Have you ever thought in how to get revenge to the ones who have hurt you?
Listen, if you ever get into a fight with her, do yourself a favor and run. She doesn't hurt anyone but if you provoke her, she will surely kill you. You think you know danger? You have never met anyone like her.
"I think you're only having anxiety episodes, Sir Brooks." Said the woman with her neat hair in a bun, glasses and professional attire.
"But I told you, I don't have anxiety! I've been having these flashbacks since I was 8! They have happened to me before!" The boy responded.
The woman looked at the boy, noticing his features. His reddish eyes, dark brown hair, pale skin and desperate body language gave signals to her. "Alright, how about this? You just take some medicine and I will wait for your next arrival."
"Deal." Aiden responded.
As Aiden entered his school, Aurora Academy, he noticed a small crowd of students whispering to each other. He decided to eavesdrop and listened carefully.
"Hey, did you hear about the new girl? She's so pretty."
"The new girl has a pleasing personality!"
"She's gorgeous..."
"I want to be her friend so bad! She's so sweet and pretty!"
Curious, Aiden pushed himself through the crowd and there stood a gorgeous, young girl. Her crystal-like blue eyes were captivating, her long, wavy, brunette hair looked very exceptional and the way she acted was ladylike.
She doesn't hurt anyone but if you provoke her-
"What..." Aiden muttered under his breath as memories suddenly started flowing in his mind again.
You think you know danger?
Aiden fell to his knees, his vision was beginning to blur out.
You have never met anyone like her.
Opening his eyes, Aiden realized that he was in the school infirmary. He immediately got up and rushed out to the garden before the nurse could even catch him.
"Nico!" Aiden called out. A boy with blonde hair and dark eyes then appeared from the gardening site and approached him.
"Aiden? I thought you passed out, you should be resting right now." Nico said.
Aiden sighed and held both of Nico's shoulders. "Listen." He responded. "I think whoever that new girl is, she has something to do with my flashbacks."
Nico paused and stared at Aiden for a moment before chuckling, pushing his hands away. "Seriously? The new girl? Come on, dude, she's from Canada, she just came here a week ago."
"So she talked to you? That's how you know?"
"Yeah, why?"
"What's her name? Which class is she from? Tell me everything she said about herself!"
Nico put up his hands in defense, backing away a bit. "Woah, woah, calm down! Her name is Harmony Kingsley and she's from Class A."
"Got that, thanks, bro." Aiden said, patting Nico's shoulder and running away.
"Tch, weird." Nico mumble before coming back to his work at the gardening site.
Meanwhile, Aiden managed to go to Class A. After all, it was Class A's break so he knew he had more than enough time to talk to this... Harmony Kingsley girl.
As he entered the classroom, he saw the same gorgeous woman he has seen earlier.
Have you ever thought in how to get revenge to the ones who have hurt you?
"Agh." Aiden said as he rubbed his head, hearing the voices from his flashbacks again.
The girl, Harmony, turned to him and stood up from seat, approaching him.
"Oh, you're the student who passed out." She said with a smile. But... For some reason, her smile looked... Familiar.
Even with the same problem, Aiden composed himself and smiled back awkwardly. "H-Hey, yeah, I was the one who passed out."
"You should be resting then."
"I mean, yeah, but... I have to talk to you."
Harmony walked to the door and held the knob, turning her head back to Aiden with the same familiar smile. "Hm?"
Aiden took a deep breath. "Your name is Harmony Kingsley, right?"
"You're right."
"Well, you see, I've had these absurdly weird flashbacks that's been haunting me since I was 8. And when I saw you earlier, the flashbacks wouldn't stop, maybe that's why I passed out. Do you perhaps know anything about it? Anything that can help? I need to know the truth."
Harmony narrowed her eyes, her smile now fading. "Well, let me ask you something."
Harmony let go of the knob and fully faced her body towards Aiden.
