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The 98th Sunshine [First Year]

First Day, First Everything

⛅ 'Hakachi Kemiko' ⛅

Un! That's me!

Or.. That's what I thought untill a few months ago.

Hakachi Kemiko—Kemiko Hakachi *sigh* Just call me anything... Just call me, it's fine.

**I never go school before. But now, I am here**.

**GPPS**. Big, big school. Bigger than any place I ever see. And it is on an island.

**A whole island**!

I hold the letter many times before. Touch the words. Read them again and again. I think maybe mistake? Maybe someone take my name by accident? This school, only smart people come here. Like genius, like prodigy, like brain-big people.

**Me**? I don't even know how school work.

But letter says, **Kemiko Hakachi, you are accepted**.

**So here I am**.

Everything is BIG.

The plane is big. The boat is big. The school gate is big...

Even my eyes are going big, cannot stop moving. I want to see everything, touch everything. I hold Kyo-niichan's hand tight. Not because I scared. Because if I don't, I run. I run everywhere, see everything, maybe get lost.

If I do get lost—Daijoubo dayo! [It's okay, don't worry!]

I get lost many times and I go back. Miko always come back. ^~^


The Onee-san who called me, she wear a suit, and a pin, just like her friends. Really nice big girl. "Welcome to GPPS, Kemiko, student from Japan." she said.

"Here's your card."—"Your card will be your key to everything. Do not lose it."

She give me a card with my name.

So many letters and numbers on it. When I touch it, I feel... special.

I put it in my little bag. Safe.

We take a train to the dorm.

What did Reina-oneesan call it? Ah... Yes, a monorail!

The ride is smooth, and I see trees, buildings, even a little bit of ocean. I want to ask so many questions, but I also want to just look. My head is full of—Wow, Wow... Wow!

I stand at the door. The card in my hand. I tap it like Reina-oneesan said.


The door clicks.

My heart also clicks. Like—this is real. **I am really here**.


Usually, four students in one room. But they are making new buildings. Not enough ready space. So, they put me in a room, a teacher's room. Not a student room—With one other girl.

**Soo-ya; Jisoo-ya**

Her family call her that.

Yeah, her family.

Her Father. Her mother. And... this big girl, **Jihye** onee-san.

Our senior. **Student council** they say...

And I think, it's... Nice.

**Jisoo so lucky**! — I only have Kyo-niichan with me.


She sits on her bed, looking at me.

Her eyes like a doll, cubby cheeks—***Kawaii ya ne***! \[So cute, right?!\]

But she no expression. No mean, maybe… shy?

More like... thinking. Studying me.

**I blink. She blinks**.

Then, I do the first thing my heart says.

**I smile. Big**.

She does not smile back. Not yet.

But that's okay.

I will make her.

At least **she blinks back at me**.


This is my first day. My first room. My first roommate. My first school. **My first everything**.

And **I will love it**. I know.

I just know.

**Kemi instincts, you know? ⛅**

Friends n Family Made

At first, I did not feel lonely.

Everything was new. Big buildings, big rooms, big voices speaking languages I don't know. My heart was full of "Wow". I ran, I looked, I touched.

But then, night came.

The other students sat in groups. Some laughed, some whispered. Some had their older siblings with them—eating together, staying close.

Me? My brother was already gone. Flew back home.

And I was alone.

I sat with my tray of food, holding my chopsticks too tight. The dining hall was warm, full of voices, but I felt cold.

I thought: This is far. This is so far from home.


“Can I sit with you?”

A girl stood beside me. Greyish green eyes, warm smile, something wrapped neatly around her hair.

I blinked. “Eh?”

She was Farasyah.

Well, it's Lathifah Syahira Binti Abdul Aziz. But Farasyah... She wants me to call her Farasyah. It's her nickname, she tell me that. I don't know what it means, but I know it's beautiful.

It suits her. Really.

We sit down, eat together, and just like that, I was not alone anymore.

We talked. She spoke slowly, and I tried hard to understand. She told me she had siblings back home, too. She said she missed them already. Just like I do.

