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Assassin Babes


With traditional outfits that looks real rich, nice wrist watches, long swords at their backs and great haircuts.

Two dashing men are standing in a hotel's waiting room with zero patience for a wealthy family of three. It seems they are business partners.

Lavender. A tall 6 foot guy with short green hair and green eyes is able to capture attention wherever he is. A Porsche parked outside has the same green Colour. Probably his?

Keith a boy with a big brain, immense talent, and eyes for good things is beside him.

Keith: This mission is getting complicated and long.

I expected it to be a one night job but this is the third day.

Lavender: I know. lighting the cigarette on his mouth he hummed this.

Keith: huh?

Lavender: with his deep cold voice said. Yeah, okay. We will soon move. I forgot you are an escort.

Keith: Don't you treat me like one, I am not a kid.

Lavender: you should have never come near a hotel in the first place.

Keith: what? That's ridiculous!

Lavender: how old are you again?

Keith: what? You don't know my age? After two years together. With a surprised look on his face, Keith asked lavender.

Lavender: well, it is not like it matters let's move on. Moving away from Keith he noticed Keith still had that shocked look on his face. Are you kidding me because I don't focus on things like that? Okay, you are 16, 18 or 156, maybe?

Keith: in a sober voice. How can I be too young if I am 18, and how can I be 156 and still be alive and this young.

Lavender: Don't know. Maybe you are an immortal. I didn't come here to count your age. Get over it. It is not like it matters as I said before. Now let's go.

Keith: pissed. Begin yelling. You idiotic, shameless man. You don't know or care about me, I have been your escort for two years. How can I ever trust you when I don't even know if you will save me when am in danger. I am going on dangerous missions with you and risking my life, and you are telling me you don't know my age. Whisper to lavender gently. I will tell everyone you kidnapped me, you are waiting for my parents to pay you the money you asked for and you brought me in front of a hotel.

Keith was about to scream when lavender covered his mouth. In a dramatic turn of event, Keith hit a glass sitting on the window behind them causing blood to burst out from his right hand, the loud sound of the broken glass caught the attention of the people nearby and everyone turned on lavender for holding a little boy in his hand while covering his mouth.

Lavender pissed by this whispered back to Keith: I will tell them you have a body count higher than that of many of this country's soldiers. Behave yourself, we need to focus and stop your overreaction, drama king, got it?

This however only becomes worse as Keith started crying, and this crowd just got even more pissed at lavender.

They pointed out the ridiculously long swords at his back and covered their kid's faces while gasping, they questioned the hotel for allowing such people in.

The hotel secretary replied to the crowd by saying; "they said they were waiting for their business partners". Plus, this is the culture of the great Kyoto clans to keep their tradition alive, these are lovely outfits. Don't worry, you are safe.

Mr. Lavender is a chef at the big river restaurant, he is pretty well known and generous. Those are his signature knives.

A man in the crowd replied: knives? No those are swords. Plus working for that restaurant sounds pretty shady. Even their chefs can't be trusted.

Lavender: can't be trusted? I can demonstrate nice skills if you want.

The man in the crowd: no please don't.

Please do. A woman said and many others supported the statement. Waving her hair in a flirty way and blushing while staring at lavender happily.

Most of the women in the crowd that were pissed at him were only covering their excitement in seeing a tall, sexy, traditional man from one of the great clans who is also a chef for a big restaurant whose owners control cities especially Shinjuku. The river is infamous for its owners, chefs, clients and even its business.

Lavender: okay. Move back. Lavender Withdrew his swords and grabbed a melon supposedly costly from a woman who said it was a gift from a him, he crossed his swords, threw the melon up before slashing them in a fancy way. The six rectangle shaped pieces of the slashed melon were given to six lucky women. Lavender hit the pieces with his swords and directed them to the women's direction. After the demonstration, he received an overwhelming applause from the crowd.

Smirking he looked at a pissed Keith who has a death stare on his face directed at lavender.

Keith: it is time.

Lavender: okay.

Keith: must he say that?

The people around were settling down when lavender and the hotel secretary that defended him, Laura, exchanged winks.

Two guys with security outfits and guns came down from the elevator to the waiting room to take keys for a reservation in the hotel, the hotel secretaries were busy selecting and working because this was an important business when the guards got chastised by the crowds for dressing that way and bringing guns to a place like this. Left to deal with this, the secretaries were getting tired.

