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Love Trapped In Glass



"Miss Ju-le-kha Kha-tu-n"

"Miss what?" The only worthy successor of the Mirza house, the twenty-eight-year-old Mirza Ghulam Aziz, known as Chhota* Mirza at home and Mirza Aziz to the outside world, asked the question a little out loud in surprise. His introverted nature and extreme seriousness making him look a bit older for his age. A bit taller than the required height of a Bengali boy and well-formed by regular practice, Aziz's voice always exudes command and authority,

His surprised and authoritative high-pitched question, however, had no effect on the fearless looking girl standing before him. He narrowed his big eyes and pointed his lips and said in a teasing tone,

"You look healthy, You don't hear much? Miss Ju-le-kha kha-tu-n, remember that."

The girl said in a very firm voice, dragging out the name.

This time, not in surprise, but in anger, Mirza Aziz said in a hoarse voice,

"Who the hell are you? Where did an idiot like you come into my room?"

"Don't falter in English. Speak in your mother tongue if you dare."

friendless Aziz studied at St. Paul's Boarding School, Jalpaiguri, Darjeeling. Then on his father's orders he went to London for education and higher education. Being out of the country for most of his life, the English language is a bit more fluent in his mouth. After completing his studies at the School of Economics in London, he took over his father's business.

Although his father Mirza Ghulam Ali is sixty years old, he is still quite healthy and active. Due to the day and night work of father and son, their family businesses have been at the top of the country in the last few years. Their establishments in the pharmaceuticals, constructions and garments sectors in the country is in the first place.

This year, Mirza Aziz was awarded by the "Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries' as an emerging and promising young businessman. Everyone hopes that in the future, Bangladesh is going to get a Mirza Aziz, even if it is not Bill Gates,

Zuckerberg,Tata, Birla or Ambani.

Where even the great Rathi-Maharathi* stopped a little in front of his seriousness, Mirza Aziz was shocked by such rude and indecent words of a little girl. He looked carefully and tried to remember if he had seen her anywhere before. His mind is always busy with profit and loss of business, new marketing policy, investment in a new field of business... he has no time to waste time looking at girls. So there is no time to think about who came or gone from his house.

However, it did not seem that there was anyone in the house with such a barty nature.

He took a good look at the girl standing in front of him. Green dress and red salwar in one color , veiled girl with two braids with strong smelling oil on her head. A big flower made of red silk ribbon is hanging on the front of that braid, red-green glass bangles on both hands, bare feet. Fierce look in the big eyes with thick kajal on the pressed brunette face. Age though he could not quess for the girl's petite and slim build. It could be seventeen, it could be twenty-seven.

"Horrible condition,"

he said plainly, raising his nose without concealing it after surveying the girl head to toe, at the simple ring in her ear and the cauliflower-sized nose pin.

The maids working in this house have specific clothes and live in a separate building behind the house All are very elegant, polite and trained. There is no one with such stubborn nature and no one wears such extravagant clothes He was sure that perhaps a relative of the housekeeper had come to visit and had lost his way to the palace like house and entered this room.

After almost a month, Mirza Aziz returned home from Singapore late last night. Haven't even met his parents yet. As a long-standing habit, he was going to leave the house early to have breakfast with everyone in the morning. A special someone is supposed to be met at the breakfast table today, so there is a little discomfort, anxiety. But in the meantime, this disaster has come dressed like a national flag* and there has been a ridiculous argument. Seeing the girl in her room, he asked,

"Who are you?"

**Choto \= little

**rathi-maharathi \= important people

***national flag of Bangladesh \= 🇧🇩

Meetup 2

After that Miss National Flag's reply was,

"Miss Julekha Khatun."

Aziz had no idea that someone with this name could live in this modern and palace like Mirza bhaban* on the banks of Gulshan Lake, Shaking his head in anger. But no matter how angry he is, he never speaks loudly to the maids. His serious look and dashing personality make everyone stand in awe So even if you don't speak loudly. But this strange git is talking like a fazil*.

Aziz closed his eyes to control himself and exhaled through his mouth. Then he said ,

"Today's not the 26th of March* or the 16th of December*. So why are you walking around dressed like a national flag?"

He got a little annoyed with himself. So he waved his hands in the air and said,

"I don't want to know why you are wearing the national flag, where you came from, why you came here. Just get out of my room. I will lose control of myself anytime. I have endured so much abuse."

