NovelToon NovelToon

Give Me Life


My childhood was relatively normal until I turned seven. It was then that my older sister had to leave home.

At that time, I couldn’t understand why, especially since Hannah was only twelve years old. My parents explained that her departure was part of her mandatory schooling, and although they reassured me she would visit often, saying goodbye to her was the first great pain I had ever felt. Until then, Hannah had been my whole world; we were inseparable and enjoyed every moment together. But since she left, I felt her drifting farther and farther away.

Another drastic change was my school routine. Extra hours of physical training were added, becoming a daily requirement. At first, it was fun, but over time, it grew exhausting and lost its appeal. Despite my disinterest, my parents constantly reminded me that attending those sessions was mandatory.

However, everything changed completely when I turned eight. The coaches decided to separate us by gender to introduce a new sport: combat. My classmates and I were trained in hand-to-hand combat techniques and the use of sticks as weapons. The truth is, I hated the sport. I simply didn’t feel right hitting my classmates, so I mostly defended myself from their attacks. As a result, I almost always ended up getting hit. My performance worsened, disappointing my coaches and making me a target for mockery from my classmates, who noticed I wasn’t keeping up with them. All of this made me enjoy training even less.

One day, after an exhausting session, one of my coaches approached me to talk about my poor performance.

—I know why you’re not improving, but it’s something you need to do. Are you trying to get better, Yonah? —the trainer asked, sitting down beside me.

—I’m sorry —I murmured, staring at the ground.

—Well, I don’t see any effort from you —she replied sternly.

When I looked up, I noticed two of my classmates by the door, whispering and laughing behind my back.

—Yonah, look at me —the trainer said—. Some of the kids use the training rooms to practice after hours. I want you to join them and practice, understood? —her tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.

—I understand —I answered quietly, feeling a lump form in my throat.

—Believe me, this is for your own good. Later, you’ll understand why I need you to be at the same level as your classmates, okay? —she concluded, standing up and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Clearly, there were no other options. So, I followed the coach’s instructions and went to train after class. There were several kids there, and it wasn’t easy to approach them because I was very shy. Making friends my age had always been hard for me. But that day, things changed.

—That stick is too big for you —an enthusiastic boy surprised me—. You should get a smaller one. With that, you won’t be able to practice properly.

—R...really? —I asked shyly, looking at the stick I’d been using.

—Yeah, come on, let’s find a smaller one —he said, leading me to the storage room where all the practice sticks were kept.

He was very kind, so I followed him.

—This one should work for you —the boy said, handing me a new stick—. Try it out.

I took the stick and made a few movements with it.

—You’re right, —I said with a shy smile—. Thank you.

—No problem. —He smiled wider. —Hey, you're my neighbor, right?

No wonder his appearance seemed familiar. I had seen him in my building recently.

—I think so, did your family just move in? —I asked, a bit unsure but relieved by how naturally the conversation was going.

—Yes, we’re the new ones, —he answered cheerfully—. My brother and I were thinking of greeting you, but we hadn’t had the chance until now, —he said smiling—. My name’s Finney, what’s yours? —he asked, with a warmth that made me feel more comfortable than I ever thought possible.

—Yonah, —I answered without looking him in the eyes, but I was surprised at how easy it was to say my name.

—Let’s be good friends, Yonah, —he said, placing his hands on my shoulders.

I couldn’t help but blush. No one had ever spoken to me like that before, and I didn’t know how to react. His gesture made me feel special, like I finally belonged somewhere.

—What’s wrong? Don’t you want to? —he asked, a hint of sadness in his voice, noticing my lack of response.

—No, I mean, yes, I do want to be friends, —I replied nervously.

—Great! —he cheered—. Rhys! —he shouted to a boy who was fighting with someone else—. Come here!

At that moment, I thought the boy was his friend, but as he got closer, I realized it was the boy who lived with Finney. I assumed he was his brother.

—What’s up? —Rhys asked, with a surprised expression On his face—. Hey, you’re the neighbor, right? —he added with a smile.

