"Hahahaha! Look at him! He looks like he will cry soon!" says the bully with excitement in his voice."They are bullying me...again." I think to myself. The bully suddenly kicks me in the head. "Ouch!" I scream out. "Hahaha!" the bullies laugh at me. "Hey, guys. Let's go already I need to study for the test." says one of the girls in the bully group. "Oh, of course let's go, cutie." says the main bully. "Heh...what a simp. A girl talks and he can shit himself..." I think to myself. "Don't think we won't see eachother tomorrow, brat." says the bully and all of them leave. Tears slowly fall down my cheeks. "Fucking bastards! I told my mom so many times if we can move and start a new life. No money is always the answer." I tell myself. "Only if I could get revenge. But how? I can't do nothing against them. I am... pathetic." I whimp a little more. That night Akira stayed at school, hiding in a closet until the janitor left. As Akira walks through the infinite hallways of the school he feels a strange energy. "Hey..." Akira hears from behind his back. The voice sounding like an old radio. "Huh!?" Akira says as he turns around. "What!?" Akira freezes as he gets the sight of the "person". "I heard you want revenge." the thing says. Akira is speechless he didn't see anything like this in his live. It's body looking deformed and black. "Y-yeah..I-I do!" Akira gets out of him. "Let's close a contract then." the thing says from what appears to be a deformed head. A piece of ancient paper appears in the things hand. A pen in the second one. "Just sign this." says with an excited sounding voice. Akira looks at the paper. Something written on it by an ancient language unknown to Akira. A knife appears in the third hand of the thing. "Just pierce your finger by this and sign it." says the thing with a serious tone. Akira does as told. "The only way I can achieve revenge." I think to myself. "Great choice. My powers are now ready for your revenge." says the thing excitedly. A sudden sound is heard. "Huh?" Akira turns around. "I'll go now." the thing whispers. "You sure we will find the test answers?" says a girly voice. Suddenly the bullies appear from the hallway. "Huh? What is he doing here?" says the girl. Suddenly Akira's eyes go blank as big sharp teeth and big sharp claws start to appear. A small symbol from the unknown ancient language like from the contract appears on Akira's forehead.
Akira laughs menacingly. "I will achieve my revenge!" Akira says. The bullies are frozen in place. Akira swings his hand up. The girl bully being torn to pieces. Only the fingers fall to the ground in one piece. Blood everywhere.
The three remaining bullies take off running. Akira just laughs and waves. When suddenly he waves his hand down. A big white flash appears. The bullies that were running away are cut in half. Their upper body severed from their lower half. Even the school wall gets torn in half. Akira senses that the main bully is still somehow Alive. Akira walks closer to him. "You still breathing? How is that possible, little one?" Akira says with a menacing and psychopathic voice. The bully just coughs out blood. Parts of the roof start to fall from the wall being destroyed. "This will probably get some attention, Huh?" Akira says. Akira suddenly feels a strong presence. A dark hand with big and sharp claws emerges from the darkness. Picking up the top half of the bully. "Hey! Whe-..* Akira's chest is suddenly pierced with a same looking hand. "I sense... poison." Akira says while coughing up blood. The top half of the bully is now fully gone. The hand took it into the darkness. The other hand lefts Akira's chest. Akira falling to the ground. The hand then also disappeares into the darkness. "What w-was that? I-I am loosing c-consciousness!" Akira manages to get the words out of him. Blood coming from his mouth. Akira suddenly appears in a clod place. Snow everywhere. Strong cold wind. "Where am I...?" Akira says confused. The thing he made his contract emerges. "It's my world." the thing says. "You are dying." the thing continues. "Then safe me! I made a deal with you!" Akira yells. "That was not in our contract, Akira. But I am of course willing to make a another deal with you. Now with an actual price." the thing tells Akira. "The first didn't cost me anything?" Akira questions. "No. It was purely from my need of some fun...But now there will be a price. I left your body. That's why you lost consciousness." the thing answers. "What do you want? I still didn't finish my revenge! There is still one of them left. But something saved him."..."Oh, so he has a contract too, huh? the thing then laughs. "This is getting interesting." the thing continues. "Let's make a another contract! I will kill the bully and the thing that saved him! Akira pleases. "No. I am not in my full form. It's been a long time since I had a contract with someone. And that demon seemed pretty strong, you know? I am not sure if I could beat it." the thing says. "D-demon? You are a demon!?" Akira asks with wide eyes. "Whoops....Well....I am." the thing agrees. "Name your price, demon. It can be anything." Akira says seriously. "There is a thing that will get me into a half form. If you say everything. Let's go with that." a new paper appears in the things hand, a pen in the second and a knife in the third. Akira pierces his finger and signed the contract. "Pleasure doing business with you....This might hurt." the demon says. Akira awakens. Coughing up blood and struggling to breathe. He is in the school again. A voice sounds in his head. "I healed you. Just like stated in the contract. Now....let me in..will you, Akira?" the voice says. "Wha-.....Akira suddenly starts to cough furiously. Sweat coming down his forehead. The coughing stops. Akira looks at his right hand. The same ancient symbol from his forehead appearing on his forearm. "You can give me full control any time you please. You will transform like you did previously. The teeth and claws. You know what I mean. Just be aware that some things aren't in the contract." the voice says. Police sirens are heard in the distance. "I need to run!" Akira yells seriously. Akira starts running away. "Whoa! I never ran this fast." Akira thinks to himself. "Me being one with you also adds a little to your normal phisycal abilities. These abilities get stronger when you transform into me." the voice says. Akira makes his way home and gets into bed.
