Harth Reyziel is a 5 years old child and he is the son of the hero who live in a small village, he Learn to live alone after he lost everything in his life.
There are 5 Heroes in History who help to Defeat the Evil one in the Past But then they parted ways and they live separated and thats how the heroes Party fell apart.
And the heroes are in Different Nations
•The Warriors who Carrying The Axe is in the West Sea of Murous
•The Great Sorcerer who Wields the Staff of Life
Is now in the East the Forest of Elven Kingdom
•The Healer Who is Missing for how many years She is also a Princess
•The Sword Wielder He is the Brother of Harth Father they are same who Wield sword
The leader of the Arthur Reyziel, also know as The Legendary Hero.
5 years ago they've been attack by 3 thousand Undead Chaos Knights Army Ruled by The 3Rd Commander of The Evil One.
That day when the Undead Chaos attack the Village Harth Reyziel saw his Father Fighting Against the Undead Chaos Army he was Fighting them nonstop, and suddenly A light so bright come and Harth lost his Consciousness and when he woke up, he saw his Father In his arm and the Undead Chaos Army are already Wiped out.
His father is mildly Injured and he ask him what happen to the Chaos army but all his father said was " Get some Rest son" and that's the First attack by Undead Chaos.
The 3rd Commander is one of the 13 Commander Created by the Evil one, the 3rd is a Necromancer
After they survive the Invading, Harth Father Told him about his life when he was a young
He also told him that the world is full of Evil
Father Arthur: "son this world is full of evil but remember be kind to others who deserve your kindness, and respect who respect you Cherish your friends like family cause when the Evil one come all we have will be lost"
Father Arthur: "and there's someone who will use your kindness as your weakness, when you have The MONEY, FAME, TITTLE and POWER"
Harth Reyziel: "i will always in my Guard father and I won't let those evil use my kindness as a weakness, cause one day i will be like you to save the world."
A small village with a peaceful life with my small Happy Family, but peace didn't last forever because the Chaos came from the land of Underworld collecting souls to Revive the Biggest fear of Humankind The Evil One.
The Demon called Evil One ruler of the Underworld the land of Demons, he is the reason why the world is in chaos thousand years ago, but he was killed by the Warrior king the Holy Axe Holder.
The Undead knight Chaos invading Human Territory to collect the soul of Fear they destroying every small village and other countries.
And today Harth Turned 9 Years old and he ask his father to hunt in the forest to celebrate his birthday, so his father agreed and told him to be careful.
He start hunting to the forest and he saw a Rapid Rabbit the Fastest Rabbit in the Forest, he walk from behind and rush to strike the Rabbit but the The rabbit dodge and run he chase it and make a perfect move to counter the rabbit and he successfully catch and strike
Then he start looking for another prey to catch and he saw a Big Bear and he walk out cause the bear is too much for his skills, he start look for something smaller and he saw a Colorful Bird and his thinking to catch 3 of them for special meal. He climb to the tree and he jump to the Bird and the bird Suddenly Vanished
The Name of the Bird is (Color Bird) they change color to Camouflage.
He look around to see if the birds fly away but he can't see anything flying above so he uses his skill to feel any animal around him and he saw the bird didn't even move in his place from the start he pick up a rock and he strike to the bird and the birds got hit and fall, he become so happy and start walking for another one
He heard a girl in a forest crying for help, a Massive Bear attacking her and she's injured, he watch the surroundings to see if there's other monster after using his skill he see that there are no other animal/creature around so he throw a rock to bear and yelled (HEY! YOU STUPID FAT BEAR) then the bear turn around and start Roaring to him then he said to his head (IM TOTALLY SWERVED) I'm so dead but he draw his Knife and make a Move to strike the bear He uses the skill he learned from the Rabbit and Strike from behind and the bear start screaming and got mad so the bear charge to him and he attack the bear again nonstop and the bear died in his last strike called (FINAL SLASH) the bear ripped in pieces and the girl still crying, he ask the girl what happened and the girl told him her mother been attack by a group of Undead army and she ask to help them so they look for her parents but they saw the carriage in the woods but no one inside he uses his skill Search he saw from a far a group of people been attack by something, he rush to help them and he saw a group of Undead knight riding Undead Horse and he run and Make a Rapid move and striking them repeatedly and then the Undead Lich uses his Freeze Magic and his feet froze and he can't move he use Mana to create something in his hand and the Undead Knight began to fall to the ground a Gravitational Force push them to the Ground but the Lich is not Affected to Gravity Magic he then use mana in his feet and jump and strike the Lich with his Knife and the army of Undead been defeated. And then they thank him and give him some fruit and vegetables for helping them he put the Fruit and Vegetables to his Inventory skill.
