Commander Daughter Is Busy Impressing Her Daddy
Chapter 1
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
Hello! Crazy Bishes of mine, Your crazy author is back~
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
If you are going to ask about my absence and previous new story getting deleted, You can check my post.
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
I'm here with Duke's Fake Daughter Season 2~
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
Once again, With a Daddy and Daughter Duo, Raise your hands DD Duo lovers~
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
Let's Get Started Darlings~
"Commander's Angel Daughter"
-It was a very famous novel on Internet in Russia, But the novel world took place in Japan, Since Author was a Japanese-
-Story revolves around a pink haired girl named Momo, How she suffers by the hands of her family till the age of 12 and gets adopted by the Army commander Jun Sojiro Keiji, When Jun father brings in Momo inside the mansion, Finally the little girl finds her happiness and starts living her life peacefully-
-On other hand, The extra character, The illegitimate daughter of Commander, Blonde haired Mio Sojiro Keiji! Who was born from his mistress forceful evil plan, The illegitimate daughter was unacceptable for commander, Every time he looked at her, He was reminded of his evil mistress and her betrayal, Jun ignored his own blood all his life while loving some other child that was not even his own blood-
-Seeing the unfairness of her father and grandfather, Being punished for the sin, She never did, She starts hating and getting jealous of the female lead, Who start receiving love from both of the male leads, Who were best friends of Mio! Even the villain, Son of Mafia King get obsessed with Female lead and give threats to Mio-
-On Her 12th bday truth comes out, Female lead being the real daughter of Commander! When the mistress comes and announces, Mio loses her mind and tries to kill Momo but ends up killed by the hands of Jun in end-
Mona Lisa (FL Past Life)
Oh! My Mio! This world Is too cruel to you, I pray these all jerks dies in place of yours.
Mona Lisa (FL Past Life)
I don't care about anyone but an extra character like you.
Mona Lisa (FL Past Life)
Don't ask me, Why? I don't want to tell, I don't even want to look in mirror. *Sobbing*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Because I become the same illegitimate extra Mio! *Sobs*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
I hate my blonde hairs, Why my hairs are blonde colored?
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
It was my dream to come to Japan but I no longer care.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
I don't want to be Mio, Someone call me Momo!
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Why did I end up in Mio body, Specially at the time when she visits those two Devils.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
I'm in Japan, Inside Tokyo right now, My favorite place.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
At the same time cursed and hateful place too for me.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Before anyone comes and see me, I need to leave.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
I will color my hairs pink, Who knows I might become lucky-
Lorenzo Asher (FL Dad Assistant)
A kid? What is a kid doing in front of Keiji Mansion?
Lorenzo Asher (FL Dad Assistant)
*looks coldly at her up and down for a while and speaks*
Lorenzo Asher (FL Dad Assistant)
You must be around five?
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Solly! Uncle! I just got lost, I will go now back to mama-
Lorenzo Asher (FL Dad Assistant)
Wait! Wait! You look similar to Master Jun! *Grabs her hand*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(What the hell bish! Stawp! Don't drag me inside now-)
Lorenzo Asher (FL Dad Assistant)
Your emerald eyes are just like Master Jun and Akira!
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(So what, Jerk! They aren't the only one with such eyes, Other people exist too.)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Why I have to possess Mio at such time of all the times?)
Lorenzo Asher (FL Dad Assistant)
Let's take you to Grand Master! Since he is home.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Eh! Grand Master, Take you to home, No-) *Gets lifted*
Chapter 2
-Keiji Mansion was built as traditional type long ago by the great grandfather of Akira! Later when Akira become the successor, He made changes inside and outside the mansion with his great creativity, Keeping the death respect by balancing the features of traditional type in modern Mansion, Now this mansion has both features of Traditional and modern balanced, In other words, Half of the mansion is Morden and half is traditional-
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Rover! What's with the commotion outside? ❄❄
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
*Troubled looking at Mio then at gym room opened door*
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
Ah! Well, The thing is, Grand Master! You have a guest...
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(It's not guest bish, You people dragged me inside and now pushing me to monster Den! Die Single!)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
(Ah! This kid is exact copy of Master Jun! Leaving out her blonde hairs, What a disaster!)
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Guest? At this time of day? Do you want me to kick your àss?
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Bring in this guest, I shall see, Who got such guts? *intimidating voice*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(H-He is already pissed enough to blast a continent.)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
Understood! Grand Master!
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
*Gently Pushes Mio Back and pushes her in Gym room*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Stawp! I don't want to get inside the room-) *Already in*
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
*Busy doing bench press and lifts head to look* So, Bastard-
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
*Sits up coldly and takes out cigarette and smokes* So~
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
*Death glare at Mio* Why a kid is inside this mansion?
