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Soul's Revenge

Episode 1

Ainun grabbed the sack that had been her loyal companion, for this morning she was heading to the waste bank. She had to get there early; even among scavengers, there was competition for discarded plastic and cans. If she was late, there would be nothing left. Such was the way of life in this cruel world.

That's why Ainun left at half-past five in the morning to be the first one to rummage through the village's waste bank. If she found enough today, she would sell it to the middleman who often bought from her. It was usually Haji Jauhari who collected this kind of scrap, and Ainun would sell her findings to him.

Earning a hundred or a hundred and fifty thousand rupiah was already significant for Ainun. With that money, she would support her aging mother. They were all that remained of their family. Ainun's mother used to be a maid in the house of Mr. Sutomo, a wealthy landowner.

But old age forced her to retire. Ainun had been contemplating applying for a job but was terrified of Mr. Sutomo. Although many said he was a good man, Ainun couldn't shake off her fear and felt unable even to speak in his presence.

"No one's here yet, I'm going to get a lot today," Ainun said excitedly as she started to rummage.

The sun had barely risen, but people were already passing by on their way home from the mosque. This village was known for its devout residents who frequented the mosque for all occasions, including the dawn prayer.

"Look, I found a lot of cans, I can definitely sell these today," Ainun said gleefully, stuffing the cans into her sack.

"I'm going to buy pecel rice later after selling these cans," Ainun muttered, picturing her all-time favorite food.

Although considered inexpensive by most, a five thousand rupiah portion of pecel rice was a luxury for Ainun. Buying two portions meant spending ten thousand rupiah. So, if she wanted to enjoy such a treat, she had to think twice to avoid future regrets.

"Thank God, it's already half full!" Ainun exclaimed, overjoyed.

"Well, well, Nun! You're here early," said Mak Sabar, arriving at the scene.

"I'm the first one here, Mak," replied Ainun with a broad smile.

"Looks like I'll have to search over there; you've already gone through this side," said Mak Sabar, moving towards the right side of the waste bank.

"Find your spot, Mak. While it's just the two of us. Soon, there will be many others," said Ainun, laughing with delight at her haul of cans.

"You're right, dear!" Mak Sabar agreed, already finding things to put in her own sack.

"Other people are so lucky, Mak! They find scrap metal and can afford motorcycles. We barely make enough to eat," Ainun said with a bitter laugh.

"Be grateful, child. You're still young but you're already doing this difficult job," Mak Sabar replied, offering words of wisdom.

"Just wait for the future, Mak! I'm planning to apply at that new cosmetics shop. Who knows, they might hire me," Ainun said hopefully.

"It's not that I feel like you're competition in collecting scrap, but it breaks my heart to see a young woman like you doing such backbreaking work," said Mak Sabar.

Ainun smiled because she knew Mak Sabar meant well. Mak Sabar often advised her to look for a different job, like at the store, so that she could appear more presentable and avoid being looked down upon by men. At Ainun's age, there were many who sought pleasure in toying with young women's feelings.

"Wow, a nice suitcase! But why is it thrown away?" Ainun muttered, approaching the black suitcase.

Thinking it was empty, she tried to pull it with one hand, but it was so heavy that she couldn't move it. When she managed to shift it slightly, a foul smell hit her, sending shivers down her spine.

"Mak, there's a suitcase!" Ainun shouted for Mak Sabar to come closer.

"Wow, it's still in good condition. It could be used to store clothes," exclaimed Mak Sabar.

"The suitcase is heavy and smells awful, Mak," Ainun whispered, a hint of terror in her voice.

"What do you mean, really?!" Mak Sabar moved closer, her curiosity piqued.

"Smell it, it reaks!" Ainun said, pinching her nose.

"Let me open it. You stay back," Mak Sabar said, a sense of dread creeping into her heart.

"No need, Mak! I'm afraid there might be something strange inside," Ainun pleaded.

"We have to open it to see what's inside. What if it's a dead body?" Mak Sabar's mind raced with possibilities.

"I'll do it. You have a heart condition," Ainun insisted, quickly pulling Mak Sabar back.

It would be disastrous if Mak Sabar fainted or suffered a heart attack, so Ainun decided to open the suitcase herself. Her own heart pounded in her chest, her mind consumed by fear.