—Yes, —I answered shyly, avoiding his direct gaze, though a warm feeling settled in my chest seeing how friendly he was.

—She’ll be our new friend from now on, —Finney said, grabbing my shoulders from behind.

—Really? —Rhys asked with a wider smile—. Alright, then let’s be good friends. —he added enthusiastically.

I remember when I looked up at both brothers, I couldn’t help but blush at their huge smiles.

—I’m Rhys.

—I’m Yonah.

At that moment, I had no idea how special Finney and Rhys would become in my life. Over time, they became my closest friends, almost like brothers. I admired them deeply, especially for their unique personalities. Finney, who was my age, radiated boundless energy and exceptional charisma. In contrast, Rhys, who was a year older, had a calmness and patience that counterbalanced his brother’s impulsiveness. His ability to maintain harmony and avoid trouble was admirable. Later, I met their parents, who reflected the same joy and kindness as their children, showing that theirs was a family full of love.

When I was eight, my life suddenly became happy the moment I met Finney and Rhys. Before that, aside from missing my sister, every day was marked by frustration. The mandatory training weighed me down, the teasing from my classmates for not keeping up with them made me feel worthless, and the reprimands from my coaches only discouraged me. But the friendship and support of those boys made those worries disappear. It felt like everything was back to normal, and that feeling was so comforting that nothing seemed capable of ruining it. But as often happens with good things, the joy that defined that moment in my life didn’t last long.

When I was nine, a piece of news shook me. In class, one of my teachers explained why we were forced to train.

—Maybe many of you have wondered why we place so much importance on training —the teacher said, walking around the classroom—. Today, I’ll tell you the reason. But before, I want you to know that it’s not something to fear, but to be proud of —he added cheerfully—. You see… humanity is facing difficult times. The world as you know it is not in its best condition. And what you might not know is that this country is the only one inhabited by humans.

—There are no more people? —asked a boy sitting next to me.

—That’s right. Many years ago, a devastating conflict changed everything. Unknown forces emerged and wiped out much of the planet’s population —the teacher explained.

My classmates began to murmur among themselves, their faces reflecting a mix of disbelief and fear.

—And we’re supposed to face them? —asked one classmate.

—Exactly, —said the teacher—. You have, and will have, the ability to fight what threatens our existence.

My thoughts were racing, filled with confusion and fear.

—But why us? —asked another classmate—. The country has a huge army.

—Unfortunately, the armed forces can’t defeat these enemies. That’s why the government has decided to train new generations to become formidable defenders of our society.

A girl near the teacher asked:

—But is it mandatory for everyone?

A child’s scream echoed in my ears:

—I don’t want to be a soldier!

The teacher raised his voice, and the whole group fell silent. In that moment, I felt how the tension took over the classroom; my classmates’ faces turned serious and scared.

—You are not ordinary children, —the teacher said seriously—. You are special, and soon you will see what you are capable of.

The silence was overwhelming. My hands gripped the edge of my desk. I looked around, seeing the same emotions reflected in my classmates' stunned faces. Some seemed confused, others scared, and a few showed determination in their eyes. "A conflict that wiped out most of the planet's population? An enemy that threatens our existence?" I thought, trying to grasp the gravity of what I had just heard. The weight of the responsibility resting on my young shoulders. How could we face such danger? The teacher’s words echoed in my mind: "You are not ordinary children… you’ll soon see what you’re capable of."

Suddenly, I remembered Hannah. "Is that the reason she had to leave?" I wondered, my heart tightening in my chest. In that moment, I knew nothing would ever be the same again.

When I was ten, I understood what my teacher meant when he said we were "special" during a training session with Finney and Rhys. I remember how exhausted I felt that day. The past few months had been tough, with endless hours of combat practice that left every muscle in my body sore. I watched Finney and Rhys exchange jokes while picking up the practice sticks, a display of the boundless energy they both had.