The surprising thing is, the girl didn't go away with these words. On the contrary she leaned forward with her hands on her waist and said in a quarrelsome voice. "Why did you call me the national flag? Didn't I tell you my name is Miss Julekha khatun?"

"Oh god! Miss Zoo... No no, Miss Zoo, just leave my room!"

The girl frowned and rolled her eyes and said, "You have no less courage. You call me Miss Zoo! You yourself are a bilati gab*. A mature man who is sitting wearing a gab coloured shirt!"

Mirza Aziz could not hold his temper any longer,

"Just shut your dirty mouth, stupid! Where, who are you talking to do you have any sense? When did you come to work? Who brought you to this house? How are you still so untrained, ungroomed? Feroza apa* didn't teach you any rules and protocols of this house yet?"

Feroza Yasmin is the oldest staff of this house. She civilizes the new entrant into the house by teaching him or her all the rules. But Aziz was surprised to think how this girl was walking around like a cow freed from a cow shed.

After all these words, not seeing any change in the girl's mind, Aziz rushed to take the girl out of the room and accidentally bumped into her. Twisting his hands suddenly the girl hissed,

"After handling Two country cows, four black Bengal goats, a dozen chickens With this hand, cook in fire with firewood in the stove, and also holding pen with this same hands, I can size Tash cow like you in less than two minutes. Be careful when messing with me."

In fact, this is the first such experience of Chota Mirza. He was surprised to think that a person could be so uneducated, tasteless. he wanted to fix the girl's mind by slapping hard. But he knows the stupidity and weakness of girls. So he considers it rude to raise his hand on them or talk to them too much as meaningless. Brought up in a highly orderly and tasteful environment from birth and educated at an elite boarding school, he is an impeccably gentleman accustomed to the British culture from an early age. It is difficult for him to digest such usage.

When the girl left him with throwing fire with her eyes, he stared at his own hand for a while in amazement. A thousand girls blushed to hold his hand and this cowherd girl dropped that hand!

"What N Audacity!"

The words came out of Chota Mirza's mouth unknowingly in the morning, he ran to his father to find out the whereabouts of this uncultured girl in a mood like Chaitra's* aftermoon.

On the ground floor of the Mirza Bhavan is the well-appointed dining hall adjacent to the grand hall room, which is used for entertaining guests on various occasions. And on the second floor there is a dining room for the daily use of the people of their house, where only family members and close relatives sit together to eat. The real members of this house are Chhota Mirza, his parents, elder brother unmarried Mirza Ghulam Alim, maternal uncle Farid Kazi, sister-in-law Jasmin Haider Khan and niece Tuktuk, three and a half years old. Middle brother Mirza Ghulam Azim died in a road accident a few years ago. Also there are always some permanent-temporary people in the house.

Aziz came striding into the dining room dressed as a neat gentleman, everyone smiled at him and said,

"Good morning."

His mother Asma Homaira came up and patted her head and said,

"When did my baby come at night, why didn't you call me?"

The mother is always a little more vulnerable to the younger son. But Aziz, who is a woodpecker is very embarrassed by this love of his mother. What kind of words is that. "My baby! Is he still a baby! This has been explained many times to no avail. The mother says the same thing, "My baby."

Disappointedly Aziz gave up, But each time he blushed at the words, but the soft color of shame on his hard face didn't come off very well.

"It's been a long night, Madhuma*. I didn't call you because you were sleeping," he said, lowering his head and overcoming his embarrassment for a moment.

Aziz looked with curious eyes to see the special one he was supposed to meet here. But when he blinked, he saw the iconic national flag looking at him with a smile on her face. Sitting next to him, his sister-in-law Jasmine is holding back a smile with great difficulty. He wanted to ask his sister-in-law with a gesture of his eyes, 'Who is that ugly girl, why is she here?' Jasmine didn't say anything, but couldn't hold back her laughter, and her elder brother Mirza Aleem also chuckled.

All of them are very careful to refrain from unwanted talk or laughter in front of the father. So everyone is trying to suppress laughter. Surveying the faces of everyone present,well dressed, the handsome elder Mirza and Mirza Ghulam Ali gravely said to the younger son,

"Sit down. Meet Zulekha, your wife."

At first Aziz could not understand the words, so he looked at his father with questioning eyes. His father again said,

"Your wife Julekha, you must not have met her?"

