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Crossed Paths of the Heart

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

...Kashish never thought much of Zaid when they first met online. To her, he was just another friend of her little brother, Agustya. He was logical, mature, and smart, always giving off a sense of confidence that made him seem older than his years. But despite the difference in age and the distance between them—Kashish in India, and Zaid in the USA—something about their bond felt like family. She always saw him as a brother....

...That was, until one evening when the dynamics between them shifted. It was a casual conversation, one of those long chats that went into the early hours of the morning. They laughed, teased each other, and as always, she felt safe around him. But that night, she realized something she had never noticed before....

...Zaid wasn’t just her brother. He was… more....

...Her heart raced, and before she could stop herself, the words slipped out....

...“I think I like you, Zaid,” she confessed, a blush creeping up her neck....

...There was a long pause. Her fingers hovered over her phone, waiting for a response. Finally, the text appeared....

...“I’m sorry, Kashish. I see you as a friend. Nothing more.”...

...Her heart sank. It felt like someone had punched her in the chest. She had never expected this, never imagined that Zaid, the guy who she trusted the most, would reject her feelings. The next few days felt like a blur, each moment filled with awkward silences and uncomfortable glances....

...But Kashish wasn’t the type to give up easily. Over the weeks that followed, she tried everything to get Zaid’s attention. She adjusted her behavior, tried to act more mature, more attractive—everything she thought would make him see her differently. But nothing worked. Zaid was still the same. His affection never changed, and neither did his opinion of her....

...Meanwhile, girls were constantly flirting with him, and Kashish couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy whenever she saw it. Zaid, Agustya, and Kashish often made fun of the girls who flirted with him. It was all in good fun—at least, that’s what she told herself....

..."Why are they so obsessed with you?" Kashish would laugh, poking fun at Zaid as he rolled his eyes....

..."I don’t know," Zaid would say nonchalantly. "It’s not my fault if they’re attracted to me."...

...Deep down, though, Kashish’s feelings were starting to change. She had always been the one to annoy him, to mess with him. She was the one who ruined his day just by being herself. But Zaid always shrugged it off, pretending it didn’t bother him. Yet, no matter how hard he tried to deny it, Kashish always noticed the subtle signs—the way he would look at her when she wasn’t looking, the way he would check in on her, even if it wasn’t necessary....

...And then, a new girl entered their lives....

...Her name was Maryam, and though she was a minor, she was crushing hard on Zaid. Kashish could feel her jealousy rise the moment she saw the way Maryam flirted with him in the group chat. But Zaid wasn’t interested. He made it clear, in his usual blunt way, that he wasn’t looking for anything with her. He didn’t see Maryam like that, and Kashish, surprisingly, felt a strange sense of relief....

...However, the real twist came when Maryam introduced Zaid to Saba, a girl who, like Zaid, was logical, smart, and seemed to have her life figured out. They hit it off instantly. Kashish felt her stomach twist in a way she didn’t expect. Watching Zaid and Saba grow closer stung more than she wanted to admit....

..."I don’t like this," Kashish confessed to Agustya one night as they both stared at Zaid and Saba’s growing relationship through their phones....

..."Yeah, I know," Agustya said, his voice full of concern. "But you can’t force him to like you, Kashish. It’s not fair to either of you."...

...But it was hard to just let go. Kashish distanced herself from Zaid, watching from the sidelines as he fell for Saba. The pain was overwhelming, but Agustya was there for her, comforting her in ways she never knew a little brother could. He made her laugh, kept her distracted, and reminded her that not everything was about Zaid....

...Maryam, on the other hand, wasn’t so understanding. She had apologized to Kashish and the group, but she quickly became jealous of Zaid and Saba’s relationship. It wasn’t long before she started spreading rumors, twisting the truth, and turning their once tight-knit group into a web of drama and mistrust....

...Kashish felt herself slipping further into despair, but then something unexpected happened. She began to change. She stopped trying so hard to get Zaid’s attention. She focused on herself, her studies, her friends, and slowly, she began to heal. But just as she was starting to find peace, Maryam stepped in once again. With her manipulative ways, she convinced Kashish that the only way to move on from Zaid was to give someone else a chance—someone who was interested in her....

...That’s when Archie entered the picture....

...Archie was one of Zaid’s close friends, smart, logical, and somewhat of a mystery to Kashish. He had always been there in the background, but now, with Zaid and Saba growing closer, he seemed to be more present in her life. Kashish, in her vulnerable state, found herself drawn to him. He was kind to her, listened when she needed someone to talk to, and offered her a comfort that she had been craving....