—What do you think about practicing hand-to-hand combat now? —Finney suggested with a smile on his lips, but I could see the spark of impatience in his eyes. There was something in his tone that suggested not accepting a 'yes' was almost unthinkable.

I grimaced at the idea.

—The trainer told you to work on that —Finney reminded me.

With the annual tournament approaching, Finney and Rhys had offered to help me improve in combat. However, despite their efforts, I was still far from reaching their level.

—I’m too tired, I can’t continue —I said, collapsing onto the cold floor of the training room.

—Come on, Yonah! —Finney complained.

—I’ll leave it for tomorrow —I said with a smile.

—But… —he insisted.

—Finn! —Rhys interrupted, who was putting away the sticks we’d used—. Let her alone.

—Stop defending her! —Finney snapped at his brother—. You know she needs to improve before the tournament.

—And she is, but that’s enough. She can’t keep up with us —Rhys said from a distance.

Somehow, what Rhys said bothered me, but it was the truth. They were clearly pushing hard to win, and I was just holding them back.

Many of my classmates had been eagerly awaiting the annual tournament. At least it was something that motivated them to train hard. However, that wasn’t the case for me. Still, I didn’t want to fall behind.

—Alright —I jumped up—. I’ll practice.

I was still amazed at how effective those guys were at motivating me. They just had to bug me a little.

—Awesome! —Finney shouted excitedly—. Come on, let’s fight together, try to hit me —he said, getting into position.

—Not yet, I’d rather practice with the bags —I replied, heading toward them.

—How boring —Finney complained, clearly disappointed.

I laughed at his expression, but it was clear I wasn’t going to practice that way. If I already hated hitting others with the stick, I certainly wouldn’t try to hit Finney directly. I spent several minutes hitting the bag while both brothers watched me. My plan was to keep hitting the bag until they got bored and left, but that didn’t seem to be happening. "How persistent," I thought. At one point, I managed to land a pretty strong punch with my right arm, and both cheered.

—Awesome! —Finney cheered—. Okay, now fight with us.

I stopped hitting the bag when I heard that. I had no choice. They weren’t going to leave me alone until I fought them.

—Okay —I said, resigned—. Both of you?

—Don’t worry, we won’t be too tough on you —Rhys said with a smile.

—Speak for yourself —Finney muttered.

Rhys shot him a glare, and I just laughed.

So, I prepared to fight them. Their challenging smiles and relaxed stances told me they weren’t going to take it seriously, as usual. With a resigned sigh, I launched myself at them with a precise punch, but they slipped out of my reach with such grace that I felt clumsy in comparison. My fists clenched in determination, but every movement seemed slower and less coordinated than the last.

Their bodies moved with ease, dodging my attacks effortlessly, making me wonder if I’d ever match their skill. Every time I thought I had an opening, it vanished before my eyes, leaving me feeling like I was fighting shadows rather than my friends. Finally, with a defeated sigh, I dropped my arms and stopped.

—It’s useless… —I said, laughing—. I think I’ll never be at your level, guys.

—You can do it, just keep trying —Finney said, trying to cheer me up.

—I gave it my all, guys —I said, sitting down on the floor.

In reality, I knew I could try harder, but what stopped me was the fact that I didn’t feel comfortable with that kind of combat.

—Really? —Rhys said, squatting in front of me. Somehow, I felt like he had read my thoughts.

—What? —I replied, puzzled.

—Yonah, you can fool Finney, but not me —Rhys said seriously—. Do you really think I don’t know you?

I was surprised. Rhys had never spoken to me like that.

—Huh? —Finney asked, looking confused.

—Listen, I’m going to fight you, and this time, I’m going to attack you for real —Rhys said, taking my hand and helping me up—. Okay?

—But… —I said, confused.

Had he figured out that I wasn’t taking it seriously?

—Ready? —Rhys said as he got into position.

Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine, a wave of fear that gripped my thoughts. My body tensed instinctively, a sense of unease flooding me as I watched Rhys take his stance.

