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Fated to Be Together


Master's Little Toy boy in another universe
. . . .
Neon Whales 20 yrs Good looking, kind-hearted to his close peoples, introvert, sometimes cold and scary parents died in car accident University student Work as part-timer in Bar
Sebastian Adam 21 yrs King of University, Cold blooded, Arrogant, j*rk, A romantic pessimist University student CEO in his Grandpa's Company Engaged with Nova Whales
Nova Whales 20 yrs Neon's twin sister cheerful, caring and sweet Engaged with Sebastian Adam
Rein Watson 20 yrs Straight forward, kind to his close one, cherish friendship University student In relationship with Ryle Delgado
Ryle Delgado 21 yrs Cold to others sweet to his boyfriend, love to tease Rein, cherish friendship In relationship with Rein Watson
Garry Song 29 yrs Doctor at XX hospital Friends of Neon Whales Like Neon Whales
Stella Maris 21 yrs Care for her junior's, Sweet and kind University student
Yohan Delgado 24 yrs Kind, Caring, Sweet And Protective Have crush on Neon Whales University student Ryle's Big brother
Richard Scott 24 yrs Charming, Playboy, Womanizer, Peter Pan Syndrome Best friend with Yohan Delgado, Haven't found his love one yet
To be continued
Let's see how faith bring them together


At Wedding Venue
Both Bride and Groom were standing on stage
Sebastian Adam
Sebastian Adam
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Nova Whales and Sebastian Adam in holy matrimony.
May your love be the foundation on which they build their life together
Ms. Nova Whales, do you take this Man to be your husband, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
I do
Mr. Sebastian Adam, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?
Sebastian Adam
Sebastian Adam
I do
By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife
Ethan Adam (Sebastian
Ethan Adam (Sebastian's Grandfather)
Now I can die in peace
You may kiss the bride
Sebastian Adam
Sebastian Adam
*kiss her*
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
*kiss him*
To be continued
🌝 ik what u are thinking
Read and you'll know

I'm sorry

Newly Wedded couple's room
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
*sitting on bed*
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Finally wedding is over
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Maybe Sebastian isn't going to come
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
With the way he looked at the wedding
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
it's not like I want to marry him
clocks tickling
A hour passed
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Maybe I should take a bath
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
*went into bathroom*
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
(D*mn how do girls wear this heavy stuff I can't even took it off)
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
*remove his wig*
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
Finally I can breathe
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
But this dress *see his wedding dress*
He tried to took off that heavy wedding dress
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
*see himself in mirror*
As he was continue to gaze himself, he started sheding tears
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
(I'm sorry sis)
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
All those things happened because of me
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
I should have protected you
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Neon should I start working?
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
Why sis? do you want some money? Or am I not efficient yet?
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
Why you wanna work?
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Silly brother, not because of anything what you said
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
I meant so I can also support you
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
*pout* you work till late night for us and I can't do a thing for you
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
I feel bad
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Like I'm taking advantage of you
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
I'm you brother and you are my responsibility until you get married *grin*
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Wait that means I'm not your responsibility after marriage?? *angry*
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
Who knows maybe I'll find someone better *smile*
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Bad brother
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
*hitting lightly on his chest*
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
I'm just kidding *pats her head*
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
You'll beat me to death at this rate
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
Don't even talk about death in front of me *started running*
Neon Whales
Neon Whales
*tries to catch her* be careful, we are on road*
Nova Whales
Nova Whales
*stop in middle of cross walk and stick out her tongue* don't worry
truck driver
truck driver
*driving his truck*
truck driver
truck driver
Wait why breaks aren't working
truck driver
truck driver
At this rate I'll hit that girl
truck driver
truck driver
*started horning*
It was too late
To be continued

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