...It wasn’t long before Kashish began to develop real feelings for Archie. But was she truly interested in him, or was she just trying to move on from Zaid? She wasn’t sure, but she didn’t have time to think about it. Maryam’s influence was stronger than ever, and Kashish found herself more conflicted than ever before....

...The twists were just beginning, and as each day passed, the lines between love, loyalty, and betrayal became more blurred....

...And little did Kashish know, Zaid wasn’t as indifferent to her as he appeared....

...To be continued......

Chapter 2: The Distance Grows

...Kashish sat quietly, her fingers hovering over her phone. The screen illuminated her face in the darkness of her room, but it did little to ease the heavy weight pressing down on her chest. She had confessed her feelings to Zaid, hoping, wishing, praying that something would shift between them. But nothing had changed. Zaid still treated her like a friend, like a sibling. His rejection had stung, but it wasn’t the rejection that hurt the most—it was the fact that he didn’t see her the way she wanted him to....

...A message from Agustya popped up on her screen, and Kashish’s heart gave a small flutter. He was the one person who always knew how to make her feel better....

...Agustya: You good?...

...Kashish stared at the message for a moment before typing a response....

...Kashish: I don’t know, Agustya. It’s just... everything feels different now....

...Agustya: Different how?...

...Kashish hesitated, unsure of how to put her feelings into words. Her heart still ached when she thought of Zaid, but she knew that Agustya was the only one who would understand....

...Kashish: I told Zaid how I feel. He rejected me... I feel like things will never go back to how they were....

...Agustya: You didn’t deserve that, Kash. But you’ll get through this. He’s an idiot if he doesn’t see how amazing you are....

...Her heart warmed at Agustya’s words, but deep down, she knew that it wasn’t about Zaid seeing her in a different light. It was about her feelings for him, feelings she couldn’t just switch off. No matter how hard she tried to bury them, they kept resurfacing....

...As if on cue, her phone buzzed again. This time, it was a message from Maryam....

...Maryam: Have you heard? Zaid and Saba are getting closer. I think something might be happening between them....

...Kashish’s heart dropped into her stomach. The words felt like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe. She tried to shake off the feeling, but the jealousy quickly bubbled up inside her. Zaid had always been so kind to Saba, and now it seemed like there was something more to their connection....

...She had to admit, she didn’t like the thought of them together. It wasn’t just jealousy—it was the fear of losing him. Zaid had been her constant, her support, even if he didn’t know it. And now, he was slipping away from her, becoming someone she no longer recognized....

...Kashish: I don’t know, Maryam. It just feels like everything’s changing....

...Maryam: Maybe you should talk to him. Tell him how you feel. It’s not too late....

...Kashish stared at the message, her thumb hovering over the reply button. She could tell Maryam was trying to manipulate her, trying to push her back into a corner. But despite herself, Kashish felt a flicker of hope....

...She couldn’t let go of Zaid, not yet. Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance....

...But deep down, she knew Maryam wasn’t offering advice out of kindness. Maryam had always been a source of drama, and Kashish was beginning to suspect that there was more to her sudden interest in Zaid than met the eye. She couldn’t let herself be pulled into Maryam’s web....

...Kashish: I’m not sure. I’ll think about it....

...After she sent the message, Kashish stared at her phone, feeling the weight of her emotions pressing on her. She didn’t want to be like this, constantly wondering about Zaid, constantly being manipulated by Maryam. But no matter what, her feelings for him remained....

...At that moment, her phone rang. The caller ID read "Archie."...

...Kashish hadn’t spoken to Archie much since the day she’d confessed to Zaid. He’d always been in Zaid’s shadow, a quiet presence in the background. But there was something about Archie that made Kashish feel at ease, something comforting in his voice....

...She swiped to answer....

...Kashish: Hey, Archie....

...Archie: Hey, Kashish. How’s it going?...

...His voice was steady, calm. It was like a breath of fresh air after the chaos in her mind....

...Kashish: I’m okay, I guess. Just... thinking....

...Archie: About Zaid?...

...Kashish froze. She hadn’t realized how obvious her feelings were to Archie. But then again, it wasn’t like she had been subtle....

...Kashish: Yeah. Just... everything’s been weird lately. I don’t know where things stand anymore....

...Archie: I get it. I know it’s tough. But, you know, sometimes it’s okay to step back and focus on yourself. You don’t always have to have everything figured out....

...Kashish leaned back against her bed, sighing. She knew Archie was right. But how could she let go of the one person she’d always wanted to be close to? How could she forget about Zaid when he was always there, always in her life, even if only as a friend?...

...Kashish: I don’t know, Archie. It’s hard....

...Archie: I know. But you’re strong, Kashish. You’ll figure it out. Just take things one day at a time....

