My Dearly Detested
EP :- 1
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
hmmhmhmhm~ *humming*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*enters the campus*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Where's he?~
Velanoir (MC BF)
*surrounded by fangirls*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*sighs* again!
Velanoir (MC BF)
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
fine! I'll help you out once *pouts*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
VEL!!! *yells*
Velanoir (MC BF)
Sorry girls! Gotta go!!
Velanoir (MC BF)
*makes his way out of the crowd*
Velanoir (MC BF)
sorry Raf, they just wouldn't listen
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*smiles* it's okay
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Let's go to the class
Velanoir (MC BF)
mhm *nods*
Velanoir (MC BF)
*grabs his hand and starts walking*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Velanoir (MC BF)
*chuckles* red already?
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
I-I'm not!! >\\\<
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*enters classroom and sits in a corner*
Velanoir (MC BF)
*goes to his seat*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*stares out of the window*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
(you're probably wondering what's happening..)
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
(well, let me tell you)
I'm Rafeal Nirvan, just a college student who has the best luck!
I have nice friends, good grades and the man who just walked in with me is my boyfriend, quite handsome right?
Though I asked him to keep our relationship a secret since I'm kinda scared to come out to people
In this world, you're all colourblind since birth
And start seeing colours after making eye contact with your soulmate
I know Velanoir isn't my soulmate
I don't care if we can't be together for an eternity..
Just this much is enough..
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Velanoir (MC BF)
Lost in thoughts again? *smiles*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
No, just.. Thinking something.. Kinda sleepy
Velanoir (MC BF)
Were you up pulling all nighters again? *grabs Rafeal's bag and puts it over his shoulder*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Hey! I can take that!
Velanoir (MC BF)
No! Let me do it!
Velanoir (MC BF)
Let's go now!!!
Velanoir (MC BF)
My match will be starting!!!
Velanoir (MC BF)
And I want you to cheer the loudest!!!
Velanoir (MC BF)
*Extra hyped*
Velanoir (MC BF)
Let's gooo!!!!
Velanoir (MC BF)
*grabs his hand and drags him*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
That he's a volleyball player
And the team captain at that!
EP :- 2
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
WOOO!!! *cheering*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
: Annddd the final score was scored by Yukimina High!!!
Fangirl 1 : VEL MARRY ME!!!
Fangirl 27 : DATE ME HOTTIE!!!
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*knocks on door*
Velanoir (MC BF)
*opens it*
Velanoir (MC BF)
*pulls him inside*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Velanoir (MC BF)
How was I?
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*smiles and ruffles his hair* you were good
Velanoir (MC BF)
*rubs his nose against Rafeal's neck* if I was so good..
Velanoir (MC BF)
*gently kisses his neck* then I deserve a reward, don't I?
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC) >\\\<
Velanoir (MC BF)
*smiles* I locked the door, and there's no one here so..
Velanoir (MC BF)
Just a kiss *pouts*
Velanoir (MC BF)
*rubs his cheek against Rafeal's hand* please?
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
BAHAHAHAH!!! *laughs*
Velanoir (MC BF)
*frowns* Rafe?
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
sorry! Sorry, you just look so adorable, it reminded me of a puppy
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*cups his cheek while smiling*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*kisses him*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
(more like a dog..)
Velanoir (MC BF)
(just look at him)
Velanoir (MC BF)
*kissing face roughly*
Velanoir (MC BF)
(so red already..)
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*breaks the kiss*
Velanoir (MC BF)
*pecks his lips*
Velanoir (MC BF)
Say, you will come to watch me in the finals too right? *rests his forehead against Rafeal's*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Hm? Ofcourse Vel
Velanoir (MC BF)
We're alone now..
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*chuckles* *rubs his earlobe*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
*whispers in his ear seductively*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Ofcourse baby.. *deep voice*
Velanoir (MC BF)
Good. *pecks his cheek*
It's my story, did you really think the MC would be innocent?
EP :- 3
-somewhere in a dark place-
Why the heck do you even bother with something like that?
He's never going to learn, is he?
*sighs* can you stop flirting with people who aren't your soulmate?!
God gave me a handsome face
so I better put it to good use
Don't get your heart broken
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Where are they!! *looking around*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
What that supposed to scare me?
Matthew Jonas Raynor (MC BFF)
Unfortunately yes
Matthew Jonas Raynor (MC BFF)
Rin K' Vinsion (MC BFF)
Get over it Matt, that psyco watches horror movies before sleeping *rolls eyes*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Horror movies are stupid
Rin K' Vinsion (MC BFF)
Wrong! They're scary!
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
No, they're not! *annoyed*
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
Cause what do you mean, the landlord tells you that this house is 2578 thousand years old and 25837 people have died here and it's made on a graveyard but the main character chooses that house and is surprised when he sees ghosts?!
Rin K' Vinsion (MC BFF)
That's the whole point of the movie!!
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
It's stupid as hell!!!
Rafael H' Nirvan (MC)
let's go
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