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The Girl With Hopeless Knight


Welcome to Valemnia, where a war between its citizens and demons have been ongoing for more than hundreds of years. It's the world where in people blessed with different 'magical' abilities are united to combat the dark force that tries to endlessly take control. But never once were they truly defeated. The struggle between the two opposing forces continues.

Now, welcome to Celeste de costa Academy, a prestigious institution built for training it's students to become valiant knights to defend the world. How would you want to meet the circle of the top twelve students who are considered to be the most powerful

of their generation?

For Valeriana Kerrigan, it's hell. Because there's only one problem.

She's the only human.

"There is a man who would give his life to keep a life you love beside you."

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities


Boston, Massachusetts

2 years earlier

The night was how it should be. Other than having to do more work than Janus had originally intended to, and having some coffee dumped on his favorite shirt by one of his colleagues, the day had gone by without a hitch.

He had just come back from yet another one of his 'out-of-the-office' assignments, as he liked to call it, only to find his table in an unorganized state-as usual. Thus, he chose to start clearing up his table before getting to the mountain pile of workload awaiting him.

He was just beginning to sort through some meager papers when his co-worker came in and handed him an envelope.

"I came for you a while ago."

Said the man.

He nodded in appreciation and reached for the item, examining it on both sides.

In exception for his name

written in elegant strokes, there wasn't anything else.

A mysterious letter from an anonymous sender, now this was interesting. If only it wasn't too cliché, he would've been feeling excited. These kinds of letters were very common in his line of job, at least, for him.

Janus removed the glasses sitting atop his nose, letting it lean on its square frames beside his elbow as he firmly pinched the sides of the envelop. There was nothing uncommon about it, really. He raised his glasses and cleaned the lenses before putting it back on.

He took the letter opener idly waiting for the chance to be used once again from his pencil holder and cut through the closed flaps. Calmly, he took out the letter it came with, and read the contents.

“I found you.”

He then frowned, feeling a rush of unknown fear that made his toes curl. It left a bitter taste in his mouth and wrinkles between his brows.

What was this?

He stood up and called over to the man who gave him the letter, "Daniel!" his voice echoed.

Dull, brown eyes looked his way and

blackened lips curled up in distaste.

"What?" Daniel answered grumpily, annoyance flashing in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but can you tell me where did this letter come from?"

Daniel's eyes flashed. "No one." He answered, before finally going back to focus on his current task.

Janus's eyes found their way to the recently published newspaper


It said.

He had inspected the scene himself, given his line of profession, and what he saw was a familiar pattern of killing he had learned to recognize. He had never before seen such a grotesque way of murder, at least... not since he last came to live in Boston.

Several photos were taken. The crime scenes were flooded with the victims'

blood-messages written in crimson.

Worcester was the first murder site; the message was “The police were baffled by it, wondering what in the world it had meant. The autopsy report said that a foreign substance was most likely the cause of the person's death--black and somewhat viscous-like in consistency. The body was then defiled afterwards for no reason plausible. There seemed to have been no weapons used, and no solid trace or evidence left behind to leave a decent clue.

But Janus had one.

After two days, Framingham came next with, 'Have'. The victim was found to have been... dried up. It seemed as though there were no specific targets, but it had been too early to say so. There were no similarities between the first and second victim--at least, not anything that could be noticed so easily.

And once again, after two days, Newton ‘Finally' had a message to deliver.

He took the gruesome photos and pieced them together.

“I have finally--”

A chill ran down his back as he shakily took the letter given to him by his co-worker and placed it beside the photos.



Prologue end.......

Chapter 1


Still Boston,

Present day

Monday morning with no classes were like heaven and bliss. Valeriana wanted to sink deeper into the warm comfort of her bed and dream some more but her body would simply not comply. It was programmed to wake up early in the morning, leaving her with no choice but to rise from her bed and do her morning routine.

As she faced the sink to brush her teeth, she gazed at the mirror, unseeing at the note she taped to the mirror.

‘Xandra's flight. 10:00 am.’

Her mind was still too drowsy to comprehend what it meant as she squeezed the toothpaste onto the brush. It was only after she started gurgling to wash off the foam from her mouth did she realize.