Without warning, he launched himself at me with a series of swift, precise movements. My muscles responded quickly, my survival instincts kicking in. I dodged his first few strikes with difficulty, but then a blow to my left caught me off guard, knocking me to the ground.

The air left my lungs as I clung to the floor, confusion and fear clouding my mind. In that moment, I realized Rhys was fighting seriously. He continued his relentless assault, each strike faster and more brutal than the last. Desperation took hold of me. I didn’t want to hurt someone so dear to me, but I also couldn’t allow myself to be defeated.

With my heart pounding wildly in my chest, I spotted an opening in Rhys' movements. Without hesitation, I gathered all my strength and landed a solid blow to his abdomen. The impact echoed in the room, a crash that was drowned out by the thud of his body slamming against the wall. I stood frozen, shocked by the force of the blow. In the distance, I saw Finney rushing to his brother.

—Rhys… —I managed to say.

—Yonah! —Finney screamed.

I snapped back to reality at his shout.

—Yonah! He’s not waking up! —Finney screamed, tears streaming down his face as he held Rhys.

Rhys had slid down the wall, ending up sitting with his back against it. When I reached them, my tears began to flow. Rhys was unconscious, blood trickling from his mouth.

—Yonah! Stay with him! —Finney ordered me—. Hold him like this —he said, placing my hands on Rhys's shoulders—. I’ll go get help!

Finney ran off, shouting for help, and all I could do was cry uncontrollably. I tried to hold Rhys, resting his head on my shoulder, and noticed blood at the back of his head as well.

—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, forgive me —I kept repeating, as if those words could undo what had just happened.

We stayed in that position, my gaze fixed on the wall where Rhys had slammed into it.

That day, my hands were covered in blood.


—Do you know how he is, Mom?

—Don’t worry about it, Yoh. Rhys will be fine. Try to calm down, okay? —my mother said, her soft hands running down my back in a comforting gesture that barely reached me.

We had been in that cold, desolate hallway for a long time. The place where we were felt unfamiliar to me. Even though I had been in the same medical center my entire life, this section of the building felt strange.

Time seemed to have stopped. Fear overtook me, and my hands kept trembling. Even though I had wiped away the blood that still stained my palms, the sensation lingered, as if each drop were a reminder of what had happened. My eyes fixated on the tight bracelets on my wrists, devices that now felt both familiar and ominous at the same time.

—These are the same ones Hannah wore... —I whispered, still staring at them.

—Sweetheart, —my mother said gently, taking my hands and bringing them to her lap— Please stop looking at them. You’re shaking so much.

—Did the same thing happen to my sister, Mom? —I asked, desperate for an answer.

—Yes, darling, —she replied after a few seconds— But it’s normal; it happens to all your partners too.

—If you already knew, couldn’t you have warned me? —I asked, anxiety creeping into my voice.

—I was going to tell you later. It’s just that your case is very special, —my mother explained, her tone full of concern— You weren’t supposed to awaken that strength at your age; you’re still so young...

I couldn’t process all of this. Suddenly, the explanation my teacher had given in class resurfaced in my mind: "You are not ordinary children." What kind of enemy are we going to face that requires so much strength? The thought alone terrified me.

At that moment, I felt an overwhelming need to hug my mother. Fear was consuming me, and I couldn’t stop it.

—It’s okay, —she comforted me, gently stroking my hair— Everything will be fine, darling. Don’t be afraid, —she finished by resting her head on mine in a protective gesture.

—Look at me, —she said softly, moving me to face her— Some people are going to examine you. They won’t hurt you; they’ll just try to figure out what’s happening with you. And then we’ll go see your friend, okay? —she added, offering a reassuring smile.

I nodded with a small smile of my own.

A few minutes later, some people in white coats led me into a large room bathed in harsh white light. In the center, there was an oval, shiny capsule that seemed to float just above the floor. Its transparent walls allowed a view of the interior, where monitors and sensors covered the surface.

To the right, I noticed a large glass window that looked out into the hallway, where other doctors and staff moved swiftly.

