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Poetry Splash


I like the feeling, the euphoria I get when I see the digits

The odds against me, taking the risk

The buzz I feel in my head when I do all the calculations

My only thoughts at those moments?- I want it all

Sounds greedy but so what , this is my high, this is my life, this is all I want

Spend it, all who cares

Everything in the line, so much to lose

Money on the loose

But that's just me

Wasted and drunk on this life

It's my dopamine rush

My favorite high

That's my favorite lie; I like this life

Who needs God when you can have all this money

Who needs that when you have the odds

Don't pester me with your so called religion I have bets to make and win

I have odds to calculate, nobody stop me

I'll ignore that voice, the voice telling me to stop , telling me to give this up, telling me it's too much

I'll mute that voice non stop

Do you feel your heartbeat, hear how loud it is when all the odds are stacked against you ?

Do you feel your hands shake!

Can you feel yourself trembling ?

You're playing with the flames of hell and you know that

When the odds are stacked against you and you lose

You lost it all , you lost everything and now you're starting to feel like you're nothing

Who's gonna help you?

I'm wasted, I'm lost

Do i really need help?

The aftermath of the dopamine rush

What happens when you've lost it all and you've got nothing to show for it

I feel like I'm dying

Is this what I've come to

Ragged and useless

I need escape

"No, you need help, My hand is here, out stretched for you"

"Take it , I will help you"

Who are You,why do You want to help me

Who am I to deserve your help

"You're my child" He said

I don't know what it was but I felt it deep in my heart

"Come now, hold on to me "

I'm dirty

"I'll cleanse you"

Can you really

"Yes "

I don't know what it was but I took His hand and I held on tight

He never let go and I never did to

It took a while but I realized i don't need that dopamine rush, that risk to feel happy

I just needed His word and that was more than enough

Soo that's the ending of the poem, filling up the word count is so hard mehh, but I really do hope you enjoyed the poem , you can add poem prompts as well to help my life lemme post the poem again to fill up the count

I like the feeling, the euphoria I get when I see the digits

The odds against me, taking the risk

The buzz I feel in my head when I do all the calculations

My only thoughts at those moments?- I want it all

Sounds greedy but so what , this is my high, this is my life, this is all I want

Spend it, all who cares

Everything in the line, so much to lose

Money on the loose

But that's just me

Wasted and drunk on this life

It's my dopamine rush

My favorite high

That's my favorite lie; I like this life

Who needs God when you can have all this money

Who needs that when you have the odds

Don't pester me with your so called religion I have bets to make and win

I have odds to calculate, nobody stop me

I'll ignore that voice, the voice telling me to stop , telling me to give this up, telling me it's too much

I'll mute that voice non stop

Do you feel your heartbeat, hear how loud it is when all the odds are stacked against you ?

Do you feel your hands shake!

Can you feel yourself trembling ?

You're playing with the flames of hell and you know that

When the odds are stacked against you and you lose

You lost it all , you lost everything and now you're starting to feel like you're nothing

Who's gonna help you?

I'm wasted, I'm lost

Do i really need help?

The aftermath of the dopamine rush

What happens when you've lost it all and you've got nothing to show for it

I feel like I'm dying

Is this what I've come to

Ragged and useless

I need escape

"No, you need help, My hand is here, out stretched for you"

"Take it , I will help you"

Who are You,why do You want to help me

Who am I to deserve your help

"You're my child" He said

I don't know what it was but I felt it deep in my heart

"Come now, hold on to me "

I'm dirty

"I'll cleanse you"

Can you really

"Yes "

I don't know what it was but I took His hand and I held on tight

He never let go and I never did to

It took a while but I realized i don't need that dopamine rush, that risk to feel happy

I just needed His word and that was more than enough


I was the gift that kept on giving

I was the one who always loved

I gave it all

I gave all I had

Even pieces of my skin

All parts of me

And you watched me bleed

Your smile filled with glee

You looked happy seeing me plead on my knees, begging please,

Please for your love and attention

Just a little look would do but you never did

All you did was to mock me

I guess that's what made you happy

I put in the effort

I put in the work

I did everything I could

i tried my best , why are they all looking at me like this

Haven't I done enough

I tried, I really did in my best

So in an attempt to impress I became depressed, overworked and stressed

I need rest

I wonder why they look so shocked

Why do they look so scared?

What's so startling, all because i took back what was mine

It was my heart in the first place so it's not a big deal if I rip it off your chest, after all it's mine

Why do they all look so scared, I'm simply taking back what's mine.

