng
mam I am sorry she is d..dead
Delice Goméz [FL]
*phone slip from her hands making her eyes wide open*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*standing still making no movement*
Doctor cheng
She woke up at 5 and saying it's all bcoz of Salvatore
Doctor cheng
and saying the name of young master Israel Salvatore
Delice Goméz [FL]
*too shocked*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*ignore her and went to Hena's body*
Doctor cheng
and c..cut her wrist nerve
Delice Goméz [FL]
*heart shattered in millions of pieces*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*remove the white blanket from Hena's dead body*
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
*a smile was on her face and laying dead*
Doctor cheng
A..and mam we found a paper from their[Athena] ward
Delice Goméz [FL]
*take paper* hmm
Delice Goméz [FL]
*put it in her purse*
Delice Goméz [FL]
G..Grandma why you did this
Delice Goméz [FL]
wake up...I know you are acting
Delice Goméz [FL]
we are getting late for going to our house
Delice Goméz [FL]
wake up please
Doctor cheng
*feeling pity* (First her parents and now)
Delice Goméz [FL]
*tears were falling down on Hena's face*
Delice Goméz [FL]
please wake HIC up
Athena Goméz[FL Grandma]
: we have to take her for postmortem
Delice Goméz [FL]
Doctor cheng
*signal nurse*
then a nurse hold her and second nurse take Hena's body letting Delice struggling to get out of their grip
Delice Goméz [FL]
HIC LEAVE M..E *struggling badly*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*runs to that direction but falls*
Doctor cheng
Mam please *heart hurts after seeing her condition but composed herself*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Hic Grandma
Delice Goméz [FL]
you both also leaved me alone
Doctor cheng
*make her stand* Mam please
Doctor cheng
one day everyone had to go from this earth
Doctor cheng
*console her*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Doctor cheng
*left after that*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*standing aimless*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*look at him*
::: You are our Madam from now onwards *bows*
then many guards come there with gifts and bow
Delice Goméz [FL]
(Grandpa give me his all inheritance)
Delice Goméz [FL]
(but why you both leaved me also)
::: mam Sir told us that we have to take care of your from now onwards
Delice Goméz [FL]
*nods slowly*
::: so please come *lead her>
then she left on luxury cars with her Guards
Delice Goméz [FL]
*goes to her Grandparents room and locked herself*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*slide down the door and starts to cry*
outside everyone can hear her but can't do anything for that poor soul which had left alone by her loved once
Delice Goméz [FL]
*starts to read that paper*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*notice a tear drop and some blood on that paper*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*starts to crying* Grandma
the paper:::::
Dear You know when you was born our family was very happy 😊 you was as beautiful as your mom and as naughty as your father when you cry everyone felt very bad but when you smiles making us all smile ☺ when you were reading this I was not anymore on this planet earth whenever you miss me you can see the stars ⭐ in the dark sky ME, your grandpa, your father and mother is there but don't cry as we can't see you like that.......you know Don't ever cry on the same reason you cried before take care of your health and yourself
Delice Goméz [FL]
How can I control my tears
Delice Goméz [FL]
who will console me
Delice Goméz [FL]
*wipes her tears* if you want then I will not cry granny
Delice Goméz [FL]
Your this little girl is now grown up *chuckles with tears*
Delice Goméz [FL]
I know you all are always with me grandma, grandpa, papa and mumma
Delice Goméz [FL]
I will take revenge whoever hurted my family
Delice Goméz [FL]
if it was that fucking crush whom I was pursuing for last 5 years ❄️❄️ *eyes filled with anger*
Delice Goméz [FL]
"I Hate you" Israel Salvatore
Delice Goméz [FL]
from my core of the heart I hate you
Delice Goméz [FL]
*sleeps while thinking about her little family*
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
bye guys
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
from that day she was feeling alone and she can't even eat properly
If we talk about ML then:-
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*sitting in his class*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*lost in his own thoughts*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
(nowadays she is behaving abnormal)
Israel Salvatore[ML]
(she is also getting thin every Passing day.....ugh why I am thinking about that slut)
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*shrug off that thought but can't stop thinking about her*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*pale face*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*gather courage and tap on her shoulder*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*snaps out and look at her*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Did something happened....you are looking pale from the second day of our friendship
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
A...are you not ha...happy with me??
