NovelToon NovelToon

Mr. Pedophile

Chapter 1 - The Tragedy

[Sirens wail in the night as emergency vehicles race]

Car Stereo : Good Evening everyone, This is the Patpaya News Reporting form the middle of Bangkok, The mangled remains of the Bryce family car lay twisted and still, a grim testament to the violence of the collision. The family was on their way to Chang Mai for a long-awaited vacation when tragedy struck. Miraculously, young Louie Bryce, the youngest of the family, was found alive in the backseat, his cries for help piercing the silence of the night. As investigators piece together the wreckage, the community mourns the loss of the Bryce family and wonders what the future holds for the lone survivor.

Someone's POV

[Listening to the Car Stereo while driving]

Nani: Let's go at the scene

Podd: Wtf Ai'Nani, are you insane?

Nani: Well I'm a curious, what can I do?

Podd: Don't use that as a reason to escape Nani, both of us will be fvcked up you know that

Nani: ]Driving to the scene]

Podd: [Glaring at Nani]

Reached the scene

Nani: [Leave the Car]

Podd: Nani, wth Stop

Nani: To late to stop me

Catch up with the officials

Nani: Excuse me where's the kid?

Police 1: I'm sorry mister but are you related to them?

Nani: Yes, a family friend (What a liar)

Police 1: Can I Have your ID?

Nani: Yes you may, here

Police 1: Sapphire, family friend?, interesting h-

Nani: [Glaring at Police 1]

Police 1: Ok sir here's Louie

Nani: [Smiles] thanks for your understanding officer

Take Louie at the Car

Podd: Bro you're really insane, I won't help you with this

Nani: Then fine a house to live in

Podd: Naniiiiiii!

Nani: The kid will be thrill don't scream

An our later - Reached Nani's house

Nani: hey kid come out

Louie: [He come out without Hesitation]

Inside Nani's House

Nani: Come on in, make yourself at home.

Louie: [still dazed and confused, slowly steps inside. He looks around the unfamiliar room, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and curiosity.]

Nani: Here, have some water. You must be thirsty.

[Louie takes the glass of water, his hands trembling slightly. He takes a small sip, the cool liquid soothing his parched throat.]

Nani: [sits down beside him.] "I know this is a lot to take in," [he says gently.] "But you're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you."

[Louie looks at Nani, his eyes searching for reassurance. He sees a kindness in Nani's eyes, a genuine concern that makes him feel a little less alone.]

"Thank you," Louie whispers, his voice barely audible.

Nani [smiles] "You're welcome. Now, try to get some rest. You've been through a lot."

Then Podd Meddle in

Podd: Nani we need to talk

Nani: [Follows Podd]

Podd: If your dad found out about this You're Screwed, No were Screwed

Nani: That's Fine, I can handle it Bro

To be continued

Episode 2 - The secret keeper

Podd: I can't believe you're so chill about this. Your dad is going to flip his lid!

Nani: Dad will never know, unless someone breaks their silence, Besides, I've got a plan.

Podd: A plan? What plan?

Nani: I already think about it earlier. I will keep the kid until someone takes him.

Podd: What?! Are you crazy?

Nani: I know what I'm doing. Just don't tell Dad

Podd: Don't Tell uncle? That you're taking care of a kid you found at a car crash? That you're lying to the police?

Nani: I'm not lying. I told them I was a family friend.

Podd: That's still a lie! And what about the kid? What are you going to tell him about his family?, that his family died?, what if he had trauma and forgot all of this

Nani: I don't know yet. But I'll figure something out.

Podd: This is a mess, Nani. You're getting yourself into serious trouble.

Nani: I know it's a risk, but I can't just leave him there. He needs help.

Podd: What if your dad take the kid and torture him or what

Nani: Then I'll deal with it. But I'm not going to let this kid suffer because I'm scared.

Podd: Okay, but if you need me, I'm here for you.

Nani: I know, Podd. Thanks.

Podd: No problem. Now, let's go check on Louie. He must be hungry.

Nani: Okay.

[They walk towards the room where Louie is staying. As they approach, they hear a soft sniffling sound.]

Louie: [Woke up] where am I?, who are you?

Nani & Podd: Chill it's us ok don't be scared

Louie: You're th-the Sapphire

You guys will kill me? will you?

A week's after at Nani's resident


Nani: [Go outside to check who is it]

[Open the Gate]

Someone: Are you Nani Sapphire?

Nani: Yes I am, why?

Win: I am Win Luxe, Bryce family friends, well I'm here to take Louie with me, here's my id to confirm it

Nani: Come in then

Win: Thanks, so where is he?

Nani: He's upstairs, in my room. He's still a bit shaken up from the incident.

Win: I understand. I'll be gentle with him.

Win walks upstairs and knocks on the door.