She's a nice friend. Yeah... Friend.

I'll make more friends here. Maybe.

But family? I don't know.


Later, I met him.

His name? It's a long one *haha* I just call him Irazú-san.

I don't know why, but he looked at me like he understood. Like he could see the lonely inside me.

“You have an accent,” he said. “Kansai, is it?”

Yes, yes it is. It's the dialect I use the most.

When I wondered, Will I have family here?— He said I will.

I did not believe at first. But then he said—

“I, Joaquín Solis Irazú, will gladly be the first member of the family you'll be making here.”

I stared. My heart made a funny thump sound.


For a moment, I could not move. Could not speak.


Big one.

Warm one.

“Thank you, Irazú-san!”

He reminded me of Oton. My father once said:

"Hitotsu me wa chi ga tsunagattoru kazoku. Umareta toki ni dekita kazoku no koto ya na."

[The first is the family connected by blood—the one you’re born into.]

"Futatsu me wa jibun de tsukutta kazoku ya. Deatte, issho ni sugoshite, kizuna fukamete itta hito-tachi ga kazoku ni naru n ya."

[The second is the family you create yourself. The people you meet, spend time with, and form bonds with—they become your family.]

I looked at Irazú-san.

Maybe oton was right.

Maybe... I can have my own family here.

"How many people can be in this family, Irazú-san?" I asked.

He grinned. “As many as you want.”

“As many as I want...” I whispered.

He nodded. “It's your family, Kemiko. You make the rules.”

My own family.

My smile grew bigger.

That sounds... nice.

Meet The "KaleidosQuad"


*Exhaling dramatically*

I swear, people here hate me.

No, really!

What else could it be?

Is there a giant neon sign on my forehead saying, "Dump all your problems on me"? — Huh!?

First, it was the freshman greeting chaos. "Oh, could you escort the new students, please?" Sure, no problem, happy to help! Then, "Hey, we need someone to announce the assembly schedule—oh wait, you're good at projecting your voice!" Fine, whatever. Then, "Oh, hey, can you also deal with the missing key situation?"

(He throws his hands in the air.)

And then, then, the cherry on top—someone asks me if I can fetch the student council's emergency snacks because "I know where the stash is." Snacks! Do I look like a human vending machine?

(He leans forward, clutching his head dramatically.)

And you know the worst part? I haven't pulled a single prank today. Not one! Not even a whisper in someone else's voice, no fake announcements, not even a classic disappearing pen act. This is cruel. This is torture.

(He straightens, fixing his tie with newfound resolve.)

But now... my shift is over. My duty as the Student Council's beloved workhorse has ended for the day. Which means—

(His eyes dart across the campus. He spots a new student. His gaze sharpens, and a slow grin spreads across his face.)

Ah, my next target.

Well, guess today wasn't gonna be a total waste. *wink*

...🇰🇷 Cause what is life without a little bit of mischief 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿...


(Rolling her eyes for the millionth time today)

If I had a dollar for every time he did something infuriating, I wouldn't even be here. I'd be in a peaceful somewhere, sipping mango juice and not dealing with him.


Why do I put up with this clown?

He gets on my nerves... He gets on everyone's nerves. That's literally his life Goal.

But honestly? I think he knows better than to really cross me.

Last time he tried? I deadlifted the guy off the ground until he begged for mercy. You should've seen the look on his face—priceless.

(Despite herself, a smirk tugs at her lips before she quickly shakes it off.)

But today's not the day for his nonsense. We're supposed to be making sure this entire operation doesn't crumble. New student orientation, schedules, safety patrol rotations—it's like herding cats, only the cats are hormonal world-class genius teenagers with no concept of full personal responsibility.

(Leaning forward, she cracks her knuckles.)

I swear if he pulls one of his pranks during all this chaos, I'll personally eject him from campus—and I'll smile while doing it.

(She spots him grinning mischievously after his shift ended, walking to his new found target.)

(She storms forward, her ponytail swishing.)

"Theo! Don't even think about it—"

(He winks at her.)

Oh, it's on.


Deep breath in, soft smile out.