And he head to go home and cause it's already night but then he saw a massive smoke he run fast to see what happening to the village he saw a fire and the Villagers are dead and no trace of life he run to his house he saw his mother lifeless his mother been stab with e sword he kneeled and shock crying, his happy life ends his still child but now his life changed. Then
He saw the Chief Village still moving and talking, he ask him if he have healing potion but the Chief village said (THE BASEMENT) then he check the basement and look for Potion and he didn't see any potion in the Basement, all he saw is a sword and armor and a Armlet of his Father, he return to the chief and told him I don't see potions, and the chief died, and he lost another hope.
He make them Grave and start his new life and he walk to the Village checking for food and He return to the basement and take the sword and his father armlet he put the other item in his Inventory, after that day he hunt some food in the forest and train his sword skill to prepare for his Journey to go in the North The Kingdom of Maktan the City of Hazarus, after 6 months of Living alone in the Forest he Start his Journey to start his new life, he put some flowers to the grave of his mother and chief but still he can't see the body of his father.
He start his journey fight a Monster and his inventory is full of meat and Mushrooms he start camping every night in his way while traveling, he travel 2 years fighting strong monsters who's in his way, and then in his way he jump to climb a tree and he heard something there's fighting and he rush to the area he saw a Royal knight fighting 5 Goblin and 1 Hob Goblin, the Royal guard are injured and he doesn't want to Attract Attention when he arrive to the Hazarus City, and when he was about to walk away he remember the word of his father ( HELP THE ONE WHO NEEDED) and then he said "ARE YOU KIDDING ME FATHER!?" Now i have to save those Nobles Why they travel with weakling Guards Those are just Weak Goblins, and he Said He will attack heal them and Rush Run, thats his plan.
Then he jumps to the scene and Attack the Hob and killed it then the Goblins start start to attack him at once and he defeated them all in single strike, and then he heal the Royal Guards with Healing Potions and he Rush and runaway, but the Duke Inside the Carriage Saw him in the Window, the Duke became interested to Harth.
And he Ask the Guard did anyone know who is that boy?
The guard reply, no sir he's so fast we didn't have a chance to ask his name and we didn't even see his face.
After he help the nobles he walk to the forest and he saw a green grass so clean and peaceful he saw a endless land of Grass he was thinking that his food will be enough for another month and it's been 2 years when he leave his village in the South.
Harth was traveling everyday and seeing small villages destroyed and no sign of life.
He check the village and saw a bones of a humans and he make them a Proper Burial
After that he decided to stay in the village for a night and he cook a meat Boar in his inventory and he saw a river near the village and he bath in the river to be refreshed and he feel someone's watching him and it's not Monsters or Wild Animal he Wear his Clothes and return to the Village and he saw his meat been taken by that person and he use Search skill and he saw it was inside the House Behind him and he walk and saw a Demi Human Eating the meat he cook and he said to him "hey that was my Food" and the Demi Human act like a wild animal and he said "Easy I'm not gonna hurt you" he talk to him and said I'm hungry after eating the meat she was still hungry and the demi said "i know you're smell i know you i think we met somewhere" and he reply "I don't remember you but I guess" and he remember her in the forest she is the girl he save from a Big Bear the girl who give him the Fruit and Veggies, he said "I forgot to tell you my name" "I'm Harth Reyziel but you can call me Harth"
then the Girl said her name She is Yasie Tigre.
She is a Demi Human and Tiger girl, she told him after they save by him they travel in the Forest to go to The city of Genshunomori where we Demi human live it's a Forest near your Village,
Yashie: we saw what happen to your Village so my Father take us to escape from the Undead knights they chase us unlit my father and mother decided to cut the Bridge and they told me to Live alone and save my life. Thats why I'm here trying to survive, i try to hunt my food in the river till the river take me here and now I'm living here far from the Undead Knights.