"Have you ever thought in how to get revenge to the ones who have hurt you?"
If you ever get into a fight with her, do yourself a favor and run.
You think you know danger? You have never met anyone like her.
She doesn't hurt anyone but if you provoke her...
Harmony slammed her hand on the wall next to Aiden's head, trapping him. She pulled out a small fighting knife and aimed it against his neck, leaning close.
She will surely kill you.
"What's your answer, boy?"
"I..." With a shaky breath, Aiden slowly turned his eyes to the knife aimed right at his neck. That cold, metallic, sharp objects would instantly slit his throat open if he does one wrong move.
"You what?" Harmony said in a stern tone. "I'm getting tired of you, you're boring."
Aiden got alarmed by this and gulped up. "I-I'm sorry, I don't think anyone has hurt me lately, so..."
Harmony chuckled. "Oh? Too bad, then." She pressed the tip of the knife on Aiden's sweaty skin, about to slit it in half. "Since you already saw this side of me, you might as well just die."
"Wait! Please!" Aiden closed his eyes tightly.
"Let's make a deal!"
"A deal, you say?" Aiden opened his eyes again very slowly, not feeling the same knife on his neck anymore. He looked at Harmony who was now holding the knife away but was still staring at him with those... Deadly eyes.
"What deal?"
"Crap." Aiden thought. His survival instinct was only telling him to make a deal to get out of this but he didn't know any deal at all.
"U-Um, well... I-I can help you with whatever you're doing!"
"Oh, I see how it is." Harmony stepped away and put her hands behind her back, tilting her head a little. "You want to 'help' me and then take proof to finish me off by sending it to the police or the government, is that it?"
"What? N-No! Heck, even your sadistic smile earlier scared me!"
Harmony started laughing like a maniac. "Alright then, I won't kill you. But..."
She leaned in to Aiden again, using her index finger to hold under his chin and smirked. "You'll have to help me with my job."
"Meet me at the central park later, 7:00 P.M. Don't be late."
Harmony walked out of the classroom and slammed the door shut, leaving Aiden alone.
"What? You want to go out at 7:00 P.M.?" Asked Elaine, the adoptive Aunt of Aiden Brooks. She is currently cooking lamb stew.
Aiden sighed. "Yes, Auntie, I really need to go. It's a study group for tomorrow's exam."
"Ah, yes, I remember your professor telling me about an exam tomorrow. Very well, you may go."
"Thank you, Auntie." Aiden smiled and hugged Elaine before looking at his watch. "I'll be going now, bye!"
"Goodbye, dear." Elaine responded with a sweet smile.
Aiden waved goodbye and rushed outside to go to the central park.
At the central park, Aiden saw Harmony wearing a rose-lile red dress, a red ribbon on her hair and red sandals.
"What... What are you-"
"Shh." Harmony covered Aiden's mouth. "I'm meeting up with my date."
Aiden raised his eyebrows and pushed Harmony's hand away, whispering lowly. "Date? I thought you were here to meet up with me."
"I am, but I'm also here for my date."
"So your job is dating people or what?"
"Just shut up, go find someplace to hide in and watch."
"..." Aiden walked behind a big tree and watched what was happening. Meanwhile, a man in his 40s appeared and had a talk with Harmony. The girl was back to her sweet, kind state which just, well, surprises Aiden.
"I waited quite a while here, you know?"
"Hah, sorry about that. May we go to my place now?"
As they were walking away, Harmony held the man's waist and he instantly fell to the ground. Aiden, in complete shock, got out of his hiding spot and ran towards the scene. "What happened!? What did you do!?"
Harmony giggled, holding up a shocker. "I shocked him. Don't worry, he's not dead, but I will take him to my warehouse and torture him to death there."
Aiden's eyes widened and slowly turned his gaze back to Harmony.
"Are you a... A killer?"
