"Aaagghh",a woman stumbled and fell down.She was evading from the horrors that infiltrated their village at night and so was everyone.Their houses were being burnt down by fire.Children,men,women were being devoured and massacred.The moon turned blood red and so did the sky.The visitors were hungry for limbs and souls,yes....they were demons.There were fire breathing large black hawks,spitting their fire burning the houses and the entire village.The people were being eaten by demons that had a form of a human body,sharp teeth,sharp two horns and red skin in colour.They were 15 feet tall,they splitted humans in half with their teeth,other beheading them with their own hands.A 28 feet tall huge demon approached the woman that had stumbled.She turned over while still down the ground staring at it with complete terror.It had a buffalo face with two 14 inches horns,a body of a human and horse powerful legs.It was the Demon King,the king of all demons.It reached for her head and lifted her up. "Ahhh,ugghhh",she struggled but she felt powerless due to her fear,tears were flowing down her cheeks."Please,don't kill me please,have mercy,have mercy",she pleaded desperately. "Mercy?A tendency toward forgiveness,pity of compassion to the less fortunate?Demons don't laugh at jokes especially coming from delicate pitiless beings like you,so don't try to make me",it spoke with a deep bass voice. "No no no no,please please ahhhrrrrrrghh",it crashed her head,faced up,opened its mouth and poured the blood which was coming out of her crashed head as it went into its mouth.It then let go and the body went straight to its mouth.It chewed twice then it swallowed.Its skin began to glow in a red colour,resulting evolvement of its power. "Come on love this is our chance to escape",a man said to his wife who was caring her baby. "But...our village",the woman stood watching the whole village filled with blood and burning down. "Maria!!If we stay we'll die,all of us",he said.The woman turned around and they evaded in the forest.They heard the Demon King roar with a loud voice after escaping a couple of miles.After a couple of minutes the sky cleared and turned back to normal. "Its the Demon King,it has left....come on let's keep on moving",the man said and they continued.After that day.People started calling it the day of the red sky.
Chapter One
Eight years passed.Kingdoms and nations were established.There were eight kingdoms in eight nations.Firstly the low rank kingdom was Elsniey in the nation called Belevenio,the kingdom of Tiska in the nation called Lepone,the kingdom of Bronzele in a nation called Gevele,the kingdom of Jewel in a nation called Ferete,the kingdom of Neon in a nation called Y-crest,the kingdom of Desle in a nation called Meitake,the kingdom of Selme in a nation called Poloniva and lastly the royal and the most high noble ones,the kingdom of Vega in a rich nation called Saltenia.Some people lived in regular villages because of their poorness to pay taxes.The stories of the day of the red sky pervaded through every nation. Those who survived that night were popular wherever they lived,because it was regarded as a brutal blood day.Phillip,the head of the village called Weist and his wife Maria and their child were the survivors of the red sky. Every child born in the village was well fit and strong as they grew up,capable of combat since that was their main priority and compulsory.All children were to become swordsmen while growing up.Except one,Maria's son,called Shakan.He was red haired and his eyes were green in colour.He was born differently,he was thin,pitiful to look at,he was weak no capability of combat.His father Phillip was always bitter and ruthless because of Shakan his son.He looked forward for his son to be like the others,but when he learnt that he was distinct,he hated him ever since.He sometimes beat him for unessential motives.His mother's love for him also faded as he grew,she wasn't bitter nor ruthless but she was disappointed and hopeless. "Damnit!!",Phillip yelled and dragged down the ink and brush off the table as they fell down. "My husband",Maria rushed to him,she put her hand on his shoulder,"what's on your mind?" "I can't figure out a reasonable speech for the meeting tonight.Its like everything I'm writing is shit!!",he snarled breathing heavily.Shakan picked up the brush and the ink and crawled to his father and raised them to him for him to take them.Phillip back slapped him massively as the ink poured upon Shakan's face and he fell. "Stupid mut!!Who told you to pick them up?!",Phillip yelled while Shakan's hand was on his cheek weeping silently. "Shakan why don't you listen to your father for once in your life?",his mother said with a soft voice. "Go and wash yourself up!!You revolting horse shit!!",Phillip yelled.Shakan crawled out.He couldn't walk a few steps because of his weakness and also because of his father who insisted that he should be given a small amount of food.He claimed that why waste it on a weak animal while there are fit ones around.He couldn't speak much because of his weakness.Shakan crawled to the river and began to wash his face deliberately.Three boys and one girl of his age approached him. "Oye,look its that numbskull who was born a weak tad pole",the boy said and the others laughed. "Hey stop it!!",a girl one of theirs yelled and kneeled to face him,her name was Tammy,"hey,don't listen to them,they're complete let me help you up",she put his arm over her,"oops",she let go and pushed him as he fell. "Hahahaha,did you really think that I would grow sympanthy on you?",she said while laughing with the others.One of the boys picked and mould mud with his hands and threw it and it splashed on Shakan's face.They began to laugh. "Awwww,whatchu gonna do?Crawl me to death?Hahaha",he said while laughing with his friends. "Eyy!!Parkstene get away from him and the rest of you all.He might influence you all with bad luck of his weakness,come on then,play near the house okay,come on now",the boy's mother shouted from afar. "Saved by the bell