—Yonah, —one of the doctors called— Come, step inside, —she said, opening the capsule— Don’t worry, this won’t hurt; just stay still, okay?

I nodded and obeyed. Inside the capsule, it felt like I was in a world of my own. The transparent walls gave me a limited view, but what comforted me most was seeing my mother through the large window. She was there, her face filled with worry.

Then, the capsule gently closed around me, and the monitors began to blink as a soft hum filled the air. As the sensors activated, I felt my body being thoroughly examined. There was no pain, but time seemed to stretch on; every second felt like an eternity.

When the capsule opened, I felt a mixture of relief and exhaustion. The ambient light enveloped me as the doctors quickly approached. One of them gestured for my mother to come closer so they could talk. The doctors murmured among themselves, checking the notes and data collected during the examination. I watched my mother from a safe distance, noticing the mix of concern and determination on her face.

After a few minutes, one of the doctors came toward me with a reassuring smile. She was tall and wore glasses that made her look friendly. She bent down to my level and asked:

—Yonah, how do you feel?

—I’m fine, —I answered shyly.

—Great, I’m Dr. Lira, —she introduced herself cheerfully— Yonah, we’ve discovered that you’re going to be a very strong girl, you know? That’s why, from now on, you’ll need to learn how to control your strength. I’m sure you’ve wondered why we put those bracelets on you, —she said, pointing to them.

I nodded shyly.

—You see, both the bracelets on your wrists and the ones on your ankles are called 'Bio-Regulators.' I looked back at my bracelets, intrigued.

—These devices are equipped with smart sensors that constantly monitor your strength levels. If they detect that your strength is increasing uncontrollably, they activate a special mechanism that limits your physical power. This way, we avoid collateral damage, do you understand?

—Collateral damage? —I asked.

—Yes, —the doctor replied— It’s to ensure that you don’t hurt yourself or others. There’s only one place where these bracelets won’t work: the training rooms. That’s where you can practice and learn to control your abilities without restrictions.

I nodded slowly at her explanation, feeling a little more at ease.

—Thank you, doctor, —I said with a smile. The doctor smiled back, pleased with my response.

I felt relieved to leave that place. And though I knew my mother had a lot to tell me, the only thing I wanted was to see Rhys.

—Let’s go, Mom, —I said, walking ahead— He’s in this building, right?

I desperately longed to see Rhys, to find a way to apologize. I couldn’t stop thinking about the injury I had caused him. I knew that with modern medicine, any damaged organ could be rebuilt in hours, but that didn’t ease the weight of my guilt. I hated myself for what I had done.

Rhys... he held a special place in my heart. Both brothers meant so much to me, but Rhys was different. His protective nature and unconditional love wrapped around me like a warm blanket. Despite our differences, he was the only one who truly understood me.

When we arrived at the place where he was, I saw my friends' parents outside, talking to what I assumed was the doctor. Both of them looked calm, which gave me an unexpected sense of relief.

As soon as they finished talking, I hurried toward them to apologize. I couldn’t stand the idea of looking them in the eye; the very thought of having hurt such kind people overwhelmed me.

—Yonah, it’s okay, sweetheart, —Mrs. Ainsworth said, wrapping me in a warm hug.

Tears began to well up in my eyes.

—You know, Rhys is already awake, —she said, her smile lighting up her face.

Once again, I couldn’t help but notice how similar Finney and Rhys were to their mother. Mrs. Ainsworth, with her curly hair and warm smile, radiated a sweetness that seemed to have been passed down to her children.

—Really? —I asked, joyfully.

—Yes, he’s with Finn now. Do you want to go in? —she invited kindly.

—Go ahead, daughter, —my mother encouraged with a tender smile.

As I entered the room, the first thing I saw was Rhys, sitting on his bed with a focused expression. Finney, standing by his side, immediately noticed my presence.

—Yoh! —Finney shouted, running toward me and wrapping me in a warm hug that left me speechless.

