NYC, the city for flashy broadways, exclusive shops, expensive apartments and high flying business tycoons is where the land of opportunity lies. Or so people think so.
To me it's the city for depression, unaffordable rent, unbearable traffic, screaming people, bustling roads and many more.
And in this concrete jungle lies one of the most world famous multi national technology companies, ATC. It's the same company where I'd been working for over four years, listening to the same morning chant as I was doing now.
"We are the face of the company" Our VP set herself on top of a chair and shouted. "We create the connection between the buyer and the seller. We promote the goods. Without us, the ATC is nothing"
"We are-" She raised her arms up "the marketing department!"
She gave out a war cry and everyone around her clapped warily, already exhausted with this utter nonsense.
"Gosh the second hand embarrassment I feel everyday for her. I can't-" Lexi shook her head.
"This is nothing new. Our VP is crazy" Brian yawned and stretched his arms up, getting ready for another busy working day.
"Other departments call us weirdos because of her" Lexi sat on her chair and I sat on mine, in between Lexi and Brian.
"The finance calls us the money wasting department" Brian mistakenly said it out too loud that the VP heard it from across the room.
She looked up and scowled. "That's because they are the nerds department Mr. Scott. Don't you ever dare utter such unholy words in here. I'll report you to the chief" She threatened and Brian looked down in embarrassment.
"Sorry ma'am"
"I told you she has super hearing" Lexi hissed next to me. "I swear she's not human. My money is on vampire"
"I heard werewolves have mates" Alan, who was sitting in front of us smirked. "Maybe I'm your mate sweetheart. We should fuck before the heat comes" Alan winked and I swear Lexi could've erupted into a pool of lava if I hadn't wrapped my arm around her shoulder.
"Lexi relax, chief is coming" I whispered seeing the chief walking out of the elevator.
Our Chief/CMO is the head of the marketing department and the only reason we are still sane. He's a nice guy and most importantly the only person who can tell our dearest VP to shut the hell up. Not that he ever says because- duh!
he's a nice guy.
He's a man in his fifties and loves his family more than anything. His wife is also equally nice. She bakes us cookies, gives us gifts and even invites us to their anniversary parties every year.
"Good morning everyone" He came to a halt and gave us a big smile. "I see y'all already working very hard for the next campaign. Sorry if I disturbed you"
"Aww my heart is melting" Lexi kept a hand over her heart. "Why did he have to be 30 years older than me? Or else I would've married him"
"Love has no age" Brian whispered.
"Yes, but he is married" Lexi complained.
"I never said he isn't" Brian said more angrily.
Lexi leaned to the front and looked at Brian. "Why are you all fired up? Don't tell me you like an older woman. Is she married?"
"I don't like anyone-"
"Guy shut up" I hissed. "Chief is talking"
They shut their mouths and focused back on what the chief was saying.
"Today all the executives have a meeting with Mr. Kingston about the new product we're going to launch this summer" The smile in chief's lips fell. "But unfortunately my secretary called in sick today"
I stiffened and I could see everyone else exchanging frightened glances. We knew exactly what the chief was going to say and it was nothing pleasant.
"So I was hoping if any of you could accompany me to the meeting"
No way. Never in a billion years
Our CEO aka. Mr. Ian Kingston is the man you wish you'll never meet. He's the handsome 29 year old bachelor billionaire to everyone else except the ATC employees. To us he's the devil himself.
He's the chairman's son and also one of the most leading business tycoons in the entire world. He started young and been successful ever since. Not a single failure.
The main difference he has from others in the Forbes list is that he is very silent. He only speaks to those who he thinks is important. The others, they're just
He hates when others make noises or talk or do something that is out of the subject.
You'll only make a sound if he allows you to. If not he'll give you the death glare. The good thing is, he never scolds or shouts. But he would definitely not miss to give the HR department a call and tell to fire you the very next day.
So yeah he's very popular for firing people. Even breathing in front of him could get you fired.
