NovelToon NovelToon




By MTN community!

Lala: Hi dear readers😄..

Emma: Hi everyone ☺️

Emma: I am here as the head of login department😏😏

Lala: I am her assistant here during training 😄

Sia: 😑😑😑What about me?

Emma: You are assistant of our book😏

Love: Can u please explain about the book now? 😑😑

Emma:😏😏Okay *ahem*

Well maybe you are thinking what we will do here?? Why are we here?? What this new book have?? What will be the interesting thing coming in here?? And many more questions right? Let's begin with the introduction of the book...

I am Emma head of first step for all and I will tell you the details of the book....

For youtube, we are going to give you training for making YouTube PPT, and adding sound and effects in the PPT. How to write a funny and interesting script and many more.

For Instagram, hashtags with interesting caption and style of the caption for Instagram post and help you to link accounts with Facebook and we will try to make you work on Twitter as well in the future but for now we are only working on few things.

For website and Pinterest, we will also tell you how to make website and how to use Pinterest as business account in future and we will tell you how to edit website into customise website. Many people think website is only made up with the money and paying them monthly or yearly payment, but we will make sure you will make your own website for free.

But in starting we will take few people in the training. Well, it's not a competition it's a training, but there will be a competition like we have in schools, while studying there will be a position according to your performance if you do good work you will surely get benefit in the end of the first season.

Lala: But we can only contact you through Instagram and Gmail. I hope you will try to co-operate with us.

Emma: Thanks dear I almost forgot about this detail 😚😚.

Lala: No problem my mom.

Emma: I m not ur mom here😑😑

Lala: Okay sister😂

There will be a forms for you guys in the next chapter.

~Thanks a lot from login☺️

Love you everyone stay tuned

Some rules to follow

Hi again~~~

In this chapter, we are going to tell you the rules you need to follow.....

Head [Emma]: anyone wants to explain the rules I am tired??😪😴

Sia: Let me do it for you sis...😊😊

Lala: No, I will do it for mom...😒😒

Sia: Emma is your mom?😯😯😯

Lala: Yes she is😯😯😯...

Sia: I m your lil aunty🤗🤗🤗🤗

Lala: Hi aunty Sia🤗🤗🤗🤗

Sia: Now it's decided I will do it for my sis...

Lala: Ok 😯😯

Sia: These are the rules 👇

1) No Hate: Please don't spread hateful comments if there is any suggestion you are always welcomed, or else we will have to take strict actions against you. 

2) No Promotion of Books: You mustn't comment or promote your books here. We are trying to organize an activity, please don't try to take advantage of us. 

3) Follow us: If you want to participate please follow the head of this department to make things easy. The head of this department is Emma and her helping hand Mayank.

4) First come, first service: The people who will give us correct and fastest form in the upcoming chapter, we will welcome them but if you are late we will not accept you but you will have a chance in the second season for sure.

5) Be Patient: Please be patient, we also need some time to manage everything. So, while we do so, please do not lose hope and always believe in us. 

6) No arguments: We request everyone not to argue in the comments or anywhere and maintain peace.

7) You must fill the complete form!: Please be careful while filling your form. We will not accept any incomplete forms. 

8) Support each other: Let's support each other together till the end and make our little learning interesting. 

9) Must follow the community and subscribe to this book: Let's keep up-to-date with what is happening in the community (Already told, but reminding you all again). 

10) Contact us: you can also contact us through Gmail and Instagram. Gmail is most important if you don't want the real one you can use fake Gmail like your MT account name.

Head: Good work sia👏🏻

Sia: Thanks sis

Lala: Thanks aunty🤗🤗🤗🤗

Sia: Welcome dear🤗🤗🤗🤗

Head:  Okay now end it here~

*Whisper* such a sweet talker they are😒😒

~Thank you very much 😋

And the other information is given in the next chapters.

Introduction of members - 1

Hi everyone 🙂

Head: Today I m here to introduce you the members of this department 😊 and the team leaders of our future students 🏫 .

Lala: Let me do it, Mom.

Sia: No, I will do it. She is my sister💢💢💢💢

Head: Lovvvveeee *Shout*

Love: Why are you shouting my name like this?😲😲😲

Head: Control them💢💢

Love: You are better me in this...

Head: Do it before I kill u Love...

Love: Okay...

Sia and Lala do u want me to hit on your head🤜🤜

Lala and sia: Sorry *scared*

Love: And stop your family drama 💢💢💢

Lala and sia: Okay mam.

Head: Good work, Love.

Now let's start with the introduction...

Mayank: Hello everyone. I’m Mayank. The subhead of login department. I like swimming and boxing. Mostly I’m happy and try to make everyone happy around me. I am also good at giving emotional support if you are depressed or worried about anything ........

So, if you have any problem and want to share or need any kind of help, you are welcomed to message me anytime.

Head: He is also a helping hand and a subhead.😒 But annoying...

Love: Helllloooo!! My MT name is Love. I'm a 16 years old sweet innocent girl. I like talking to new people very much. I'll be your new trainer for captions🥰🥰. If you have any problems do come to me, I'll surely solve them. That's all for now. Peace out.

Head: Well both of them forget to mention one thing that they like to annoy me in her (love) own way and another (Mayank) by giving me compliments... 

Well, Mayank will teach you about how to link Facebook with Instagram and what should you fill in them because we are using the business account and writing front for caption and love will tell you about the caption and hashtags and Mayank and love are going to work together. Well, they both are nice at work...

Head: Let the leader of Pinterest tell about herself.....

Stella: I am Stella, although it is not my real name, it is my MT (Mangatoon) username and you can call me that. I have been using Mangatoon for three years. I have started writing in Mangatoon since May 2020. I am from India.

Head: She will teach you how to make your post interesting on Pinterest and things which are needed in the business account of Pinterest.

Sushmita: I am Sushmin Gurung but everyone calls me Sg, so do likewise. I am from Nepal. I am 20 years. I am very lazy, so I always keep reading mangas or watching anime and dramas. I sometimes write or read novels too.

Head: Sushmin will teach you about posts on the website as it is counted in Pinterest.

Kate: My name is Kate. There is a lot of things I do which depend on my mood but the most obvious ones are reading books, writing stories, and watching YouTube. My old position was an assistant on Insta. My new position is the youtube head and 2nd manager of YouTube.

Head: Kate's work is to assign you and help you in the script and how can you make your script interesting and help others.

 Let me introduce the remaining members in the next part. Do read it.

~Thanks a lot😉

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