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ॐKARA ( Made for His Durga)

ML's side introduction ~

" प्यार , मोहब्बत और इश्क " ~ इन तीनों में क्या अंतर हैं । (pyar, mohabbat and ishq ~ what is the difference between these three)
" प्यार को पाने के लिए हमें कुछ खोना होता है और उस पर भी यह नहीं पता होता कि वो हमे मिलेगा या नहीं " ( To get love we have to lose something and we don't even know if we will get it or not.)
" मोहब्बत वो चीज है जिसे महसूस करना पड़ता है , पर इसमें भी जुदाई लिखी होती हैं । हां भले ही मोहब्बत प्यार से बड़ी होती हैं और ये जिंदगी भर हमारे दिल में रहती हैं पर वक्त के साथ ये भी कमजोर होती हैं " ( Love is something that has to be felt but separation is also written in it. Yes, even though mohabbat is bigger than love and it stays in our heart for life, but with time it also becomes weak.)
" और रही बात इश्क , तो ये वो सुरूर है जिसमें सिर्फ बढ़ना होता है , वक्त के साथ हमारे ज़हन में इश्क का खुमार बस बढ़ता जाता है ।" (And as far as ishq is concerned, it is that intoxication which only increases, with time the intoxication of Ishq just increases in our mind)
" इश्क में खोना या जुदाई नहीं इश्क में सिर्फ छीनना होता है । इश्क को छीन कर अपने ज़हन में छिपाना होता है जिससे कि वो सिर्फ आपका हो ।" ( There is no loss or separation in ishq , in ishq , one only has to snatch. Ishq has to be snatched and hidden in your heart so that it is only yours)
~ML side introduction~
Also known as " RANA SA " of whole Rajasthan the one and only hidden weapon of PRATAP'S. Age:- 27 Rules over the Russian, Italian and German Mafia. Staying away from his family because of enemies and some personal reasons. Cold hearted and a pure devil in his Mafia world, nobody knows about his Mafia work except his elder brother.
loves his family but due to some reason hate them too except his elder brother and his niece. "don't believe in love and family, always like to stay alone" that's his personality.
"OSMI PRATAP SINGH" (ML's twin sister)
the only princess of PRATAP'S. Age:- 27 the most lovable person in PRATAP family . loves her family so much but has a special corner in her heart for her brothers.An angel from outside but a complete devil from inside like her brother ( Omkara).
"SAKSHAM PRATAP SINGH" ML's elder brother
the elder son of PRATAP'S. Age:- 30 ( married ) handles the legal business of PRATAP'S A business man whose background is crystal clear. loves his family but had a special corner in his heart for his twin siblings (Osmi and Omkara).
also known as "MAHA RAJA SA" of Jaisalmer Age:- 54 A very strict person, loves his family but due to some reasons he has kept Omkara away from himself and his family. He adopted Saksham but loves him like his own son.
also known as " MAHA RANI SA " of Jaisalmer. Age:- 52 a sweet woman who loves her family but don't show it to the world.loves Saksham the most and then Osmi and Omkara.
"SUHANI PRATAP SINGH" ML's sister in law
a very kind woman just like janaki. Age:- 27 loves her family and husband too much.a buisness women too and helps saksham in business . An angel from outside but devil inside.
a bubbly and cute kid Age:- 5 loves her family but loves her Om chachu the most, because her dada loves him.HEART of the PRATAP'S , for their little princess they can do anything .
END of ML side introduction
Arzoo author ✨
Arzoo author ✨
जादू ए इश्क था , उसके साथ होने तक ~ वो मुसाफिर था बिछड़ गया, रात होने तक ~ वो कुछ इस कमाल से खेला था, इश्क की बाजी ~ मैं अपनी जीत समझता रहा, हर होने तक ~
Arzoo author ✨
Arzoo author ✨
Bye bye 👋🤗

Fl's side introduction ~

~Fl's side introduction~
the elder princess of MEWAR. Age:- 24 a very bubbly and non silent personality, and loves helping others because of her soft hearted nature loves her mother but hate her because of her greedy nature and loves her sister and father so much
a greedy women who wants to rule and have all the power Age:- 51 She loves only her throne and power, she has nothing to do with her family.married just for power only
king of Mewar Age:- 54 a very kind king, and loves his family the most Ready to do anything for his family a very honest man with soft hearted
a very soft hearted person who likes to talk.just like her sister Age :-22 loves her sister and father but hates gayatri due to some reason
Arzoo author ✨
Arzoo author ✨
हुए बदनाम मगर फिर भी , न सुधर पाए हम..... फिर वही शायरी , फिर वही इश्क , फिर वही तुम....
Arzoo author ✨
Arzoo author ✨
bye bye 👋🤗