In the ATC the most riskiest and the dangerous job you could ever have is the secretary job. And it's not the job as Mr. Kingston's secretary, but the job as secretary of any of the executives.
Mr. Kingston's secretary, Mr. Daniel Collins is his long time friend. So that position is out of the picture. But if you get a job as a secretary of an executive, you would have to constantly go to meetings with Mr. Kingston.
And that ends up with getting fired. No wonder our chief's secretary called in sick. She was ditching the meeting.
My mind came reeling back to chief's words.
"Anyone likes to volunteer?" He asked hopefully and I almost felt bad.
. No matter how nice the chief is, none of us would ever risk our jobs.
"Lexi, you go" Our VP called Lexi and Lexi looked at her in horror.
"Umm... ouch" She bent forward clutching her stomach. "I have periods ma'am. Oww... Oh my gosh I think I'll pass out" She fanned herself with her hand. "I don't think I can go... Oh my god the pain" She cried dramatically.
The VP muttered a curse under her breath and glanced at me. "Hailey, you go then"
It was my turn to look at her in horror.
"Excuse me?" I asked in shock.
The VP kept her hands on her hips and frowned at me. "Are you questioning me Evans?"
"No-i'm not ma'am. But um..."
Another thing, I'm bad at lying.
"Go then"
I couldn't defy her order so I stood up, reluctantly.
"Hailey it's so nice that you can come with me" The chief smiled. "Let's go before Mr. Kingston gets mad"
I faked a smile and followed him to the elevator and up to the top floor. While we were going he explained to me what I was supposed to do. It was nothing hard. Just give him the right files at the right time and help him with setting up the presentation.
But even though it was nothing hard I feared that I would trip and fall in front of Mr. Kingston. Or do something more clumsy. I tend to do clumsy things when I'm anxious.
The elevator bell dinged and we walked out to the most deadly zone of the entire company. The CEO's floor. He has his own staff and they call themselves the elite staff or some bull shit.
But we all knew they needed to be respected. They stay with Mr. Kingston the whole day and more likely to get fired. But they're trained and well selected to their positions. So they knew how to work with him without losing their jobs.
1 point to them- more like 1000 points and a bow of respect for them-and a little licking of feet.
We walked to the end of the hall where the meeting room is. One side of the room is a complete glass wall and I could see the little humans walking on the streets.
How nice.
The heads of other departments started filling in and they took a seat at the table. Their secretaries stayed standing behind their respective chiefs and I did the same. After everyone arrived I saw another figure, a much more handsome and young man coming in.
He looked up at the executives and my breath hitched in my throat.
It was Ian Kingston. I had never seen him this close before. It was always far away at an event or far away in the parking lot where VIP cars parked.
And up close he was gorgeous- drop dead gorgeous. He had black hair with deep blue eyes, a prominent jaw curved gracefully among the strength of his neck. He was over 6 feet tall and had strong arms, a firm chest rippling through his black suit.
He strode to the front of the room and pulled back his chair. Our chief was sitting next to the head chair so at the moment I was standing right next to Ian Kingston.
And seeing him up close I did the worst possible thing I could've ever done.
I hiccuped.
Ian tilted his head up and looked at me. Our gazes locked. For a moment I felt breathless as I stared at those eyes of his, the colour of midwinter sky that swirled with a thousand hues of blue. They were cold but warm at the same time and I felt hypnotised, wanting to get myself lost in them.
His face showed no rage, completely blank just like everyone else had said. A man void of emotions.
And then I did it again. I hiccuped.
I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand.
Dear lord what have I done?
He raised a brow and I could already see the impending results of my actions in his eyes. The call I would receive from the HR department. My resignation letter.
"Ian!" A high pitched voice came from the hallway and Ian wrenched his gaze away from mine.
"Darling you there?" A tall red haired woman in a white tight dress came to the door. "Oh I didn't know you were in a meeting" She giggled.
A look of utter annoyance crossed over Ian's face.
"By the way" She approached him. "I bought two dresses but I don't know what to wear for dinner-"
"Take her away!" Ian barked loudly, anger lacing his voice.
