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Arcane Ascension


In a glorious village of Magistra, where the most powerful sorcerers gather. There was a temple where children without parents were being catered for. Also a lot of children were being left at the temple for no reason left behind and tracing the parents were of no use.

One wonderful day filled with beauty and power of magic and natural world, the priest by named Brother Lotharfounder of the temple, came to the temple . To his suprise he spotted two babies in front of the temple. As though he was shocked to see these beautiful children but it was not strange because it happens most of the time.

As the children were taken into the temple, Brother Lothar check the children to see if they were given names. Lo and behold the two children had names. One was named Alistair who wears a symbol which looks like a religious symbol on his neck whiles the other was named Xander.

The children grew up in the temple to become hardworking and great children. Everyone in the village of Magistra were socerers so all the children born also have magical powers. Both Alistair and Xander also have magical powers. Alistair was a Wind power user while Xander was has super strength which is not considered to be a magic in the village of Magistra.

Most of the children in the temple admired the magic of Alistair than that of Xander. This made Xander more jealous of his friend Alistair. There was a Sister who helped the priest to cater for the children in the temple. Samatha was her name. The name was given to her due to the beauty, intelligence and strong work ethics. And she uses the Water magic powers.

Alistair and Xander became best of friends since when they were they were children till when they grew up . Alistair was the emotional type and Xander was stubborn and never gave up on his goals when they were children.

They did everything together as if they were brothers from one parent. They mostly help the Priest and the Sister to take care of the children in the temple.

As time went by, Xander grew some kind of feeling for Sister Samatha and did not know how to convince her . Although he had tried many times but they all failed.

Every year a competition is being held to recruit best socerers to join the Elite Mages to protect the Kingdom of Elysium, a kingdom with the most magic and sorcery. There are a lot of villages under this kingdom which includes the village of Magistra.

Those who are mages in the kingdom of elysium are being paid, get good food to eat and most especially are being respected. Also leaders of the elite mages get promoted to become what we called the Wizard King. The wizard king is the right man to the king and also the commander of the elite mages. He is also the problem solver in the villages under the kingdom of elysium.


Alistair and Xander as children promised each other that they will become the Wizard king. Their main purpose was to gain money to take care of the children in the temple. Just that one wants to surpass the other but they have one goal.

After the announcement of the event which is to take place, there were requirements which we’re needed before one can participate in the competition.

First of all one need to posses magic and have a spell book . For both Alistair and Xander to join they have to follow the requirements but unfortunately they both have not received their spell books yet .

On the day of spell book awarding day, the whole villagers who have not yet received a spell book are suppose to meet at the spell book library to receive them. Alistair and Xander with the rest of the villagers were present waiting for the librarian to arrive.

A few minutes later, the librarian entered and told them to stretch forth their hands and receive their spell book. The rule for receiving the spell book was you don’t pick or choose a spell book but the book choose you. The spell books are ranked in stars which are star 1, star 2, star 3, star 4, star 5 and the rarest one which is star 6.

It is been said that in the star 6 spell book dwells an ancient devil. Anyone who do not receive a spell book will have to try again another year.

As the spell book awarding ceremony began, the spell books began choosing their rightful owners. Most people receive their spell book but few did not receive theirs which means they will have to try again another year. Xander was confused about why he did not receive his spell book but his childhood friend Alistair received his which is ranked star 5. Even though he was disappointed but he was happy for his childhood friend.

Finally the ceremony was over. Xander did not wait for the ceremony to be over cause he did not get a spell book so he decided to train his body and his super strength ability. On his way back to the temple, he saw Alistair been bullied by other villagers. Upon Xander seeing this he decided to help his friend out. He found out that the other villagers has seized his friend spell book which he intends to sell out for money.

Xander hearing that made him angry and confronted the other guys to claim the book but upon all his strength he lost due to the other guys have more magical powers than his strength.

As the wiling power Xander had, he gathered more of his strength powers and defeated the other villagers and gave back his friend spell book back to him.

On their way to the temple, they kept reminding themselves about the promise they both made and memories of their childhood.

The priest welcome them and gave them some food to eat and discuss about the spell book ceremony. They both began to explain and Alistair showed his spell book to the priest. The priest was pleased to see and later asked Xander for his. Xander told him he was not able to acquire one. Everyone cheered him up even though he did not receive a spell book.


Xander on the other hand, knowing deep down him that he will acquire a spell book, kept waiting and training his body. He kept on training and training till his body can’t continue each and everyday .

One beautiful morning, Xander on his usual routine for training, he trained and decided to give it a rest. While resting, he came across a glowing red spell book hanging above his head and decided to stretch to obtain. Lo and behold he was able to acquire the spell book.

The spell book which he held was the star 6 book which was the rarest of all the spell books in the library. Xander began to rejoice for he has finally received his spell book.

In other to be sure if it was a spell book, he took it to the librarian to be sure is a spell book. The librarian confirmed the book and told him more about the book. It was said that in the star 6 spell book dwells a devil.

Xander with excitement took the book to the temple to show the priest and everyone in the temple. They all rejoice and celebrated cause they both made it.

The day for the competition is almost near. Xander and Alistair told the priest about them joining the competition. The priest was not happy about that idea of joining the elite mages competition, but told them to becareful when they go and join the challenge.

Few days later, the journey to the Capital of Kingdom of Elysium to join the competition will begin.

Two days left for the competition to take place, Xander and Alistair set of to attend the competition. They packed all things needed, and packed some food for the journey. It was time to go and they bid farewell to the priest, sister and the children in the temple.

The two began their journey. The journey was long and stressful but they endured and had fun along the way . Soon it was in the evening and they had to rest and get something to eat, so they continued their journey the next day.

The following morning they continued their journey with excitement and fun. Soon enough they got to the gate to the capital of the kingdom of elysium.

Kingdom of Elysium is a beautiful place with a lot of building, trees, flowers and other stuffs.

Xander and Alistair were tired and had to get some rest so later in the afternoon they join the competition. Both of them lodge in a motel . Later in the afternoon it was time for the competition to begin. They both prepared and set of to join the rest of the entrants to compete.

As they arrived at the arena, they saw a lot of entrants at the arena. So they both told themselves, “I will have to be selected “. Everyone was ready waiting for hosts to arrive. The addressee came and welcome them to the annual recruitment of the elite mages. He called the king to take his seat, followed by the wizard king then later the leaders of the elite mages grout to take their seats. The king was called King Ithaca while the wizard king was called King Balor who was the third wizard king.

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