I sat tapping my feet restlessly against the feet of the plastic chair. Just last week, I had come to see Dr. Anne about headaches, thinking a minor cold must have been the cause of it. Now, with the phone call still fresh in my memory, I dreaded exactly what would be said.
My fingernails took some abuse as I started biting into them. Glancing at the clock hanging loosely on the white wall, I realized not even 5 minutes had gone by. Feeling dismayed, I reached for the pile of old magazines laid out on a small coffee table.
Fashion in the 80s was the last thing on my mind, but anything to take me away from overthrowing.
"Ms Stone, the doctor will see you now. " The receptionist was kind enough to smile. I felt bad for my response. Trying to smile definitely turned into more of a frown if her reaction was any indication. She opened the door leading to the doctor's room and handed the doctor my file.
Taking the only other available seat in the room, I waited for the doctor to start. I could feel the sweat from my palms dampening the skirt I had on.
"Well, I'm sure you understand that the results aren't favorable since I've called you in..." she cleared her throat, the news probably weighing on her as much as the waiting did to me. I could only nod, not trusting myself to speak at the moment.
"Ms Stone, I'd rather not make this long. Your results came back that you have cancer. Now, usually, we'd be running you up to get treatment, but..." She stopped to study my file again. And continued after the pause.
"I'm afraid your cancer has spread aggressively. There's not much we can do for you at this point, other than give you a list of hospices or counseling to see you through. "
Death was nothing new to me. I mean, I faced people who died daily, but now, being in the hot seat facing that phase of my life, It felt too weird to be real. I know I spaced out because the sudden touch of Dr. Anne's hand on my shoulder had me jump in my seat.
She chose to ignore this, and rather, she asked about my thoughts. I stammered out the first question that popped up.
"How much time..." Taking in a deep breath, I whimpered the rest out. "How much time do I have left?"
The doctor sighed and looked at me sympathetically.
"With those results, about 3 months, or more. " She looked determined, tightening her grip on my shoulder. "Let's believe it will be more."
I nodded, trying to calm myself down. I had to drive myself back home. The last thing I wanted was to shorten my life expectancy further by getting into an accident
"Is there anyone that you can contact to come fetch you?"
"I'll manage, thanks. " She didn't need to know I had no one unless you count the ghost, who was probably lazing around my house as someone.
She didn't push it, which I was grateful for. Instead, she walked away to search through some papers until she got two flyers. Walking back to me, she handed them over, looking guilty for some reason.
"Listen, I know you probably don't want to deal with anything this serious right now, but it's best to book your hospice room before the time." I noticed the flyers were hospices. Oh.
"Less stress when it comes to you needing the help when the time comes." I nodded and turned to leave. My hand turned the handle when Dr. Anne called my attention.
"I know this will sound crappy coming from someone that's not in your position, but..." She shifted her feet nervously.
"Remain positive, science isn't all there is. Sometimes, a miracle starts with you. " With that, she waved me goodbye.
I welcomed the sudden blast of cool air the air-conditioning above the door gave out. The hospital familiar to me suddenly seemed like I was there for the first time. I had to change lifts three times before I got the level to the parking lot.
Opening the back door of my car, I threw my bag in the backseat and slammed the door shut. Nearly ripping the driver's door of its hinges to get into my seat. Once I was seated and now alone, my situation finally reached me. All my hopes and dreams and worries, for what? Not as if that even mattered now, not even the crush I had on the ghost in my house matters anymore!
Wait, Thomas, what will I tell Thomas? I promised when I was still a child that I would solve his murder. I've never hated my procrastination more than I did at this moment. Here I was, sitting in my old BMW, thinking of a dead person, when I myself might join him soon.
The ridiculousness of the situation made me cackle with uncontrollable laughter. I wasn't sure what I was laughing for. But whatever the reason may be, it at least made me feel sorta normal.
I placed the key into the ignition and started off home. I stopped by my favorite pie place and decided to treat me to a few dozen mini steak pies.
After buying myself a ton of snacks, I felt good driving home. I fealt so good that I hummed to the music that played on the radio. My house came into view sooner than I thought. Its wooden structure standing out amongst the more modern redeveloped homes.