nutshit",Tammy said. "Maybe he has some kind of a good luck charm",one of theirs said. "Come on,let's head back and leave this warthog clean his shit",they left.Shakan watched them walking away.He cleaned his face and went back inside.Time passed,it was already noon.The kids were playing with their wooden swords outside.Shakan was envious but he never did anything about it. "Eyy!!Parkstene,get over here with your friends",Parkstene's mother shouted.They all rushed there. "Here...try these rice cakes",she lent the rice cakes to them,they all ate. "Mmmmm,this is really good mom" "Mmmm thank you Ma'am",Tammy said.Shakan seeing this made him hungry.He crawled inside and searched for his parents.They weren't there.He then heard noises of moaning and breathing.He crawled to their bedroom.Their door was nearly closed with a little space.He peeked and saw them both having sex with his mother on top riding his father. "Ahhh ahh ahh ahha,yes yes ahh",she moaned while humping on him.They were both panting sharply,their arousal filling the atmosphere in the house.Shakan's stomach rumbled.He looked down at it and placed his hand on his tummy.He opened the door a bit.He hummed and pointed in his mouth with his finger claiming that he was hungry,they heard him but they didn't respond.He hummed again and pointed in his mouth then Maria grabbed a pillow and threw it behind her,it hit the door and it slammed hitting Shakan against his forehead and he slammed against the wall with his back.He began to weep silently crawling back outside.Night arrived,others camped outside telling stories with their blankets on and others were inside including Shakan and his parents.They were all eating.Shakan ate his fill since he was hungry since morning.He couldn't stop.His mother just stared at him chewing her food retarded.Phillip squeezed the meat in his hand and threw it down. "My husband",Maria spoke with concern. "Did we survive the day of the red sky for this thing?!!",Phillip yelled mentioning Shakan. "My husband,please calm down and feed yourself....Shakan,why do you always have to bring negativity upon us?We're looked down by the others,even if your father is still the head of this village,why?",Maria questioned. "Look at those kids",Phillip pointed at their open window pointing to the kids outside and the others near the fire."You see them?Some of them are going to slay the Demon King.If they master their opus of swordsmenship they will prevail....except you."Phillip spoke while Shakan just froze sitting there looking at his father with meat in his hands."Do you even know what the Demon King is?The evil boss of all demons,to get to him you have to get through his thousands and ten thousands of his demons.And we thought we had born a child who will be the demon slayer one day.But we were really in the dark than we thought,you're such a disgrace to this family",he stood up and went to the bedroom,Maria stood up afterwards and followed him.Shakan was left sitting there alone.He began to weep silently eating his meat deliberately.Shakan suddenly drifted to sleep and woke up in the next morning,he realized that he slept without a blanket,he had developed a cold,he was still sleepy.He heard voices,but they weren't clear enough due to his sleepness. "We should!",he heard his father exclaiming. "O-okay,at least it will be for the better",his mother replied then he suddenly closed his eyes.He opened them and suddenly he found himself in a crowd at a strange market place.The clouds were gathering preparing to rain.Phillip clasped his arm. "Come here you scum",he grabbed him towards a merchant.Shakan agitated,he was puzzled. "How much for this!!",Phillip asked while grabbing his arm to the merchant. "Huuhhh??",the merchant looked closely at Shakan with him staring back breathing heavily with his wide eyes open."Mmm,sorry but....we don't tolerate human sale",he said.He was a black haired man,with a scar across his nose in diagonal. "I know,but....look at him,he can be a great value to you,he can be useful,like a slave",Phillip answered. "Mmmm,I think I'll reconsider,I'll take him...or it,hahaha",the merchant laughed. "Gladly,how much?",Phillip asked. "Mmm,a hunderd gold coins",the merchant said. "What?!I'm the head of the Weist village,you hear me?!",Phillip said. "Uh-really?Uh oh,then um,pardon my rudeness,five hundred gold coins then",he said. "That's better",he received a cloth full of gold coins. "Why don't you sell your own wife eh?She's one hell of a fine masterpiece I say,I could use a pleasuring fun.Those meaty hot thighs,those milky mouth watering breasts,that sexy Goddess like body.She will do one of a hot mess perfomance in bed",the merchant said.Phillip grabbed his neck firmly and slammed him against the wall,he groaned. "Don't ever spit rubbish about my wife ever again you hear me?!I'll slit your throat wide open",Phillip said. "I hear you....chief",the merchant said with his hands up.He let him go.Phillip then grabbed Shakan and pushed him towards the merchant.He looked up to him and the merchant looked down on him with his grin and a frigtening glare in his eyes.Shakan gasped a bit,he resisted and crawled to his mother.He grabbed her clothes,refusing to leave. "Shakan,just leave me alone,please!!",Maria struggled pulling his hands off.Shakan tried to yell but he didn't have the strength to do so.Tears were falling down soaking his cheeks trying to speak. "Let her go you scum!!",Phillip yelled as he slapped him,he fell with his hand on his cheek.Phillip grabbed him and pushed him torwads the merchant.The merchant took him.The sky rumbled and it started raining. "Pleasure doing business with you Mr chief,hehe",he said.He threw Shakan in the cage wagon with horses attached to it.He climbed and took off.Shakan grabbed the steel bars of the cage looking back at his parents while leaving.His cheeks were soaked wet with his tears.
Now that Shakan has been sold by his own flesh and blood to a stubborn merchant,what kind of situation awaits him?
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