The sun was blazing up the sky, People were gathered in a large stadium. Today is the recruiting of new heroes that will be chosen by fate and their magic starlight. Xun Yuyu was among the crowd. A twelve year old petite figure trying to see what's going on at the front.
She stared in awe, She totally forgot why she was sent out of the house by her mother. Her little brown knitted bag was with her. That's the only thing she could carry along with her. She held onto it as if it was an egg that will Crack at any moment or it was made of gold . Talking about egg. There is a dragon egg inside.
" Welcome people ! this year is very special... The recruiting takes place after every five years " The teacher and also the director of the recruitment said happily. " You said that five and ten years ago,why is today special ?" A woman in a fairy outfit asked as she scoffed." Yeah but...this year is different. I can sense it feel it " He answered. As she rolled her eyes.
The king was sitter on his throne with his wife,The queen. His son ,The crown prince and his daughter. " It is an honor for you to be gathered here today after five years " The king said. Xun Yuyu's bag began to shake uncontrollably, ' Oh no the egg has hatched ' She thought, She pushed through the crowds.A dragon flew out of her bag. It was a silver baby dragon.
She gasped and pushed the people out of the way. The people were startled, The king noticed this, He called the guards to block all the entrance and exits. He also ordered them to seize the dragon, The owner will come for it. Xun Yuyu climbed a tree, The princess asked her dad who the figure that climbed the tree was.
Xun Yuyu jumped and held onto the dragon, She heaved a sigh of relief. The guards surrounded her, " Oops" She said. After the gathering she was brought to the palace. She stared in amazement, It was big, It looked like mansion. She held the dragon.
The king asked what she was holding, She brushed it off like nothing special." where are your parents? " The king asked. She paused and widened her eyes, " My mum chased me out because I borrowed a lot of money from the tax collector, She said that she doesn't need me anymore, So I used the money to buy this bag for the dragon and some snacks for myself " She said.
" How old are you? " The king asked her," I am twelve years old" She answered. " Are you interested in going to the Magic Academy? " He asked. She nodded " I have heard of it " She said.
Mrs Lixao,Xun Yuyu's mother sold the house, She wasn't happy when her husband ran way the moment Xun Yuyu was born. She didn't have a choice, She thought he had moved on. So she chose to marry a rich man to pay off her debts.
Xun Yuyu has an elder brother, Xun Zimen. He was three years old when Mr Xun, Xun Yuyu's father ran away with him.
Xun Yuyu began to live in the palace, The magic academy isn't like other schools, It is very strict. That's why it is called Magic Academy. Xun Yuyu kept her hopes up.
In the Magic Academy...
A boy was dressed in a white T-shirt, Black tie with a strip in the middle. Underneath he wore long black trouser with a black blazer, He has dark brown hair and black eyes as dark as ink. That was Xun Zimen. Xun Yuyu's elder brother.
He entered the office, The door locked by itself , It was sound proff with a silence magic. " Dad,I can't take it anymore " He said. He was impatient. His dad looked at him and adjusted his spectacles. " The new recruit will take place next month, Your little sister will surely come " Mr Xun said. " You said that five ...or is it trn?..Ten years ago " Xun Zimen said. Mr Xun brought out a crystal ball then chanted something.
It flashed a white light, Then an image of Xun Yuyu appeared on the magical crystal ball. She was smiling. " I have never seen my sister so happy like this * Xun Zimen said. " It looks like she is in the palace, your mum must have chased her out " Mr Xun's gaze darkened.
A lite silver dragon pounced on her, Mr Xun was shocked. Xun Zimen became worried, " Dad,What's wrong? "He asked. " These species of dragon are rare?" He said.
The bell rings....
" Wll,I have to go for the next class " He said Xu Zimen vanished. He entered the class, The whole class gasped. He is one of the top students and the most feared because of his magic, He is also the most favored one. He smiled as he thought to himself. ' A month from now my little sister will be here ' He thought to himself. The whole class was shocked, He has never smiled before, Why now . And no one dared to ask him why he was smiling. They are afraid of him. He didn't seem to care all that mattered to him most was his younger sister.
In the castle...
Xun Yuyu was in the garden when Princess Nian joined, " I see you're alone " She said. " Mind if I join?" She added. " So you will be among the new recruits chosen for the Magic Academy " Princess Nian said. " You will be chosen among ten or thirty across all kingdoms, I just know it " Princess Nian said. " The other recruits are also living in the palace " Princess Nian added.
Xun Yuyu looked at her, " But you can't see them " She added. " Spoiler alert " Xun Yuyu said. Princess Nian smiled. " I have only witnessed it last year " Princess Nian said. Xun Yuyu was shocked, " So you are ten? " She asked. Princess Nian nodded. A spy disguised as a guard was looking at them both, The spy was a teacher from Magic Academy. Each of the recruits were being spied on.