Her eyes shot wide and she spat out the water, wiping off her chin with the sleeve of her pajamas.

"What time is it!?" She gasped, rushing to her closet to throw in whatever she could find. As she put on a white shirt, she fumbled with her phone.

"Why didn't I hear this thing going off ..."

It displayed the alarm being shut off around seven thirty, followed by the next alarm she set five minutes later and the next two five minutes after that.


It was three minutes past nine, barely any time to do any real preparation.

She snatched her favorite pair of sneakers from the shoe rack and slung her duffel bag over her shoulder. She then rushed to get downstairs. After finally graduating high school last week, her best friend Xandra would be leaving. It would not just be for a short period of a few weeks or months. It could span for years. Given that this would be their last chance of being together, she could not afford to be late.

"Mom! I'm going out!" she exclaimed, turning to head for the door.

"Valery!" her mother yelled back. "What about breakfast?! Come back here, young lady!"

Sighing, she slouched and trudged towards the dining room, with an eye roll.

She paused in the doorway, quirking a brow at her thirteen-year-old, younger brother who was squeezing out half of the maple syrup on his pancakes until it practically swam in the mixture.

Jareth had a fast metabolism and was an addict for sweets. In fact, Valeriana consideredsending him to rehab at the severity.

She went over to her mother and bent down to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning." Valeriana greeted. Her eyes darted to the door momentarily and she resisted the urge to dash out of it. "Mom, I'm kinda running late. I have to meet Xan at the airport. at TEN AM. They leave today, remember?"

"Well, good morning to you too," Lily answered, flipping to the next page of the newspaper. "It's nine-fifteen."

“Exactly!" she said.

"There's still plenty of time. Sit down and eat."


"Eat." she sternly said. "What time is her flight?"

"They'll be there at ten. Her flight's at one in the afternoon."

"Just eat your breakfast. Then you can go."

Given no choice, she complied. If she disobeyed, her mother might not let her go at all. Though, she wasn't that cruel. The woman was quite fond of Xandra herself. Not to mention, she and Xandra's mom were best buddies. If it weren't for work, she would probably tag along.

She passed by her brother and smacked him on the back of his head. "That's too much sugar, idiot."

"It's so early in the morning and you're already calling me an idiot" He rubbed the back of his head, mussing his ginger-brown hair. He then resumed nibbling on his food while hiding his grass-green eyes behind squinted lids. Considering he had fish-belly white skin, it was sure to leave a mark.

Taking her place in front of the table, she forked a single pancake and tossed it into her plate.

"Being an idiot doesn't stop," she commented, glaring at him from the corner of her eyes. She took a slice of the butter and dumped it on her plate. "It surely doesn't come around after breakfast."

"If I'm too much in sugar, you're too much in butter."

He huffed. "That's why you're a fat pig."

Valeriana gasped and bit her lip in annoyance before leaning over to smack his arm. "I'm no pig! And I'm not fat!"

She watched her brother wince. She gave the bottle of maple syrup a glance but did not reach for it and started spreading the melting butter over the warm pancake.

"Yeah." His tone had been joking. "Keep telling that to yourself," Jareth told her.

"You don't know what too much sugar does to your brain. Why don't you stop eating too many sweets and take a closer look?"

"Geez. You're too serious." He shoved a big, dripping slice of pancake in his mouth.

"And you're so immature," she argued, cutting off a small piece and chewing on it.

"And you think you aren't?" he mumbled through a full mouth.

"Valeriana, the longer you bicker with your brother, the longer you'll stay," their mother said, flipping the newspaper to the next page. There was a hint of amusement in her eyes and a light smile on her lips.

"Mm-hmm," she replied, stuffing her mouth and swallowing unceasingly.

She reached for the glass of water beside her and drank, washing down the food she almost had stuck in her throat. With a clean plate before her, she stood from her seat and began heading out.

She waved. "I'm off! Bye, people!"

Valeriana kissed the tip of her fingers and brushed it against the portrait of a man on the wall just beside the door frame, flipping back her honey-golden hair and admiring his image for a moment with her azure blue eyes. "Bye, dad."


