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Stop Watch


It was again the same place

I could not hear a single shadows were created and there wasn't really a source of light either

But it was somehow bright...i have come here so many times that i have become familiar with this i like to call this..."VOID"

Hmm...I'll wait here for just a bit...and after some time when i blink, i will wake up so...

Let's try once more...


"Madam!! Please stay with us!" the young maiden cried

"You need not yell Ellie...I am not dying i'm just...closing my eyes..." said the woman laying on a bed with lots of cloth around her which seems to be used to clean blood

"And i dare not die yet...for i now have a baby to take care of" the woman gently caressed the newlyborn's head as she kissed its forehead

"I am now a mother" she said with joy "I will give this child she can be forever happy"

"Madam...what are you going to name the young lady?" asked the maid

" daughter will be called… Lucia"

And hence, the heir to the Duchy "Lucia von Bohemia" was born

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" has already been so long since i last ate.."

"Should I start crying, so the nursemaid would know that i am hungry?"

"Where exactly is everyone?"

These are the very thoughts that are occupying my brain right now, why you may ask because there is nothing a 5-month-old can do except worry about eating

"" "WAH-!"

The door hurriedly opened and a person with dark hair wearing a nanny's uniform entered the room

 "Miss Lucia~ look who's here" the nanny cheerfully said while carefully picking her up

"Is our dear lady hungry?"

I sure am hungry but if i were to tell you about it you would scream, throw me and run off without looking back i the only thing I'm going to do is nod while laughing...cuz that's what babies do..

"Well the madam has been wanting to play with you lately so we will be visiting her right after my dear lady baby eats and changes"

Hmm...not bad i suppose...i mean it has been about 3 hours since i last saw my mother but whatever....i guess as a baby i am just way too mature

"Let's get you changed"

Oh yes...let's get changed so I will feel embarrassed for the rest of my life.....bring it on!

And so...the intense battle of Lucia with her new clothes began

"Oh my god! Our dear lady is so cutee and adorableee!!! Makes me want to bite these soft cheeks off!" off!!

Well i suppose you wouldn't really bite me so i can wait till you take me to my what i would say but then again, i am a baby and babies don't talk

Well...i guess let's go meet mom now...


The room was filled with books, and there was only a bit of space for the desk on which a person sitting, covered by unattended papers was sitting

A golden ray of light penetrating through the stacks of papers and books softly reflected on the person's hair which made it glow, proving that her hair was bright yellow or golden perhaps

The person covered by books was non other than the Duchess who slowly sipped her tea as it was her tea time

A gentle knock was heard so she allowed the person to enter without looking up from her stack of papers

"What is it?"

She isn't even looking at this moment to get her attention before the maid does imma do my perfectly planned stunt!

"Your hig-" the maid was about to tell the purpose of her visit but was cut in the middle by Lucia's blabbers

There we go perfectly planned stunt!! "BLAAAAAA"

Upon hearing Lucia's voice the duchess looked upfront as a warm smile appeared on her face

"Lucia! My baby♡" she said as she stood up and extended both her arms to carry Lucia

"Mommy missed you so much you know" she started kissing Lucia's soft baby cheeks

Uhh.....dear mother of mine i get it that the body that I possess exudes charm that drips from top to bottom, but I am really not liking the fact that you -in front of all these people - are bombarding me with kisses

The kisses continue

Well mother of mine...i am going to make you stop now so...

She lifted her chubby finger and gently pressed it on her mother's lips and tried to smirk

This shall stop you! HA HA HA

"Oh my God!!! Is my baby trying to smirk??? Awww just like your mother huh!"

And so Lucia gave the duchess another reason to kiss her

Stop! I said stoppppp!!!


How long has it been since it was this peaceful...i believe it was then...

Now that I think about is my 36th life or something...

And I have yet to know why I keep on regressing...

I keep on dying by that person's hands...and..i always see his scrawny little fingers every time too

But why does he always kill me? Is it possible that he knows something about me...

Wait a damned minute....i always die and take a new come the person who kills me always has the same appearance

Is that actually how a grim reaper looks like? strange...wait so what's the relation of that sound that i always hear...

Hmmm.....very strange...

Lucia's thoughts got interrupted as someone knocked on the door and yelled from behind the door "Your Highness, Urgent News!!!"

"What is it? Why are you yelling butler?"

"Madam! The war!"

"What about the war?" "Did something bad happen?"

"No no...The war has ended!"

"We won!"

Eh war? What war? There was a war going on? How come i didn't know...

(The person in question is a 5 month old)

The room was enveloped in silence and all of a sudden the duchess asked


Leon who?

The butler smiled warmly and replied "The duke will be shortly arriving with the army"

The duke? What duke? Wait there is a duke? You mean i have a father?ohhhh so that's why i have never seen my father till now! He was fighting a war...oh ho ho

And so...her tears flowed, not due to sadness but because of happiness

"Thank God! We've won"

Ayo momma why are you crying right now?

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How many times have I thought about this?

Day and night... I keep on wondering and brainstorming, but I have yet to find an answer

Who exactly is my father...or more precisely what type of a person is my father

Considering my mother's expressions and emotions it seems like my father is a kind person whom mom loves dearly

But....the maids seem to have a second opinion

"The war's such a great thing, but that means our master is also returning"

"Shouldn't we be happy about this?"

"Yeah we should, but he is such a cold boss and...he is also considered a tyrant so.."

"Seems like all three of us are happy and scared at the same time"

And after that i heard them sigh before the head maid arrived and appointed them new tasks

Oh oh! I also overheard some maids talking about a festival and a banquet that will be held after my father returns

To be honest...i am more excited to see how my father looks like

And of course i also want to see mother's expressions on his return i wish popcorns had existed in the medieval era

"Oh my is our young lady sighing at such a young age?" the nanny lifted Lucia as she took her to the duchess' office

Oh are we going to that stack of paper factor-

The door to the duchess' office swung opened and there was a sight in front that left Lucia at a loss for words

She could properly see the desk and all the shelves now, the office was so neat and tidy that the design on the walls and the ceiling was also visible the whole room was shining bright as the large window behind the duchess' work desk was opened which showcased a beautiful view which had not been seen by her before


"oh my...i've never seen the office so tidy"

See! Even the nanny has the same thoughts as me! mother going to die?!

"Lucia♡" Said the duchess as if her words herself were warm hugs

Oh...she's still alive

Now that i think about it....i've grown so attached to this person that if i or she was to leave...

Ha...never mind i should probably stop thinking about that for now... I mean...i still have quite a lot of time before i die~

"Lucia my dear daughter"

Yes mother i'm listening...although i may seem as if i am just looking at that strand of hair that keeps on sticking out wait lemme just

And so she grabbed the duchess' hair and pulled them with all her might

"Ow! shouldn't be doing this!"

I know Dear mother but i am a ✨perfectionist✨

She just has OCD

The duchess chuckled and gently raised Lucia a bit "My dear Lady"

Oh...i guess i should be attentive now

Yes mother

"You have yet to meet your father"

Oh just reminded me of my number one worry!

She smiled warmly as she continued while gently holding her in her arms as she cradled her a bit "Your Father is a hero...and someone who will truly love you too"

"Don't worry anymore because we all will meet very soon baby"


It has already been a few weeks since the news of us winning the war became famous...

I believe....

Mehhh i'll meet him when the time comes

Dayum...all this cradling is making me sleepy

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