In the Xiangshi kingdom, ' The kingdom of Light ' The dragon was roaming around in search for food. " so,you will have to figure out your magic " Princess Nian said. " And how will I do that?" Xun Yuyu asked. " Simple,all you have to do is that during one of the challenge ,you will be trapped in a door, A trapped door with the other recruits known as the ' Mystic cage ' It will show you your powers ,If it shows a white light an angel ranked to 3, Black light 2 ,Golden light! ranked top 1others are also powerful
Blue light mermaid, Green Light Queen/ Princess of nature whatever you call yourself. Light blue Light snow queen or princess, Red vampire, Grey black magic that is very deadly. Orange fairy, Yellow Hybrid, Indigo a witch or wized it depends on the gender. Violet shape shifting. " Princess Nian said.
" Qhat about brown, pink, Neon colours? " Xun Yuyu asked. " Those are rare it is not every time you get those, Brown is time controlling. Pink is either super speed or teleportation, Neon colour is strength, super intelligence " Princess Nian said. " They are all rare especially the rare silver dragon light, It is said to be the most powerful " Princess Nian said.
The dragon went to prince Yung's chamber, He freaked out. The dragon flew towards him.He stood up and patted its head, " Aww... so cute " He said. The dragon let out a small fire, The prince expression darkened. He looked at the mirror and wiped his face off.
The dragon was looking for Xun Yuyu, Xun Yuyu was still busy chatting with Princess Nian, The maid called them for dinner. The dinning room was very big that could fill hundreds of cattles. It was well designed, Painted white and golden. The golden chandelier was glowing. ' It can cost four hundred thousand yuan ' Xun Yuyu thought to herself. The chair was also golden about twenty seats and a golden seat at each end of the table. Making it twenty-two. Different dishes were served on the table. Even the rugs black and white, The stairs were curved and circle patterns, The walls was pasted with frames of the Royal family. Their ancestors and the present family.
Xun Yuyu was amazed, She stared at the food. " By tomorrow you will be training, Among the recruits .First you will have a guardian animal. Since the dragon is here you've passed that test " The prince said indifferently.
The dragon was eating shrimps under the table, It flew out of the table.
In the Magic Academy, " So tomorrow is the ... The competition for the new recruits? " Xu Zimen asked, His dad nodded. " So, we are going to the castle? " He asked his dad, " Your sister will also be there ... as the youngest recruit " Mr Xun said, " I guess mum will also be there " Xun Zimen said as his face darkened. " I'm not sure of it yet " He said as he adjusted his spectacles. " So how was class today ?" Mr Xun asked. Xun Zimen raised his hands, " Uh....just some black magic and stuff it's boring when I'm the only one with black magic in this school" He said " There is no big deal " He added. " Qhat powers will she have? " Xun Zimen asked. " depends on your personality " Mr Xun said teasingly as he chuckled. " So you are saying that I gained my powers because of my bad character? " Xun Zimen asked, Mr Xun nodded.
" I will meet different people tomorrow especially the beautiful ladies and lads " He said as he smirked. " The challenge will come up earliest at five o clock am and will end by two o clock pm. It will take place in five consecutive days, The first challenge is archery, Score ten points while throwing arrows, The lowest person gets eliminated, In the same say there is an obstacle course from Xiangshi kingdom to Mitoshuo " Mr Xun said. " Qait ! that's at least across three kingdoms but there is a shortcut " Xun Zimen said. " Yes, the second day is a bravery test. The recruits would be in an illusion, more like a trance. But the things they see are not actually really just their imaginations playing tricks on them, The first to finish the test wins the last gets eliminate. It takes at least five hours, They should have gotten their guardian animal. The third day is the ' Mystic cage ' .It looks like a trapped door in the eyes of the non sorcerers .It is a cube shaped cage, It looks like an escape room. Their lights will finally find them, No one loses here because it is very simple, The fourth day is a battle among the last three competitors, If one loses, the two will go to the Magic Academy " Mr Xun said, " I thought it will take up to ten or thirty recruits? " Xun Zimen asked looking shocked. " One or two each from each kingdoms " " Mitoshuo are also recruiting and ten other kingdoms that makes it twelve, This year is very special " Mr Xun said.
" So do you think she would win? " Xu Zimen asked, " I am sure, She is your sister it runs in our blood " Mr Xun said.