Delice Goméz [FL]
*shook her head* That
Delice Goméz [FL]
*clench fist and tell her grandparents' death ONLY*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
ohh I...I am really sorry 😔
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile and shook her head* It's okay
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
and what about today I stay at your house and enjoy with your family
Delice Goméz [FL]
That I am alone my parents died in an accident when I turned 7 years
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
I...that I a--
Delice Goméz [FL]
it's okay....it's not your fault *stand up*
Delice Goméz [FL]
I...I am going to washroom *smile and left*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*about to stop her*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*hurriedly left*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*also stands and runs behind her* Delice
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Delice Goméz [FL]
(granny I will not cry as you said don't ever cry again and again on same reason)
Delice Goméz [FL]
*can't control*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*tears flowing down continuously*
But she hear a voice which comes from her from inside
Delice Goméz [FL]
[ Delice dear don't cry for the same reason and why are you not take caring of your self huh]
Delice Goméz [FL]
*shocked and mumble* G...Grandma
Delice Goméz [FL]
[See we all are with you]
Delice Goméz [FL]
*put hand on her heart and smile*
Delice Goméz [FL]
(Okay Grandma)
Delice Goméz [FL]
(I will study well to make you all proud)
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile but flinched at the same time as someone knocked on washroom door*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Delice Goméz [FL]
*open the door after wiping her tears*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Oh s...sorry Aria
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*hug her tightly*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Don't do that again....and you are not alone see I am with you
Delice Goméz [FL]
*chuckles* Aria I just go to washroom why are you getting panick
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*broke hug*
Delice Goméz [FL]
Let me first wash my hands at least
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Oh sorry
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile* It's okay It's okay
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Let's go now
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
and don't do this again hmm
Delice Goméz [FL]
oh fo now let's gooo
Delice Goméz [FL]
You know that I brought lunch and I will not eat in Cafeteria (Bcoz I can't see his dirty face *disgust*)
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
oh okay then I will also eat with you....Can you share with me *raise eyebrow and look at her*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*drag her*
Delice Goméz [FL]
at least don't drag me
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Hey I am feeling hungry so walk fast
Delice Goméz [FL]
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*heard her laugh and look at them*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*feel gaze and look at him*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*make face and turn her face*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
😬🥶🙄(Like I will care)
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*leave her hand* Huff I am tired
Delice Goméz [FL]
I already said you that don't drag me
Delice Goméz [FL]
*said while walking*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*bumped in someone* Ahh *about to fall*
Cosmo Addison[??]
*hold her by her waist*
Delice Goméz [FL]
*look at him*
Cosmo Addison[??]
*look at her*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
*clench fist after looking at them*
Cosmo Addison[??]
Be careful
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*shocked after seeing him* Hey Cosmo...you here
Cosmo Addison[??]
huh Aria
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Long time no see
Delice Goméz [FL]
Delice Goméz [FL]
*still in his arms*
Israel Salvatore[ML]
(Why she is in his arms....Eww such a slut)
Delice Goméz [FL]
Cosmo Addison[??]
oh I...I am sorry
Delice Goméz [FL]
it's okay 😊
Cosmo Addison[??]
*smile* You are beautiful
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Hey you bish she is my bestie *pull Delice towards her*
Cosmo Addison[??]
I am sorry for her behavior
Delice Goméz [FL]
It's okay....You both talk I am going 😁
Delice Goméz [FL]
*smile and left*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Hey what are you doing here
Cosmo Addison[??]
*look back at Delice*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*notice and smirk* OH ho~~
Cosmo Addison[??]
ahem *look at her*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Love at first sight hmm mmm
Cosmo Addison[??]
Hey brat shut up
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
Hey brat I am just 4 years older 😌
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
🙄 Like I care
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
But who was she
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
She is my bestie
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
She is just like your soon to be aunt
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*shocked* What....you are getting married
Cosmo Addison[??]
😌 She is beautiful [Aria's soon to be aunt]
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
then show me her pic
But a beautiful woman come and hold Cosmo's ear
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*hold Cosmo's ear* What are you doing here...I searched for you everywhere huuh
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
oww oww Quinn please leave my ear
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*look at Quinn* Woow woow woow She is so much beautiful 😌
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
huh *look at her*
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*jealous* Are you here to talk to other girls *to Cosmo*
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
Are you jealous
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*hold his ear more tightly* SHUT UP!!
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Hey beautiful 😉 I am his sweet kind and beautiful Niece
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*eyes widens* What niece *hurriedly leave his ear*
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*bow* I...I am sorry
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
huh *look at Cosmo*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Hey uncle what you tell her about me
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
A scary, cold overprotective towards her Young,kind and handsome Uncle *smile*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
ohh *tight smile*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
YOU BASTARD *punch on his face*
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*flinch and look up*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
you damn uncle of mine *starts to beat him*
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*starts to enjoy the show*
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
Humph Bye I am going
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
and Aunt I am not scary, cold or whatever he said
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
bye *peck her cheeks and left*
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
You b..brat w..why you ouch *hold his back* kiss my soon to be wife's cheeks
Aria Gibson[FL BFF]
*already left*
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*hold his ear again*
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
You tell me a white lie so 😇
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
s..so *awkward sweating*
Quinn Weston [Aria's soon to be aunt]
*starts to scold him*
Cosmo Addison [Aria's young uncle]
Quinn's friend is the principal of the Uni so she comes here to invite her friend for engagement as well as marriage
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
Your dirty minded author 🌚🌚
bye guys
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