She unzipped the suitcase.

"A BODY!" Ainun screamed as she fell to the ground, her legs turning to jelly.

"God is Great!" Mak Sabar exclaimed, her own body trembling at the sight of the dismembered body inside the black suitcase.

"How could this be? God have mercy on whoever did this," Ainun whispered, her entire body shaking uncontrollably.

"Call someone, Nun!" Mak Sabar cried, fear forcing her to crawl backwards.

"I-I can't move, my legs won't work," Ainun stammered, feeling nauseous and overwhelmed with terror.

"He-Help..." Mak Sabar tried to shout, hoping to attract the attention of anyone passing by.

"Ugh..." Ainun finally threw up, unable to stomach the stench of blood any longer.

"Give me strength, God! I have to tell someone," Mak Sabar muttered, slapping her legs, trying to will them to work again.

Ainun was still vomiting uncontrollably, her eyes bloodshot, veins bulging in her neck. Mak Sabar, unable to stand, continued to scream for help, praying that someone would hear their cries.


"What is it, Mak?" Bagus, who was heading to the rice fields, stopped and approached them.

"There's a dead body, Gus! Call someone, there's a body in the suitcase!" Mak Sabar cried, clutching Bagus's hand.

"Oh God, oh God!" Bagus exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock, though he couldn't bring himself to look at the dismembered body.

"Call the neighborhood chief or the village head, Mak can't get up," Mak Sabar pleaded.

"Nun, are you okay?" Bagus asked Ainun, his voice full of concern.

"I-I'm fine, just call the neighborhood chief," Ainun mumbled, her face as white as a sheet.

Bagus took off running towards the neighborhood chief's house, which was quite a distance away. If only he had a vehicle, it would be much faster, but all he could do was run.

Welcome to a new story, guys, I hope you like this one🫰🫰

Warm regards from Novita Jungkook, money greetings from your respective husbands🤣

Episode 2

The residents gathered at the waste bank to see the dismembered body inside the black suitcase. They were all horrified, and some even vomited, unable to bear the sight of the chopped-up flesh and the blood oozing out, creating a pungent smell.

Those with weak hearts fainted instantly. Ainun was still clinging to Mak Sabar, as they were the ones who had found the body. Fear and terror mingled within them; they couldn't bear to eat, their minds haunted by the image of the fresh blood from inside the suitcase.

Someone offered them water, taking pity on Ainun, who was pale and trembling. Some residents, led by the village head, Pak Lurah, carefully examined the contents of the suitcase, especially the head, which had been severed from the body. Turning it would reveal the face to them.

"In the name of God, Almighty!" Pak Lurah was also afraid of what they might find.

"Don't let the perpetrator's fingerprints disappear. It's best not to touch it," Bagus said softly.

"Bagus is right. We don't want the perpetrator's fingerprints to disappear," the residents worried.

"Wait, this... this is the child of Landlord Sutomo," Pak Lurah exclaimed in shock.


All the residents were stunned and immediately moved closer to confirm the identity of the body in the suitcase. Despite being covered in blood, they could still recognize that it was Sukma, the daughter of the wealthy landlord. It could be said that almost half of the land in this village belonged to Sutomo.


"It's true, it's Sukma!" exclaimed another, utterly shocked.

"Quickly call Mr. Tomo. He needs to know that his child was murdered in such a gruesome way," urged Pak RT, the neighborhood head, overwhelmed with worry.

"Oh God, Sukma was murdered by an evil person," Bagus, who knew the cheerful girl, said sorrowfully.

"Who would dare to mess with Mr. Tomo? They're finished," Pak Lurah muttered under his breath.

Soon, the landlord arrived with his three henchmen. He was always escorted wherever he went, and this time was no exception. Tomo staggered upon seeing the body of his youngest daughter, mutilated in such a way by an unknown assailant.

"SUKMAAAAA!" Tomo screamed, clutching the suitcase without a hint of disgust.

"Sir," his bewildered henchmen murmured, unsure of what to do.

"Oh God, this is so tragic. I just saw Sukma riding her motorcycle yesterday," Fitra, Sukma's friend, remarked.

"Death is unpredictable, but this is beyond cruel," Bagus lamented, unable to contain his sadness.