Then he told her he need to take some rest for the night and tomorrow he will leave.
And he wakes up Yashie is not around him and he heard someone is in the river so he Goes there and check all he saw is a Beautiful Girl Bathing in the River he's about to leave and he stepped in a Dry Wood and then a sharp claws almost hit him, "he said no it's me" she ask him why he was peeping, he said he wasn't peeping he just accidentally goes in the river while he was searching for her.
After that she ask him to travel with him, they travel together and saw a village destroyed and they search every Village they can see i theres a food or something they can use. He check his inventory and he only have one boar meat and mushrooms and the rest are his item from the Basement. He also see lot of the Magic Crystal drop by Monster,
(a Magic Crystal is Drop when you defeat a Monster) but when it comes to Wild Animals Like Boars and Rabbit they don't Drop Crystals, you can only Eat them safe, They are the source of Food and others.
After a 2 weeks of Traveling they finally Arrive at the City of Hazarus, where you can see The Kingdom of Maktan. They saw a lots of people outside lining in-front of the Gate, the Guards are checking there ID Cards as a Citizen of Hazarus, since they don't Have id they ask the Guard let them pass and they will register as a Citizen, and the Guards Refuse to them and Yashie Argue with the Guards and told them they travel from the North the guard told them he doesn't care.
And a Carriage arrive in the gate and The Duke ask the Guard to Let them through, and the Guard let them get inside and after getting inside they thank the Duke For his Help. And the Duke told him, if he needs his help he will be there, and then they go to the Guild to Exchange the Magic Crystal they Have.
when they arrive to the Guild, they show the Magic Crystal they Have, and the Guild ask to wait for a sec and the Guild Master Called them to meet with him and when they come in the Guild, The Guild Master Accusing them that they steal those Magic Crystals.
He told them that even in a Year they will not Collect a Those Numbers of Magic Crystals, and then he told him that its true they cannot afford to Collect them in a Year but He Collect them in 2 Years of Traveling from the South. He said he Can Prove it if he wants to see how he Beat Monsters, but the Guild Receptionist said to the Guild master someone looking for him and he ask to get in.
The Duke saw them inside and ask whats happening here, the Guild master said that they are Bandits Stealing From Adventurers, but the Duke Told him that they are not, he told the Guild Master the reason why he was there, he was about to recommend Them to Become a Adventurer, and the Guild Master accepted them.
After they registered and Received, the Magic Crystals they Exchange. They Eat lot of Food and Find a Inn so they can Rest, but the all Inn they ask saying they are Out of rooms, and then they stay outside the Guild and then The Duke saw them and ask what are they doing outside the Guild in the Night, then Yashie tell the Duke that they don't have place to stay all the Inn are Full, and the Duke told them they can stay in his House for a Moment till they Find a Place to stay.
And Yashie so happy about the Dukes offer but Harth said they can't, He help them a lot they can't afford to Pay him back, but the Duke said no need to pay him back, and Yashie told him they need place to stay so they accept the Offer and stay for tonight.
Another day and someone is knocking in the Door and asking them to Wake up, its a Made and she show them the way to the Dining Room and they amaze theres a lot of Food in the Table and Yashie Start Eating and Harth Hit her in the Head and said "Mind your Manners you're not alone" and she said sorry and he doesn't have to hit her, and the Duke said it's okay come on and eat Makes yourself at home, and he thank the Duke for all the Help, and the Dukes Daughter looking at him Disgusted, and he act like it's nothing.
After they eat they Head to the Guild and they thank the Duke and make sure to pay him back, and when they arrive in the Guild all the People are Looking at them saying They are the Bandits the Thieves, and Harth act like it's nothing to him but Yashie wants to hit them and yelling we're not thieves, and Harth hit him in the Head and said "Let them say what they want don't let them get in your nerve"
And they Look for a New Quest, and saw a 3 Dire Wolf for 15 gold coins so they decided to take that Quest.
And when the arrive at the place they saw 5 Dire wolf, and he read all the information and it said there's only 3 of them but now they are 5 Dire wolf.