And as always, a lean figure stood in the window of the second floor. A book in his hand, smiling down at me. I surely hoped that I'll be able to relay this bit of news without me crying my eyes out in front of my crush.
Even though he saw me in full snot and red nose glory as a kid and angst teen. Something about me now on the verge of death wanted me for him to see that I'm more than the brat he raised.
Turning off the car, I took a couple of deep breaths and went about unloading the bags to bring inside. My stomach was churning as I did so.
Taking my time to unload the bags and sorting them into their respective places, I could feel Thomas watching me.
The chills that came from a ghost being nearby amplified the shaking of my nervous fingers. Thomas coming closer to me was not doing me any favors.
"Are you alright, love?" He started calling me love since I could remember. Lovey he said before, sounds like a prostitutes call name. To which I was very offended. My parents gave me the name, the least he could do was take his 18th century mentality out of it.
"Later, I'll wash up first, then we can have a chat. " This seemed to have satisfied him, since he turned to the direction of the library.
This was going to be a long night...
I took a very slow shower. Scrubbing me first, then paying extra care to moisturize me. I had promised Thomas that I would discuss what was bothering me after I packed away the groceries. But my nerves made me extend this invitation to after a shower.
I have probably delayed this chat for almost 2 hours. The rhythmic tapping of fingers against my door signaled that Thomas wanted to come into the room.
"Just a moment!" I rushed to get my gown on before I opened the door. There he stood, as solid as any living person. And yet I knew the face that hadn't aged a single day since I met him 25 years ago, eas definety not human anymore.
He sauntered in, looking at the mess I made on the dressing table and bed. He shook his head in disbelief.
"I dare say, the state of your room would put even a pirate to shame." He decided to sit on the floor.
"And we all know those sea pigs aren't the neatest." I simply remained silent. Sensing a shift in my mood. Thomas changed the subject, reminding me of the chat I promised.
"So... any chance I'll be hearing what's bothering you?" I let out a long sigh. Knowing full well that I can't avoid this anymore.
"I kinda went to go see Dr Anne, haven't been feeling well lately." He nodded to show he was listening. Playing with his fingernails while looking at me.
"The results aren't good..." I allowed that to sink in. I'm not sure if continuing would be a good idea.
"Which means what exactly?" Those had shifted to sit on his knees, eyes sharp, nearly glaring at me. When I still hadn't said anything further, he stood up and towered over me.
"What exactly did she say, Lovey?" I looked away from him, too afraid to Starr crying. but he followed the direction my head was turned towards.
"I have a couple of months to live." I could see his body stiffening.
"Come again?" So I repeated what I said. "Why... I mean, how long do you have left!" The volume in which he asked me made me wince. I know he didn't mean to sound so angry, not at me at least.
"About 3 months, give or take. But we're hoping for more."
"How much more?" He sounded very weird. I couldn't place the tone he was using.
"A hundred nights?" I tried joking. Turns out my humor has always come up in the most inappropriate time. Even now, when it concerned me.
"Let's leave the humor for after I find out exactly what's going on. Please." Thomas was annoyed but tried to be as gentlemanly as possible.
So I went about telling him of the tests I had to do, up until the heavy conversation about what the doctor recommended I do. I even showed him the flyers of the hospices.
He grabbed those and nearly tore them up from holding them too tightly. Thankfully, I removed them before this could happen.
"Guess my worries about aging while you stay young is not needed anymore." This time, he barely let out a smile. I suppose he understood that what I needed wasn't sympathy or being sad, I needed normalcy. He nodded and told me he'd make me some hot chocolate.
We walked down the passage to the kitchen, which faintly smelled of spices. the spice rack just above my microwave, the cause of the lingering smell.
I voiced my preference for tonight. Hot chocolate with cinnamon and cream. Thomas just nodded and went to work.
I took this time with him busy to fully get a look at him. For a man born in the early 1700s, he was sure a pleasure to look at. Though not the cliché muscular figure as in those erotic historical novels. His lean figure did give the outline of subtle muscle.