Remembering how distressed Finney had been that day, I thought he might be angry. So, that hug caught me completely off guard.

Finney pulled away to look at me, confusion on his face.

—What’s wrong?

My eyes shifted to Rhys, who was looking at me the same way. Then, I noticed a tender smile appear on his face as he opened his arms, inviting me to embrace him. I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. I broke down in sobs while still standing by the door.

I covered my face with my arms, so I didn’t see their reactions. Maybe this was strange for them; I had never cried in front of them before. Suddenly, I felt Finney gently guide my back, pushing me forward. In an instant, Rhys pulled me into his arms. I couldn’t stop hugging him as the tears kept flowing.

—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, —I said between sobs— Please forgive me.

—Yonah, —Rhys said gently, pulling me away so he could look me in the eyes with that tenderness that always comforted me— Don’t cry, please. I’m fine now, —he assured me warmly.

I felt his hand gently caressing my cheeks as he brushed aside the strands of hair falling over my face.

—Yes! Just look at him, —Finney interrupted, placing his hand on my shoulder— He’s perfectly fine, —he said, smiling.

I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and found Rhys smiling at me.

—I am, —Rhys confirmed.

—Does it hurt anywhere? —I asked, still concerned.

—No, nothing hurts, —he reassured.

—Rhys didn’t even feel the blow you gave him, so you can relax, —Finney told me before stepping away.

—I see, —I replied with a smile— I’m glad to hear that, —I added, lowering my head— I caused you guys so much trouble, sorry.

—Hey, —Rhys said— What happened was inevitable, don’t blame yourself for something you couldn’t control.

I just nodded while wiping my face. I felt the weight lift off of me. Both of them made me feel better. Just seeing them smile was enough to make the pain dissipate.

—And these? —Rhys asked, curiously taking my bracelets.

—They’re to control my strength, —I explained— You guys... will wear them too.

—So, —Finney said, approaching me and grabbing my shoulders— Are you saying we’ll have the same strength as you? —he asked, his face lit up by a big smile.

If anyone could find excitement in our situation, it was Finney. From the start, he had been fascinated by the idea of defending humanity, like a true hero in his own story.

—Finn... seriously, nothing scares you, does it? —I said with a smile that tried to hide my own anxiety.

—Awesome! —Finney exclaimed, full of excitement— I can’t wait! Rhys laughed at his reaction, catching the positive energy from his brother.

I wasn’t surprised by them; they had always been brave and skilled in combat. Their lack of fear was admirable to me, while fear was what kept me stuck and unable to move forward. My poor performance in combat was mostly due to that anxiety and lack of motivation. In my mind, I had thought maybe I could avoid becoming a soldier in the future. But seeing the bracelets on my arms, everything suddenly felt more real and overwhelming.

—Guys, I... —I said, interrupting their moment of joy— I don’t think I’ll be able to fight against anyone again, —I confessed sadly, looking at my hands as if they were to blame for my doubts.

—I’m afraid I won’t be able to control my strength.

—Yonah, —Finney said as he came closer to take my hands— I’m sure you’ll improve over time, —he assured me, smiling.

—Besides, —Rhys said, catching my attention— You have us. We’ll both support you, —he promised.

—You guys always manage to cheer me up, —I said with a sad smile— I love you guys, —I said shyly.

I looked as both exchanged looks with a smile.

—Yoh, —Rhys called me after a few seconds— Come here.

He took me by the shoulders, his eyes locked with mine for an instant that seemed eternal, and then he hugged me. The gesture surprised me and made me blush a little; he was so close that I could feel the warmth of his body.

—What’s going on? —I asked, feeling confused by his sudden closeness.

—I’m sorry, —he said— I... shouldn’t have attacked you back then. I forced you to do something you didn’t want to. Please forgive me.

—it’s okay, don’t worry, Rhys, —I replied kindly, trying to calm him down.

—You know, —he said, pulling away from me to look me in the eyes— I think I was just a little frustrated with you.