In the castle, Xun Yuyu was in her room getting prepared for the challenge, Princess Nian knocked, " Come in " Xun Yuyu said. " Are you sure about this, youare the youngestamong the recruits ?" Princess Nian asked. " I am ready, I am not nervous. I am in search of where I actually belong " Xun Yuyu said with determination in her eyes. " So the first 8s archery " Princess Nian said. " Don't worry I've been given information about the challenges " Xun Yuyu said as she smiled. " Okay, if you say so" Princess Nian said as she left. Xun Yuyu changed into her night wear, It was purple in color with yellow linens. She gazed at the stars, She sat down at the bed beside the window. She has two bed, The main one and the little bed beside for playing with ' Momo ' Her pet dragon, She named the dragon after her grandad's name ' Xun MoShenbiuo' Zhe yawned then went to bed.
The next day, She got up very early. Brushed her teeth, She slid into the bathtub. She didn't wait for the maids, She got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her, She changed into a white dress, Simple plain white dress. Not like the ones princesses usually wear. With a pink hood, She ran downstairs.
No one was up that was her thoughts, She only saw the maids, " Miss,you're to ear.. just I. tome,time, and catch up " She said as she served breakfast. Xun Yuyu ate and went to the Royal family. ' They are up already ' She thought.
They gestured for her to join the recruits, Each of them were given bows and arrows. They were all girls. The first to shoot was a fifteen years old girl. Han Sun, She shot seven points, The crowd erupted in cheers. The fairy didn't look amused at all but was staring at Xun. She looks like the founder of Magic Academy, The other two shot their arrows, They both got eight points.
Xun Yuyu held her arrow tightly, Xun Zimen raised his brows, She shot one, It was a bull's eye. Her hands were trembling slightly, She took deep breaths and calmed down.
Eight more arrows were shot. The last one shot five arrows, She was clearly Eliminated. The crowd erupted, " She is talented " One of Xu Zimen's classmates said. He just smiled to himself. He has such wonderful sister. The whistle was blown. The time to take a break, It takes about an hour and thirty minutes then the recruits will go to the next course. " Wow!,you are amazing " The girls that shot five said, Her name is Ang Wen. " It was luck " Han Sun said. " Well, if it is luck let's see who wins the next round " Xun Yuyu said, Then left.
The field was about 2,500 km( kilometers) ,20,000 mm. It was arranged with different obstacles. It was wide, The girls were together. First they will have to jump over hurdles. The five girls were present, The girl that shot five arrows is not eliminated yet, Shecwill after if she losses.
The whistle was blown, They began to jump the hurdles, It was not high enough tall people find it easy. After jumping the hurdles. Han Sun was taking the lead as the tallest and oldest. The fairy was starting to take interest in her.
She was climbing the rope hung on the wall, Xun Yuyu was far behind. She just looked back and saw Princess Nian giving her a thumbs up. She smiled then got motivated. " Your sis is lacking behind..." Before he could finish his sentence, Xun Yuyu was tailing behind Han Sun. " Better give up shortie " Han Sun said smirking. " Never " Xun Yuyu said as She ran past her.. The crowd cheered.. She was crawling under the net,, She was energetic. As She was about to win, She slipped and fell. Han Sun smiled , Xun Yuyu quickly got up and ran.She was limping but managed to cross the finish line. The crowd erupted and roared. Xun Zimen got up and cleared his throat.
... Little theater ...
Xun Yuyu was dressed in a white T-shirt and shorts . " I'm hot " Her classmates looked at her. In the field the girls and boys were all dressed in white T-shirt and black shorts. " Then take off your clothes " A girl said with sarcasm in her voice. " You expect me to stripp ?" She asked. The boys burst out in laughter. The girl's face was red from embarrassment. " Shut up ! " The girl yelled, Xun Zimen walked towards her. " Juniors... you will be training throughout the semester " He said coldly. Xun Yuyu clenched her fist, ' I can't my physical resistance is too low ' She thought. The girl beside Xun Yuyu tapped her shoulder, " Umm...Xun Yuyu " She said. Xun Zimen looked at her and smiled and walked closer to her. He held her chin. " And who might you be?" Xun Yuyu eyes widened, " I...I am my name is Xun Yuyu " She said. He smiled and said, " You must be smart, your height? " He asked. " Um....4'9 " She said, " And I am 6'5, 6ft " He said then left.
She was dumbfounded, The girl beside Xun Yuyu name was Shou Leni. " Hm... I see" She said. The girls ran 400 meters race. Xun Yuyu was lacking behind, " Ah ! I can't keep up anymore..." She said while panting. She continued, She came in third place, She drank a mouthful of water. Shou Leni smiled, " You need to rest " She said. Xun Yuyu shook her head as she said, " No, I have to practice so I can be good. If I don't people will think I am weak, pathetic and lazy" She said. " Let them think rubbish, I don't think of you that way" Shou Leni said.
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