I had to previously see a medium to find out how he could change clothes. Turns out all I had to do was offer it to him. He now wore a pair of mini cucumber patterned pajamas I had gotten him from the sale section.
He seemed to like them since his other pairs hadn't been worn at all. Clothes wear out very fast. Something about their energies that causes materials or anything else they use to deteriorate faster. I probably bought him 6 sets in the last 4 months.
That aside, his physical appearance, with his round boyish eyes, light freckles, and puckered lips. Made him look like a Disney prince. The kind that never worked a day in their lives. But the faint scaring across his right cheek indicated some harsh past events.
I never thought to pry, but being on a short leash to life likely gave me the courage to start talking in a direction I would never have gone prior.
"How did you get that scar?" He stopped pouring the sugar, using his knuckles with the spoon in hand to run across the tight scar. For a few seconds, I thought to apologize, but he turned around and smiled.
"This is a first." He chuckled lightly, not out of humor but probably a response he's used to.
"I know, I suddenly realize that even though we have known each other since I moved here when I was 9, I barely know much about you."
He stirred the hot chocolate and finally handed it to me. The cinnamon hit my nose immediately. I took out four pies from the box sitting on the counter next to me. I was currently sitting on a barstool behind the kitchen counter.
The pie tasted delicious, and paired with the hot drink made me feel all warm and satisfied. He lounged with his elbow behind the opposite side of the counter, facing me.
I smiled with a mouth full at his expressive hazel eyes. He chuckled and lazily drew circles on the counter as he started his tale.
"It's been many years, so my recollection of some events is foggy." He looked up to see if I understood, I nodded for him to continue while biting into my second pie
"I had been invited to an engagement, well it turned out that engagement was mine." I choked at this piece of news.
"My family had lost a lot of our fortune due to my father's gambling. So, a marriage of convenience with whatever we had left could have saved us." He continued, his eyes looking sad.
"I thought I was going to marry the daughter of a widow, but it turned out I was marrying the widow herself." I winced at the idea of him marrying an older woman.
"I wasn't in any position to be picky. However, said woman was known to be a little experienced between the sheets." I scoffed and rephrased what he said.
"You mean she was a loose woman?" He nodded, swallowing something invisible.
"To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I was repulsed. I had voiced my concerns with a friend, who told me he'd help me out." He leaned back, smiling faintly.
"The guy was one of her conquests, so imagine how motivated the bloke was." he laughed full on, probably from a funny memory that popped up.
"Just the week prior, my friend was stripped of his clothes and left with nothing but his loins. It was then that he vowed vengeance against her." He shook his head, amused by whatever he thought about.
"I did manage to get out of the arrangement, proving she could not hold a marriage seriously. But this made her mad at me because she ended up having to pay my family a sum of money." I made a sound of confusion.
"I gave her bridal gifts, which she took and gave away to her other suitors." I formed a silent oh.
"Either way, I didn't see much of her until I found out the girl I took an interest in was her youngest daughter, she had with a ruffian." Sensing a romance of dramatic proportions, I stopped chewing.
"The girl was found pregnant." When he saw my expression, he hurried to clarify. " Not with me! It was someone else's child."
"Turns out their mother's seed was spoiled, and her seedling turned rotten." I felt confused.
"They were just like their mother, all of them." Ah. That's what he meant.
"Anyway, the girl's father found me and decided to roughen me up to take responsibility for a child that wasn't mine." I shook my head in disbelief. I thought the early years were filled with more prim and proper individuals.
"We had a fight, and I didn't see the knife coming. It was meant for my chest, but I ducked in time, and instead, my face got the brunt of the attack." I winced imagining the pain.
"At least I could get him imprisoned and cut me off from that family entirely, or so I thought." The last part I don't think I was entirely meant to hear. It was said rather softly.
I offered him a pie, and he munched on it. Through the years, I learned new things with this friendly ghost. My small circle of medium friends also helped me a lot. Now that I was dying, a new sense of purpose to make this man mine gripped me.
My devious thoughts must have made it to my face because Thomas looked at me weirdly. I gave him a broad smile, which set his eyebrows high.