But still they didn't withdraw they start their strategy how they will kill the Monster and when they are ready Yashie will Take thier attention while Harth will Strike them from behind, and when Yashie Got their attention Harth begin to stike the Dire Wolf and he manage to Injured the 2 of them and then Yashie Cast Spell of Fire ball and she suddenly attack by a Troll behind her and Harth saw her fly and She's unconscious and Harth strike using Wind Blade and He Manage to Take down 3 of them And the other Dire wolf eat the one Wolf and Begins to Evolve it was Mutation
And become 2 Headed Dire wolf with Fire Breathing, and he run and Take Yashie with her and The Dire Wolf eats all the wolf he Just killed and the Troll chase them and when they are far from the Dire wolf the Troll saw them and attack with his Heavy wooden Weapon, he dodges all the attack of the Troll and when he have the chance to counter he strike the hand of the troll and he manage to injured it but the Troll have the ability to Heal and he got hit by the Troll and he got injured and the troll is walking and ready to attack Yashie but Harth Yelled and Said (HEY! BIG FAT STINKY TROLL COME BACK HERE) And he said "Ill Kill you and i will save her Again this time i will cut your Arm"
And the use A Magic in his sword he Puts A Fire in it and jump fast to other Directions and the troll can't follow his moves and Harth Cut the troll right Hand and it can't heal because of the Fire in his Sword and he attack again and stab the troll from the Heart and then the Troll died and drop a Magic Crystal.
After 3 hours of unconsciousness she wakes and ask what happen and he said she was hit by a Troll and he killed the troll.
He explain what happen to the Dire Wolf and they return to the Area of the Dire Wolf they saw the 2 head Mutated Dire Wolf is Dead and they can't see who killed it, and then a Dragon Landed in the Dire wolf and eat it and the Dragon Mutated and become even stronger, they withdraw and return to the city and told the Guild Master about the Dire wolf and Dragon who eats each other.
After they Report the Dragon some of the Adventurer didn't came back, and its been 3 days since they take the Quest of Goblins,
And the Guild Receptionist Post a 2 New Quest, the Quest about the Dragon and The missing Adventurers
The Quest about the Dragon, the adventurer need to check the Dragon and check what type of Dragon is it and What it Can do or What Class is the Dragon There are Class Of monster
Class: SS - Monster those are the Monster who can Destroy a City
Class: S - Monster Like Dragon, High Demon and And Goblin Lord
Class: A - Monster can Rule other Monsters Like a High Lich, Demons, Troll King, Goblin King and Goblin Queen
Class: B - Monster like General Goblin, Troll, Dire Wolf and Goblin Shaman
Class:C - Monster like HobGoblin, Wolf, Ghoul, and Acid Slime
Class: D - Monster like Goblin, Skeletons, Rat Monster and Others
Class: E - they are not really Monsters just a weak Normal Slime and other Animals,
and the Guild also accept Animals Meat that can Eat the other restaurant in the City is Buying the meat From the Guild.
And the Search Quest can be Take by a 2 Party Group.
the first Group who take it is the Group of Rick they have 4 members a Mage, Healer, the Fighters one of them is Rick.
So Harth Decided to take the Search quest with them since it can be taken by 2 Groups.
So they accept the Quest and they prepare for item they will use for search, and when they arrive at the Guild the 1st party are already gone they search without them.
The Adventurer And the Goblins
Rick is the leader of the party, and this quest is their 1st rank B quest, Finding the Missing Adventurers.
They arrive in the dungeon, and they get in without even making a plan. They search the first floor, and they don't see any sign of life, not even a monster, and when they arrive on the fifth floor, they see a used potion and a broken sword on the floor with blood stains and a stinky smell. They follow the bloodstain and see a group of goblins (2 Rank D Hob Goblins, 1 Rank B Shaman Goblin, and 5 Rank C Goblins). The goblins are scouting the area; it seems that they are waiting for something.
Rick told them the plan, and they formed a circle. He told the mage to use a mana potion to cast a tier 2 fireball, and while he's casting the fireball, he will buy him some time, and he told the healer to prepare if one of them is injured.
The warrior supported the mage while casting his fireball spell, and Rick charged the 5 Rank-C goblins, successfully eliminating them all one by one, and Rick attacked the Rank-C shaman goblin from behind, but his attack had been blocked by the hobgoblin. The Fireball is ready to shoot, Rick told the mage to hit the shaman, and he directly hit the shaman, and they managed to kill the shaman goblin, and the hobgoblin retreated after they witnessed the death of the shaman goblin. It seems the shaman is the leader of their group.
