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Difference Between Wolf

difference between wolf

“The clouds were attached”

They became dark...........

The heat were spread over the atmosphere

A leader wolf was standing on the top of a mountain.

“Its cloudy‚ we must move on”...

the leader said!

All the wolf standing around the leader were discussed each other.The older one said

“I wish a frozen breeze”

the juniors confused and ask: why?. The older one laughed (silently)he knows that juniors were not understand!

Then now the wolf get ready to their adventure to the cave.

The leader runs in front. in middle,Juniors.

women wolves in back.. Juniors run in fast, the leader's eyes keep moving for the sake of juniors.

The woman wolf gritted her teeth and whispered : “its bad that we are on back, at least we were wanted for the new generation, doesn't we.

The sharp hearing of the leader heard the words of women wolf.

The wolf leader slow down and he peers at woman wolf.

“Why are you staring at me” she asked..

leader wolf said “Its necessary to keep juniors its not a duty nor for status it's respect.

the overwhelmed words were suck to the women wolf, her eyes down in sorry then the leader heard a sound!

that some of the grown wolf attacking juniors the leaders eyes got wide and run towards them. the wolf were step back by seeing leader.

“what wrong, are all became uncontrollable, what are you consist of? ” the leader ask.

an anthor wolf said :then look!, what the juniors hidding off.

the leader looked at what the juniors were hiding in,it was an orange Fox.

the juniors were scared but they still said


the leader get sad instead of angry.


Back then the protector leader was an Junior.Those days are so bad for the leader wolf.

one day even lost his tribe with all hope.

for a second he completely blanked out .His vision became blurry. That time he sees a group of foxes which is so familiar with the wolves. (the small eyes were more powerful than Eagle's ) “hey wolf, are you alone? one of the foxes asked.

He did not know how to reply.

what to reply......... His feet and face shaken

The leader is scared and refuses to come with them. he slowly step back.

his movements and tension was understandable for Foxes.

The condition of leader wolf was not scared! its trustable.

one of the fox said: if we leave you. you die. so once we killed someone It is better that we want to die to.

it wasn't so understandable for leader wolf but it was touched words.


darkness became blackness. Falling life became a drop of water.

That water from cloud touched to the face of kid fox which Juniors were protecting.

The hevy rain started,

the wolves became uncontrollable...

That time the kid fox run to an anthor direction and said

“Follow me”

The paths of fox follwed by wolf. even though they didn't trust him either, they followed because for life.

successfully they reched the cave of Foxes. fox and wolf became together anr the rain were overd.

“The clouds were separated ”

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