Win: Louie? It's Win. I'm here to take you home.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to take you home.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, please. I know you're scared, but I'm here to help you.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, if you don't come out, I'm going to have to come in.

Louie: Stay away

Win: Louie, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you.

Louie: Just stay away ok

Win: Louie, please.

Louie: (Silence)

Win: Louie, I'm not going to give up. I'm going to stay here until you come out.

Louie: Stay away you Sadistic

Nani: [Can't react about what Louie said] Louie he's just trying to help you

Win: Louie, I know you're scared, but I'm here for you.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, please.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, I'm not going to leave until you come out.

Louie: How can I come out if your there

Win: Louie, I'm serious.

Louie: (Silence)

Win: Louie, I'm not going to hurt you. I just

want to talk to you.

Louie: No way

Win: Louie, please.

Louie: I don't believe you

Win: Louie, I'm not going to give up.

Louie: Get lost

Win: Louie, I'm going to count to three. If you don't come out by then, I'm coming in.

Louie: Then count

Win: One... two... three.

Win opens the door and sees Louie sitting on the bed, hugging his knees to his chest.

Win: Louie, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, I know you're scared, but I'm here for you.

Louie: [silence]

Win: Louie, I'm not going to leave until you talk to me.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, please.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, I'm not going to give up.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: Louie, I'm going to count to three. If you don't talk to me by then, I'm leaving.

Louie: [Silence]

Win: One... two... three.

Win turns to leave, but then he hears Louie's voice.

Louie: Wait!

Win turns around and sees Louie standing in the doorway, looking scared and confused.

Win: Louie, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you.

Louie: I... I don't know what to say.

Win: That's okay. You don't have to say anything. Just come here.

Louie walks over to Win and sits down next to him on the bed.

Win puts his arm around Louie and pulls him


Win: It's okay, Louie. You're safe now.

Louie: I... I will talk to you because you can bring me back home

Win: It's okay. Talk to me and Just be here with me.

Louie: I'm scared.

Win: I know. But you're not alone anymore. I'm here for you.

Louie: I don't know if I can trust you.

Win: I know. But I hope you can. I'm here to help you.

Louie: I don't know what to do.

Win: It's okay. You don't have to know what to do. Just be here with me.

Louie: I'm scared.

Win: I know. But you're not alone anymore. I'm here for you.

Louie: I don't know if I can trust you.

Win: I know. But I hope you can. I'm here to help you.


Podd: Bro- hmm [Taps Nani's shoulder] who is he?

Nani: Louie's family friend

Podd: Sure about it

Nani: Yeah, his name is Win Luxe

Podd: Okay then, If you say so

To be continued

Episode 3 - The argument

An hour later

[Nani was bringing foods for Win and Louie]

Nani: [Walking through the room]

[Heard something]

Podd: [Taps Nani's shoulder]

Nani: What? [In a low voice]

Podd: May I borrow your car key?, I'll pick up my car at the repair shop.

Nani: Yeah, just wait.

Podd: Why

Nani: Shhh

Podd: [Silence]

Nani: They are talking about something

[Nani enter the room with tray of foods in his hands and saw Louie crying]

Nani: Louie why?

Louie: Nothing, I just don't want to come with him

Win: But why?, I thought you've agree

Nani: Maybe let's just give him some space to think

Win: But I need to take him home

Louie: No

Nani: You've heard him

Win: Don't meddle in.

Louie: Get away you Sadistic you can't lure me

Nani: Win please

Win: No

Nani: You can't also lure me, I heard everything, you're such a user and a sadistic bitch

Win: Don't meddle in here You're not related to us

Nani: I'm not meddling, I'm just trying to help. Louie is obviously upset, and you're not helping the situation by yelling at him.

Win: He's just being dramatic.

Nani: He's not being dramatic. He's scared.

Win: Of what?

Nani: Of you.

Win: I'm not going to hurt him.

Nani: You're scaring him. You're being too pushy.

Win: I'm not being pushy. I'm just trying to take him home.

Nani: He doesn't want to go home with you.

Win: Well, too bad. He's coming with me.

Nani: No, he's not.

Win: Yes, he is.

Nani: No, he's not.

Win: I'm going to call the police.

Nani: Go ahead. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that you're kidnapping a child.

Win: I'm not kidnapping him. I'm his guardian now.

Nani: You're not a good guardian. You're a selfish, abusive man.

Win: I'm not abusive.

Nani: Yes, you are. You're always yelling at him. You're always trying to control him. You're never there for him.

Win: I'm always there for him. I just work a lot.

Nani: That's not an excuse. You need to be there for his safety, emotionally and physically.

Win: I'm not going to listen to you. I'm going to take him home.

Nani: No, you're not. I'm not going to let you hurt him.

Win: You can't stop me.

