NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

In the living room Hyun Min paces around as he continuously glance at the wall clock.
It is some minutes past nine in the evening and Na Young hasn't come back yet and he was worried and also missed her.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*Why is Noona not yet here? I thought she said she will be home early*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*he sat down on the couch*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*then stands up and went to the kitchen*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Mrs Lee, Noona is not yet home.
He said to the maid who is also Na Young mother.
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
Oh, she called me earlier that she will be staying at In Hye's house.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
What? *he shouted*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
But why? *he controlled himself as he gently asked*
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
She and In Hye has a project to do.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
But why can't they come here and do the project?
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
I asked the same question but she said In Hye is unable to come due to some reason and they really need to finish the project tonight for tomorrow lecture.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Oh. *he felt disappointed*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
I will be going to my room, then. *he mumbled*
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
*noticed his sad face*
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
Hyun Min, are you alright?
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
I will be.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
(And please ask me no more questions, cause I can't tell you that I am sad because of your daughter) *he said in his mind*
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
Ok. If you say so.
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
And your mom called me that she will be coming home next week.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
My mom?
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
I thought she will be coming next month.
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
Maybe she is done with the business that took her to America.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Maybe. Well I'm off to my room.
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
Good night.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Good night, ma'am.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*he went to his room*

Episode 2

Hyun Min's bedroom
Angrily, Hyun Min laid on his bed with his eyes wide open
He contemplated on whether he should call Na Young or not.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*picks up his phone*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
If she were to stay with her friend, Why did she not call me and tell me.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*he drops the phone on the bed*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Noona, What should I do? I am missing you.🥺🥺🥺
He said quietly as he yearns for her
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*again, picks up his phone and decided to call her*
The phone rang as he dialed her number
It rang but no one answer
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*he dials it again*
But this time, someone picks.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Hello. Noona.
No answer
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Noona, Hello. Are you there?
He asked worriedly
Ha Joon
Ha Joon
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Who are you? And why are you with Noona's phone?
Na Young
Na Young
Oppa, is that my phone? And who is that?
Coming out of the bathroom, She asked as she saw her phone with him.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*hears her voice and became more angry*
Ha Joon
Ha Joon
It seems like it is your brother.
Na Young
Na Young
My brother? *she said as she tried to recall*
Na Young
Na Young
Ha, Hyun Min-ah.
Na Young
Na Young
*she quickly walks toward Ha joon and took the phone from him*
Na Young
Na Young
Hello, Hyun Min-ah.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*in tears as he knew he was with her new boyfriend*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Na Young
Na Young
Is there anything wrong? Why are you calling? *she calmly asked*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*in tears but tried not to make it obvious*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Mrs Lee said you are not coming home tonight and that you are with sister In Hye.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
But you aren't, right?
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
That means you lied to Mrs Lee.
Na Young
Na Young
No, I didn't.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
But that's a man's voice I heard.
Na Young
Na Young
Yes, it is a man voice but we are both in In Hye's house
Na Young
Na Young
Ha Joon Oppa is In Hye's elder brother.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Ha Joon, Oppa? *he repeated in pain*
Na Young
Na Young
And he is my boyfriend that I have been trying to introduce to you.
Na Young
Na Young
Don't worry, Noona will bring him home and introduce him to you.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
No, I don't want to meet him, so don't bring him here. *he growled*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
And you should come home quickly tomorrow *he commanded angrily*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*then hung up the call, not giving her chance to say anything*
Na Young
Na Young
*hears the beep of the call ending*
Na Young
Na Young
Hyun Min-ah. Hello.
Na Young
Na Young
What is wrong with him? *she said as she checked her phone*
Ha Joon
Ha Joon
Was that Hyun Min?
Na Young
Na Young
Ha Joon
Ha Joon
So, that's the little brother you are so fond of.
Na Young
Na Young
Na Young
Na Young
Yes, he is my pride.
In Hye
In Hye
*comes out of her room*
In Hye
In Hye
Na Young, are you done? Let's go back to our project.
In Hye
In Hye
Brother, we will soon be done. Let me borrow her for now.
Ha Joon
Ha Joon
You guys can go. I'm not holding her back. *winks at Na Young*
Na Young
Na Young
Na Young
Na Young
Then Oppa, we will be going back in.
Ha Joon
Ha Joon
*smiles at her*
The two girls went into In Hye's room


Hyun Min's room
Hyun Min couldn't find sleep although he wasn't finding one.
Through out the night, He couldn't get his mind off from thinking about Na Young being with her boyfriend.
He felt pain in his heart as tears couldn't stop flowing down his eyes.
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
*in tears*😢😢😢
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Noona, why? *he sadly said*
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Why not me? Why? 😢
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Do you have to always hurt me like this?😢
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
What should I do for you to notice me as someone whom you could date as a lover?
Hyun Min
Hyun Min
Why the other guys and not me? *he furiously said*
Ever since Hyun Min was ten year old, he had always has a crush on Na Young and that was when Na young was brought to the Kang's house by her mother Mrs Lee who was the maid.
Na young was sixteen year old at the time and doted on Hyun Min as her little brother and took care of him.
But Hyun Min sees her more than a sister and always felt sad whenever Na Young dates any other guy.
There was a time when he was twelve and Na Young was eighteen and Na Young had her first boyfriend, he was sad and was unable to control the pain he felt until the guy dumb her.
And again when she was twenty and he was fourteen, Na Young dated a course mate of hers and they broke up a year later. All he could do was watch and wallow in pain. Oh, how much he loved her.
And he was happy during the last two years that Na Young haven't been dating anyone not until a month ago when she disclosed that she was in a relationship with Ha Joon.
And currently, Hyun Min was now Eighteen year old while Na Young is twenty four year old.

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