Keith and lavender made their way to the elevator immediately, after the duo closed the door of the elevator. Laura brought out the keys the guards requested and tried to calm the crowd alongside the other secretaries.

Those are swords or knives? Is Lavender being so hot able to trick the hotel secretary into defending him? Find out more about it. Thanks for reading ☺️☺️. Love you 🥳🥳🤪🤪.


At the top floor. The family of three is staying in one of the most revered hotel's suite in Shinjuku. A woman, a man and their little kid. The woman pearls are pretty rich. The earrings design is similar to the symbol of the infamous Mafia club lavender works for. "The white lily flower of the river restaurant".

Their suite is filled with guards, hotel workers and fellow mafia members.

It has a quite tense atmosphere despite the adults belonging to the same mafia club.

The little kid Keri is busy playing with her toys, she asked a mafia member in the room about their relationship with her parents, and both parties (her parents and the Mafia members) immediately got defensive. And after that, they told Keri they are friends, and she should continue playing with her toys or eat more candies. The Mafia members told the hotel workers to bring more candies for Keri.

Kyoto's vast culture is wonderful, the undying history, the clans, the scrappers, the places, the dishes, the idols, the schools, the hotels, the people and their Mafias.

Lavender a home-grown cook who became a chef at the river restaurant not only for his cooking skills but for something even more. Good at making homely meals and meals for the clients, the left-handed cook is referred to as the "king of chefs" there.

Keith when he was still with his clan attended schools based on his clan's selection, but now he has a new school that lavender selected. A school with expensive fees despite Keith telling him he wants to avoid attention.

Lavender parked his green car outside to attract the attention of assassins around because this mission requires that. On a norm he moves stealthy on missions to avoid attention but this is a different story. Also, he gained the attention of the crowd at the waiting room for this same reason. It also serves as a warning to smart and informed people around to avoid the hotel and the vicinity because the Mafia is around. With the bold "white lily flower metal design" the car has on its front doors. informed citizens will understand the situation and get the message. The rest is history to them.

The elevator door opens at the 15th floor. Lavender and Keith step outside the elevator, heading towards a suites row. Now, this floor seems to have less than a crowd and little distraction is needed here for the both of them. Without uttering a single word they moved fast but cautiously, looking at the numbers carefully. They stopped at a door. Not because they found the suite with their business partners but because they heard a guard, he requested their keys and numbers, they gave him the one they were holding and seeing he was about to clock. Lavender stabbed him with a short knife he had in his outfit without hesitation. Three more guards arrive. Seeing this, lavender became frustrated because this mission is not smooth. Lavender and Keith opt to withdraw their swords but before that a guard pulled out a gun and asked for them to be unarmed. A small movement almost earned Lavender a bullet but he dodged the bullet instinctively realizing this, the guard decided to shoot continuously at first aiming for the both of them before focusing on Lavender.

Lavender: with his left hand on his chin. The guard that shot is probably an idiot or unskilled, he probably just picked up the gun and decided to use it on us after all we attacked this suites row and killed a guard. So let's just end this. Keith! Lavender called Keith out loudly. looking over to Keith with his brows raised.

Keith: okay. Why did I even say that?

Lavender and Keith ran over the place while the guard shoot at them, they both took different directions to cause confusion. The other guards pulled their swords out and on a cue, lavender and Keith try to withdraw their swords, unfortunately, while Keith was successful with withdrawing his sword, Lavender got a bullet scratching his left hand, the one he uses to sword-fight the most. Thankfully, it was only a scratch. Before, the guards ran to a different row because of the confusion caused by the both of them running around, Lavender thought it was a safe space and decided to withdraw his swords but a guard hanging around him paid immense attention and used the focus technique, a category of 'made techniques', the technique you imbue in your eyes and attach to particular opponents in order to not lose them or launch a sure hit attack. By doing this you trade your ability to see and focus on everyone or everything else for that moment. Using this technique will make you vulnerable to your environment. And as you target your opponent, you can easily become a prey to someone targeting you. It helps in strengthening the focus on a particular thing or person. This ability will make you read your opponent's steps as long as they have planned to use it. Made is a technique of one for one.

This is the same guard that chased after him, shooting at him, Lavender decided to raise his head and take a look at the guard, the guard then asked him to stop everything he is thinking about doing. But lavender being lavender only smirked and refused out loud.