"May Allah forgive all of Sukma's sins and welcome her to His side," Ustad Zayn, the religious leader, prayed sincerely.

"Sukma, who could have done this to you?" Tomo cried out.


From a distance, an older woman, still beautiful, came running, lifting her skirt to move faster. It was Bu Dian, Tomo's wife. News of her youngest daughter's death had reached her, prompting her to rush over.

"My child! Oh God, my child," Bu Dian wailed, her cries piercing the air.

"Mom, seek forgiveness in God," Melisa said, embracing her hysterical mother.

"My child! I want my child back! Why was my child murdered?" Bu Dian screamed, struggling in Melisa's arms.

"Call upon Allah's name, Mom," Delisa pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

Landlord Tomo had five children: two sons and three daughters. Sukma was the youngest, followed by Melisa and then Delisa. Sukma was the most cheerful and friendly of them all.

"Please give us space so we can investigate this matter," the police arrived and began examining Sukma's body.

"Please catch the person who killed my daughter. Please, I beg you, catch them!" Tomo pleaded with the police.

"We will do our best, sir! We will get to the bottom of this," the police assured him.

"I will pay any price as long as the murderer is caught," Tomo said, knowing that money could speed up the investigation.

"SUKMAAAA... Oh God, your body..." Bu Dian cried out, approaching the suitcase.

"Don't look, Mom!" Delisa shouted, fearing her mother might faint.

"Ugh!" Melisa, unable to stomach the smell of blood any longer, vomited.

The police took immediate action and secured the suitcase containing Sukma's remains for further investigation, knowing it might hold the killer's fingerprints. The residents lingered, their curiosity piqued, turning the waste bank into a crowded marketplace.

"Is it true that you were the one who found the suitcase, miss?" a police officer asked Ainun.

"Y-yes, sir. Mak Sabar and I were collecting cans and plastic bottles early this morning," Ainun replied, trembling.

"Don't be afraid. Just tell us what happened," Bagus encouraged Ainun, who was still shaken.

"Just tell them, Nun. You know me. Please tell them everything so they can find Sukma's killer," Sutomo pleaded.

"That's all I know, sir. The suitcase was already there, and it was tightly closed when I found it," Ainun explained.

"Did you see anyone suspicious disposing of the suitcase?" the officer pressed, seeking more details.

"No, sir!" Ainun shook her head vehemently.

"Alright then. We will take the body for further investigation." The police left with the suitcase.

Tomo held his wife, who wailed inconsolably as the police closed the suitcase. Sukma's remains were taken away, the investigation into her murder just beginning.

"Sukma, my child," Bu Dian sobbed, unable to move.

"Poor Bu Dian. She must be devastated!" Fitra whispered to Bagus.

"Of course. She's a mother," Bagus nodded in agreement.

"The killer is so cruel. How could they do that to another human being?" Fitra shuddered, horrified by the thought.

"Let's go home, Ainun. Can you walk?" Pendi approached Ainun, who was still weak.

Ainun, feeling slightly better, got up with Pendi's assistance, her appetite for rice pecel completely gone after the day's traumatic discovery.

*Purnama and Arya are also here with the other members. The curse on Arya's child will be explored a bit here, though not fully revealed.*

Episode 3

Mak Ratih was startled to hear Ainun's story that Sukma had died, her body dismembered inside a suitcase. The daughter of the most prominent landowner had been injured, raising a big question mark for all the residents of Bakti Reso village. A person who had never been known to have any problems, suddenly found themselves in trouble.

Mr. Tomo had never had any problems with the people in this village or the neighboring villages. Although he was rich, he was just like the other residents who were willing to work together on communal projects every Sunday. Almost all the residents had no complaints about his demeanor; everyone said he was a good person and had no problems. The same went for his helper, Mak Ratih, because she had been working at the landlord's house for a long time.

But suddenly, his daughter was hurt by someone they didn't even know. Who would dare to cause trouble? What heartache did the perpetrator harbor to have the heart to kill this poor girl? Sukma wasn't even troublesome; it was Melisa whose attitude was more arrogant.

"Who could have done this to Sukma? How could they be so cruel?!" Mak Ratih was saddened too.