Rhys leaned back on his bed, crossing his arms behind his head.

—Sometimes it saddens me that you don’t see yourself the way I see you, —he continued, with a reflective tone.

—How? —I asked shyly, intrigued by his words.

—Yonah, you’re much better than us, —he said after a few seconds, looking at me— And I’m not just talking about the fact that you have that strength with you, —he concluded with a smile that lit up his face.

—What are you talking about, brother? —Finney complained, his tone a mix of awkward and cheerful, as if he wanted to change the subject.

Rhys laughed at his brother’s question, and I couldn’t help but smile too.

Although I didn’t fully understand the meaning of his words, they made me very happy.

Remembering Rhys’s face when he was eleven led me to an unexpected revelation. I finally understood what I felt for him back then: a strange feeling that overwhelmed me whenever I was near him. I felt... love. A pure and sincere love that had bloomed in my heart without me realizing it. That’s right, I had loved him since I was little.


—I don’t want to leave —I whispered, my voice breaking as I sobbed.

I was curled up next to my parents, who had just given me the most devastating news I could have ever imagined.

—We don’t want to either, sweetheart —my mother said, her voice trembling as she wrapped her arms around me—. But we can’t do anything. —Her voice cracked. —Please forgive us.

Suddenly, I found myself in my sister’s shoes from four years ago. Hearing Hannah cry at night and seeing the sadness on my parents’ faces reminded me of how unaware I had been back then.

Then, I felt my father’s warm, firm hand gently take mine, a silent gesture that spoke louder than words as my mother continued to hold me tightly.

—We’re proud of you and your sister —my father said, his voice full of love and sorrow as he softly stroked my hand—. You both are our hope. Maybe one day you’ll understand it better. But for now, we just want you to be brave.

—Can you, sweetheart? —my mother begged, rocking me gently in her arms.

The tears came even harder when I heard her plea.

Brave? That word felt so foreign in that moment. I felt trapped between anger and overwhelming sadness. All I could feel was the weight of the world on my shoulders, a burden too heavy for someone my age.

It turned out that, due to the recent surge in my strength, I had been transferred to another training campus specifically designed for children who had exhibited superhuman strength. The campus was far from my home, so I was separated from my parents to live there.

That caused a huge shift in my life. I was separated from the people I loved most. I still remember how much I cried when I said goodbye to my parents and friends. Finney and Rhys comforted me, reminding me that they would be with me soon, and that I could still visit my parents from time to time, just like Hannah. That reassured me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of being sad and alone.

The Gen 2 campus stretched before me like a vast maze of opportunities and fears. Like my old campus, it had a school, but this one was overwhelming in scale. The dormitories were arranged almost perfectly, separated by gender and age.

I was assigned a shared room with three twelve-year-old girls who had just moved in. At first glance, it seemed like we had a lot in common. However, the age gap made me feel even more out of place. Despite my shyness, the girls were kind to me, especially one of them: Meg. She slept in the bed next to mine and was a ray of light amidst my confusion.

—You know —she said as she was getting ready for bed—, I heard kids from your generation are different from ours. You’re stronger. Maybe that’s why your strength came on suddenly.

—How did it happen to you? —I asked after a few seconds.

—It came slowly —she said with a smile—. It wasn’t that big of a deal.

A stab of insecurity pierced me. As she spoke so casually, I couldn’t help but feel like something was inherently wrong with me.

That first night at the campus, I couldn’t sleep at all.

A few weeks later, Finney was also sent to the campus. The surprise and excitement mixed in my chest when I found out I wasn’t alone anymore.

It turns out that he, too, had experienced a surge in strength early on, something that had left him just as confused and anxious as me. Hearing his story brought me an unexpected sense of calm.

The fact that it had happened to him too made me consider Meg’s words more seriously. Maybe it wasn’t just a personal anomaly; maybe it was a defining trait of our generation.

—I bet you can’t guess who I almost killed —Finney said with nervous laughter, his face a mix of amusement and concern.