"Indeed, I am." Harmony pointed the shocker at the unconscious man. "I'm currently being paid to kill this guy here. He's a 46-year-old pedophile, he deserves it."
"So, what, your job is to kill people?"
"Yup. I've been doing this since I was 7. But I was trained since I was 3."
"Yes. You see, both my parents abandoned me when I was 3 years old. I lived in the streets for months until the Mafia Boss found me and trained me to be this."
Harmony smiled sadistically.
"And you know what? I love it. I'm being taken care of at the Mafia House in exchange for this and I have no complaints. I am a psychopath, after all. I was born with this mentality so don't even bother trying to change me."
She picked up the body and threw it in Aiden's arms. "Help me get him to my car and into my warehouse."
Aiden just obeyed her out of fear, holding the man and walking behind Harmony. He never thought he would sign up for this.
You have never met anyone like-
"Hah!" The man gasped as he opened his eyes wide, looking around the strange, dimmed-lit warehouse. He was tied to a chair and he could only see thanks to the light bulb in front of him. "W-Where am I?"
Slowly, a figure of the same woman he wanted to "date" walked towards the light, revealing herself. Harmony gave a sinister grin and pulled out a knife. She walked behind the man and aimed the knife at his neck, whispering in his ear.
"You sick, sick pedophile." She hissed. "Been dating girls as young as 15 since who knows when. Tsk tsk, not very gentleman of you now, is it?"
She chuckled, stepping near to her work area. She prepared the stuff she needed for this new "creation".
"Don't worry, you won't die easily. It'll only take about an hour or two before you lose your last breath from an intense torture session."
Harmony prepared a camera stand as well as the camera being attached to it in front of the man. She turned it on and stood proud. "Another victim, another video, another source of monthly income. This here, I got a pedophile."
Harmony yanked the man's hair and covered his mouth with tape. "This guy really needs to die, you know what I mean? Haha, I guess I'll start doing it then."
She doesn't hurt anyone-
"Let the fun begin."
But if you provoke her-
"Mmph! Mmmpph!"
She will surely-
The man screamed in pain as he felt the knife digging roughly on his skin.
Kill you.
"Agghh, what a boring day."
"I agree, not to mention that it's unusually hot!"
"Mhm. Don't you feel the same, Harmony?"
Harmony crossed her legs and smiled softly at the two girls. "Yes."
The bell rang so all of the students got up and left for lunch break and went to the cafeteria. All of them except for, well, Harmony. She went straight to the class of Aiden. She knocked on the door before peeking in.
Everyone stared at her.
"Hello, everyone, my name is Harmony Kingsley, I'm the new student from the other class. May I borrow Sir Aiden Brooks for a moment? I know it's still not lunch break in this section but I really need to talk to him." Harmony said with a cheeky smile as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear to keep it from falling to her face.
Aiden stood up and walked towards the door. Looking back at his classmates, he immediately knew they assumed that he was dating Harmony, but that's not his problem now.
Harmony took Aiden at the school grounds, the empty part and her whole friendly demeanor suddenly changed back to that creepy, psychopathic one.
"How was the show last night?"
"Last night?"
"You know, the torture session of that guy."
"It was... Awful."
Harmony giggled. "Maybe for you, it is. But for me, it's wonderful. Not only have I received salary from torturing and killing him but I also got money from selling his organs!" She showed a bunch of money in her hand.
"I... I see." Aiden responded, looking away.
Harmony noticed this and put her hands behind her back, stepping close to Aiden. "Why are you acting like this? Are you disgusted? Scared? Oh, don't blame me, blame yourself for being such an idiot. You put your own life in my hands and now, I can crush it anytime I want."
That night, Aiden was having the same nightmares again. The same woman that keeps on appearing in his dreams since he was 8 and saying the same things over and over again.
If you ever get in a fight with her, do yourself a favor and run. She doesn't hurt anyone but if you provoke her, she will surely kill you. You think you know danger? You have never met anyone like her.
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