Chapter 1 end.....

Chapter 2

"Humans are far too oblivious to be able to see farther than their own skies."


Boston shined in its usual alacrity. Valeriana inhaled the damp morning air through her nose. There was that mild scent of pollution with the crisp smell of the nearby ocean.

She brushed the hair out of her eyes and pulled her arms close to her chest. It was so crowded that she could not avoid brushing shoulders with people as she hurried down the street.

Her phone started vibrating, the Over the Horizon soundtrack playing in chorus with the blaring traffic. She fished it out of her pocket and slid her finger across the answer button.


An enthusiastic voice echoed from the other side of the line. "Val!" Xandraiee exclaimed. "Where are you?"

She stopped at the taxi stand with the phone against her ear, waving her hand out to hail a cab.

"I'm really sorry, Xaniee," she muttered. "I got held up by mom. Said that I should have a proper breakfast and all, ya know. But, I'm grabbing a cab, right now."

"Yeah, well... I'm waiting out here so get your butt over quickly."

Valeriana bit back a laugh. "I'll be there in a jiffy."

As she stood on the tip of her toes and continued hailing, a man's body collided with hers-the impact of which pushed her off-balance and to the ground. The clash was quickly followed by a rapid yank on her shoulder.

With a squeak, her phone slipped off her fingers and skid to the pavement.

She feared scratching or cracking the screen so she picked it up in a hurry.

"Watch where the hell you're going!" she screamed at him before taking a few moments to stand. Valeriana dusted off her jeans before realizing that something was not quite right. There was lack of weight on her shoulder.

"Holy-my bag!" she exclaimed, stunned for a moment. She then threw all hesitations aside and dashed after the thief with a slight stumble. Valeriana cursed. "Give that back!" she yelled as she raced forward.

She trained her eyes on the man dressed in a grey jacket and denim jeans, wearing a red cap. Of all the days that she could have her bag get stolen!

She brushed past against other people who regarded her with curious gazes. "Thief!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

No one seemed to care. Damn these people and their feigned indifference.

A voice blared at the other end of the phone. "Valeriana? Val! Shiznits! Are you okay?"

The call wasn't cut just yet. Struggling a bit, she held it up against her ear. "My bag! That stupid thief is getting away and—"

"Hold up your horses a second! Your bag was stolen?"

"You watch where you're going" she yelled back at the man who threw his hands in the air in disbelief.

Trying to keep up her pace, she focused on her breathing. It hadn't lasted longer than two minutes, but the physical exertion had Valeriana slowing down. Her legs began feeling heavy and her knees sore. She stumbled a couple of times along the way.

"You are so not getting away from me, bastard! You do not piss off a Kerrigan." Her voice was a low whisper as it trembled with anger. She could not to raise her voice since she was trying to take in as much oxygen as she could.

Eventually she felt herself slowing down bit by bit until she felt that she could no longer go on. Her feet grew tired before twisting and tripping over each other, causing her to fall forward and land flat on her face.

She inhaled sharply.


Grunting in agony, she stood from the ground and cradled her nose. She wanted to run forward, but her knees quivered and were unable to support her weight. She could only watch as the culprit disappeared from her line of view.

I hate him. She thought, anger and frustration boiling inside her. She cursed him and imagined herself impaling him and draining every last drop of blood he had. It was a little bit sadistic, but her mind worked wonders whenever she felt angered.

"Damn it," she said under her breath, her lips tight.

She rubbed her hands against her rear end and twisted around aimlessly, trying to pinpoint her location. "Crap," she groaned. "I hate this."

There was an insanely loud bark followed by a snarl from somewhere nearby that she jumped out of her skin at the sound.

It sawed on her nerves like nails scratching on a chalkboard, along with an ominous feeling that made chill bumps appear on her skin. She grimaced and rubbed the back of her neck.

Great, I must've hit my head. She thought and started finding her way out of the abandoned alley.

The wind picked up, bringing her hair to dance along. Her heart rate increased and a knot formed in her stomach.

She caught a dark figure appear from the top of the building from her peripheral vision. She looked up in alert but saw nothing.

