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Cai Cai

In the grassland!

A long long time ago....
In a far away land...
Far to the east...
When the people of the same origin were still fighting among each other...
There was a great empire that lasted until the recent decades and you can still find its people even today.
Well, that place was ruled by an Emperor, a great man who was trying to unite all the tribes under the same banner.
One of the rebellious groups was Cai Cai's tribe, a bunch of strong warriors born and raised up in the prairie.
(Cai Cai = the prairie tribe's princess.)
Princess Cai Cai was a very beautiful and smart young girl, who was usually playing her songs in the grassland and who was good at archery and riding the horses.
The tribe from the prairie was renowned for its strong, fast and agile horses, that's why Emperor Li was hurrying to subdue this tribe.
The empire was preparing for a great war with the united tribes from the north and they needed the prairie tribe's fast horses.
One day, some emissaries from the empire arrived in the grassland to negotiate with the clan's leader (Cai Cai's father).
In the ruler's tent...
The emissaries: Greetings clan leader Ghana! I suppose that you're aware of why we are here today!
Ghana: Well, I have heard of your Emperor's intentions a long time ago. Your presence here today does not surprise me! What can I do for you?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
As you have already heard, our Emperor Li Gang wants to unite all the tribes and create a stronger and stable nation. We do not wish to use violence in this unification process, so we hope that the tribe's men will understand our cause and accept this idea. This is the reason why we are in front of you today.
(Wu Chengdu = One of Emperor Li Gang's ministers and Li Feng Huan's childhood friends. Li Feng Huan = the emperor's younger brother.)
Ghana: And you want us to become your slaves? We are a proud tribe, we can not knell down without a fight!
A peace envoy: Clan leader, are you hearing yourself what you are saying? Do you intend to fight us? Think twice, your people would stand no chance in front of our great empire!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Gentleman, gentleman please stop arguing! Let's find a solution together! It's not our Emperor's intention to massacre these innocent people! Let's find a peaceful solution! What do you say, great Ghana?
Ghana: Well, I agree with you young man! It seems that you are more wise than your fellows. I want to discuss this problem in private with you. Can we?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Of course, clan leader! Gentleman, please excuse us for a while!
The emissaries:......what....? Wait....! What if he...?(many noises and agitation)
The two men go outside and retire into a more private area.
Ghana: Well, we can continue our conversation now!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Much better! This place is quite lovely, enjoyable!
Ghana: Decorated by my daughter!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
You have a daughter?
Ghana: Yes, I have a daughter and a son! She must be out on the prairie again, playing her songs!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Hahahaha...! You're quite the father, clan leader!
Ghana: Call me Ghana! There is only you and me here?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Well, Ghana, don't you want to see your people safe? This unification of the land is unavoidable. If is not happening today, it will surely happen later. That's the course of the nature!
Ghana: I know but what assurance do I have that my people will not be treated as slaves by the empire?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
I see! So that's the problem! Well, I can assure you that once integrated, the empire and the tribes will be just one nation and everyone will be treated equally. Why don't we create a marriage alliance as your assurance? That way no one will look down on you?
Ghana: You want my daughter to marry your Emperor? I can't allow that? Your Emperor is already married and has many other consorts. I won't send my daughter to have a harsh life there.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
You're a good father, Ghana! Then what about our second prince, Li Feng Huan? I assure you that he's a great man. He will never mistreat your daughter. I know him since I was a little child because we grew up together in the palace. He is twenty years old and he is not married yet.
Ghana: Your second prince? Aya...let me think about it! I must ask my daughter first. Wait until tomorrow and you will have an answer! Is that fine with you?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Fair and square! Have a good day, Ghana!
Wu Chengdu leaves the tent and goes to inform the other emissaries about the peace negotiation's stadium.

A walk through the grassland!