Aziz felt as if the sky had suddenly collapsed on his head and the ground had collapsed due to a strong earthquake under his feet. Miss Julekha Khatun is his wife!

This is that special person! He muttered, "How come!"

Even the impossible, the inconsistent, has a limit. But how do Bilati Babu* Mirza Golam Aziz and shepherd girl Miss Julekha Khatun get together!

**bhavan \=building

**fazil \= impolite

** 26th March\= Independence Day of Bangladesh

**16th December\= victory day of Bangladesh

**bilati gab \= a fruit imported from England but generally used as to describe dull

**apa\=elder sister

** Chaitra \= the second month in Bangla Callander. And during this month it's usually very hot in Bangladesh.

**madhuma \= Madhu means honey.and ma means mother.

**bilati babu \= British mister .

Unique Breakfast

When Mirza Azim died a year ago, Tuktuk was only two and a half years old. She had just started talking like a sweet bird. She used to call Aziz 'babai' from the beginning due to his close resemblance to her father. It was Aziz who freed her from the insecurity that was working in her little mind due to his father's untimely departure. Babai* is so dear to her that she often cries for Babai in her sleep. When Aziz wakes up most mornings when he's home, Tuktuk is always sleeping on his back.

A few days ago, Tuktuk started going to school. However, she did not go to school today because her babai would come back. On seeing Aziz, a white cotton doll with shaggy hair jumped up and down shouting 'babai' and came to his lap. Aziz also forgot all about Miss Julekha Khatun for the time being by getting Tuktuk in his chest. He sniffed Tuktuk's head and said,

"I missed you so much, Ammizan*!"

It is very true. Although Aziz has love for everyone, he is very careful that no one gets the slightest glimpse of that love, he makes sure that no emotion is left behind. He has made himself so hard and hardened that he has no other purpose in life except career, success, business and money making. Due to some incident in his childhood, he has burnt his mind day by day and turned it into a hard crusty rock. No one knows exactly how deep in this mind the internal flow called love flows, its exact location.

But even in this stony mind a piece of soft fluffy cloud floats when Tuktuk comes to his lap. In this one place he has not yet become strong, perhaps never will.

Most of the year he is out of the country on business, rarely at home. He has no desire to return home, those roots have been uprooted long ago. Only when Tuktuk say,

"Babai, when will you come home?"

then it seems that somewhere in this huge world, a very small soul is waiting for him with unlimited love and affection. He has not yet mastered the power not to respond to this call. Tuktuk wrapped his hands around his neck and said,

"Babai, have you brought me chocolate?"

Aziz rubbed Tuktuk's nose with his nose and said,

"Of course I brought ,Ammijan. Have breakfast, then I'll give it to you. But why didn't you go to school today! It's not good to miss school."

At Aziz's words, Tuktuk hugged his neck a little tighter and said,

"I didn't go because you came home . Why are you so late to come now? I won't let you go anymore, babai"

At Tuktuk's words, Aziz squinted at his father and let out a furtive sigh. He did not want to go outside the house. He was forcibly sent out of the house. So why are they so desperate to arrest him now? Even through a trap like Miss Julekha Khatun.

Mirza Aziz is not the kind of person to fall into this nonsense trap so easily. He smiled in his heart. Father knows him well. He has sky-high contempt, anger and stubbornness towards his father and also has an ocean-like love, loyalty and obedience. Just as the sky and the sea are never one, this dual feeling for the father is never confronted. But Aziz wants these feelings to come face to face one day, to fight pride with love, anger with loyalty and stubbornness with obedience. Then either the sky or the sea wins with the clamor of their feelings. Then let those colorful feelings color your life.

But it doesn't actually happen. He respects his father a lot and obeys his orders no matter how difficult it is. But this time it is not happening anymore

He had no interest or desire for marriage. Marriage was to him a simple matter like the fulfilment of all other biological needs, only a means of procreation. So there was no dream about this. Without knowing without seeing, he did the marriage over the phone, relying only on his father. But he didn't think that his father would hang Miss Zoo around his neck. He looked at her with a venomous look and saw that Miss Julekha Khatun was staring at him and Tuktuk. 'how funny!', whenever you see this girl, the background music is like cow-goat-poultry humba, bann, pak pak or cokcorok coo. How did his father think that he would accept the owner of this owner of Black lengal goats as his wife.

