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Living In Two Worlds.

The beginning

My name is Jade Hunter a 14-year-old water princess. On the day of My coronation, I got transmigrated into another world.

The previous host of this body was a secret spy from country Ji and was sent on a mission to stop country Hua and country Ji from going into war. The previous hosts mission was to get in contact with Target 1 ' Adrian Bo ' who was the owner and founder of Blackbell military company and to recruit him before spies from country Hua do. To do that I need to find away to get in contact with the target which wasn't easy as he was the most influential and powerfulest man in the entire region. If I couldn't recruit him and get him to join forces I needed to get in contact with Target 2 ' Royce Silverman ' the best assassin and sniper man in the entire region. Age 15( which is very surprising) and Target 3 ' Anna Lisa ' successful human science experiment. She can read minds. Age 14.

And now that poor spy won't be able to complete her mission now that I have taken possession of her body. Now I have to find a way to get home, but it isn't as easy as I expected.

I was given a system ' Lisa ' who wasn't a floating cat or something but was actually a real person. Apparently if I wanted to go home I had to complete a mission for the system. And what was that mission? Complete the mission the former host left before her death.

" oh come on I didn't sign up for this" I whined slamming my hard on the table.

" well if you want to go home you have to complete the mission. Now as your system I am mandated to protect you and help you complete your mission an..aye watch were you are throwing your arms you almost spilled my coffee. Now this is the information you'll need" she said handing me a file. " after becoming a spy the former host got rid of her Identity card and went by the code name ' hunt'. she is the Best spy in country Ji and specialises in wearing masks and taking other people identity to complete her mission. This time she took up the identity of Jade Hunter t..."

" wait Jade Hunter ? That's me! How come she has the same name as me?" I exclaimed

" she is you in this world, now back to what I'm saying. she schools in vision art high which is the same school the son of Target 1 goes to. The agency in which you now work for has taking care of her so you need not worry. "

" what they killed her?!"

" no they bought her silence and took her to somewhere she'll never be found. She's probably enjoying her self. Well I was thinking why don't you become friends with Target 1 son and well maybe you'll be able to get in contact with Target 1"

chapter 2

And that is how I got myself here.

2 weeks later

School is starting tomorrow, so I have to get ready. I packed my bag, arranged my uniform and went to bed only that I didn't expect what happened the next day.

The next morning

Beep beep beep. Gosh, what was that sound. I got up annoyed and picked up my phone on the bed stool. I checked the time on my phone, it read 7:30. I stared at the phone confused, 7:30!?

The beeping continued, then it suddenly dawned on me. I ran to the window and just like I thought, it was the school bus honing Oh no, I overslept I ran to the bathroom and quickly showered, then I dressed up and ran downstairs, rushed out of the door only to see the school bus already leaving. All my efforts were for nothing, my skirt zip was down, my shirt wasn't buttoned, I was holding my shoe in my left hand and my bag in the other. My breakfast, a PJ sandwich was in my mouth and my hair was a bit messy.

I walked back inside and dressed up properly and headed for the bus station, only to see the bus leaving. I had missed another bus. I checked my watch,7:40, I had 20 minutes to get to school before classes start. The only problem is, without a vehicle I can't get there in 20 minutes.

I started running to school, that was until I tripped and broke my heels. I know you are wondering, why am I running with heels? But you see when you go to a school full of socialites, you have to dress to impress.

I removed my heels and walked to the nearest Shoe store to get a new one only to realize that I forgot my credit card!!

"Oh my gosh, what sort of bad luck is this?!" I exclaimed out loud

" Not only am I…" I checked my watch "10 minutes late for class I don't even have a shoe"

I knew I should have carried an extra shoe, but I was rushing this morning, so I literally forgot. I think I should head back home and forget about school today.

On my way home I was about crossing the road when suddenly out of no where a Lamborghini Urus came speeding almost knocking me down. The car came to halt and I marched up to the driver.

And what the driver said next made me lose it

" are you hurt miss" he asked innocently

" am I hurt?! Am I hurt?!! Are you crazy!! You almost killed me you psycho. Watch were your going you blind bat."

I was still a scolding the driver when the back window opened to expose a very handsome guy, blonde hair, green eyes,around 15-18 years staring out of the window.

"sorry but can you leave, we Are late,, and we need to go" he said.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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