Akira wakes up. It's Saturday. Akira yawns and gets up from his bed and makes his way over to the living room and turns on the TV. The news of the school incident are all over the news. "Heh...I guess I have really done it, huh..." Akira smirks. Akira checks the time. "Mom didn't come from the shift yet....It's sad that she has to work the entire week just to make us two live. I wonder everyday about my father. Who killed him....Wait. Now I can get revenge with my powers...But I would need to find out who done it." Akira thinks to himself when he is suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. Akira goes over to the door and opens it. A beautiful woman stand in front of him. "Ye-..before he can finish the woman squeezes his right forearm. Akira feels like there is a part of his soul being squeezed and contained. "What are you doing!?" Akira yells. The woman withdraws her hand. "I am Himari Takahashi. You are Akira Kage, right?" the woman says with a cute voice. "Uhh...Y-yeah..I am. Why did you squeeze my forearm?" Akira blushes a little. The voice of the demon in his mind says: "You know I can read your mind, right? I didn't expect a teenager to be so freaky. You should stop. The image your imagining right now is awful. Why are you thinking about fucking her? She is my enemy. She is dangerous. Don't talk to her!" the voice finishes. "I know you signed a contract with a demon. I don't know to which demon yet...but I need you to go with me." Himari says. "N-no.." Akira answers. "It's super hard sayng a no to this gorgeous of a woman. Akira saying this to the demon's voice in his mind. "She squeezed your mark. She wanted to contain me. She thinks you are dangerous. Don't go with her!" the voice answers. "So that's why she did that immediately I opened the door...she expected me to attack her, I guess..." Akira answers to the demon's voice. "Is everything alright, Akira?" Himari asks. Akira blushes a little. "O-of course, Miss..."..."No need to call me miss. Just call me Himari." Himari says playfully. "Don't go with her! Why do you think with your hard wood?" the demo's voice rings in Akira's head. "Okay I will go with you, Himari!" Akira says. "Great. Just follow me into the car. We will notify your mother about this." Himari answers. Akira follows her into the car. Akira and Himari sitting in the back. A driver already in the car. "So ho-"...Himari suddenly puts her hand on Akira's shoulder. Akira falls unconscious. Akira opens his eyes finding himself in an unknown location. "Where am I?" Akira says with a worried tone. "Now you have done it..I told you to not talk to her. You are the worst! Now they will get to know which demon is inside of you and because... because it's me they will kill you! Stupid teenage boys only thinking with their wood! You think she will give you? the demon's voice asks. "Shit...I should ha-"....the door of the room swings open. Himari walking in. "Hey, Akira." She says with her usual cute tone. Akira's worries disappear. It's like when he sees her. He immediately goes into heaven. "Hey, Himari!" Akira says a little excited [literally]....Himari shows a syringe. "Why do you ha-"...Himari pierces Akira's skin where the mark is. The syringe picks his blood. She pulls out the syringe and gets him a plaster over it. "We have the mark and now finally the blood." Himari mumbles to herself. "Himari." Akira says. Himari not answering and just walks away from the room by the door she came in with. Closing the door behind her. "What's wrong with her...." Akira questions. After a few minutes Himari comes back into the room and immediately squeezes Akira's forearm. "Hey!" Akira yells. Some unknown people with weapons and a man with a large scar over his eye come rushing into the room. "You. Akira Kage are sentenced to death!" the man screams.
In the moment the man's scream ends. A hand appears from behind him and pierced Akira's chest. Tearing his heart from his chest....Akira finds himself in the winter lands again. "Why I am here again..?" Akira says. "We are both dying, Akira." the demon says. "It was a demon's hand...thus it can damage me too. We are in my mind again. Time ticks here very slowly. We need to come up with an idea how we should stay alive." the demon continues. "I don't think it's possible..." Akira says with a sad tone. "That bitch is holding your forearm. You can't switch into me. We are cooked." the demon finishes. "You said you are only in your half form or something, right? Can't you just transform into your full form?" Akira asks nervously. "You don't understand. Well let me break it down for you. Basically. When a demon signs a contract in exchange for letting the demon stay in your mind a body. Just like you did. The demon gets into it's half form. Without a contract or contract not involving being able to stay inside a living being. The demon is in its seed form. A demon gets into its full form if a living being kills it. The being that killed it will become the demon. And also it can get into its full form if it fully consumes a soul of its host, overpowering their will. This is a phycological battle, where the demon tempts the human with power or exploits their weaknesses. For the third. Completing a specific ritual or event." the demon says. "So I need to kill you, huh?" Akira says with deadly intentions. He looks at the demon with deadly eyes as the cold winter wind blows.
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