Lavender: No. Smirking happily

Guard: Pathetic, I got you, I know you and I prepared well. Don't even think of doing anything stupid, Lavender.

Keith noticed the situation, witnessing lavender being held at gunpoint made him freak out, but lavender told him to continue with the other guards. A slash from one of the guards landed at Keith's right arm. Thanks to the metal arm band of the "white lily flower" printed on his outfit, he avoided worsening the situation.

Lavender: focus, idiot. I never expected this, but I don't think this guy is a guard, he only wears the uniform, he is an assassin stalking me. How long has this been going on?

Guard: years. Three years.

Lavender: oh. That's bad I didn't notice. You are very skilled, I give it to you. But I will still kill you. Smirking less happily now.

Guard: it is Riley and nice to meet you

Lavender: Idiot. Don't get too cocky, Riley. But now Laura? What is she even thinking. Letting this idiot in without permission or call. She's pretty stupid or betraying right now. We will deal with that later. First up this guy, who is already pretty dead if only he look around.


Lavender: Trying to attract attention?

I wanted to attract the assassins around here to turn this place into a complete mess, never wanted to attract a spy who has been monitoring my moves for years. But I guess you don't get to choose who you attract after all, it is just who you want, you choose. Looking at the guard smiling in a creepy way.

Yup, I don't like this guy. With a now sinister face, Lavender thought to himself.

Guard: Smirking vividly. Do you know how many years I have dedicated to following you? Three years of my life, at least respect that if you don't respect me. But lavender, you are really easy to spy on, I thought you were skilled and all that. Guess you are truly a chef after all. The best of them. Winking at lavender who has a death stare on his face. Dojo, he said simply.

Lavender raised his head when he heard the name.

Guard: you remember, right?

Lavender: I do. So what?

Guard: A young boy from his clan gifted with immense talent, a prodigy. He was trained hard, spoilt and grew up living that way. A blonde. But ultimately, he hated that life and thought the grass was greener on the other side. Green is your favorite color, isn't it?

Keith: huh? Surprised at the declaration looked over to lavender who made eye contact with him.

Guard: then he moved exactly to the position and place of the man who killed his mother....

Eliminating him and taking his place is fun and satisfying, but doesn't that mean you are working for the ones who slayed her? The river of course. What were you thinking lavender?

Lavender: looking more offended than ever. Man... I appreciate your effort and everything you put into getting me, I am honored. But can you just stop diving into my personal history? It doesn't make sense, and it is none of your business. At this point you are obsessed. Plus, the dojos slayed her, they are worse. They sold their own so I sold them too. I left because the dojos sucks.....

Keith: you are not even denying it....

Lavender: denying what?

Keith: why are you looking at me like that? I am not the one who is holding you down with a gun.

Lavender: you rascal!

Keith: but lavender.... do you know this guy?

Lavender/Guard: no I don't/no he doesn't.

Guard/lavender: any need for the question? Why did you ask?

Keith: no to you, and lavender I just wanted to know.

Talking at the same time is getting on the nerves of both the guard and lavender.

Lavender: I don't want this nonsense to continue, so...

Guard: shut up! I decide what continues and what doesn't.

Lavender: I was not talking about this fight.

Guard: the same thing. Looking at lavender who is not liking this event.

Lavender: you don't control me. As you hold me down, you either shoot or leave. You don't dictate how I live, I may give my opponent the lead to dictate how they want to kill me. Not how I live or die.

Guard: the way you dictated that day, how you will live in the position of the man who made you feel pain. A spoilt brat.

Lavender: you fool... You are just making me more angry. I will kill you without mercy, I promise.

Guard: shut up, again! After having lunch and mom making candies....

Lavender: now just shut up!

Guard: now you are saying the same thing am saying, you are losing your mind, eh? haha haha.


A young lavender enters a house with a woman cooking. His blond hair is the same color as his mom's hair. Looking cold and unlike his gentle and cool look now. Lavender moved towards to his mom. She touched him and he moved her hand away. Laughing at her stubborn boy, she told him he would be the greatest assassin ever or the greatest cook ever. He looked at his mom angrily.

Love: uh? Why are you angry at me, lavender?

young lavender: a chef? Are you saying I am going to use my potential to cook dishes? Are you cursing me?

