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Prince, Love Me Not!


<MC's POV>
I can't understand.. They say i can't say it, but that won't change the fact that I'm an Omega
They just want to satisfy themselves by telling ppl lies, because they r embarrassed to let other know that the only rightful heir to their kingdom is an Omega
I know i won't get the throne anyways, no matter how long i pretend for... That's the reason father remarried.
If only i was an Alpha... Maybe my life wouldn't hv been this hard.
If only i was an Alpha...
If only i was an...
If only i was...
If only i...
If only...
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
... My cover will be blown if you marry me off like that *says in his usual monotone voice*
Han ZhangShu (MC
Han ZhangShu (MC's FATHER/DA)
Are you doubting my decision?❄️ *raises an eyebrow*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*bows his head down slightly, looking at the ground* I dare not, Your majesty.
Han ZhangShu (MC
Han ZhangShu (MC's FATHER/DA)
The only thing u need to worry about is getting married, things like what the others would say or how the people of our kingdom will react to it is none of your concern. You better not forget that. ❄️
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*nods his head slightly while still hving his head slightly bowed down* Yes, Your Majesty, i won't.
Han ZhangShu (MC
Han ZhangShu (MC's FATHER/DA)
You may leave now. ❄️
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*bows slightly more for about a second and then turns around and leaves the throne room*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*walking in the hallway, making his way towards his own room with angrily clenched fists and his usual expressionless face*
Alr! This is it for now, Lemme know if i can improve in any way, i will surely love any kinds of advice and comments!
This is my first cs, i don't really know much about how exactly i can make it better, so i would appreciate any help i could get atm
characters will be introduced as they appear, next chapter will be an introductory one
Bye byee butterflies~ see u next time! ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"


Hlo my lovely butterflies~
Time for the intros ˘◡˘ 
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
✧ Name: Han RueXiao ✧ First Gender: Male ✧ Second Gender: Recessive Omega ✧ Age: 21 ✧ Personality: has a very complicated personality all over- ● Used to hiding his true emotions mostly because of his father. ● Very composed ● Rarely trusts anyone, specially the ones who try to be nice to him. Has intensive trust issues due to the circumstances he has grew up in. ● Doesn't have any favorite people. ● Believes in "give respect, get respect". ● Knows how to deal with ppl who he knows mean him harm ✧ Relationship Status: Never dated anyone. ✧ Identity: First son of Han ZhangShu, former crown prince of the Han Dynasty (Han Kingdom)
Han ZhangShu (MC
Han ZhangShu (MC's FATHER/DA)
Han ZhangShu (MC
Han ZhangShu (MC's FATHER/DA)
✧ Name: Han ZhangShu ✧ First Gender: Male ✧ Second Gender: Elite Dominant Alpha ✧ Age: 47 ✧ Personality: ● Cold to everyone, except his wives(not a simp tho, he just isn't "cold" to them). ● Used to love his first wife (the queen), but took in a concubine after she gave birth to RueXiao (an omega) since the doctor said she won't be able to conceive again. ● Partially biased against Omegas for some reason(will find out later), but doesn't "hate" them. ● Hates it when someone doesn't listen to him, or doubts his judgement. ● Does not hesitate to kill people if he has to, no matter how close they r to him. ● Treats all the people in his kingdom justly (his own family is an exception, he is a bit meaner to them). ● Can sacrifice his family members for the kingdom if he has to. ✧ Relationship Status: Has two wives and two sons. ✧ Identity: Emporer of the Han Dynasty (Han kingdom)
✧ Name: Authie (ur Author ˘◡˘ ) ✧ Gender: Female (yes i only have one gender) ✧ Age: 16 ✧ Personality: honestly, idk either, I'm way too complicated to be explained in words(* - -)
Alr, idk why i gave my intro too, please ignore it (、._. )、
Btw this is it for this chapter
Guess i will c y'all in the next chapter then
Bye byee my lil butterflies~