"I would wager that your current thoughts are nothing my ears needs hearing." I laughed at how close he was to the truth. I think these few months will be just fine.
Whatever positive feeling I previously had since the chat went down like the coffee I've been gulping down this morning. A week had passed since our chat, and I was alone for most of it. Not my choice; no, Thomas, for whatever reason, has been avoiding me.
The old fossil has been exiting rooms whenever I entered them. At first, he would move away from me if we sat too close or worked too close in the kitchen. He was never one for physical touch. Spirits fed off humans' energies, and my being able to see them gave off strong spiritual energy.
He didn't like touching me for that reason. We found this out the hard way. When I was 13, I just had my first period. The dramatic scene of me flying out of the bathroom thinking I was terminally ill still brought teasing once a month.
I had screamed, scaring my father out of his afternoon nap. My mother had passed away after childbirth, so he never had the much-needed conversation with me. Nonetheless, Thomas had stopped me from falling and accidentally drew too much energy. We found out the hard way. When I'm on my monthly visits, I can't control my energy in the way I normally do.
Later, my medium friends told me that women's bodies are a great source of energy for evil spirits. Something about our ability to help life grow can help spirits grow in strength, or something like let. We are great incubators, one friend had said. So, because I hadn't conceived, that energy intended for the foetus could transfer to a spirit if it made contact with me. That's why possession is more common in females.
I was bedridden for a week. No wonder back in the day women were told to stay indoors during that time. Thomas had apologised profusely, avoiding me entirely. We worked through it over the years. Now I have managed to tone it down with the help of a friend.
That aside, his current attitude was not pleasing me. I gulped the last of my coffee, the video editing for this week was completed. Choosing to freelance work in my favour. I heard Thomas in the library, probably sorting out some books he already read. Unfortunately, spirits and electronics did not sit well with each other. So I would go to a used book store and purchase books in bulk for him.
I stood up when I heard him exit the room. He looked frightened to see me approach him.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He looked ready to jump. I blocked him from escaping, extending my leg to reach the passage wall. Using the rest of my body to block the other side.
“I'm not avoiding you.” Even he could tell that was a lie. He looked sheepish enough. “I'm really not… I thought you might need some space.” I squinted at him, urging him to say more. He decided to remain silent.
“Right.” He could tell I didn't sound convinced. “It's game night tonight, you better be downstairs at eight.” I wasn't suggesting, I was telling him. He nodded and walked past me after I lowered my leg to the floor. I glared after his robotic moving limbs. Something was off, and I will find out what.
I decided to spend some time doing some reading of my own. Work was done, and we normally ordered takeaways on game night. A pizza sounded good. Thomas was delighted once he found out he could eat human food when I offered it. It was a total game-changer and made him feel alive again.
Time moved fast while I was reading. The novel was erotic and gave me ideas on what I could potentially do once I convinced Thomas somehow to try romance. I grabbed my cellphone and ordered two large Pizzas, one rib and steak and the other a cheesy pizza for Thomas.
I decided to go to my room to shower and dress in pyjamas before we started the games. After my night routine ended, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. The Pizza should be arriving any time soon. The doorbell rang.
I rushed to the door and took the boxes from the young part-timer. He thanked me for the tip I had included during the payment. I smiled and waved him goodbye. Shutting the door with my foot, I went back to the kitchen to set the pizzas down. Thomas was still not here.
“Thomas!” I heard footsteps rushing towards the kitchen. His neatly combed head popped up around the doorway to the kitchen a few seconds later.
“Pizza is here, help me set up the board games please while I dish?” He nodded and went about setting the table. A sudden idea popped up. Thomas was very competitive when it came to games, perhaps a game of truth or dare could get him to talk.
I smirked at my own genius, and practically danced while dishing up. A plate piled up with pizza in each hand, I entered the living room. Thomas was busy setting up the pieces on the ludo board.
“If I win this round, I pick the next game.” It was fair since the winner was chosen by the chance of the die. Thomas agreed and started the first roll. It landed on a five. He let out a disappointed moan. I took my turn and landed on a six. Smirking, I moved a piece onto the board.