A sharp sound; metal against metal, bounced off the walls.

Shucks. Where am I? What part of the city is this?

She searched her surroundings and was able to catch sight of two figures from a distance.

Valeriana squinted, trying to make out the far image of the three bodies that looked as if they were battling each other on the rooftop. It took a short while, and she continued to watch. Her brain tried to assess the danger, although her instincts were already telling her to run.

Two shadows and another figure mostly of blue.

Valeriana continued to watch them, entranced.

Faded growls, clangs, and grunts filled the air.

What exactly is happening?

At long last, one of them fell and landed in front of her, making her scream and back away. The two other figures continued battling against one another.

Valeriana took a step back and stared at the wolf with black fur. Its teeth were bared and wounds decorated its skin. Its coat was caked in blood and grime. Patches of fur absent, showing the pink flesh underneath. She gawked at it in horror as it lifted its lids to reveal a set of blood-red eyes. It pulled itself on its hind legs, slowly and dauntingly.

The beast advanced towards her, its eyes full of evil intent while preparing to pounce.

"G-good, doggy." She cooed, but all she was given was a skin-crawling growl. "Or not."

The wolf started salivating before it snarled at her. It leaped towards Valeriana.

"Holy mother of—"

The sight of it opening its mouth and its long, sharp claws extending towards her made her heart practically jump to her throat. Luckily though, she managed to dodge it with a scream, colliding with the rough pavement as a result.

She scrambled to get away until her back hit the wall.

It stalked towards her. Valeriana's eyes remained in contact with it, wide in disbelief and fear. Her hands patted the ground next to her, desperate for anything she could use against the strange beast.

There was nothing.

"Crap! Please let there be something."

Her fingers trembled as her blood pulsed through her veins, fueling her with adrenalin.


Her eyes frantically searched her surroundings until she caught sight of a rusting, metal pipe leaning against the wall a few steps away from her. She could reach it from where she sat if she lunged for it, but considering the distance, she wouldn't be able to get her hands on it before the beast got to her.

"I'm gonna die anyway," she muttered to herself before throwing herself towards the only makeshift weapon she saw.

The beast dove for her.

She dared hope she was going to make it for a split second when it got her and trapped her with its furry body. She felt its teeth graze the skin of her left leg, tearing through her pants. Valeriana hissed, pulling back her feet and kicking the creature-as many times as it took until it backed down. It released a pained, dog-like whimper as it was thrown off.

"Get away from me, you savage beast!" she hollered.

It snarled in anger at her while Valeriana took the time to reach for the rusting pipe. "I almost ha

The wolf snapped its jaws around her foot, its narrow-edged fangs punching holes through her shoes. It tightened its hold around her and pulled her back.

"I said-aaagh!" Sharp teeth penetrated the first few layers of her skin, causing pain to shoot up her leg.

She desperately reached out for the pipe, but her fingertips wouldn't come in contact with it. Feeling hopeless, she grabbed a small rock she managed to grope and hurled it towards the wolf. It hit the beast on the nose, causing it to momentarily be stunned.

Wasting no time, she laid hands on the weapon. She preyed on the beast's current state and pulled herself to her feet. It took a few moments to realize that the foot it got was bleeding. Its sharp teeth had torn holes through the fabric. Her sneakers were destroyed.

"These are my favorite shoes! Dumb dog!" she yelled.

She limped, holding the pipe in front of her defensively. The wolf shook its big head and turned towards her, baring its teeth.

"Oh yeah, come at me now, you mangy mutt. Let's see who's boss." Her hair came loose from the ponytail, her bangs falling free and covering her line of vision. She absentmindedly blew at them, keeping her eyes trained on her assailant.

The beast leapt for her without hesitation. Valeriana blocked its teeth with the pipe, letting it gnaw on the piece of metal as they both fell. The girl landed on her back, the wolf's heavy body on top of her.

She could see the inside of its mouth and felt nothing more than revulsion as it salivated. She huffed, her face twisting in disgust.

"God, you have some breath."

Its mouth and felt nothing more than revulsion as it salivated. She huffed, her face twisting in disgust.

"God, you have some breath."