They follow the remaining 2 hobgoblins and chase them inside the cave. There's a cave inside the dungeon, and it's dark inside. Without thinking, they follow them, and the mage casts a spell on Rick to improve his speed so he can eliminate them. When the spell is done, he jumps in so fast and cuts one of them, but when he looks up, he sees a massive red eye in the darkness, and the other goblin has been eaten by that monster.
After seeing all of that, Rick told them to retreat, and a group of skeletons chased them. They managed to escape from that monster, but even if they get away, Rick is still trembling in fear, and his eyes are moving like he has seen a ghost. Rick told them that that thing can wipe out a village in one single blow.He told them to return to the city so he could report that to the guild, and he said that after they report what he's seen.
Rick is planning to leave the village so he can become stronger, and he said he will work hard and train harder to become strong so he can be a better leader for them. But "Lena" (the healer) told him that he was a good leader for them after being in that situation; they still managed to escape. No normal leader can stand in that situation, but Rick told them that he put them in danger without even thinking.
"Lena" (the healer) told him that he will always follow him wherever he goes; he will be his only one healer, and the other 3 members of the group agree, and they also decided to follow him so they will all get stronger.
They reported the situation inside the dungeon, and the guild paid them 5 silver coins and 10 bronze coins for the information that they just provided, and the guild receptionist told the guild master about the information, and after hearing that, the guild master told her to make a new quest and post it as soon as possible and make sure that he put only rank A and rank S adventurers in the quest.
In the city, there are only six Rank S adventurers and just one hero. However, the adventurers are currently occupied with an A Rank quest, fighting an A Rank Skeleton King in a dungeon located fifteen floors down in the west.
There are six of them. They achieved Rank S three years ago when A Village was attacked by a sub-adult dragon. Although they did not defeat the dragon, they successfully managed to send it back to its nest.
Following that, the guild master decided to promote them from A rank to S rank.
The fighter's name is "Ken."
The Sorcorer name is "Shira." She is a girl.
The warrior with two blades is "Darwin."
The healer's name is "Shaira." She is the twin sister of "Shira."
The Marksman with the Bow is named “Hina”, she is a girl. The Assassin is named ”Geen”. They are Rank S Adventurers.
The GuildMaster told the Receptionist to make a Letter to the king and write about the situation.We need an army, even if with that hero I doubt that we can kill that monster. I'm not sure what his rank or how strong he really is, but I think if we prepare, we can counter it.
Sir Garfen, the (Guildmaster), why did you say that? Is the hero weak? Do you think he can't defeat the monster?
The hero is not weak, but this hero is no hero; he is merely a replica. The true hero is either missing or perhaps dead.
That hero is not real! He is wearing a costume to look like a beast-human, and the axe he wields is also a replica; they use magic to prevent people from noticing it.
I know everything.
Ten years ago, a legendary hero decided to leave this city and start a new life with his wife. They moved to the south, where they lived in peace while she was pregnant. However, one night, when his party was traveling to meet him in his village, they camped by a river near the forest and were attacked by a demon army.
There were six of them, and these demons were stronger than the legendary hero. When the demons attacked, everyone in the group panicked and fled in different directions. Some ran into the forest, while others went elsewhere, and those who hid in the forest screamed. I fear they all perished in the woods.
I was one of the group, but fortunately, I managed to escape from the monsters. Sadly, none of the three heroes returned, and there has been no trace of them since. I am a friend of the hero; he was my childhood companion. I hope to meet him again someday, even though the south is overrun with demons.
That large monster is unknown since no one reported that a calamity dragon has been seen for a thousand years.
What monster is that? No one knows until they check it for themselves.
The Battle of the S-Rank Adventurer Against the Skeleton King
Currently, the S Rank Adventurers are still on the battlefield against the Skeleton King.
Even though the Skeleton King is categorized as an A-rank monster, it is still quite difficult to defeat. It can block a Tier 5 magic spell and is slightly larger than a regular Skeleton King. Additionally, it is notably stronger than an S-rank Goblin Lord. this skeleton is far from normal skeleton King it can fight against the 6 S Rank Adventurers
Geen is fighting the skeleton spawn so the others can fight the Skeleton King without other distractions.