...Kashish smiled faintly, grateful for Archie’s words. There was something about him that made her feel like maybe everything wasn’t as hopeless as she thought....

...Kashish: Thanks, Archie. You always know what to say....

...Archie: Anytime. You’re not alone in this, okay?...

...As they hung up, Kashish felt a small sense of peace wash over her. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to remind her that she didn’t have to face everything alone. She had people who cared about her. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough for now....

...To Be Continued......

Character Introductions


...At first glance, Kashish is the girl next door — warm, approachable, and full of life. With a heart as big as her smile, she’s always ready to put others before herself. But beneath that friendly exterior lies a young woman on a journey of self-discovery. At the start, she views Zaid as a brother, but as her feelings grow deeper, she’s forced to confront the complexity of love, heartbreak, and the challenges of navigating the blurry lines between friendship and romance. Kashish’s emotional depth is her strength, though it often leads her into conflict with her heart’s desires....


...Mature, logical, and occasionally a bit sarcastic, Zaid is the kind of guy who knows how to handle himself. His presence is commanding, yet he often hides behind a wall of humor and casual indifference. He’s the dependable friend, the one everyone can count on, but when it comes to matters of the heart, Zaid’s emotional walls are high. Initially seeing Kashish as a sister, he struggles with his growing feelings for her. His journey is one of realization, as he starts to confront his own emotions and face what truly matters to him....


...The younger brother figure to both Kashish and Zaid, Agustya is the bridge between them. With a playful charm and a knack for making people feel comfortable, he’s the mediator of the group, always offering wise (and sometimes not-so-wise) advice. Agustya’s connection with Kashish and Zaid is undeniable, and he has a way of bringing them closer, even when they seem worlds apart. Though his own heart remains simple and untainted by romantic entanglements, he plays a crucial role in helping both of them navigate their complex feelings....


...The new girl who enters the group is like a storm, Maryam is a whirlwind of energy and emotions. Intelligent, manipulative, and deeply insecure, she hides her vulnerabilities behind a mask of confidence. Her crush on Zaid becomes the catalyst for many of the group’s problems, as her jealousy and hidden intentions spark tension and conflict. While Maryam's actions are driven by her feelings for Zaid, her journey is about learning the true meaning of friendship and love, even if it comes at a painful cost....


...Saba is the quiet, steady presence in the group. She’s intelligent, graceful, and seemingly perfect for Zaid. Though initially distant, she shares a special connection with him that begins to deepen over time. Saba’s kindness and understanding make her a calming force in the group, but her relationship with Zaid becomes complicated by the growing tension with Kashish. Her loyalty is tested as she navigates her feelings for Zaid while also trying to maintain her friendships....


...Archie is the strong, silent type in Zaid’s circle of friends — mature and thoughtful, with a surprising sense of humor that catches people off guard. He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t let his emotions show easily, but his actions speak volumes. As Zaid and Kashish’s relationship falters, Archie becomes a source of comfort for Kashish, offering her a shoulder to lean on. Yet, as their bond grows stronger, Archie’s feelings for her begin to complicate things, leaving him caught between supporting his friend and protecting his own heart....


...George is the easygoing, laid-back friend everyone needs in their life. With a natural ability to stay calm in any situation, he’s often the voice of reason in Zaid’s group. His easy smile and sense of humor make him approachable, and he’s the kind of guy who’ll crack a joke to diffuse tension when things get too serious. George doesn’t like drama and prefers to keep things simple, though his loyalty to his friends runs deep. Beneath his relaxed exterior, he’s fiercely protective of the people he cares about, and he’s always ready to lend an ear or a helping hand when needed....


...Jack is the thinker of the group. Introspective and thoughtful, he’s not one to rush into decisions or speak without weighing his options. While he might come off as reserved at first, his dry wit and sharp observations make him an interesting conversationalist once you get to know him. Jack’s practicality is what keeps the group grounded, especially when emotions run high. He values honesty and loyalty above all, and his wisdom often proves to be the stabilizing force when things get complicated. Jack isn’t afraid to call out his friends when they’re wrong, but he always does it with the intention of helping them grow....


...Harry is the wildcard of the group, unpredictable and full of surprises. He’s the type of guy who keeps everyone on their toes, never quite fitting into a single box. With a sarcastic sense of humor and an adventurous spirit, Harry is always up for a challenge and loves a good laugh, even at the most inappropriate times. Though he might appear carefree and a little reckless, Harry has a depth to him that he only reveals to those closest to him. He’s a loyal friend, always ready to jump in and help when things get tough, even if it’s in his own unique, sometimes unconventional way....

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