Tuktuk's mother came up and wanted to take her from his lap. "Give her to me, Aziz. You eat breakfast, I'll be feeding her."

With this, Tuktuk shouted like a shrill whistle,

"I will eat with Babai."

Tuktuk is the only child of this house, everyone loves her, because his father died, everyone keeps all her needs in mind. Aziz told Jasmine,

"You sit down, vabi*. I'll feed her."

After that she quietly sat on his babai's lap and started eating breakfast. She eats what Aziz eats. Aziz was feeding her little by little and also eating himself. He has impossible control over himself, so he did not look ahead even for a blink, but even without looking, he could understand that Miss Julekha Khatun's eyes were on him.

"Disgusting," he repeated to himself.

Mirza Ghulam Ali has been suffering from high blood sugar and cholesterol for several years. So his diet and lifestyle are very well controlled. Eating at the right time throughout the day and exercising regularly keeps him healthy and fresh. As a very strict dieter, he eats two red flour flat loaves in the morning, along with a bowl of boiled vegetables and the whites of two half-boiled eggs. Then drink a cup of black coffee and go to office.

Today there is some understanding with his younger son. So after finishing breakfast, he said to his wife,

"Send my coffee to the library." Then he looked at his son and said. "Aziz, come to the study when you have finished eating, there is something important to talk about with you. "

Aziz didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement.As Father went and mother also got up.

Elder brother Alim teaches in a college. As it was time for his college, he also got up and left. Bhabhi looked at Aziz and Julekha's faces and smiled and said to Tuktuk, "Come on, let Babai eat now. Then he will play with you."

Tuktuk reluctantly went to her mother's lap. Aziz's breakfast is still not over, so he was eating.

Aziz, who has been burned by difficult experiences knows that if there is no food in the stomach, the growth of the head or the strength of the bodu nare of then will be properly supported ,so no matter what happens, he never compromises on food.

Julekha had been sitting and playing quietly for so long, but now everyone was leaving one by one, now she was feeling awkward. It seemed to her that a much easier task to sit with a python by the neck than to sit before the cold gaze of Mirza Aziz. Jasmin smiled and said,

" Julekha, you should sit with Aziz. He hasn't finished eating."

Julekha felt that it would have been better and asked her to jump into the well but she was not a girl to go to back out of fear. People say that her inteligence and courage are both very high. So she tried to be brave in front of Mirza Aziz.

When Bhabhi left, Aziz concentrated in eating and watching Zulekha. While eating, he started looking at Julekha. What is so special is this girl that his father made this Miss Julekha Khatun his wife. Julekha was also noticed that Aziz never looked at her even once before and now he is not even blinking. she also looked back equally excited. Let's see, whose mind is stronger.

Julekha noticed that Aziz's eyes were slowly changing. A mischievous smile appeared on the corner of the face and a strange mysterious look in the eyes. Disgust, anger, hatred, contempt... what else is in that look, Julekha did not understand. However, she understood that there was no sweet, beautiful feeling anywhere in this gaze.

Aziz looked into Julekha's eyes and said, "Why did you introduce yourself as Miss Julekha Khatun'? You should have introduced yourself as 'Mrs Mirza Aziz."

When talking about giving her reply, Julekha's one and only. Since she had to stay silent for so long, she was very uncomfortable. Before the question was finished, she replied,

"One does not change from 'Miss' to 'Mrs' with just a piece of paper."

Aziz's lips curled up a little at the answer, then he raised his right eyebrow and said with an expressionless face,

"Very impressive. The owner of the Black Bengal goat is smarter than the city girls. So you want to go to bed with me now? That's what you think marriage is done and you become truly a Mrs."

At first Julekha had a hard time believing what she heard. But the next moment Julekha's eyes flashed with fire, "Shh! I thought you were a gentleman when I saw your outfits. But I didn't know you were so shameless and uncivilized."

Aziz said calmly, "As far as I know your father-in-law, he is supposed to send you before me with all the information and instructions about me to prepare you to win the war. Did your father-in-law not tell you about my impudence and rudeness? Did he not tell you that I had a bad disease?" Yes, the disease of winning? I don't like to lose. As much as I have to be rude, shameless and rude to win I don't hesitate at all."

Julekha felt that a big mistake had been made. What looked like a taming a cow from outside, was actually a mountain wild goat. The responsibility given to her to subjugate these people who look one way on the outside and another on the inside is not only difficult but also impossible.

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