They can break through its barrier, but it can counterattack quickly.
Darwin uses his two blades to cut through his barrier while Shaira uses her Shield of Saviour spell to block the Skeleton King's counterattack against Darwin.
Shira, is a skilled sorceress with a deep understanding of elemental magic, flawlessly conjures the potent Fire Ball Spell, which is a formidable Tier 6 enchantment known for its ability to pierce through barriers with intense force. As she channels her energy and releases the spell, the blazing fireball hurtles through the air, striking the mystical barrier protecting the Skull of the Skeleton King. The impact is so powerful that it not only shatters the barrier but also inflicts critical damage upon the ancient skull, causing it to crack under the relentless assault.
In the wake of the initial strike, Darwin, a seasoned warrior standing by Shira's side, seizes the opportunity to execute a precise and devastating strike at the vulnerable skull of the Skeleton King. His well-honed combat skills come into play as he delivers a thunderous blow that further fractures the already weakened skull, causing it to grow in size due to the sheer force of the impact. The Skull of the Skeleton King, now enraged by the audacious attack, emanates a palpable aura of anger and malice that intensifies its dark powers.
In a sudden turn of events, two agile skeleton minions managed to evade the vigilant guard of Geen, the stalwart defender, and swiftly move to aid their embattled king. With lightning-fast reflexes, the Skeleton King seizes the intruding minions and absorbs their essence, harnessing their life force to fuel his own dark restorative abilities. In a display of dark sorcery, the Skeleton King initiates a rapid healing process that gradually erases the damage inflicted by Shira's Fire Ball Spell and Darwin's precise strike as if they were mere trifles in the face of his regenerative powers.
Despite the valiant efforts of Shira and Darwin, the resilient Skeleton King stands resolute, his skeletal form now revitalized and poised to unleash his wrath upon those who dared to challenge his ancient reign of terror. The battle rages on, with the forces of light and darkness locked in a timeless struggle for supremacy amidst the ruins of a forgotten realm.
Meanwhile, Geen is still fighting the Skeleton Spawn. He keeps them occupied to prevent them from aiding the Skeleton King.
The Skeleton King is healing when his skeleton spawn minions come close to him, Absorb them by coming close to the skeleton king.
Then Ken charged at the Skeleton King like a wind that even the monster can’t sense its presence. You can’t even see his movements, and aiming his right arm, Shira applied his magic spell, Tier 7 Purification Blade of Light, to sharpen the sword of Ken, who successfully slashed the arm of the Skeleton King. The monster felt the pain, causing him to scream. Even an undead king can feel pain when it comes to purification magic spells. They were forced to use a Tier 7 magic spell; in exchange, the Skeleton King's arm was cut and shattered into pieces when it fell to the ground.
The monster was starting to fade, and his body was becoming ash, with a large magic crystal falling from its body.
The S Rank Adventurer successfully defeated the Skeleton King.
After defeating it, they noticed something strange.
The Skeleton King's Magic Crystals are larger than normal, and it also seems that it’s a Floor Boss.
Ken, the leader, called his Comrades Gathering around and he told them that this is not normal. The dungeon boss is on the fifteenth floor; it should be on Level 25, not the Final boss leaves his own territory.
A Final Boss will only Leave its territory when a stronger monster Spawn.
They leave the Dungeon and they Traveled to the City so they can tell the Guild what they just defeated and witness.
And few hours of traveling they just arrived in the City and while heading to the Guild.
They saw a Large Group of adventurer in their way to Guild and Ken ask them what was going on, a adventurer told them that they are About to Fight a S Rank Dragon in the Forest.
After hearing that news walks to the Door of the Guild and head straight to the Guild master asking “What’s on your mind! “are you really gonna send them to the Battlefield against a Dragon!?” The Guild master Replyed “ im sorry Ken we don’t have other Adventurers someone saw a Large Dragon in the Forest and we need to deal with that as soon as possible”
if a Dragon remains in its place in 24hours it will recognize it as it’s own Nest, a Dragon near a City is Dangerous for the people of the town.
lots of food Merchants and Resellers are traveling to sell their goods to the City if the dragon remains in the Forest it will attack Humans Around.
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