My heart skipped a beat.

—Is Rhys okay? —I asked, feeling the concern flood over me.

—Yeah, he’s fine —he said, smiling—. Fighting against him is pretty effective, you know? —Finney laughed as though the situation was more amusing than alarming.

I couldn’t help but laugh at that coincidence. Truth be told, I missed seeing Finney laugh like that, carefree.

In that moment, I thought that with Finney’s arrival, I wouldn’t feel so alone. However, I couldn’t interact with him often. The only place we saw each other was at school. I never imagined that class hours would become my favorite part of the day.

After a few weeks, the campus routine started to feel a little more familiar. However, the following year brought a drastic change in my relationship with training. The lack of control over my own strength and the fact that it was still increasing led me to reject any kind of combat. Although my trainers understood my decision, they constantly reminded me of the need to be prepared for future challenges. For a brief time, it seemed like I could resist the pressure, until, through special training sessions, I was able to control my strength just a little. However, that progress turned out to be a curse in disguise. As soon as my trainers noticed my improvement, they forced me to face my teammates. The result was devastating: I ended up seriously injuring several of them.

Every time I took the girls out of combat, my trainers coldly reminded me that the wounds would heal in a few hours thanks to advanced medical technology. But for me, the emotional scar was much deeper. Instead of progressing in controlling my strength, I only gained resentment and rejection from my teammates. That rejection was mostly because of fear, but also because of my personality, which I felt was constantly working against me. My shyness made me feel like an outsider, unable to connect with others, unable to be myself. That part of me, along with the guilt and remorse I felt every time I hurt my teammates, dragged me into a spiral of self-loathing.

The breaking point came when, during a fight, Meg—who had unfortunately been forced by the trainer to fight me—begged me through tears to stop. The trainer refused to stop the match, even though Meg was already badly hurt. It felt like torture.

—Please, stop! —Her scream was heart-wrenching—. Stop!

—Get up, girl! —the trainer ordered her in a cruel tone—. All you have to do is land a punch!

—Why are you doing this to us? —Meg asked—. It’s unfair! She’s on another level!

The tension in the air was palpable. The other girls watching the fight couldn’t hide their fear.

—Yes, and you’re a disappointment compared to her —the trainer said with contempt, looking at the other girls—. All of you are.

My teammates lowered their heads, ashamed.

—I know the gap between you all very well —the trainer continued, her voice echoing in the room—. The other kids with the same condition as your teammate are extraordinary. Take advantage of that, girls —she said, then turned to me—. She is the level all of you must reach. Understood?!

The echo of her voice reverberated in my ears as everyone nodded resignedly.

—And you get up and go to the infirmary! —she ordered Meg, who could barely stand.

—Trainer, please let me accompany her —I said with a trembling voice.

—You’re not moving from here! —she snapped, as if my desire to help her was a crime.

Suddenly, I felt like crying. Powerlessness overwhelmed me as I watched Meg leave the room with difficulty, tears shining in her eyes.

That day, when Meg entered the room, I hurried to apologize. I lowered my head, and tears began to fall freely.

—I’m so sorry. Please forgive me… I beg you.

—It’s okay… don’t worry —she said, avoiding looking at me.

She passed by me without saying another word and went straight to her bed, leaving a cold emptiness in the air.

—Hey, Yonah —Uka, one of my roommates, came up to me with a serious look.

—Tomorrow… refuse to fight —she said in a threatening tone.

—What? —I replied, wiping away the tears still staining my face.

—Are you crazy? —Danna, another girl, intervened, coming over with a worried air—. The trainer’s insane. Who knows what kind of punishment she’ll give her if she refuses.

—Tomorrow, it could be you or me if we don’t do something —Uka answered. Then, turning to me, she added—. Besides, don’t you think you deserve the punishment? —she said coldly.

Her words echoed in my mind, and the weight of guilt settled in my heart. Without saying another word, she turned around and went to her bed, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

In that moment, the hope of making friends faded like a whisper in the wind.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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