my name name harshit yadav i was the author of the book. 
our exams is come from our books I I'll see some students he or she always say this question is out of syllabus and exam is very important thing for people or students and there was exams which compulsory like bord exams in class 10 and 12 it will be checked
Everywhere you go for job and I read some books and see same parents can give pressure to her child
for making good marks but some student has nay capacity for every thing he will try to read books and cops for making best marks and top on your school.
You all know some student is topper in schools and class, and also you all are students and you that A SINGLE SHEET OF PAPER CANNOT DECIDE MY FUTURE. Yes it is written, but it is written it is from class 1 to 9 from tenth class it is compulsory to score best. When you do best your parents was feel proud. So i thinks the line A SINGLE SHEET OF PAPER CANNOT DECIDE MY FUTURE it is only for students which is in class 1 to 9 .
some student have knowledge of every thing, but he does not show to any student and these students have polite always this student have success in her life.
when the students can join the job then these students are busy and some students can crack JEE, NEET, BPSC, UPSC because these can read books every time and these students can make timetable for when he plays learn books read copies when students have crack the JEE, NEET, BPSC, UPSC then the students parents can feel proud 😊
there was three stages of UPSC exam the first stage is prelims exam and the second stage is mains exam and there was third last stage is interview one the first stage is elimination round this exam was established in may June and the pre exams is poli fine. But it is very hard to 2nd and 3rd stage therthere were two papers first stage one paper is 200 marksexam also called
CSAT exam this exam is 200 marks and there were 80 questions and in every question two and half marks this paper there were comprehensions candidate can give answers from this comprehension
In main exam the maximum marks is 1750 when you can pass in first stage you will feel d a f form in this you choose you will make IAS IPS IFSC IRS PCS and it can be taken on September to October and in means exam there was 9 papers for one paper there was 3hrs it is written exam student can give two exams in one day 5 to 6 days it is continuously taken by the teachers.
In third stage there was interview there was some questions can teaches by teachers like in situations aur how you can leave dress up and everything
There are three lamps
and there are five brothers in five brother the 3 brothers are intelligent, and 2 brothers can, very fast with the bow and arrows and the three brothers can use the lamps and in her house there was two bow and arrows when these both brother can go on competition. There in competition there were 16 participants all one by all can throw the arrow, but these two brothers arrow can go in the center of the board because he can practice he was working hard
And the intelligent to brothers can give the exam of UPSC exam Then 2 months ago the three brother can crack UPSC because these three brothers was working hard, and this line is also written the people who did say you cannot do this but when you trusting in yourself these five brothers can work hard, so success can come to him, he cannot go, so this story can tell that you all work hard, so success can come to you.
what is your dream my dream is I'll crack the UPSC exam and the think the UPSC exam is very hard, but may parent can say it is hard but when you can read the books and read copies, so it is not hard it is easy for the students who can do easily in UPSC only some students are selected when I'll crack UPSC so I think my parents can fell proud he says it is my dream you can be a good boy and crack UPSC, and it is not my parents dream it is also my dream one day i'll crack UPSC
once upon a time there were four friends lived in a house with a dog . The friends were devoted to each other and to the dog as well . They had taken view to leave and die together . One day it's so happened that one of the friends went to a went well nearby to drink water wild returning a fit suddenly feased him and he begin writhe on him they rushed to his side and before they could do anything c o n u l i s i o n s caused and he was dead the friends begin to lament and cry lifting their voice to the sky they said oh God if our friendship is true maybe to join our Departed friends because without him we cannot stay alive as soon as these words come out of there mouth there was a loud Rambling and the earth split under there part all the four friends and his dog went down the earth closed again and then everything was quite then the friends can go Tu her home and the dog was go with him then again in morning these will come and again he was going to drink the water by nearby in this time the friends can go with him and the dog will also come with him .
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