As a child, I have always felt like a mystery box Just laying around for someone to unlock my hidden secrets in order words unlock my mind.
I was basically 5 years old when my parents started getting worried about my inability to speak. As a child your parents are basically obsessed with getting you to say some few words like (mama or papa)even if you don’t get it right at first, parents will convince themselves you said it right. Well my parents grow out of that excitement stage into worrying all day long. After so many trying and failing all in the name of trying to get rid of my affliction. They started seeking help form the best,doctors, magicians,vocal trainers, skilled muscle and neck massagers in the kingdom but still nothing. Soon word began to spread about the Kings desperate desire to make he’s daughter the princess speak before marriageable age.Men began to flood the kingdom from far and wide all to prove themselves by making the princess speak. I soon found my self a tool to be used to gain fame and popularity. My father the king wasn’t too happy over the lack of any important assistance to improve my current affliction so he grew inpatient and decided to close the gates to the kingdom for good , All hoping I will overcome it some how.
Knock on the door...
Princess Lara!!!! Please open up its time to get dressed, He’s highness your father is expecting you,” Said the maid pam (Door Opens)
Lara with a smile on her face, signals the maid in; well you look beautiful just the way you are my princess, I most say; Said pam, as she walks over to prepare the bath. All right then warm as u like it. “Lara slips in, Today is a big day for you my princess, your father as made a good decision, I most say.
“Lara’s face twisted up unable to understand what pam meant by He’s majesty the king made a good decision and such decision was made during her absence. “Dam this affliction,Lara though to her self. Pam,pam!! Her majesty is on her way to see the princess hurry up, “Said the maid standing at the door,
Pam slips the princess into a pink ball gown with white pearls dangling down from it.
That dress was worn by my grand mother “Queen Ladora,and my mother,Queen Larina and also me your mother and now it’s passed down to you Lara, to be apart of these special day, as it was also apart of mine, “ Said her majesty the Queen, as she lightly kisses Lara on her forehead, “I know you will make me proud.
Now come along dear, I will do your make up myself. Lara please don’t be scared am going to be right next to you all the way, known of them are going to get close to you except you won’t them to okay, said the Queen as she gently presses some powder over her face.
Well it’s a big day, that’s what they are all saying forgetting that l know nothing about it, I guess it’s one of fathers surprises.
“Ooooo Lara you look extremely beautiful, alrighty then let’s all go down stairs to the main hall, Lara dear make your way down when you are ready; The room is cleared and the door shut; Lara takes a deep breath to process the whole situation,what could it be. She thought to her self.
( Voice singing ) that most be Isaac, Lara smiled to her self. Isaac welter the son of the royal physician, How has been making herbs to help improve Lara’s vocal muscles. Lara considers Isaac to be an Angel due to He’s ability to sing extremely well, during her 6th birthday Isaac gifted Lara a song he sang beautifully and every since then Lara became attached to Isaac making him her only true friend from childhood.
Every year the king throws the biggest birthday party each bigger than the last for he’s daughter, invite other royals from all over, But most likely all the kids made fun of Lara affliction and even cursed and her misfortune which made Lara uneasy and afraid to attend her own party and wished for her father to stop throwing such parties, but he wouldn’t have it. no matter how many times she wrote it down on paper and sent to him.
Isaac because her only friend to support and appreciate how beautiful she looked every year for each part, complimented her dress and he would always appreciate her poems she wrote for each party even if, The king had someone read it out loud,Isaac found a way to appreciate the beauty in her work,which made Lara feel special.
“Hiiii!!!! Your highness, “
Isaac takes a bow;
you are planning on going down stairs now,are you ?? Isaac smile, what’s he smiling about, what an idiot he is and why is he shirtless??? Is he the first to fetch herbs for he’s father, he’s such a reckless person.
What are you thinking about now darling?? Said Isaac,
He doesn’t know I can have he’s head for calling me darling instead of princess??
Her majesty looking to seduce her suitors with that dress and beautiful face of hers, Hmmm Nicely done!!!
Suitors, that’s what father is up to now,
trying to sell me to some Royal domp, just to get rid of me, what a ridiculous decision I most say , “Lara though to herself,
Isaac!!!, yes coming Father;
Welcome to Rockfalls, I am more than happy to have you all today. My daughter princess Lara is as we all know, from my letter pass across to you, is of due age for marriage and due to her affliction I and the Queen decided to delay her marriage proposals a year ago, but today we are most likely to announce to you all the princess we’ll be picking one of you to walk with her through her part in life to support and love her. And I most say it’s completely up to her to accept you, as a responsible and suitable suitor for her or not.
Well let’s begin, Said the king as he approaches he’s sit.
“Well, where is the princess, isn’t she ready, the king whispers to the Queen.
“Well, put on a smile my dear husband. You see it’s a beautiful day for us, and your daughter the princess is a woman and also her mother’s daughter, we settle for nothing less than a grand entrance.
Make welcome, Princess Lara, princess of Rockfalls and of the 9 highes , Daughter of King Amon, King of the Great kingdom of Rockfalls, and the Great Ruler of the 9 Highes.
Door opens, eyes are raised, room goes silent as the princess makes her way to the royal table both royally titled and officially titled men arise as a sign of respect to the crown. “The princess takes a bow and proceeds to take a sit right next to the king.
“ You are highly welcome your highness, Said the kings Hand. ‘Lord Peter of the kingdomRockfalls.
Now we welcome Lord Harms, Lord of the great City Nablus, brother to the king of the Nablus. ‘Your grace, I am most honored you accepted my proposal for the princesses hand in marriage . despite being a representative of my brother the king. due to he’s wife inability to have a son which he still hopes to have in the nearest future. But I mean he has 13daughters. He’s fate is sealed, don’t you think it my king. “He laughs mockingly.
Silents!!! there shall be no room in these very meeting for mockery and gossip. “said the king, waving Lord Harms to be dismissed.
( 18 presented and dismissed,either by the king or Queen) “Now we make welcome King Charles, king of the Sevenhigh and he’s son prince Delvin heir to the Sevenhigh throne.
“Announced the Kings Hand.
“My grace, I am highly honored to be here today. I and my son are extremely grateful that our proposal was honored and accepted by you.
Man 1: (mockingly)Are you and your son planing to marry the princess together then. “The crowd runs wild with laughter”
I won’t let my father be insulted in these room of civilized men, as you all claim to be. Said prince Delvin as he steps forward.
From the looks of things my house have a lot to offer than any house in these gathering. The house sevenhigh runs the goldmine, all of them, house sevenhigh sells and runs the biggest life stock and fish market.
Man 2: (mockingly) So boy you are planning on gifting the princess cows and fishes instead of a good time in bed. Do you even no how to use that carrot between your legs?? Hmm Darling...
“ Such manner of words shouldn’t be spoken out in the presence of the princess, my daughter,said the king angrily. “ I shall have he’s tongue for that said King Charles, mad men shouldn’t be roaming around such high places.
Prince Delvin may continue, Yes my Queen said the KingsHand.
Thank you my Queen,said Prince Delvin as he took a bow. Well, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, if the princess will accept me and be my bride, this very kingdom won’t just be bounded to my house alone, but Rockfalls will have access to the Sevenhigh wealth, trade markets and military force.
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