I don't actually need it anymore but it's still fun seeing them run

Why the fear in their eyes, you made this monster

You stripped all the human parts of me

You took them from me so why are you so surprised I'm like this, that I look like this?

Why call me heartless, you took it from me remember?

You took all that made me human away from me

"Burn the monster, burn the monster!" they chant

The monster they created

You are my mother and fathers

How dare they forsake their creation

How dare they not nurse their child



So burn me on a stake

Do as you please but I want you to know

All that made you, "you" is me

Parts of myself that you call a monster are in you

You took from a monster, you made this monster

Doesn't that make you worse

It doesn't matter

I'll be back soon

So sleep with one eye open

Good bye little me's

May my name forever be engraved in your brain

Haaa, it seems I really have to try to fill up the word count again sigh, anyway, prompts are well appropriated

I was the gift that kept on giving

I was the one who always loved

I gave it all

I gave all I had

Even pieces of my skin

All parts of me

And you watched me bleed

Your smile filled with glee

You looked happy seeing me plead on my knees, begging please,

Please for your love and attention

Just a little look would do but you never did

All you did was to mock me

I guess that's what made you happy

I put in the effort

I put in the work

I did everything I could

i tried my best , why are they all looking at me like this

Haven't I done enough

I tried, I really did in my best

So in an attempt to impress I became depressed, overworked and stressed

I need rest

I wonder why they look so shocked

Why do they look so scared?

What's so startling, all because i took back what was mine

It was my heart in the first place so it's not a big deal if I rip it off your chest, after all it's mine

Why do they all look so scared, I'm simply taking back what's mine.

I don't actually need it anymore but it's still fun seeing them run

Why the fear in their eyes, you made this monster

You stripped all the human parts of me

You took them from me so why are you so surprised I'm like this, that I look like this?

Why call me heartless, you took it from me remember?

You took all that made me human away from me

"Burn the monster, burn the monster!" they chant

The monster they created

You are my mother and fathers

How dare they forsake their creation

How dare they not nurse their child



So burn me on a stake

Do as you please but I want you to know

All that made you, "you" is me

Parts of myself that you call a monster are in you

You took from a monster, you made this monster

Doesn't that make you worse

It doesn't matter

I'll be back soon

So sleep with one eye open

Good bye little me's

May my name forever be engraved in your brain

Once A Week Midnight Angel

Can I not be your second option , scratch that I mean your once a week midnight angle

The girl you only call when you need someone to love you passionately

To hold you and caress you,

To inflate your ohh so fragile ego

The girl who'll write love poems for you

The lover girl who's always there for you

The girl who's always open for a call

I can't keep being your once a week midnight angle

One night, maybe one day when the pain has eaten me deep

And my heart seems to be growing weak from all the suffering within me

And I've run out of tears and my throat is sour from the screams

Maybe then I'll look you in the eye and tell you I'm done,

I'm done being your dopamine high

Your ego inflater

You're favorite pet

I'm done being your once a week midnight angel

You come to me with tears in your eyes

Telling me how your life is hard and pain feels your heart

You came to me once again, your once a week midnight angle

You came for another hug

Another night, for me to hold you in my arms

But you don't know, I'm done

I'm done being your bedtime snack

Your favorite dopamine high

Your 12th favorite

The 7th best thing on your list

I'm finally no longer your once a week midnight angle

It's that time of the book again, I know,I dislike this as much as you do, gotta start writing longer poems anyways you know what's next, prompts are much appreciated

Can I not be your second option , scratch that I mean your once a week midnight angle

The girl you only call when you need someone to love you passionately

To hold you and caress you,

To inflate your ohh so fragile ego

The girl who'll write love poems for you

The lover girl who's always there for you

The girl who's always open for a call

I can't keep being your once a week midnight angle

One night, maybe one day when the pain has eaten me deep

And my heart seems to be growing weak from all the suffering within me

And I've run out of tears and my throat is sour from the screams

Maybe then I'll look you in the eye and tell you I'm done,

I'm done being your dopamine high

Your ego inflater

You're favorite pet

I'm done being your once a week midnight angel

You come to me with tears in your eyes

Telling me how your life is hard and pain feels your heart

You came to me once again, your once a week midnight angle

You came for another hug

Another night, for me to hold you in my arms

But you don't know, I'm done

I'm done being your bedtime snack

Your favorite dopamine high

Your 12th favorite

The 7th best thing on your list

I'm finally no longer your once a week midnight angle

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