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Super Power Season1


25 December 2015.scene beings in the morning,Mark Davis her mom who died in a car accident when he was 13 year old After a few year.mark his driver drops him home from school his father james Davis welcomes him both says marry Christmas to each other Mark sees that his dad is in party dress James tell that he has to go out for some work and he will come at night he has made food for him and also he should take care of his baby sister Then Mark's father leaves from house mark takes a shower and freshens up Then he goes to his baby sister's room rose davis 1 year old girl to meet her his sister was playing with her toys mark gives a flower like her name and wishis her Then he talks with her then Mark's girlfriend Emma Waston calls him.She tells that tonight there is a Christmas party at our school friend Mickey's house he told that come with your parents.Mark asks ok but he could call me and told me emma tell that she don't know mickey tell her to inform him mark ask what time is the party emma tell 8:00 o clock at night mark tells ok i see you there bye emma tells heyy mark I didn't call you just about Mickey's party Mark ask so what should we talk about more emma asks that she has a suprise for him she will show in party after mark does his school homework Mark's dad james reached at a pretty restaurant he was waiting for someone then a pretty looking lady comes there in white dress james meet her and they have rommatic conversation with eachother then james takes out a ring and he proposed to her everyone starts claping for them in night when james come back in house the house was decorated mark suprise his father with his baby sister james tells to mark that his friend father invite us in Christmas party mark tells he have a work to do it is very important james ask what kind of work mark tells he will tell him later when emma reach in Mickey's house she meets everyone in a few minutes emma sees Mark's dad with his daughter emma ask Mark's dad that were is mark james tell he said that he has some important work but he will finish it quickly then he will come then the party begins everyone was enjoying the party then emma sits in chair her friend Ashley ask her that heyy emma why are you siting come and dance emma tells her she is tired Ashley ask tired now Ashley sits with her and ask what happened did someone tell you something emma tells her no nothing like that Ashley ask so why are you not dancing with us emma tell Ashley she is waiting for mark he has some important work to do then he will come Ashley tells ok so he will come but you come and dance suddenly light gets off when mark reach Mickey's house he sees the door was open half when mark enter he sees all people was dead there body filled with blood mark scared he sees his father mark cried a lot he confused what happened in the house then he heard a whispering like someone saying his name he follows the sound he sees emma was trying to get up mark ask her what happen in house emma try to ask look your back when mark look back a man hits Mark's head the end

EPISODE=2.time to take revenge

October 2015.scene begins in the night thomas grant 10 year old boy his mother kristen grant who has a car accident thomas and his dad goes to the hospital

Thomas meets his mom's friend Ana who admitted her in hospital on time thomas thanks to her thomas father steven grant ask to Ana that how this accident happened Ana tells she was returning home from her office when suddenly Kristen came in front of her car and a lot of blood was coming out of her head. She tried to ask her but she fell unconscious right there.when thomas listen this he straight go to see his mom but the doctor stop him he tell that he can not go inside because the operation is going on in room thomas was crying and requesting Steven comes and tell thomas Right now his mother's operation is going on, let her operation be completed, we will meet mother after she recovers After operation completed, the doctor came out and told steven that is he patient huband steven tells yes doctor tells someone has hits her in head with a small thing a lot of blood had come out from her head.There is a small hole in his head but that hole is very deep as if a lot of blood has come out of it but I did not understand how she was okay for some time due to so much blood coming out Do they have any enmity with anyone?steven ask but doctor is she is fine now doctor tells him that There was a lot of blood coming out of her head so we couldn't save her thomas his dad and Ana was shocked thomas his heart was broken steven Ana was silent then kristen dead body comes doctor was shifting her body to another room after few minutes thomas sits in chair he thinks that who would have killed his mother steven thinks Who might have killed his wife Ana thinks who might have tried to kill her thomas says he will find his mother killer wherever it is son of a bitch!!!after thomas comes home from police station for write the complaint of killer thomas family comes to burn his mother deadbody steven explain everything to kristen mom and family after thomas sees a man in black dress hiding in wood and watching thomas then man leaves from there thomas thinks something is wrong thomas follows him and follow then suddenly the man dissappeared thomas thinks who is that after all then the man catched his throat But Thomas frees him from the clutches thomas sees the man but Thomas cannot see his face because he is wearing a hat thomas ask who are you what you want the man not says anything he goes slowly closer to thomas and thomas slowly back then thomas eyes gets yellow and he use his power he becomes flash he try to hit man but man dissappeared front of him thomas confuse were did he gone then the man appears behind him man tells that he knew it thomas has power and he showed him but his mother didn't tell him that's why he killed kristen when thomas listen this that the man killed his mother who is front of him thomas gets angry he used his power he try to kill the man but the man has also power but he couldn't kill the man the end

EPISODE=3.the burnt face

September 1999.scene begins in the village of mont clare America That night an exorcism takes place in the village.the village king he has 4th sons but a demon tries to emerge from within a son village people's was also joins in this situation Then during the ritual, one girl gets shot by a man and everyone gets scared.Then the urban people comes to that village and shoot kill everyone.some villager survived and some died Then a village king asks the urban people why are they killing them, the urban man said that they have told them many time to leave the village but villager did not leave then king ask but it is the home of all of us we are living like a family then why should we leave urban man tell they will make a city king ask but this village is our home, where will we go leaving this urban man tells they don't know but if the villagers will not leave the town living people's will die then the king begs for not leaving the place to urban man then urban man straight shot the king man.2013 A long time later, the people of Mont Clare Village were separated from each other by floods.mont clare village king 4th last survived son Jack 10 year old sees his a man shot by a gun in dream when he weakup he was in somebody's bedroom then he hears a screaming sound coming in another room he sees two children Michel andrew playing and screaming then a pretty looking girl comes to quite them then she saw jack she tells him hey my name is lora jack was blushed then a lady alice Waston calls to everyone for breakfast lora takes everyone in hall jack sees the lady jack standed there and sees ths lady giving breakfast alice ask to jack that why he is standing there come and eat jack was thinking what should he do then alice goes to jack she grab him and put in the chair alice gives food to jack.jack eats the food alice ask about how is the food?lora and two child tells first that the food is amazing but jack not said anything alice ask to him jack did you like the food jack move his head up&down then door bell rings alice sees 3 man there face was covered they ask did your name is alice.alice tells yes suddenly the man kicks alice in her stomach alice screamed her children's listen her scream the three man close the door and lock man tied alice hand feet and put tape in mouth they took her in hall lora ask them who is that both three man's catches child and tied them hand feet put tape in mouth one man stays with alice and two man's steal everything in the house thief's occupied the house Michel andrew and jack was scared the man see jack weird look then mam removes his mask the half of his face was burnt then alice tells to leave from his house to thief's the man tells but one work is left let him done when man goes closer to jack,alice screaming to leave her children's her stomach was giving pain then man tells let's kill there mother first both man started beating alice Michelandrew were crying jack thinks what he should do jack gets angry jack screamed continues loud to leave her jack takes a knife and try to kill but man grabs his hand and kills him alice her children scream the end.

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