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The Skilled Knight

The great loss

junior l will leave now what should l buy for u son?

Dad l want a sword l want to be a great warrior as you.

you will be great greater than me son remember take care of your mother as am gone

yes, Dad

Good bye dad

- junior ran but couldn't meet up with he's father.

commander Maro we've been trapped, there's no way out what should we do commander

let run and find a place to fight them separately that way we will win

yes commander you heard the commander spread out.

- after the war few solders returns

junior and he's mother went straight to the only one the captain remain and asked where is Maro ?where is my husband?

Am sorry ma commander sacrifice heself and fight 300 solders of the enemies without he will would not have won

where's is my husband?

- tears dropping from her eyes

junior said mummy he's Dad not coming home he's he still in war

- She huge junior tightly and still crying

l will take care of you before he comes back mom l promise.

Enrollment of knight

junior has been in the knight school since he smaller age now he's 15 years enrolling for he's knight training

My name is captain jack what do l say

Captain jack sir

Yes that's the spirit l am in charge of your training, trust me l only select the strongest ones among you guys whoever he's weak am you will not badge this season meaning will not continue training but sent out of the school.

You get me

Yes sir training starts now

junior was sent out of the school for he is too weak

mom am too weak how can l make Father's name to be remember when l can't even be trained as knight

Son it doesn't matter no matter what professional you choose l will support you but forget about Knight your father left us at such a early stage l will not like to loss you too so you no meeting up with their training it's not a bad thing but good son

- Junior left in anger

Small boy, you Said you want to be a knight, why? with your weak Bones you shouldn't be going to knight.

Sir how do you know that am training to be a knight sir

Small talk boy if you are willing to be my discipline l will train and help you to be a knight but you will have to prove me drinks deal

But sir have you been knight before because l can't just take your words for it how can l know if you are just doing it for the drinkings

well said yes the drink he's included But l don't know l will like to teach you or are you not interested

no l am thank you sir

- after a few years

The great loss

junior l will leave now what should l buy for u son?

Dad l want a sword l want to be a great warrior as you.

you will be great greater than me son remember take care of your mother as am gone

yes, Dad

Good bye dad

- junior ran but couldn't meet up with he's father.

commander Maro we've been trapped, there's no way out what should we do commander

let run and find a place to fight them separately that way we will win

yes commander you heard the commander spread out.

- after the war few solders returns

junior and he's mother went straight to the only one the captain remain and asked where is Maro ?where is my husband?

Am sorry ma commander sacrifice heself and fight 300 solders of the enemies without he will would not have won

where's is my husband?

- tears dropping from her eyes

junior said mummy he's Dad not coming home he's he still in war

- She huge junior tightly and still crying

l will take care of you before he comes back mom l promise.

Enrollment of knight

junior has been in the knight school since he smaller age now he's 15 years enrolling for he's knight training

My name is captain jack what do l say

Captain jack sir

Yes that's the spirit l am in charge of your training, trust me l only select the strongest ones among you guys whoever he's weak am you will not badge this season meaning will not continue training but sent out of the school.

You get me

Yes sir training starts now

junior was sent out of the school for he is too weak

mom am too weak how can l make Father's name to be remember when l can't even be trained as knight

Son it doesn't matter no matter what professional you choose l will support you but forget about Knight your father left us at such a early stage l will not like to loss you too so you no meeting up with their training it's not a bad thing but good son

- Junior left in anger

Small boy, you Said you want to be a knight, why? with your weak Bones you shouldn't be going to knight.

Sir how do you know that am training to be a knight sir

Small talk boy if you are willing to be my discipline l will train and help you to be a knight but you will have to prove me drinks deal

But sir have you been knight before because l can't just take your words for it how can l know if you are just doing it for the drinkings

well said yes the drink he's included But l don't know l will like to teach you or are you not interested

no l am thank you sir

- after a few years


Doing the years l was taught different things and they are different knight such as

regular knight

De unique divine verse 1

De divine storm 1

De divine storm 2

the regular knight are night whom only fight with their fist and sword they are meant for those that has no cultivation spirit and are always the first to fall they don't even have right to see the king.

De unique divine verse 1 are knight that can do magie with their wands and not hands there are always at the back of the field healing and supporting regular knight.

De divine Storm 1 are knight whoms cultivation has limit are are not sent to war regularly they are known has the king unique knight they protect the king in all angles.

De divine storm 2 are normally can gods of knight they are sect of people whom are born with unique bones and struggles whom cultivation are limitless they are only 2 in each kingdom as they are to see.

after hearing all this, l was to that l am a De divine storm 2 knight my father was a De divine Storm 1 and now my training begins. training 1 Rich punching and pouching

you are too weak push that Rock if you can lift Puch,pouch a rock how can you call yourself unique even your father the great knight of he's sect he's stronge enough to Puch this.

 after being able to lift 500, 000 weight rock

l ran with stoping,eating even drinking water for 1weak, 1million Puch ups and more traings was applied after all that l started my cultivation training. l tried countless of times but l couldn't get it right, l told master but he told me that it's not yet time that l should try and surpass all my training when the time is right he will show me after all he's also a knight. So for some months l have been increasing my trainings in ways l couldn't understand myself

                          Episode 4

                         De new me

It's time for you to enter the cultivation world now that you body can take the power your mind it's going to optain take this body and study it do as it said and your cultivation spirit shall be awakened Late in the night l started to meditate as it was written l saw a bright light and saw my self holding it and so my self said you have to fight to optain invisibility,we fought and l was beaten countless of times and then suddenly k remember my father's fight ways and l won then the power was on my hands so bright that my spirit left my body and so l can see my body still in mediation stage and then l was urge to shout and then l shouted haaaaa

and get back to my sencess, master suddenly appeared to my room and said.

Are you ok your cultivation spirit is the strongest l have ever heared of if your body has not been ready it would have been destroyed by now and your spirit will Wonder around the world untill it become a dust

master bow and said master thank you for all your hard work towards me and never given up on me thank so much sir.

why are you thanking me you are the one whom has been working so hard after all it's your body l only told you what to do anyway tomorrow you are going to aplace tomorrow l will tell you tomorrow ok? thank you sir

Early in the morning l was told to go inside a hole in a decerted area, so l went in it was disgusting inside well l keep getting inside and suddenly l was attack by a wolf l killed it with my stick before long dozens comes at me l stresh my have and fire came from it burning the wolf's l stay inside for 1year before beating their king and that my cultivation has increased in an unbelievable true now am in 23d rank and so l left when l get back my master was gone but left a letter which says my student you've done well but am also a knight so l most get back when duty calls l wanted to tell you about your father's death but it's not yet time you are far greater than any person have now you are just like your father, go now and enter the knight division ranking and be a knight good farewell.

tears fell down from my eyes now l most go back home to see my mom and take the text.

l reach from afar l saw my mother lift water on her own it makes my heart sinked every steps trigger a memory l finally get close to her and then she huge me immediately and said son l have been very worried all this year's you've got muscles and handsome too 😁😄😄 mom am happy you are happy am sorry for leaving mom l shouldn't have left in a rush l should have wait a little,no son if you have l won't have let you leave am happy you left now you are back strong your father would be so proud son suddenly tears fell of her eyes and couldn't bear it so l cleaned it off her eyes and said now am back mom even if l become a knight l will always come back home mom your son will make you proud and l meant it from my heart mom l meant it, she smile and then we walk inside, so are you going to join the test of becoming a knight

which we occur next week?yes ma, l will after all that's the reason l trained for hm.

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