A few hours later...
Wu Chengdu takes his horse and goes for a walk through the vast grassland...
The beautiful scenery was undescribable. You had the feeling that you are somewhere outside the Earth, this place was offering such a strong sensation of freedom and peace.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Good! Good wind! His Majesty would have liked this place but unfortunately he could not come in person.
While he was enjoying the moment with his eyes closed, the sounds of an musical instrument crossed through his head.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
What's this? Someone is singing a song. Where is coming from?
He circles around with his eyes and suddenly points his finger to the South.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
That way! It's coming from that direction!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Don't tell me that this is Princess Cai Cai? Ghana said that his daughter must be somewhere on the grassland today. Maybe I am fortunate enough to meet her here.
He walks in that direction and on a rock, among the tall grass was sitting a beautiful girl dressed up all in red from top to toe.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Wow! Good Heavens! She is Princess Cai Cai?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
The melody was astonishing...
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Humm...hummm...! Good day my lady? Excuse me for my sudden intrusion but I would like to know what song are you playing!
She turns around and says...
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
"A land far away from home"! This is the song's name, Sir?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
And... Can I know who you are, stranger? Looking at your clotes makes me think that you're not from these parts of the world?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
You're right! I am from the Empire! My name is Wu Chengdu! I am an emissary.
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
An emissary from the Empire? Oh...pardon my impoliteness but how did you ended up in the prairie? Did you got lost, Sir?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Well... Yes! I got lost. ( I just said a lie but it doesn't matter.)
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
I see.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
And you are...?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Me? I am a girl of the prairie! My name is Cai Cai! Nice to meet you, Sir!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
The pleasure is mine! (She is such an innocent young girl. She looks around eighteen.) (lost in thoughts)
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Can I help you with something?
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
No, no! It's alright! I was just thinking about something.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Can I see your instrument for a moment?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Wu Chengdu gets closer and tries to grab the instrument, when a young man suddenly jumps down from a near tree.
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
What are you doing? Get away from her! (believing that Chengdu wants to molest the princess)
(Jie Luo Luo = a general in the prairie tribe and Cai Cai's childhood friend.)
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
And who are you young man? What business do you have with this lady?
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
That should be my line Mister? Now step back or I am going to stab you!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Oh...really? You're such a fierce man but I am afraid that you can't beat me!
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo wanna try me? Fine, let's fight! (getting out his sword)
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Jie Luo, stop it! He is an emissary from the Empire! You will cause troubles for our tribe if you fight him and anyway is just your misunderstanding.
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Yes, your misunderstanding! He was just trying to take a look at my instrument.
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Are you sure?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Of course that I am sure! How can you be so dumb? You dumbass!!!
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
I was just trying to protect you. Don't get mad!
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
I am not mad!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Do you two know each other?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
They both answer in the same time.
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
We grow up together in the prairie. Jie Luo is my childhood buddy!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Oh..I see!
Chengdu looks at Jie Luo and says...
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Young hero, there is nothing to worry about! I was just trying to see the lady's instrument. I am also a good musician and every new instrument easily catches my attention.
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Well, fine! If it's just that... Excuse me for my wrong judgement! Please accept my sincere apologies!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Aya...I don't mind that!
After looking at the instruments he gives it back to the owner.
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
It's a well made stuff! Quite interesting!
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
I know! It was a gift from my mother. I won't sell it to you Sir, even if you will pay a fortune. (caressing her instrument)
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Oh..don't worry, don't worry! I wouldn't dare to ask that seeing that is so precious to you. Well, I must go back now! Have a nice day you two!
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Wait? Do you know the way back? Didn't you get lost?
He suddenly stops...
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Ah...yes, I have forgotten! I got lost! (the lie) So, how should I reach the inhabited area?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
I will give you my hawk! He will show you the way back.
Cai Cai blows a small flute and a majestic bird shows up from the heights of the sky.
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Chu-chu, you're here! Look, this Sir got lost. Show him his way to the tents!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Did he understood you?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Yes! He was raised by me since he was a little bird. He understands my language!
She hands the bird to Chengdu...
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Hold it!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
The hawk bites Chengdu...
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Ouch...! You little devil! You don't like men, don't you?
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Ah...sorry! That's how he is doing when he makes a new friend! Don't worry, he won't dig out your eyes!
Caressing the bird...
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Be a good boy, Chu-chu, and show this Mister the way back!
The hawk makes some affirming sounds and rises up on the serene sky, flying in circles above them.
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
He's ready! Follow his lead!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
Thank you! I am indebted to you! Till we meet again!
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Well, if the fate will bring us together again, we will go out for a drink!
Wu Chengdu
Wu Chengdu
As you wish! To next time!
Wu Chengdu jumps on his horse and leaves.
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Why is he that sure that we will meet again? I don't like him, he gives me creeps on my back!
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Hahahaha....! What? Creeps? Why? He looks like a good guy!
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Yes but didn't you see his steel look? Those piercing eyes!
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Oh, come on! He has a gentle look! You are seeing a rival in every man that tries to get near me. Are you jealous?
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Jealous? No way, why should I be? I am just concerned about your safety. (turning around and chewing a straw)
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Fine, fine, don't get embarrassed now! We are still friends, right?
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Of course! (fastly turning back) I will always protect you!
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
I know, I know! Thank you my friend!
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
Cai Cai
Cai Cai
Well, let's enjoy the scenery together like in the old days! The evening is still far away!
Jie Luo Luo
Jie Luo Luo
He lays down in the grass and looks at the sky, while Cai Cai was playing her songs.

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