Ah, the calm before the storm.

Walking my little sister, Jisoo, across campus—just a lovely simple task.

But how those two are? They're busy at the central, aren't they? Good for them. ^~^

I wouldn't want them to be overworked. But I hope they're busy enough to not start World War 4.

...Evie and Hyun...

...Tom and Jerry, live-action edition....

If they aren't fighting over snacks, they're fighting over who deserves me more.

Hyundae insists he's the best little brother candidate—Even though he's older, go figure.

Meanwhile, the Ivelle refuses to let me 'adopt' him because apparently, she doesn't want to share her friend like that...

And that's why even my actual little sister, Jisoo, has decided that Hyundae—is a rival.

Honestly, it's cute—until it's not.

I love them both, I really do. But why can't they just love each other, too?


Well, they do love and care about each other... They know they do.

Just admit it already, oh my gosh! But of course not. That would be too easy.

And heaven forbid I pick a side. Because they'd stare at me like I betrayed their entire bloodline.

It's exhausting.

(She glances at Jisoo, who's gripping her sleeve while walking.)

Still, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Hyundae, with too much time in his pockets and that surprisingly sharp brain he likes to hide behind spark. And Ivelle, with her fiery temper and soft puppy heart she forbids the world to see.

(Smiling softly to herself.)

They're both wonderful. Just... chaotic.

(Jihye pats her sister's head as they continue walking, her serene smile stayed in place.)

...🇰🇵 Peace is precious, but sometimes it needs a firm hand 🇰🇷...


(Adjusting his clothes, softly exhaling)

So... I got the most underrated job in the whole council.

It suits me.

There's always something—student complaints, lost property, cafeteria chaos, forgotten schedules, you name it. If there's a problem that doesn't fit neatly into anyone else's department, guess who gets it?

(Me. It's me.)

But I'm not complaining much. It's not like I really mind.

(He pauses, glancing down at the folded paper star in his hand, smiling softly.)

She always says I don't need to make these, but I like to. It's... grounding, I guess.

(He pockets the star carefully.)

I'm still not sure how I ended up with her. Ivelle Rowena Schwarzenberg.

The strongest, fiercest person I know, and she chose me? Me, who can barely stand my ground. Who can't get through a meeting without apologizing for something?

(Shaking his head, a small laugh escaping.)

Sometimes I wonder if she knows how much she holds me together.

And Hayes? Oh, I see through him. That wink-wink-nudge-nudge Cupid act—he didn't even try to be subtle, but as discreet as a firework show.

(Smiling wider.)

Still, I'm grateful. I don't mind his chaos.

And then there's Moon Ji Hye, the 'adult' we need. Always making sure I don't burn out.

They're... a lot, this squad.

Is it even a squad? • • • Nope. Not quite.

...🇳🇴 Whatever this is... I'm cherishing it forever after 🇬🇷...


(Ivelle pauses, catching sight of him approaching from the opposite direction, calm as ever, a quiet smile on his face.)

. . . Oh.

(Her eyes softened instantly, looking away, brushing back stray curls from her ponytail.)

There he is. Eirik Haugen.

Why does he always look at me like that? Like I'm not terrifying half the time?

(He reaches her, slipping a paper star into her hand without a word.)

Five stars this week.

(Clutching the stars gently, her lips twitch into a rare, shy smile as her heart stammers in her chest.)

I never said it out loud, but those stars? They matter more than anyone would believe.

Even when the whole world feels like one big wrestling match, he's just... there.

Quiet. Soft. Patient.

Like the eye of a storm. And somehow, I always want to stand closer.

(But of course, that Hyun freak had to ruin the moment by dramatically pretending to gag 💢.)

💢This guy💢

(She glares, fists clenching.)

"Theo, I swear—"

*Deep breath*

No. Not in front of Eir.

(Looking back at her partner, her voice softer.)

"Thanks, for the stars." "Eir, You really don't need to gi—"

"I love to, Elle." He gently cuts her with a smile, like always.

...🇩🇪 ...And suddenly, I'm okay again 🇻🇳...


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