Hey Butterflies~ let's get right into it(๑•̀ •́)و✧
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*walking in the hallway, making his way towards his own room with angrily clenched fists and his usual expressionless face*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*enters his room and shut the door behind him. Takes a deep breath and clenches his fists harder, digging his nails in his palm, making it bleed*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*taking deep breathes to calm himself down and sits down on the cold floor, leaning his back on the closed door and closes his eyes with a heavy sigh*.... This is all so exhausting..
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
.... *opens his eyes slightly, staring out the window that was at the other side of his bed, touches the cold floor with his bloody hand while staring blankly at the bright but empty sky outside the window* i wonder why...
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Why am i always the one who has to adjust and suffer...
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Just because i am an Omega... it's not like i chose to be who i am... *sighs deeply again as his eyes shimmered like crystals with unshed tears*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
I am... getting married huh....?
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
No one asked my opinion... it's me getting married but... it's not my place to have a say in it... *smiles bitterly as a tear eventually ran down his tender cheeks, still staring out the window at the sky*
RueXiao cried for hours, silently, locked inside his room, sitting on the cold floor which somehow helped him feel at least slightly comfortable.
it's just that the floor's coldness numbs out the emptiness inside his heart
He cried.. And cried... Till he couldn't cry anymore..
Just as he was about to get off the floor and go take a cold shower, he heard...
*knock knock knock*
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
Xiaoxiao..? *knock knock* it's me.. Open the door...?
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*wipes his tears as hard as he could, trying to wipe away the tear stains and somehow hide his puffed eyes* i.. Yes mother...! *finally opens the door, keeping his head down, to keep his mother from noticing he has just cried his eyes out*
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
*already knows he has just finished crying his heart out just now but doesn't say anything about it as she knows he is sensitive about maintaining his monotone and expressionless persona*
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
*enters the room and holds his hand, drags him over to the bed, makes him sit and sits beside him as well* i heard about what your father has decided..
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
it's alright mother.. I.. wasn't gonna hv the throne anyways.. I'm an omega after all *says while looking at his hands which he made bleed a while ago*
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
*caresses the nail marks, looking at his hands as well with. sad and worried eyes*... Forgive me.. My son..
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
I.. I couldn't do anything l... *tears up* i am so sorry..
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Mother... *looks at her with a neutral expression as she starts crying and pats her back* please don't apologise... It wasn't ur fault... It was father's decision..
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Even u wanted to... U wouldn't be to do anything
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
I couldn't stop your father from getting a concubine... I couldn't stop your father from giving the throne to YongLi... I-.. *sniffles* i couldn't... *finally breaks down crying*
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
Now i couldn't... *sniffle* couldn't even stop your father from arranging ur marriage.. *crying*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*hugs her with an expressionless face, not saying anything futher and pats her back* it's okay... it's okay mother... it's not your fault...
after about an hour
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
*wiping the tear stains from her face while sniffling, finally getting back her composure*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
You okay now..?
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
*nods slightly, looking down* i never wanted you to have the same fate as me... But.. I couldn't help u change anything.. No matter how much i want to.. I can't even tell u to come back here if they don't treat you well.. Just know that no matter where you are.. I will always love u, i will always be there with you... I gave birth to you, you are a part of me, i will always be with u okay? *caresses his cheek, while looking at him with her still glossy and sad eyes*
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
Han RueXiao (MC/RO)
*nods* i know mother... I will try my best not to cause u any more trouble
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
*smiles faintly and pats his head, standing up* i will take my leave now.. You will be notified when u would get married *looks at him once again before leaving finally, still feeling guilty but a lot better than she did before crying*
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
Han LuFeng (MC
Han LuFeng (MC's MOTHER/RO)
✧ Name: Han LuFeng ✧ First Gender: Female ✧ Second Gender: Recessive Omega ✧ Age: 45 ✧ Personality: ● Loves her son the most. ● Is the most scared of having his son share the same fate amd difficulties in life as she did as an omega, specially a Recessive Omega. ● Used to love her husband too before he brought in a concubine. ● Depressed, but tries her best not to show it (tho Rue knows, even if she didn't tell him). ● Doesn't hate her step-son, but doesn't like him either since she thinks he stole her son's place as the next king. ✧ Relationship Status: Has one son and a Husband. ✧ Identity: Queen of the Han Dynasty (Han Kingdom), wife of Han ZhangShu
Guess Rue and his mother aren't very happy about this marriage👀
What will happen next? Do you think Rue will run off? Or...? 👀
Read ahead to know (。•̀ω-)b
Bye byee butterflies~

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