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Waiting for the Sun to Shine

Chapter 1

Peace Adam is a 27-year-old woman who has always longed for love from her family. Since childhood, she had no one to support or care for her.

This led to struggles with anger, making it hard for her to connect with others. Believing that staying alone would bring peace, she spends most of her time at home, avoiding social interactions.

Her father, David Adam, works in the government council, while her mother, Mercy Adam, manages the household. She has two sisters: Machiel Adam is a year older than Peace Adam, and Camile Adam, who is 4 years younger than Peace Adam.

This is the story of a woman who, as a girl, only wanted love from her family.


It was a bright morning, and Peace Adam, just five years old, had just woken up from her sleep. The house she shared with her family was small for five people, but the Adam family managed to live there. Peace and her elder sister attended the well-known King School.

Peace was the mischievous one in the family—always playful and never listening to her parents when they asked her to do things. Unlike her sisters, she loved going outside to play with the other children in her neighborhood. She spent most of her time roaming around with her cute little friends, laughing and having fun. However, whenever she came home after her playtime, she would be scolded by her parents.

Sometimes, she will be misled by the adults in that area, and they will touch her and do things with her in an improper way. She doesn't know that they are doing something improper, because they will say that this was a game. At some point a neighborhood child and a very long-distance relative suggested playing a game with her, and he led her to his terrace. There he suggested playing a game that leads to a sexual game. Where he raped her. This game continues, and he repeated the things twice in the name of the game. 

At one point, due to some misunderstandings and other reasons, her father had a disagreement with the family. Eventually, the Adam family decided to move to a new place closer to Peace's school.

After moving to their new home, Peace Adam continued her studies. However, her father had to shift to a new job, which caused financial struggles for the family. The pressure of meeting basic needs was overwhelming, and even paying for school fees became a challenge.

Peace completed her elementary school and started middle school, while her younger sister had not yet begun her education. Every day brought new challenges, but they tried to make it work.

One day, Peace went to school as usual, but in the middle of the day, she received an unexpected call from the principal. The principal told her she couldn't continue her education unless the school fees were paid. Shocked and upset, Peace stayed in the office room the entire day, crying and hoping her father would come to take her home.

But her father was too busy with work to check on her. Despite her distress, every person who came by comforted her, saying that her father would surely come soon. Meanwhile, her elder sister, unaware of the situation, had her full academic year’s fees paid, and was happily enjoying her studies.

As the day came to an end and other students began to leave, Peace was still waiting for her father. But he never showed up.

Chapter 2

Later that day, Peace’s uncle came to pick her up and took her home. She was deeply upset, not only about the situation at school but also with her father. When her father finally came home from work, he didn’t even ask about what had happened at school. He acted as if nothing had occurred, ignoring the distress Peace had gone thrOugh.

Feeling overlooked and unsupported, Peace made a difficult decision. Despite being a good student, she dropped out of school. She waited, hoping her father would find a way to pay the school fees and allow her to return. But as days passed, her hope began to fade, and she was left uncertain about her future.

Like this, 6 months passed, and the next academic year came, and her father still didn’t find a way to get Peace back to school. But he paid the full fees for her sister, and they also joined her younger sister in school too. She is the only one helping with her sister to get ready for school and hoping everything will be clear, and she can go to school. She learned to do all kinds of household work. Even though she was just 12 at the time, she could cook, wash clothes by hand, and do all the other chores in the house.

And also, she was not very connected with her mother or her sisters. She only spoke with them when needed.

One day, her relative borrowed her sister’s bicycle, and Peace went to fetch it, worried that her sister would have trouble going to school the next day without it. On her way back, Peace accidentally fell and hit her head, causing a serious wound above her left eyebrow. She lost a lot of blood. When she returned home and told her parents what happened, they didn’t offer any support. Instead, her father coldly said, “This is your prize for not listening to us,” and punished her by not taking her to a doctor.

The wound was deep and dangerous, but her father’s indifference only made it worse. The next morning, her mother took her to the doctor, who treated the wound and patched her up.

This incident left Peace with a deep emotional scar. She found it hard to trust her father after that day, and slowly, she began to distance herself from him. Eventually, the pain of being ignored and punished in her time of need turned into hatred for her father. Till today, she still carries the scar on her face as a painful reminder of that moment.

Her mother worried about her future and fought with her father. But her mother didn’t get any positive response from her father. So, her mother took the initiative and joined Peace in a public school that runs under government funding.

Even though she lost a year Of education, Peace finally got a chance to continue her studies.

But her father didn’t like that Peace was studying in a government-supported school, so he didn’t care much about her education. He only gave her money to buy school supplies, nothing more.

Peace completed her higher education there with merit and earned the first place in the school. It was a crucial time for her, but her father was still not there for her. However, when it was her sister’s turn, her father was there to check the results and even prepared delicious food to celebrate. He thought Peace wouldn’t excel because she was studying in such a shabby school, but to his surprise, Peace excelled in her exams with excellent scores.

Chapter 3

Most of the time, Peace chose to stay isolated and avoided talking to others. She didn’t have a good relationship with anyone, not even with her sisters or parents. She often felt like she was the only one she could rely on. Gradually, she accepted the harsh reality that no one was going to stand by her side.

When it was time for the college entrance exams, Peace attended multiple tests hoping to secure admission into a good course. Unfortunately, she didn’t achieve the desired results, and even when she got selected, she couldn’t afford the fees. Reluctantly, she chose to study at a local college near her home.

Toward the end of her college years, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and she completed her course through online classes. During this period, Peace decided she wanted to turn her life around. She mustered the courage to approach her longtime crush, someone she had secretly loved for over eight years. They began talking online, and over time, their conversations grew deeper. When he confessed his feelings for her, Peace hesitated and rejected him due to her insecurities. He continued trying for a year, but conflicts arose, and eventually, they stopped talking. His departure left Peace heartbroken, and the emotional wound felt unhealable.

After graduating, Peace started working in her field of study. She joined a low-paying shift-based job, which gradually took a toll on her health. Her hemoglobin levels dropped, and she began experiencing low blood pressure issues, forcing her to quit the job for her well-being. However, after a week of rest, she began searching for another opportunity, determined to keep going.

Fortunately, Peace secured a job at an MNC. However, her journey there wasn’t smooth. Due to her past experiences, her tone of voice lacked warmth, and she struggled to communicate effectively with her coworkers. This led to constant judgment from her colleagues. Even her manager spoke negatively about her, further tarnishing her reputation with senior management.

Later, within a week, Peace was transferred to another department in her company. Her new role involved training employees and handling several employee engagement tasks. This was completely new to her, and she lacked the knowledge and skills needed to understand and coach others effectively.

Over time, she gradually gained experience and started communicating more freely with her colleagues. However, she still couldn’t fully overcome the behaviors and insecurities shaped by her experiences, which continued to affect her skills to become a leader of a team.

Even though Peace was the senior member of her team, she couldn’t secure the lead role. Instead, the opportunity was given to someone else. However, Peace believed the other person deserved the role and took it positively. She worked hard and gave her best to her responsibilities.

Despite her efforts, she was continuously reminded of her behavior and habits, which made her feel restricted. She hesitated to talk freely with her coworkers or provide suggestions to improve their skill levels. Constant monitoring and judgment made it even harder for her to connect with her team members, leaving her feeling isolated and constrained.

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