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
-Because This man is Akira Sojiro Keiji, The Fleet Admiral, Despite being old, His strength is same as a young man, Same goes for his looks, Ladies are still trying their chance on this old man, He wanted his son to become Navy soldier, but his son choose to become army soldier and climbed to the rank of Commander, Both father and son are bloodthirsty monsters and hate kids, Children's are banned inside this mansion, Kids topic is taboo for Keiji Mansion, Goodbye World-
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Hmm! *looks at the wet floor and travel his gaze*
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Huh? Did you just piss your pants? ❄❄❄
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Piss?? How rude! Even If I'm a five year old, I don't piss my pants, You àsshole Old man-)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(My dignity just crumbled to ground, I wet my pants.)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Rover! Throw this brat out right now, Before I kill her 💢
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
Little Lady! Don't cry! I will ask Jaee to change your clothes.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(That's even more humiliating for me, You jerks! Go Die!)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Throw her out! My ears will start to bleed 💢💢
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
No matter how much one look, She looks like your granddaughter, Grand Master!
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
*Picks Mio Up* Are you sure, You want to kick her out?
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
I don't care, Throw her out, It must be a trap from enemy.
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Jerk! From which angle, A five-year-old kid looks a trap to you.) *Shooting Glare*
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
Roven! You called me, I heard from maids?
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
Yes! Take this little lady and change her clothes.
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
*Blink eyes and looks at Mio*
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
Is she master Jun daughter?
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Just how much of a copy mio is of Jun, For his people to recognize this easily.)
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
*Takes her from Roven* Let's go! My Little Lady! *Smiles*
Chapter 3
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
Here have this juice, It's not that cold. *Smiles warmly*
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
But Miss you have such great taste in clothes, I can't recognize myself, It's Cool-
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
That's because I'm a former model, Who quit 7 years ago.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Ehhh! Model? You were model then why such job?
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
Just some personal reasons, Nothing else! And I bet, It's you who is so cute.
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
That is making this outfit look amazing. *Winks at her*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(She sure is fast to go and buy these clothes and come back to change my clothes.)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(But wait, I need to leave this place quickly, No matter how tempting it is.) *Sobbing*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Nice Miss! I need to leave now, My mama must be looking for me. *Waves hand*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Looking for my ass! She must be lying drunk.) *Walks*
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
Hmm! *follows her* My Lady! Who said, You can leave?
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
*About to enter the hall but stops*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Eh! *Eye twitching* What do you mean, Miss-
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
You are master daughter, Without discussing with him, We can't let you go. *Cold*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Ah! The exit door is there, I need to leave quickly-)
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
*Entered the Mansion five mins ago and staring at ground* Enzo! Who let the cat inside? ❄❄❄
Enzo Asher (FL &FL Dad Bodyguard)
Cat?? *Gets close to him and looks at ground*
Enzo Asher (FL &FL Dad Bodyguard)
No matter how much I look closely, It's not cat but a kid footstep-
Enzo Asher (FL &FL Dad Bodyguard)
Enzo Asher (FL &FL Dad Bodyguard)
*Gaze falls on Jun face and covers his mouth quickly*
Enzo Asher (FL &FL Dad Bodyguard)
Oh! Yeah! It's a cat-
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
*Passes by him coldly and quickly entered the hall*
Enzo Asher (FL &FL Dad Bodyguard)
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
Master Jun is back, Everyone stand in line quickly! ❄❄
Jaee Viorel (FL Nanny/Head Maid)
Little Lady! Wait here, I will talk to you later-
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
*falls back on floor * It hurts! *looks up and pauses in fear*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Who allowed a brat like her inside my territory so boldly?
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Did you all got a new master, That you forgot the rules of this mansion? ❄❄❄
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Who got the Audacity, The nerve to allow her inside in my absence? Answer me, Fast!
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
*Fingers trembling on floor*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Crap! My legs are giving up in front of him.) *Stares*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(It can't be helped, This body is of a small kid.) *Gulps*
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
I said, Bring me the person, Who allowed this brat and throw her out, Right Now-
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
She is your daughter, Master Jun! Can't you see the resemblance? *Steps up*
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Stawp! Who asked you to be this direct? Just stop!)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Die alone! If you want to die, Don't add me in!!) *Gets Up*
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Rover! Did Dad put you to entertain me with your jokes?
Rover Blodwyn (Butler)
I'm being serious, She is your daughter, Look at her very-
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Step aside and throw this kid out, Before I start war here.
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Yeah! Just throw me out, Everything will be fine.) *runs*
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Hmm! *looks at her and narrow eyes* (Blonde hairs?)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
I changed my mind just now, You are coming with me, Brat!
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(T-T-Third Degree Torture Room for a five year old kid?)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(Are these people even in their right minds?)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
(You sure author, They didn't run away from mental hospital, YOU SURE??)
Jun Sojiro Keiji (FL Dad/M.Commander)
*Wearing Gloves* Now we~
Akira Sojiro Keiji(FL Grandpa/F.Admiral)
*Wearing Gloves* Shall start~
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
Mio Sojiro Keiji (FL/NL Extra/Jun Kid)
<I forgot to mention, They are talking in Japanese>
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
I didn't expected so much love on my return, And for you guys to quickly show up on very first day ⚘⚘
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
Thank you so much for waiting for me ⚘⚘
🎴Your Crazy Pervert Author🎴
I will soon reply to all comments ⚘~(´ε` )
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