Everyone standing and sitting looked up at Ian in shock and it took me a moment to realise what he just did. He reacted!
He never gets angry, never gets happy but now the woman's presence made him go mad. And his mad self is more scarier than the calm deadly self. And for once I thought the HR call is an act of mercy.
I'd be happy to get the call than be the receiving end of his anger.
Several people came and dragged the woman away, who screamed and yelled, demanding to be released. After the door closed behind them, Ian sat on his seat and started the meeting.
I helped our chief with the files and from time to time I noticed him giving me looks of sympathy.
Guess it's confirmed then. I'm going to get fired. There goes all my dreams down the drain.
ATC is one of the most highest paying companies in the states and it's an honour to get employed here. They only choose the best and I was a lucky one. But not now. A damn hiccup ruined it all.
How can life be this unfair?
The meeting went on for another hour and thankfully Ian didn't glance at me even once. He only spoke a little words and mostly listened to others' ideas.
Maybe it was because he was interested in them or maybe he was too bored to even speak. And I had a feeling it was the latter.
And can somebody please tell me why I'm calling him Ian and not Mr. Kingston?
Jeez woman first name basis huh?
Probably because he wouldn't be my boss at the end of the day.
And why is that?
A damn hiccup caused it.
I was already preparing mentally for the call. But it was hard to make up my mind to let go of this job. I have friends here and the salary is very high. I don't want to leave.
After the meeting ended I went back to the marketing department with a dejected look on my face.
"Yoo what happened? Did you see the hottie?" Lexi came and nudged my elbow.
I nodded. "And I hiccuped in front of the hottie"
Brian let out a laugh. "That's a good joke"
I neither smiled nor laughed, just gave him the same sorrowful expression I'd been wearing all the way down the elevator.
Seeing my humourless face Brian leaned forward in his chair. "You don't- you really didn't?"
"Hailey" Lexi said in alarm. "You really didn't hiccup, did you? Please tell me you didn't"
I sighed. "I did"
"What do you mean you hiccuped?" Brian shrieked and stood up from his chair.
"It means I hiccuped"
"In front of Mr. Kingston?" Lexi asked.
"Yep" I sighed again.
Oh my poor life.
Oh my pathetic life.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lexi smacked my head and I groaned in pain. "Ouch. It hurts"
"Are you insane? Why did you do that?"
"He was so handsome" I complained as if that would make any sense.
"What the fuck does it have to do with that?" Brian yelled and our coordinator hushed us. We gave him a small apology and sat in our chairs, pretending to go back to work.
"You're gonna get fired, you know?" Lexi whispered.
"I know, I know" I threw my hands up. "I could literally feel the Prescott dream leaving my bones"
"That Prescott dream is bullshit" Brian whispered loudly. "You can never buy an apartment at the Prescott's"
"Why can't I? Try try one day you can fly"
"You dumb or what?" Lexi asked. "Only millionaires and billionaires live at the Prescott's"
"Hey! I've been saving up for four years" I argued back.
"Right" Lexi rolled her eyes. "Four years. Save up for another ten years and still you won't be able to even buy a toilet paper from the Prescott's"
"Have some faith people"
"And where did that faith ended up? With you getting fired"
I looked at both of them in disbelief. "Jeez people, don't rub it on my face"
Across the table, Alan, who heard less important parts of our conversation, leaned in and whispered. "Did you know that Mr. Kingston lives in a penthouse at the Prescott's?"
My eyes widened and I turned to Lexi. "Really? He does?"
"Yeah" She shrugged. "He lives in the most expensive one"
"Damn. I suddenly want to be chairman's daughter"
"Chairman is a douchebag. So is his wife" Brian made a retching sound and I narrowed my eyes at him.
He shrugged and leaned back on his chair. "Ahh work is so boring" Brian yawned and put on his headphones and selected a song in his phone.
"Mr. Scott!!" The VP bellowed from the door. "Are you listening to music?"