Luck was on my side, I won the game by a landslide. Thomas did not look amused, he resorted to weighing the die to see if I didn't tamper with it. Ignoring his childish antics, I took out an arrow attached to a wheel. Something my dad made with wood for Truth Or Dare.
“Let's play a game of Truth or Dare”. Thomas nodded, unaware of my intentions. I did the first spin, and it landed on me. A bummer. I went for a dare.
“I dare you to puff your cheeks and eat a bite of pizza while keeping them puffed.” Thomas's smile broadened when I had a hard time swallowing the food. He turned the arrow, landing on me again. Rolling my eyes, I decided to rather go for the truth.
Thomas took a while to think of a question, but when he did, I kind of figured it would be asked at some point.
“Are you scared?” He looked at me intensely, creating lumps in my stomach. “Of dying, is it scary?”
“I'm still numb about it to be honest, I know it's happening, but it's like my mind doesn't want to fully register it.” Thomas's eyes softened. I couldn't help the breathless Oh that escaped me. I really liked this man, when my feelings started I wouldn't know. But any thought of not seeing him ever again didn't sit well with me.
He looked away, trying to hide whatever emotion he was feeling. I turned the wheel and it landed on him. Finally!
“Why are you avoiding me? And what is going on with you?” Thomas did not take these questions kindly. He looked put out.
“Madam, those are two questions, choose one.” I shook my head.
“My game, my rules. Now answer them.” He didn't like my bossy tone, so I politely urged him. “Please.”
He nodded and nervously picked at his thinning pyjamas. It would appear it won't be lasting him for very long. He opened his mouth to speak but cleared his throat awkwardly. This happened another two times before I snapped.
“Spit it out!” His eyes widened. I took a calming breath. “Sorry, it's just you're taking too long to answer.” He bit his lip, causing my eyes to watch them closely. I licked my own without thinking.
“I'm feeling and smelling things I couldn't before.” He finally said.
“Huh?” I wasn't sure I heard him properly. “You're experiencing what now?”
He looked embarrassed but repeated what he said anyway. It took me a moment to think about what he meant by this. Spirits were made up of energy, typically they could touch and feel sensations from the same energies. For example, they couldn't hurt a human easily, it took too much energy, enough energy that could cause them to cease to exist. So, possession would help them be able to kill or harm at the expense of the living person's life force.
What he might be suggesting, could mean there's another spirit close, but I haven't picked up on any other energies.
“What exactly are you smelling and feeling?” He looked like he might puke. What on earth is going on? He muttered something I couldn't hear. I asked him to repeat it louder.
“You!” He shouted, turning his face away from me. I was stunned.
“Well, you can touch me.” Was his brain decaying? Spirits can touch mediums.
“No, I mean yes, but before I couldn't feel you. It was like a living person touching the water, it's a weird sensation.” I didn't get it.
“Now, it's different, I can actually feel you, your temperature and skin. Even the rough parts of your skin.” Rough parts? Dear Lord, was I not moisturising enough?
“So what you're saying is that you're experiencing touching me as if I were a spirit?” He nodded, looking relieved I understood.
“Okay…and the smell?” He got red in the face.
“Your odour, I smell it.” Death would be fine right now. I stink?
“I stink?” My voice sounded very high. He nodded then shook his head furiously.
“No!” He tried retracting. “You don't stink, I mean, I can smell your skin and hair. I smell you.” Spirits can only smell other spirits. Spiritual energy was really complex. Flowers, the scent of rain, they could smell, faintly but still there. Living people were practically invisible to them unless you were corrupted with desire or murderous intent.
They would be able to smell the energy you gave off, but not your human scent. I was really confused by this sudden revelation. The game, now totally forgotten, I pressed him to explain how and when this started.
“I thought at first, that there may have been another spirit here, and would investigate the rooms”. I nodded.
“But after a while the scent grew stronger the closer I was to you.” So that's why he kept moving away.
“It was when you handed me the book you bought me, that I realised I felt you, and the smell was really coming from you.” He scratched his head, looking frustrated.