episode 1~

in the street of Russia, a man who was very badly injured. He was shot in the chest and he was trying to save his life
unknown person
unknown person
*breathing heavily and groaning in pain*
unknown person
unknown person
f*cking sh*t ❄️🥶💢
That man went and sat at a place. But maybe it was written in his destiny that someone would come in his life today.
unknown person
unknown person
* sitting on ground with support of wall*
unknown person
unknown person
unngh 💢 *groan in pain and trying to stop bleeding*
unknown person
unknown person
huff 💨 *takes out his phone and dials a number*
A person from the other side picked up the call and said in a calm voice
unknown person
unknown person
Привет ❄️🥶📞 (hello)
unknown person
unknown person
huff 💨Я... в меня стреляли 💢❄️🥶📞( I got shot)
unknown person
unknown person
где ❄️🥶📞(where)
unknown person
unknown person
#### down street , come fast ❄️🥶💢 📞 * said while looking at his wound*
unknown person
unknown person
Roger that ❄️🥶📞 * said and hang up *
unknown person
unknown person
Huff 💨 * hand drops down and clenched his eyes*
The man was sitting there soaked in blood when he heard someone singing.
He started moving in the direction of that song, it was as if that voice was intoxicating him
Even in pain, his steps were moving towards that voice
unknown person
unknown person
*tilt his head and looked at the person singing*
There was a girl, she was drawing a picture while singing a song.
A diary, some papers and a colour box were kept near her. Only her eyes were visible because her long black thick hair was hiding her face.
unknown person
unknown person
* looking at her and heart beat fast 💖*
On one side the man's heart was beating fast and on the other side the girl was singing and painting in her own fun
unknown person
unknown person
*singing song and smiling softly*
music 🎶🎶
music 🎶🎶
Not support
unknown person
unknown person
* humming the tune softly*
unknown person
unknown person
* looking at her with a distance and feels unknown emotions* 💖
unknown person
unknown person
दिल चरखे की इक तू डोरी ~(2X) सूफी इसका रंग हाय ~ (You are the string of the spinning wheel of heart, O Sufi its color) इसमें जो तेरा ख्वाब पिरोया (2X)~ नींदे बनी पतंग ~ (Your dream which I strung in it, sleep became a kite) दिल भरता नहीं ~ आंखें रजती नहीं ~(2X) (My heart is not satisfied, my eyes are not silvery) चाहे कितना भी देखती जाऊं ~ वक्त जाए मैं रोक ना पाऊं ~ (No matter how much I watch, I cannot stop time from passing) * stop singing suddenly*
unknown person
unknown person
*continuously looking at her*
unknown person
unknown person
*feels someone's gaze and looked around*
unknown person
unknown person
*hide immediately*
unknown person
unknown person
* found no one so start singing again with soft smile*
unknown person
unknown person
तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा सोहनेया ~ तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ~ (You stay for a little while longer, Sohnia , you stay for a little more) तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ज़ालिमा ~ तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ~ ( You stay a little longer, cruel one, you stay a little longer)
unknown person
unknown person
*feeling her song from behind the wall*
unknown person
unknown person
* eyes closed and smile softly while holding his hand which got shot*
unknown person
unknown person
हाय दिन तेरे बिन अब जी ना पाए ~(2X) सांस ना लेती रात ~ इश्क करें मेरे होठों से ~(2X) बस इक तेरी बात ~ Oh, the day is no longer able to live without you, the night doesn't breathe, I love my lips, just a word about you) तेरी दूरी ना सहू ~ दूर खुद से रहूं ~(2X) तेरे पहलू में ही रह जाऊं ~ तू ही समझा जो मैं चाहूं ~ (I can't bear your distance, I want to stay away from myself, I want to stay by your side, only you can understand what I want)
unknown person
unknown person
तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा सोहनेया ~ तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ~ ( You stay a little longer Sohneya, you stay a little longer) * continue humming and singing while smiling softly*
unknown person
unknown person
*continue singing looking for the voice who is singing*
unknown person
unknown person
* continue singing from behind the wall *
Both together:-🎶🎶 ओ ~ नहीयो लगना , नहीयो लगना ~ तेरे बिन दिल मेरा ~(3X) ( No, I don't feel like this, my heart doesn't feel like this without you)
unknown person
unknown person
दिल मन्नते करे ना तू जा ना परे ~(2X) तेरे जाने से जी ना पाऊं ~ (My heart prays that you don't go away, I won't be able to live if you leave) * singing while eyes closed*
unknown person
unknown person
*lay on the grass and looked at sky while singing*
unknown person
unknown person
तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा सोहनेया ~ तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ~ तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा जालिमा ~ तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ~ (You stay a little longer Sonia, you stay a little longer, you stay a little longer Jalima, you stay a little longer)
unknown person
unknown person
* looked at the sky and continue singing*
unknown person
unknown person
तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा सोहनेया ~ तू थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ~(2X) (Wait a little longer Sonia, wait a little longer)
unknown person
unknown person
बस थोड़ी देर और ठहर जा ~ (Just wait a little longer) * sing the last line and looked at sky*
unknown person
unknown person
* feeling the cold breeze and looking at the sky 💖*
Arzoo author ✨
Arzoo author ✨
नजर करम मुझ पर इतना ना कर, कि मैं तेरी मोहब्बत के लिए बागी हो जाऊं~ मुझे इतना ना पीला इश्क - ए- जाम , की इश्क के जहर का आदी हो जाऊं~
Arzoo author ✨
Arzoo author ✨
(Don't be so kind to me that I become rebellious for your love, Don't make me drink so much of the love glass that I get addicted to the poison of love )
Arzoo author ✨
Arzoo author ✨
Bye bye 👋🤗

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