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chapter 1: old times will tell

(Amyrlin telling the ancient story to the amateurs)long ago people believed that magic never existed.magic was thought to be a myth or rather a fairy tale as well as the very existence of witches.witches were believed to be extinct uncanny creatures that only existed in the classical times although the oldest of all times were the spell makers.the spell makers made the spells in which the witches used ,they were called the story of weavers they were unique witches with the rarest talent ,the ability to create spells by weaving strands of threads together to unravel the ties that binds nature and reality but weavers were bound to the true source.the true source was the only magic source and the loop that binds the cosmos.weavers tapped into the true source in order for them to use their weaving magic until dark times came ahead with the darkling the first male weaver to be born.the true source had two parts the light source and the dark source which was the bridge between the light magic and the dark one.female weavers could tap into the light source while male weavers tapped into the dark source so the dark source corrupted him making him the darkling and with his army he has invaded the earth and the only one who can stop him is the fate bearer ,a man born with power to wield the dragons blade and end the tales of darkness.Amyrlin after telling them the story sent them off to bed.the next morning a maiden of the gran torre found a baby floating on the water in a woven basket crying so she took her and presented her to the great one ,ruler of the gran torre .the great one sacrifices their weaving magic to occupy the ancestral throne of gran torre and rule amongst the maidens and the saints.the maidens are the workers of the tower while the saints are powerful weavers.Aurelian was revealed to by the ancestry spirits that the baby was going to become a great weaver so she ordered for her to be trained.she was named maeve dragdomill. maeve began to practice her weaving magic at the age seven while other amateurs were taught at the age of ten.the grande coven were the most powerful weavers(saints)so they were the ones who trained the amateurs.each saint dressed according to their elements ,the red saints were fire weavers the blue saints were water weavers the white saints were wind weavers and the green saints were earth weavers.the head of the grande coven was madrigal a tough and ruthless one.according to her,every weaver is born with one elemental affinity fire,water,wind,earth and spirit( the most complex element and most weavers are not born with)in their blood and only the weaves of those affinity they are able to create and shape other wise.a weaver before making a weave must reveal it first and the amount of weaves a weaver reveals determines their potent level as some weavers have higher potency than others. maeve had all the elemental affinities in her blood, making her able to create all their weaves at once, so she needed more training than others.madrigal was flattered and amazed that maeve was the first potential to be seen after so many years although madrigal was also jealous as she thought that maeve will achieve greater heights than she has.maeve was taught to shape her weaves and utilize them for her spells.madrigal was a powerful fire weaver so she knew a lot of fire weaving spells.maeve became 13 so she was used to spell bind male weavers who were captured using their powers for evil .

chapter 2: fetching time

maeve grew to the point of a woman and she was so powerful although she was been kept in a separate room from others ,shot out from the world entirely.the darkling had awakened, now his army of relics(dragon-like creatures )are also awakened to do his evil bidding.emperor rodan,the ruthless ruler of the Ascon has been hunting for the fate bearer for a very long time.he believes that having the fate bearer by his side will be a great asset to him and then he could use him as a powerful weapon against all his foes .emperor rodan sent his men warriors to embark on a journey of finding the fate bearer.the saints want to use the fate bearer as a weapon against the darkling while the emperor wants to use the fate bearer for his own selfish benefits. rodan sent his men to three different villages to find a male bearing a strange marking on any part of his body .the three villages were the north faldoma village ,the east oak river,and the east elkman. rodans men could not find any male that beared the strange marking, but rodan still persisted and continued his search for the fate soon as aurelian(the great one)found out about emperor rodans desperate search for who the fate bearer was she decided to take action immediately. '