Brian straighted up and hastily removed his headphones. "No ma'am. I was umm... video calling with the sales department"
Everyone in the room laughed and the VP's nostrils flared in anger. "You take me for a fool Mr. Scott?"
"No ma'am"
"Then get back to work! Calculate the budget for the next campaign and send it to me in one hour"
"One hour?" Brian's pupils dilated.
"But we haven't even discussed anything or-"
"Just do what I say!!!" She screamed and everyone's winced at the sound. Then she turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.
"What a witch" Brian cursed and went back to working.
I wasn't in a mood to work knowing this was my last day but nevertheless I gave it a shot. Better do a majestic leaving right?
I spent the day running from marketing to finance and then back again, doing the usual. At the end of the day it wasn't a majestic leaving but a typical and a sad one.
I still didn't receive the call so I assumed I might get it later today or tomorrow morning. Nevertheless the result was the same. Me dropping to the position 'jobless'.
As I was packing my things Ashley, one of the employees here came running to us.
"Hey guys did you hear?" She panted heavily, her breathing ragged.
"Hear what?" Lexi asked.
"Mr. Kingston fired our chief's secretary"
Brian, Lexi and I looked at each other in shock.
"He mistook you for her" Lexi said in disbelief.
"Oh God no" I shook my head and slumped into my chair, feeling guilt creep inside me. "Mr. Kingston doesn't know my name. He probably would've told the HR to fire the
chief's secretary
I ran my fingers through my hair. "What do I do? I made the real secretary lose her job"
"Stay quiet" Lexi suggested.
"Are you kidding me?" Brian asked in an accusing tone. "What if it was you? What if you got fired because of someone else's mistake?"
"That secretary-" Lexi stepped forward. "purposely took the sick leave. It's not the first time she did it to ditch a meeting"
"You don't know that. What if she's actually sick?"
"If you want proof, check her boyfriend's insta stories" Lexi spat angrily.
"Guys shut up!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. "I'm going to turn in"
"What?" They both screamed at the same time.
Brian came and sat next to me. "You don't have to resign. Maybe... talk it out with Mr. Kingston"
"Are you stupid Brian?" Lexi asked with her hands on her hips. "Do you think Mr. Kingston will say
you for making things right. Maybe I should take my words back and not fire you. A good employee like you deserve a second chance"
She said dramatically.
"It's not what I meant"
"Then you're clearly stupid"
"Guys" I held up my hands. "For once stop arguing" I looked at both of them and waited till they relax. "I'm going to call the chief first" I took my phone out and started dialling the Chief.
He picked up in three rings. "Hello"
"Hello Sir, it's me, Hailey"
"Oh Hailey, uh.. I guess you heard the news"
"Yeah" I answered with guilt. "I'll umm... resign Sir" I said reluctantly. I didn't want to lose the job but it was the right thing to do.
"Don't do anything reckless now. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Come to my office at 8" Then he cut the call.
I kept my phone down and looked at it in despair.
"What did he say?" Lexi asked impatiently.
"He said to come to his office tomorrow" I leaned back in my chair and signed. "How can I come to work when I'm supposed to be fired?"
"Don't overthink. Go home and have a good rest"
"I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all"
It was next morning and I knocked on the cheif's door.
"Come in" The chief called and I walked in.
The first thing I noticed coming here was that the secretary desk at the front of chief's office was empty. And it was all my fault. I made a big fat mistake and now I should do something before it gets any messier.
"Oh Hailey, come and sit please" Chief gestured to the sofa at the middle of the room.
I sat on it and someone brought me a cup of coffee. "Thank you-" I looked up and my eyes widened in shock. It was the chief's secretary.
"I- you how-" I stuttered.
"I came to pack my things" She gave me a small smile and I felt guilt bubbling inside me at a tremendous speed.
"Gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-i'm sorry"
I felt deeply embarrassed by my actions yesterday. Not for hiccuping though. I mean- uhh you can't control it. Blame the stupid CEO for it.