It swiped its paws at her. Valeriana tried to push it away from her but its weight and

strength proved to be hard to fight against.

"Ow! Ouch!"

Its sharp nails scratched her chin and tore the sleeves of her clothes.

'Wretched human.'

She blinked and looked at the wolf with wide eyes. "What in the—"

A soft thump echoed in her ear and a lady landed behind the wolf, a double-edged sword in her hands. "Demon!" said the woman.

The beast jumped and readdressed its gaze to the lady, growling threateningly at her. Valeriana sighed in relief when the demon got off her to face the woman.

She clamored to stand, her weakened knees an obstacle to her endeavor.

The strange woman seemed shocked at the sight of her. "You-" They stared at each other for a few seconds until the wolf growled, which made the both of them snap back to reality.

"Stay back." The woman narrowed her eyes as she said this.

"You don't have to tell me that," Valeriana replied, backing off with a limp.

She clutched the bracelet that her father had given her during her fifth birthday. It held a sentimental value to her and was one of the most treasured possessions she had. Unwittingly, she was twisting it around her wrist, a mannerism she developed over the years when she tried to find comfort while in a nerve-wracking situation.

Valeriana attempted to back off and sneak away while the demon was busy, but the lady was quick to act. She stopped her before she could even do the disappearing act.

"Stay where you are!" she commanded.

The wolf pounced. Its teeth

managed to graze the woman's royal blue coat, while its claws tore at the shoulder pads. Grunting, she threw the demon off of her and tugged briefly on the high lapel, frowning at the loose buttons and the stained cravat.

"Are you really saying that? Usually they'll be saying run than stay!" she exclaimed.

Valeriana took notice of the weird uniform, feeling her brows pucker at the strange sight. Of course, nothing was stranger than seeing a strangely dressed woman and a demonic beast fighting. It looked like something out of a medieval fantasy game.

The lady's movements were a dangerous flurry of incessant attacks that appeared as a blur.

The stranger brought her sword down speedily, letting it slice through the air with a whistle. The demon showed resistance at first and managed to fully evade her first attempt, but she was able to land a strike the second time she struck. The beast backed away, wounded.

She swung towards it again. Her weapon cut the beast in half, causing it to completely erupt into flames. Valeriana struggled to breathe as the creature released a tormented roar as it slowly vanished; golden embers carried away by the wind.

As it burned and was reduced to nothingness, the lady pointed the tip of her blade straight to Valeriana's neck. Her eyes were sharp and cautious as she gave Valeriana a once over, her chest heaving. The tension and feeling of boding evil in the atmosphere dissipated as soon as the beast was gone.

"Who are you? I do not recognize you as a colleague." Her breathing was labored and beads of sweat dotted her forehead.

Valeriana gazed at the sharp tip of the sword, down to the graceful curve of its blade. The well-polished metal reflected the light in such a manner that it was blinding. It was definitely a real sword. There was no denying it. She then moved her gaze to the hilt. The lady's hold on it was firm, her fingers wound around her weapon with confidence.

She faced the stranger with narrowed eyes. "Oh, I am not a colleague of yours alright. I don't know what freaky business this is but I don't want to be a part of it." She noticed the gleam of the blade as it reflected the light of the sun.

"You haven't answered my question."

"I just ended up here by accident." She hissed as she cradled her left arm.

I wonder what mom will do if I go home like this.

"Don't tell me you are ... human?"

Vera looked in front of her and said.

"Like, duh, I'm obviously not that demon," she replied sarcastically, wondering why she was asking her these questions.

"Impossible," the lady paused, putting her weapon away. "A human cannot hear and see demons. Who are you?"

"Alien" She said.

The woman just looked at her and said, "I don't understand what you're saying, lady."

"I said I'm human"

Even though it's obvious....

Only then did she realize how tired she was. The rush of adrenalin was fading.

When the woman did not answer, Valeriana crossed her arms. "Can I go now? I have some business to do and I sure don't want to get rabies. These wounds aren't going to heal themselves."

She walked towards Valeriana in a manner as though she was approaching a wild animal. "Wait. I apologize for my rudeness. I did not expect ... let me help you."

