The trio watched the first years get sorted into their houses.
”Remember when that was us? We were all nervous to not be put in Slytherin? Ron said as he faced Harry and Hermione.
“Yeah I do said Hermione.” Giggiling at Ron and Harry was too.
“Dumbledore better say we can eat soon or I think I’ll die of starvation.” Ron mumbled as he looked at his empty plate.
As the final names and houses were called Dumbledore starting his speech.
” I have faith that all of the new first years will be incredible at hogwarts. For all the rest of you, your magic skills will keep on growing.
”Stop yapping old man and let us eat already.” Ron said still eyeing his plate. Harry and Hermione starting giggling until they saw McGonagall staring at them.
“The feast shall begin!” Dumbledore said as Ron immediately starting stuffing food on his plate like he hadn’t eaten in a week.
”You’re not seriously going to eat all of that.” Hermione said while looking at the eight chicken drumsticks on his plate.
”Well yeah, why do you think I put it there?” He said as Hermione and Ron starting laughing.
Harry starting laughing too, not to feel left out.
“It’s a trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow, are you coming Harry?”
“No. I didn’t get my uncle to sighn my form.” Harry said sounding a bit disappointed.
”We don’t need him. We could always…force the signature.” Ron said while stuffing chicken into his mouth.
Hermione turned to Ron. “No we are not doing that!”
”Well what do you think Harry.” Ron said after swallowing his food.
”I mean, it couldn’t hurt.” Harry said not daring to make eye contact with Hermione.
Ron grinned as Hermione spoke again,
”You two are doing that by yourselfs.”
“Who said we needed you anyway.” Ron said smirking as Hermione rolled her eyes. It was then Dumbledore ordered us to go to our dorms.
As Harry, Ron and Hermione were waking to the common room Hermione was still saying how it was not a good idea to force a signature. Harry was listening to her but Ron was thinking that he should of brought some food to the dormitories.
”Ron!” Ron turned his face quickly to look at Hermione.
“Are you even listening?” Ron nodded confidently. “Then what was I just saying?”
”Erm… were you yapping about why we shouldn’t force a signature.” Ron said awkwardly smiling at her.
”I mean um-“ The fat lady spoke,
”Password?” Harry then said,
”We’ve been here for five years surely you should know that we are in this house!” The fat lady shook her head,
”I cannot let you in without the password.”
The three glared at her and wandered around the castle to find someone in Gryffindor to tell them the password. They then stumbled upon Mrs McGonagall.
“Erm Mrs McGonagall.” Ron said as McGonagall turned around.
”We don’t have the password to enter the griffindor common room.”
McGonagall sighed and said,” It is butterbeer. Now hurry off to bed you three, it’s getting late.”
They thanked her and made it to the Gryffindor common room.
”You should really go to bed. You will be too tired to even go to Hogsmeade.” Hermione said insistently.
The boys brushed it off and sat down on two chairs and a table. Hermione sighed and wandered off to her dorm.
”Pass me the form.” Ron said while getting a quill out. Harry passed it to him as Ron began writing. Harry watched him and looked at his face and found himself…blushing?! Harry felt like he couldn’t take his eyes off of Ron, but managed to look away as Ron took the quill off the paper.
“You alright Harry? Your face is a bit…red.” Ron said as he handed Harry the form.
”Yeah I’m fine, I think it’s just hot in here.” Harry said as he put the form in his bag and started to walk away.
What had gotten into him?
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