Enemy to Lovers~
Brother to: Mike and Liam
His father owns the second world company
Cute, kind, sassy, has a runny mouth, can be the most beautiful flower you've ever seen and also your nightmare, believes in love, loves his family, hates no one
He hasn't met James family before but loves The Bookson since the Bookson is a friend of his but he doesn't know that the people he loves after his family is James family since he hasn't met James when they usually arrive reasons will be explained in the story
His father is the owner of the world first company *clears throat*
Cold, heartless, doesn't think twice before ending someone's life, hates anyone who touches his things not even his family, possessive of his property's, hates almost everything especially his rival's
Cute, kind, sassy, always acts like a brave person but isn't, nice to almost everyone, best friend to Eli since childhood, His family is friends with the Sherks
His father owns the third most famous company
A real example of a lazy genius
Not cute, Not kind, definitely the opposite of nice, possessive of his items, troublesome, loves tattoos, a lazy genius, hates people who think the world rotates around them and also slûts
Handsome, nice and cruel, hates to be in the center of a discussion, anything he wants will always be his except it's been claim by someone he respects hates slût bîtches and snitches
Cold, hates pretty much usual things
Possessive of his stuffs, kind and can be cruel, hates usual things
Nice, funny, smart, friend to James and the Browns are close people to the Bookson
Nice, funny, kind, playboy, smart, friend to Bookson, his family is close with the Bookson and Sherks, Hates whoever messes with his twin and family
Wife to Shawn and mother of James and Paul
Kind hearted, lovely, cute, brave, trustworthy, loves his family and the Sherks
Kind, lovely, cute,nice person best friend to Eli, loves flowers and cute animals hates usual things
Owner of the 3rd famous world company
Loves his family very much
Involve in an underworld group
Cute, kind, lovely loves his family and that of Sherks
Owner of the world 1st famous company
Loved his family very much and that of David
Shawn and David are best friends
The 2nd king of the underworld
Mother of: Eli, Liam and Mike
Loves his family very much
Kind, lovely, has an heart of an angel, respect's everyone, loves the Bookson family
the owner of the 2nd most famous company
Loves his family very much and the Bookson
The owner of the underworld
Lazy author
This is my first time of writing a chat story
Lazy author
Pardon me if there's a mistake
Lazy author
English is not my first language
Lazy author
See you in the next chapter
The scene is open with a clear view of a beautiful morning followed by the view of a boy sleeping peacefully dreaming about food and fictional guys 🌚 he was pretty much enjoying it, but his alarm wasn't
Alarm clock
*Alarm ringing* -(interpretation) Wake up bish I've got a date today, and you can't get me late
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*uses his hand to hit the alarm making it fall*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*wakes up immediately* *realized he shouted* (oh they must be scared since I shouted) *his eyes still closed*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
False alarm, I'm fine everyone you don't need to worry *open his eyes widely to find no one in his room*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Oh! Yh they are used to it
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
Honey! Your new school starts today so get up
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
You don't want to be late
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Yes Mom *shouts*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*yawn cutely*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*trying to walk but results to him accidentally stubbing his big toe on a wall*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Ahh *groan in exasperation*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
This day can not get any worse
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*walks unsteadily to the bathroom*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*running downstairs a little*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
mum I'm done
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
Am I dead
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
What ?