The girl put up her guard.

"First, you point that sword at me, and now this?"

"Let me see your wounds," she said. "Unless you want to die."

It wasn't as though she had a choice.

The woman pulled off her gloves and lowered herself to take Valeriana's foot out of her shoe. She flinched as she felt a small sting erupt as the lady's fingers came in contact with her wounds.

"It's nothing major. Mild injury. It should heal in a few days." The lady hastily searched one of her pockets and opened a vial of a green liquid. "Drink this."


"Drink it." She opened the thing and practically shoved it down the girl's throat.

Valeriana almost choked as she swallowed

the unknown liquid, gagging as the taste exploded in her mouth. "That tastes awful. Are you trying to kill me?"

"It is needed to neutralize the poison inside your body. I'm actually saving your life," she answered. "I can stop the bleeding, but can stop the bleeding, but that's all I can do. You must heal on your own."

She took out a bottle from her pocket before massaging the wound with the concoction she had with her. Valeriana was nervous seeing her do what she did seeing as she did not trust oil soaked leaves being rubbed on her flesh.

"Okay, that is so weird. What is that?"

"As much as I hate involving people who absolutely have no business in my affairs, I do not think I can turn a blind eye," she said.

Valeriana felt confused.

"Um... what?"

The lady opened her mouth to speak when a howl echoed from the distance. She gritted her teeth in sheer irritation and frustration before turning to look at Valeriana in the eye. "Seems my hunt is not over yet," she said, turning to Valeriana. "Do you have a name?"

The girl was frozen that she couldn't bring herself to answer.

"What is your name?" she repeated.

She hesitated. "It's Valeriana."

"Valeriana..." The lady turned her back on her, as though she was contemplating about

something deep she wouldn't understand. "You did not see anything."

"Uh... okay." Valeriana reluctantly nodded.

"You just knocked your head a little, tripped on your own foot or fell down the stairs. Any reason will do. Stay quiet. Speak of this to no one. Do you hear me?"

Valeriana gulped loudly in trepidation.

"Do you hear me?" she repeated.


"Now that we are clear, I'll be taking my leave. We shall see each other again," the lady stated. "When that time comes, prepare yourself."

the woman left. In style.

And by in style, that meant running towards the nearest wall, shooting off the ground, walking on the wall towards the top of the building, and disappearing from Valeriana's line of view.

Maybe I'm hallucinating.

Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. She didn't realize she was holding her breath until she released the air from her lungs and breathed in deeply. She blinked a few times and scanned the ground where she saw the beast vanish. There were scorch marks on the pavement.

She stood from the ground and closed her eyes, trying to regain what little was left of her sanity.

Dazed and confused, she limped towards the main street and sank to the ground next to a homeless man. He eyed her inquisitively.

She dialed Xandra's number and heard Paramore as the line tried connecting. After a few seconds, she picked up. "Oh my god. Here she is. She's calling!" she heard her best friend scream from the other line.

"What are you waiting for?" said someone else. "Answer it! Ask her if she's alright!"

Did they realize she already answered the phone?

"Oh, it's on! VAL! Val, where are you? Are you alright? Did that thief hurt you? Did he-"

"I don't know..." she whispered. "Don't worry, though. I'll be there as promised. This is the last time I'll see you, how can I not come?"

"Listen to yourself! It's not like we can't Skype! You sound like you're dying, you should go home! Or wait! Maybe I should go to you!"

Valeriana struggled to stand, feeling her knees tremble and pain spike up from her wounds. "No. I'm fine, Xan. I will be there. Just wait for me." She cut the call and tucked the gadget back inside her pocket, leaving no room for arguments.

She glared down at her aching foot. There was blood on her shoes where that strange creature bit

and the oddest things popped into her mind that moment.

"I hope I won't turn into a werewolf like those crappy movies," Valeriana muttered and half-dragged, half-hopped out to the street to hail a cab.

"Do you need to go to the hospital, miss?" The driver's brows creased as he gazed at her through his rearview mirror once she finally got inside.

"No. Quite the opposite, actually," she said. "Please take me to the airport."


chapter 2 end....

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