That arrogant narcissistic rude bastard
. But I should have resigned the moment I heard the news. I should've set things right.
"It's fine. I've never liked working here anyways" She took a seat across from me and smiled. "I mean the chief is good but being the chief's secretary means I have to constantly see the CEO and it's suffocating" She said in a pained tone.
"I always wanted to quit but I feared I wouldn't find a job with a salary like this again. But now that I'm fired for something I didn't do, the chief felt guilty and recommended me to another company. He knows their boss and they said they would take me in"
"So you're- leaving?" I asked with uncertainty.
She nodded. "The salary over there is also good and the work environment is much less stressful. I'll go. You can keep your job here"
I blinked. Wait what? Keep the job?
I turned to the chief. "Sir, wouldn't I be deceiving the CEO then?"
"He fires too many people. He won't even remember you. It'll be okay as long as you stay out of his way"
"But-" I straighted up. "Why are you doing this? I mean, this is risky"
The chief shrugged. "Mr. Kingston is good in his work but I don't approve the way he handles his employees. Firing someone for a hiccup? That is absurd" He shook his head in disapproval.
"So umm...I can keep the job?" I felt a new surge of hope building within me. Is this really happening?
Chief nodded and then his face turned all serious. "But make sure not to come face to face with the CEO. No one has ever done this before and getting caught would put both of us in trouble"
"Okay chief" I stood up happily. "And thank you"
The chief dismissed me and I walked out of the room. My friends were already waiting outside the door, their ears glued to the walls.
Seeing me they jumped up and sprinted towards me. "What happened? What happened? Tell us quickly!"
I told them the entire story and they gave me a bone crushing hug.
"Aww I'm so proud" Lexi squealed. "You pulled a trick no one has ever done. You decieved the CEO"
"I wouldn't have if I didn't have any choice" I stated firmly.
"And-" I spun in a circle "I'm back Prescott!!!" I chirped merrily and both Brian and Lexi groaned.
"Just give up"
"Never" I shook my head.
Within a few seconds my friends gave up trying to convince me and we began walking down the hallway.
"CEO alert!" Lexi cried out and slammed us to the wall.
"What-" I turned and saw Ian and his secretary, Daniel striding forward in the hallway.
We quickly turned around and faced the wall, hiding our faces from the devil and his side kick.
"Shit. What should I do?" I cried. "Jump out of the window?"
"We are not so high up. You won't die if you jump"
"Are you serious-"
"They're coming! They're coming!" Lexi whisper yelled.
I bit my lip feeling helpless, my palms sweating with anxiety.
"Tie your shoes laces" Brian suggested.
"I'm wearing heels"
"Then tie your heels!"
"What-" Brian pushed me down to the ground and I almost fell on my face.
From the corner of my eyes I saw them nearing us. Ian had an irritated look on his face, he glared at all the employees who made eye contact with him. And the employees? I bet they rather wished they were dead.
Daniel on the other hand was doing the guard job. He was on alert, his eyes inspecting everyone, checking if anyone was a potential threat.
And Lexi, she was giving the biggest smile of the century.
One, she has a weakness for handsome men- even if they are rude as hell.
Two, when she tries to hide something she gives the weirdest forced smiles.
And now she was looking very very suspicious.
Jeez Lexi!
Daniel who noticed the smile frowned at her. Lexi tried her best to conceal her flushed face but she failed miserably. She was blushing so so hard.
Thankfully Daniel didn't glance at me as he was too busy glaring at Lexi. And only when they walked past us, did I feel like breathing again.
"Oh my god" I exhaled loudly and sat on the ground. "That was so scary"
"He's so freaking handsome!" Lexi cried out and both Brian and I rolled our eyes.
"Hailey" Brian crouched down next to me. "You should avoid the CEO from now on"
"Yep" Lexi knelt down. "And we are-" she raised her hands up, imitating the VP "the Kingston avoiding squad"
Got it. Avoid the Kingston.
But everything doesn't go as planned, does it?
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