Love: no silly. I am praising your skills in slashing and dicing. Whenever we have fruits or vegetables to cut, we count on you. And you are pretty good at inflicting injuries too, you know where to hit and where to not. Look at the vegetables you just cut, it is an art. Love keeps rubbing his head, young Lavender still looked pissed.

Young lavender moved away from his mom taking a few steps towards the dojo before saying "this might be the last time I am going to be cutting vegetables".

Love: okay, in a low tone. Before bowing her head down and sadly that was the last time he cut the vegetables unintentionally.

Love: The Mafia! Lavender! Find your room and bring me your katana!

Lavender: okay. Huh? Why did I even say that? That's how she replies. She is influencing me. Ahhh!

Love: lavender, you just said okay?

Young Lavender: yes.

Love: you are finally getting my genes and not your father's.

Young Lavender: in his mind. I have her hair.

Offended. Young Lavender ran to his room and made it to the dojo. His mom withdrew this katana from its cover and swung it at countless men rushing in. A maid came in to inform her about the infiltration and she got slashed in front of them by the Mafia.

Love swung as much as she could, but she was, mortally injured by many of the members. She held her left arm and ordered lavender to run away after finishing off the men who came into the dojo. But before lavender could fully move out more men rush in and his mother was slayed by a man he recognized, moving out slowly.

He went back to his clan to meet his dad and inform him about his mother's death and the Mafia's attack. Turns out they are business partners with the mafias and though, they didn't like the attack, they didn't want to ruin their business together because it will make them millions. So they couldn't do much and neither could he.

They just filed complaints and gave threats. Empty ones. They decided to kill tens of men from the Mafias that attacked the dojos despite hesitating. That almost triggered a full-blown war, both parties later made an agreement to stop their attacks with the clans agreeing despite the dojos suffering more.

Young lavender hated this. Even though his mother annoyed him by calling his sword skills good for cooking, she was a great cook and mother. He understood her wish for him to become a cook. Lavender never believed his father would ignore his mother's death for money and power?

So he grew up working hard, taking lessons and moving on. Before mastering his skills and setting up for a mission that shaped him today.... Killing the guy who killed his mom and taking his place in the river mafia.

His father touched his hair a few times and told him he looked like his mother.

He has forgotten this but the guard made him remember that his past still happened and whether he likes it or not, it is shaping his present and may affect his future.

Not that he wanted to forget but he needed to. He is in a place where his choices should not be under his emotions.

La la live like I want. La la won't let anyone stop me. La la am gonna do what I.....

Lavender: .....I want La la. completing the lyrics to the song the guard was humming and shaking his head, the guard looked at him with pity.

Guard: oh, you know the song? I like it because it talks about someone doing what they want, and not only having the freedom to do what they want, but I also see it as having the power and then getting the freedom to do so.

Lavender: nice song choice, you listen to good songs. But, I will still kill you.

Guard: do you think I am joking?! If you don't shut up then I will make you.

The guard kicked lavender. But that changes something.

Keith: Ah! Now looking pissed.

Lavender: almost lost his stamina and moved for a second, but he retained his former position despite setting his body in a different direction, so the guard didn't suspect or expect anything. Lavender grabbed his swords on the heads pulling it down from the ropes he tied them with after the guard lost his focus and was about to attack and as he stumbled from the kick, he pushed them out of the ropes further and was able to place his hands at his back without the guard noticing.

At this point lavender's hand is still at his back and the guard realized this, but it was too late. Moving closer his gun begin malfunctioning. Lavender messed with it when he kicked lavender without caution. And at this he got five slashes on his chest from lavender as he was still shocked and distracted.

Overwhelmed by joy for capturing lavender he moved his focus from lavender, forgetting his technique's rules, and he became vulnerable to his environment thus unable to see lavender's movements, kicking lavender further guaranteed his failure since that was where he lost focus, his emotions got the better of him. And at this lavender made his move only on instincts and killed him. He lost because he didn't focus.

Lavender: what's your name?

Guard: Riley.

Lavender: Nice to meet you, Riley.

Keith killed the other guards far before this conclusion. Just waiting for lavender who is at gun point. Lavender made eye contact with him, seeing that the guards were all dead and this guard is unaware of the situation simply living in his own world. He ordered Keith to stand down to not give the guard any clue. He lost far before this moment. They both just decided to finish this now.

Keith: so is it true?

Lavender: yes and?

Keith: nothing.

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