“I feel like a pervert, I'm old enough to be your ancestor.” The visual of him as an old man with multiple age spots did not sit well with me.
“This has never happened before?” He shook his head.
“In all my hundreds of years being here, this is a first.” I contemplated what this could mean. But not one idea came to mind. Taking out my phone, I opened up my contacts.
“What are you doing?” Thomas leaned over to see what I was doing.
“Calling someone that might be able to help.” I called Lilly, my best friend and a great medium.
“Hi Lil, I need to ask you something.” She was surrounded by a lot of noise in the background. “Are you free to talk?”
“Yeah, gurl! Go ahead.” I proceeded to tell her, having to repeat some things because of the noise. When I finished she gave a long whistle.
“Hon. This sounds like a you problem.” I rolled my eyes. “I really have never heard of this, maybe you should try the others, and see if they know what to do.” Before I could thank her, she cut me off.
“Got to go, bye!” I looked at the beeping phone for a few seconds. Thomas was equally stunned.
“How is it that she lived her 32 years of life so chaotically?” Thomas mused. I couldn't agree more. I met with similar responses from all of my friends. All five had no idea what I was speaking of. Lauren said she might come tomorrow to run some tests.
I was restless until I remembered there was someone who may be able to help. Thomas already sat through all the calls, so he looked at me curiously when I started dialing a number.
“Who are you calling?” He moved closer, forgetting that he had been avoiding me.
“Someone that could definitely help.” He frowned, probably mentally shifting through the names of people he was aware of. His eyes suddenly turned dark.
“No, anyone but her.” I stifled a laugh, knowing he was serious.
“Oh come on, you know she's the best when it comes to strange things.” He shook his head, his mouth set in a thin line.
“No. We are not going to make use of her services.” I looked at him, shaking my head.
“Why can't we ask her?” His eyes nearly fell out with the way he widened them.
“She's a WITCH!” Any louder and my lights would have fused.
“So what? We aren't really in any position to be picky.” I motioned between us. “We don't know what this could mean if it's good or bad.” He yelled out in frustration, knowing I was right.
“Pastor Elias!” I raised a brow at him mentioning the man that wanted to hold an exorcism. “He could know.”
“You're kidding, right?” He frowned. “If we tell him this, he'll definitely send you to the spirit world. At that he conceded.
“Is this really because she's a witch?” I looked at him, smirking at his dumbfounded expression.
“Fine, she gropes me any chance she gets. The ancient, hag despite living for so long has failed to become more civilized.” I laughed at the memories that replayed in my mind. He was correct, she had an unhealthy appreciation of his behind and other intimate areas.
I still recall the time she accidentally landed her hand on his crotch. Even so, she had many years of experience and although mediums are told to stay away from witches, she didn't seem too bad. A little money-loving and very sexual, but her heart was usually in the right place. Especially when Thomas was involved.
Going against his wishes I called her. She answered almost immediately.
“What!” I moved the phone away from my face. Thomas muttered 'how gentle' next to me. I scowled at him.
“Hi Elaine, I need your help.” She grumbled, the clinking of glass and other utensils making a noise on her side.
“This better be important.” I hummed and continued.
“Something might be wrong with Thomas.” At the mention of his name, the witch sent a few pots clanging to the floor, muttering cuss words at the mess she created.
“Say no more, idiot, come over this Friday.” I told her I would.
“And send my love to that brav'uomo.” Her Italian accent always made the sexual slurs hilarious. Glancing at Thomas, I felt a little sorry at the devastating look on his face. Elaine switched off the call, having said what she needed to.
“It'll be fine, she likes you.” Thomas scoffed.
“I'd prefer she not like me.” I laughed and told him we could play another game. He sighed but agreed.
Externally I seemed like myself, but internally I was worried about what the witch might tell us. One thing was for sure, the trip to Elaine always brought laughter. The woman was funny without meaning to be. As I moved an ace of spades to the deck, I mentally listed what I should pack in.
Definitely a couple of chocolate bars. Thomas will be having a tough time. Let him munch on something sweet to hopefully make his bitter interactions with Elaine not so bad.
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