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
Is it really Eli *munching on some sandwiches*
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
he's all prepared by *checks his time* 7:50
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
*chuckles* mum it's either he saw a cute guy in his dream or he hit his head pretty hard last night making him a little sensible
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Well I can't say the same about you cause calling you dumb is an insult to that word
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
You fûckin-
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
*hits him with a spoon*
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
*hits him too*
David Sherks (Mc dad)
*walks in*
David Sherks (Mc dad)
Morning bby
David Sherks (Mc dad)
*opens his hand requesting for a hug*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Morning dad *about to hug him*
David Sherks (Mc dad)
*pushes him gently away* nope
David Sherks (Mc dad)
it's for your mother
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
*chuckles* you deserved that
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
Morning dad
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
*smack his head*
David Sherks (Mc dad)
c'mon is this what I get for trying to compensate for yesterday session
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
you pervert *blush*
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
What session
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
*walks in*
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
Morning dad morning mum
Noah Sherks (mc mom)
hi baby
David Sherks (Mc dad)
David Sherks (Mc dad)
that's my name
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
*giggles* I might as well steal him
David Sherks (Mc dad)
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
c'mon don't do this *stands up to leave*
Mike Sherks (Mc brother)
I'm going bye mum bye old man *leaves*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Hey wait for us
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*grabs some sandwiches and run holding Aiden as he ran*
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
bye mum bye dad
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Why is the teacher not yet here
Mick Smith (Mc f)
I heard from someone that if James isn't present the lesson can't start
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Rich fûcker I'm rich too but do you see me acting like that well no
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Besides when is my desk mate going to arrive I'm bored
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I wish we could sit down together, but you sat down with someone and this is the only sit remaining
Eli Sherks (Mc)
it's fine maybe we could ask my seatmate if you could take your seat, and he takes yours
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
Are you sure I mean I can still fill you up on the gist later
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Nah I'll tr-
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Why are they screaming
Girl: *rushes in* he's here, the king is here
James bookson (ML)
*walks in*
girls: he's so handsome
Girls: I love James
Girls: I'm in love with all of them
Guys: Alan is looking cute, I can be gay for Alex
Guys: I'm so in love with Alex
James bookson (ML)
*glares at them*
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
*takes a seat*
Alan Brown (ML bff)
*takes a seat*
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
Is that a new guy
Alan Brown (ML bff)
he's cute
Alan Brown (ML bff)
Yh but is he not sitting beside James and doesn't James like to seat alone
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
Yh *puts his leg on the chair and folds his hands*
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
Let just watch the drama
James bookson (ML)
*walk towards Eli*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Hi *smile* you must be james
Eli Sherks (Mc)
My desk mate
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I'm sorry but can you please seat there I kinda want to seat with that baboon *pointing at Aiden*
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
*smiling like an idiot*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Please *puppy eyes* I hope yo-
James bookson (ML)
Fûck off ❄️❄️❄️ *glares*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
it's ok if you don't want to I'll just stay here
James bookson (ML)
I said fûck off ❄️❄️
Eli Sherks (Mc)
what did you just sa-
But their fighting session were interrupted by the teacher who came in and James was told to seat down (by his friends tho)
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*mumbles* fûcker
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
🙏 oh Lord please don't kill him yet
A teacher
We have two new student joining us today
James bookson (ML)
*whispers to Eli* you better get the fûck of I hate having a desk mate
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*whispers* you're welcome you've got one now
James bookson (ML)
*exasperated expression*
James bookson (ML)
You bi-
A teacher
Eli, Aiden and Mick
A teacher
Please step forward
As they stood up everyone began to admire their beauty seeing them fully
Class: wow they are so cute
A teacher
Please introduce yourself
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
Hi everyone I'm Aiden Smith, I'm new here I love to interact with everyone I'm free and kind, hope you all will treat me well
A teacher
Oh good one...Aiden
Mick Smith (Mc f)
Hi everyone I'm Mick Smith brother to Aiden you can as well call us twin because we sort of are
Mick Smith (Mc f)
Anyway I'm new and good-natured, affectionate and pretty much everything good you can think of
Mick Smith (Mc f)
I hope you treat me well
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*looks at her* (she just ruined most important thing of this introduction...my name ಠ_ʖಠ)
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Hello everyone *smile*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I'm Eli sherks
James bookson (ML)
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
Huh?? *whispers to his twin*
Alan Brown (ML bff)
you heard it too * whispers back*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I'm cool, nice and great but don't look down on me because I'm little because I'm good at kicking àsses I understand your jaw might drop because of my beauty
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I'm a vvip when it comes to beauty
James bookson (ML)
Alan Brown (ML bff)
he's not lying tho right James
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I hope you all treat me well
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*about to leave*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
And yes most importantly
A teacher
Language James *stuttering*
A teacher
You can seat there *point elsewhere*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Nah I already got one
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*smile* thank you
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*goes back sitting beside James*
Eli Sherks (Mc)
hi desk mate
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I'm Eli, and you're James
James bookson (ML)
Shut up ❄️❄️
Eli Sherks (Mc)
with your terrible attitude I hope we-
James bookson (ML)
We can't get along so shut up ❄️
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I hope we don't get along fûcker I wasn't hoping we will get along before
Eli Sherks (Mc)
I heard you are a topper
Eli Sherks (Mc)
well you fucking got a competitor
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
*quick applause*
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
I'm proud
James bookson (ML)
Alan Brown (ML bff)
*face forward*
Alex Brown (Ml bff)
*face forward*
Mick Smith (Mc f)
He just got into trouble on his first day of college
Aiden Smith (Mc bff)
Yep that Eli
James bookson (ML)
I'll make you regret you ever chose to seat with me
Eli Sherks (Mc)
Ohh I guess we both have the same motive *smile*
James bookson (ML)
Eli Sherks (Mc)
*smiles* (I can't wait to kick your àss)
Eli Sherks (Mc)
What a wonderful day it has been
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