Nani: Yes, I can. I'm calling the police.

Win: Go ahead. I'm not afraid of the police.

Nani: I'm not sure about that. I think you might be surprised.

Win: I'm not going to let you ruin my life.

Nani: I'm not trying to ruin your life. I'm trying to save it.

Win: You're not the one to decide what's best for me.

Nani: Yes, I am. I'm the one who cares about you.

Win: You don't know me.

Nani: I know you better than you think.

Win: You're wrong.

Nani: I'm not wrong. I'm right.

Win: You're just a nosy kid.

Nani: I'm not a kid. I'm a grown Man. And I'm not going to let you hurt Louie.

Win: You're not going to do anything.

Nani: We'll see about that.

Win: I'm going to leave.

Nani: Good.

Win: I'm taking Louie with me.

Nani: No, you're not.

Win: Yes, I am.

Nani: No, you're not.

Win: I'm going to count to three. And if you don't let me go, I'm calling the police.

Nani: Go ahead. I'm not afraid of you.

Win: One... two... three.

Nani: I'm calling the police.

Win: You won't do anything.

Nani: I'm calling them right now.

Win: You're bluffing.

Nani: I'm not bluffing.

Win: Prove it.

Nani: I will.

Win: You're lying.

Nani: I'm not lying.

Win: You're just trying to scare me.

Nani: I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to help you.

Win: You're not helping me. You're making things worse.

Nani: I'm not making things worse. I'm trying to make things better.

Win: You're not doing a very good job.

Nani: I'm doing the best I can.

Win: You're not doing enough.

Nani: I'm doing everything I can.

Win: You're not doing anything.

Nani: I'm calling the police.

Win: You're not going to do anything.

Nani: I'm calling them right now.

Win: You're bluffing.

Nani: I'm not bluffing.

Win: Prove it.

Nani: I will.

Win: You're lying.

Nani: I'm not lying.

Win: You're just trying to scare me.

Nani: I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to help you.

Win: You're not helping me. You're making things worse.

Nani: I'm not making things worse. I'm trying to make things better.

Win: You're not doing a very good job.

Nani: I'm doing the best I can.

Win: You're not doing enough.

Nani: I'm doing everything I can.

Win: You're not doing anything.

Nani: I'm calling the police.

Win: You're not going to do anything.

Nani: I'm calling them right now.

Win: You're bluffing.

Nani: I'm not bluffing.

Win: Prove it.

Nani: I will.

Win: You're lying.

Nani: I'm not lying.

Win: You're just trying to scare me.

Nani: I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to help you.

Win: You're not helping me. You're making things worse.

Nani: I'm not making things worse. I'm trying to make things better.

Win: You're not doing a very good job.

Nani: I'm doing the best I can.

Win: You're not doing enough.

Nani: I'm doing everything I can.

Win: You're not doing anything.

Nani: I'm calling the police.

Win: You're not going to do anything.

Nani: I'm calling them right now.

Win: You're bluffing.

Nani: I'm not bluffing.

Win: Prove it.

Nani: I will.

Win: You're lying.

Nani: I'm not lying.

Win: You're just trying to scare me.

Nani: I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to help you.

Win: You're not helping me. You're making things worse.

Nani: I'm not making things worse. I'm trying to make things better.

Win: You're not doing a very good job.

Nani: I'm doing the best I can.

Win: You're not doing enough.

Nani: I'm doing everything I can.

Win: You're not doing anything.

Nani: I'm calling the police.

Win: You're not going to do anything.

Nani: I'm calling them right now.

Win: You're bluffing.

Nani: I'm not bluffing.

Win: Prove it.

Nani: I will.

Win: You're lying.

Nani: I'm not lying.

Win: You're just trying to scare me.

Nani: I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to help you.

Win: You're not helping me. You're making things worse.

Nani: I'm not making things worse. I'm trying to make things better.

Win: You're not doing a very good job.

Nani: I'm doing the best I can.Win: You're not doing enough.

Nani: I'm doing everything I can.

Win: You're not doing anything.

Nani: I'm calling the police.

Win: You're not going to do anything.

Nani: I'm calling them right now.

Win: You're bluffing.

Nani: I'm not bluffing.

Win: Prove it.

Nani: I will.

Win: You're lying.

Nani: I'm not lying.

Win: You're just trying to scare me.

Nani: I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to help you.

Win: You're not helping me. You're making things worse.

Nani: I'm not making things worse. I'm trying to make things better.

Win: You're not doing a very good job.

Nani: I'm doing the best I can.

Win: You're not doing enough.

Nani: I'm doing everything I can.

Win: You're not doing anything.

Nani: I'm calling the police.

Win: Who are you to meddle in in my life and Louie's life?, you're not even his folks

Nani: I'm the one who took care of him after the accident

To be continued

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