For many years, Mak Ratih had worked as a maid at Mr. Tomo's house, and she had never received any ill-treatment from Sukma. The girl always invited her to eat at lunchtime. All of Sukma's kindness danced in Mak Ratih's mind.

"I just realized that the suitcase had Sukma's name written on it," Ainun said softly.

"Where, Nun?" Pendi was also startled to hear Ainun's words.

"Near the handle. The writing is red, and if I'm not mistaken, it could be blood!" Ainun explained, still trembling.

"Oh my God, how cruel this person is," Mak Ratih lamented, having been crying this whole time.

"The killer will surely be revealed soon, because there must be fingerprints," Pendi said confidently, also feeling sorry.

"Even if they are caught, they'll probably just go to jail! Meanwhile, the one who was killed can no longer live. Imagining the pain she felt when her body was cut into pieces," Mak Ratih lamented.

"You're right, Sukma must have been in so much pain because her whole body was cut up so finely," Ainun shuddered.

"Isn't that almost the same as Maharani's story, Bu Laras's child from the next village?" Pendi suddenly remembered it.

"That's right, but all that was left of her were bones," Mak Ratih nodded.

"But it's impossible that Mr. Tomo killed Sukma, right?" Ainun asked, looking at her mother.

"Of course not! Don't talk carelessly! Sukma is Mr. Tomo's beloved daughter," Mak Ratih scolded.

"Don't speak carelessly, we don't want others to hear and spread rumors, especially if it reaches Mr. Tomo's ears," Pendi said softly.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking that way because I remembered that the one who killed Maharani was her own father," Sukma apologized, a little apprehensive.

She was afraid that if others heard, rumors would spread and get out of hand. Mr. Tomo might not accept it and retaliate against the person who said that. Surely, Ainun would also get into trouble because it was her who started the conversation. Hence, Mak Ratih reminded them not to speak carelessly.


The residents were abuzz, talking about Sukma's tragic death. Especially the group of gossiping mothers; it was a field day for them, as they had new material to chatter about while wondering what had really happened in the village.

What's more, the deceased was the child of the most famous person. Even the village head paled in comparison to Mr. Tomo. He was the one who was predicted to be the next village head. When the old village head retired, he would be asked to step up by all the residents because they believed Tomo could lead.

"Does anyone think this could be the doing of the village head?" As asked the other mothers.

"Why would you accuse the village head, As?" Eli wondered.

"That's a bit odd of you. How could it be the village head who killed Sukma!" Yani chimed in.

"See, your brains are shallow, you can't think that far!" As said seriously.

This made the other mothers start to wonder, but they still didn't understand why As could accuse the current village head of wrongdoing. Although the village head was not rich, he was very kind and always prioritized the well-being of his residents in every way.

"It's possible that the village head harbors resentment towards Tomo because all the residents are now inclined towards Tomo!" As explained.

"Hah! Could that be it?" Eli still couldn't believe As's words.

"But it's possible, right? Now the residents seem to dislike him," Yani nodded in agreement.

"Don't just make accusations, or we could be accused of defamation!" Eli snapped, a little scared.

"Are you stupid or what? This is just a suspicion, a suspicion!" As exclaimed in annoyance.

"We can suspect anyone, it doesn't mean we're accusing them of being the perpetrator!" Yani also agreed with As.


The mothers were startled by the arrival of Ustad Zayn after returning from the waste bank. They didn't realize that their gossiping was being overheard by this Ustad, so now they were ashamed. Ustad Zayn was quite respected here because his late father was the one who founded the large Islamic boarding school here, which was still running today.

"Oh, Ustad!" As smiled sheepishly, as the young widow had a crush on him.

"It's not good to gossip like that, that's called prejudice against others," Ustad Zayn advised.

"It was just a suspicion, Ustad," Yani said, also embarrassed.

"Suspicion is allowed, but what you were doing just now was accusing," Zayn replied.

"Sorry, Ustad!" As smiled sweetly, trying to impress Zayn.

The mothers who liked to gossip carelessly dispersed. Such behavior could lead to malicious accusations against innocent people. After all, it wasn't certain that the village head was the perpetrator.

Sorry guys, I can't update much today. The author has a wedding to attend quite far from here, actually out of town, because the journey alone takes an hour.

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