'madrigal send a handful of the saints to look for the fate bearer ,I don't trust rodan '.madrigal gave out the great ones order so she recruited some saints to embark on the journey.few days later they heard of the carcass of the saints sent to find the fate bearer,they were all dead massacred in cold blood.the great one was so angered so she sent madrigal with some fire weavers from the grande coven to go to where their bodies was said to be found. madrigal with her coven members travelled to the dark hench where they discovered their dead bodies.madrigal used her weave magic to cast a revealing spell to uncover what happened there. ' burning🔥 threads of fury reveal the time past and rewind times fate' then her fire weaves covered every where then it began to reveal what had happened there when the saints trespassed.madrigal was shocked by what had happen so she immediately rushed back to the gran torre to report what was discovered. 'the great one ,they weren't killed by humans or hunters but by weavers'. 'weavers' the great one surprisingly spoke out,then madrigal Completed her statement 'male weavers'. hearing this the great one ordered madrigal and her members to get ready for a war, a war to annihilate them. the ravking was a coven of powerful male weavers and their head of coven was moreas gremor a powerful learned weaver.madrigal with at least half of her coven members travelled to the dark hench to find the ravking. as they arrived with their horses they took a break to stroll around then behold moreas and his men were waiting for their arrival. 'I expected u all to come ' moreas altered.madrigal gave out a vile smile already they planned what they will do to the ravking. as soon as they wove their weaves madrigal and her coven members already used a weave spell to trap them which the ambush surprised moreas as he never thought that they will be so prepared. it wasn't easy to hold powerful weavers like them so madrigal shouted ' lit in flames 'then the weaves turned to fire that burnt them alive while madrigal used her weaves to make moreas unconscious. 'you'll be coming with us' madrigal spoke.

chapter 3:against a trickle

after the ravking were demolished by madrigal and her coven members ,moreas head of the ravking was captured and locked up in gran torre dungeon to be executed in three days time.moreas as the head of the ravking had attained all their powers after their death as they were tied to him so he became stronger while trapped under the custody of gran torre although they knew nothing about this .the great one was still in the search of the fate bearer so she tried to acquire every necessary Information that she needed.emperor rodan sent his men to the wild oak to find the old sage for answers.on their way across the tides of the wild oak they were attacked and brutally devoured by the relics the darklings very army .when emperor rodan heard about the death and fatal accident of his men he was aroused in anger and perplexed over the next step to take considering the fact that the wild oak was not only a dangerous place but a deadly one. no one has ever gone to the wild oak and come out alive because the relics usually hunted there as it was a remote area and quite lonely there.emperor rodan decided to seek the help of his old friend ceasaria ruler of cerean.ceasaria seeing rodan was quite surprised although he knew that he needed his favor . 'hello,old friend' ceasaria spoke in a deep voice .after outpouring his favor to ceasaria, he decided to lend rodan his most reliable man duckan to travel with him to the wild oak .duckan knew short routes to different places so he was able to root out a short route for going to the wild oak although it wasn't that safe but manageable.duckan rode emperor rodan to the wild oak but on their way they encountered a relic although duckan single handedly killed the relic but sustained scratches and wounds on his body,after which they continued their journey until they finally reached the sages ashram.rodan entered while duckan stood outside.rodan sat down on the floor facing the sage. 'what do u seek'? the sage spoke, 'I've come to seek answers for the fate bearer' rodan replied. 'so you seek the identity of the fate bearer'? the sage spoke again,'yes' rodan answered. the sage continued speaking 'well the Identity of the fate bearer is still hidden not even him knows that he is the fate bearer'. 'what do u mean his identity is hidden ' rodan spoke.'the fate bearer is cloaked, and finding him would be very difficult.the fate bearer will be nothing that anyone would expect and he is still yet to know about who he is',hmmm find a young boy with no identity, no name.' then the sage stopped speaking. emperor rodan hearing the words of the sage was of no much help to him as he wondered how he would find a nameless boy but atleast it was a little tip.emperor rodan and duckan then rode off.moreas grew dark veins in his body each day which was a sign of his growing was the day of his execution so he was brought out to the hall for his execution as he was tied up with weaves to stop him from using any magic or escaping .he knelt down admist all the saints as he faced his death penalty for harming one of their own.moreas as he knelt down began to chant his spell as dark veins rushed through his body covering his face .maeve was called upon to execute him so she was brought by madrigal

to the hall. madrigal spoke admist every one 'men who are tied to the true source are been swallowed by hollow because of the darkness they are born with as weavers', you think you're powerful, well you haven't faced raw and true power before'. 'is that what u think'? moreas replied ,in anger he shouted his chanted spell 'chao explicare' then he released his dark weaves and tore the weaves used in subduing him then as he tried to wave his weaves on everyone maeve wove her weaves immediately and subdued his own weaves.'how is this possible' moreas cried out ,then maeve spoke 'your weaves is a trickle against what a true weaver can do' then maeve wove her last weaves saying 'ego te adstringo ' I bind you , then she spell binded moreas as she knotted her final weaves.

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