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1: Marriage

When I opened my eyes I saw myself on bed...

I am in my maid's room her name is Anna aunty.

I am so scared because of thinking of what happen last night...

. yes last night was my wedding night but when I saw my husband I am literally trembling like hell...


Hi my name is Lisa Stewart . I am an orphan except my uncle I don't have any family. when I was 5 years old my parents died in car accident and then my uncle took me with him in his house.

There I tortured by my aunt and my cousins sisters. When my uncle saw my condition he took me to the orphanage and said that when his condition is settled then he will take me home with him back and after so many year my uncle came and took me home with him and begged me to getting married with a man for his business profit ...

so I ready to getting married with that man my cousins sister didn't want to marry that burn man but for my uncle sake I have to marry that man and today my wedding night i am scared but I have to face this because he is my husband...

I don't love him but I promise myself that I always honest with him, I always take a good care of him. After his skin operation he also become handsome man and I will get time with him to know him well....

but when I saw him I was shocked !!!.

his half face was burned and suddenly light was switched off and with trembling legs he come towards me ....and he tried to grab my hand but I stepped back ....

after that he grab me in his arm said “ wifey I am going sleep here tonight ...because tonight is our first night and we have to spend this night together then lets enjoy my wife” and I become more shocked when he whispered in my ear “ I gonna eat you tonight” and laughed like devil😈....

I said myself ‘it's ok he is your husband and he has a right to sleep here but seriously I am not prepared for that thing I need some time to accept him’ ...

Suddenly he come close me that I can felt his breathe but on that time when I opened my eyes I saw his half burned face I pushed him because I scared and ran away from him....

I ran like I saw some ghost and they are following me and I bumped to the Anna aunty she asked “ what happened”

but I only said that "Anna aunty can I sleep in your room with you if don't mind me"

she said "off course madam why would I mind”

Flashback end....

so that why my wedding first night I slept in my house maid's room and I thought is this hell where I came last night..... ohh God!! save me.... I just need some time to accept this....

2 :Mask

I got up and get fresh and went outside of room and went into the kitchen. I saw Anna aunty preparing breakfast for us..

I said “can I help you Anna aunty”

aunty said “ no madam thank you but I already prepared breakfast so please wait for it in dining room”

I said “OK”

I went to the dining room and I saw someone was already sitting there but I saw his back that's why I clearly not saw his face I thought that ‘who is this man ?? whose sitting there’

and Suddenly he said “ if you are done then come have your breakfast”

I come in my senses and went to the the dining table when I saw his face its covered by the half mask ...

I think why he covered his by mask is he going some kind of party because he wear customized clothes too... then I remembered that I only staring at him ...

he suddenly asked “is there anything on my face”

I flinched and said “ no there is nothing”

then he said “its OK if you wanted know why I wear this mask ”

I nodded my head into yes he said “don't tell me that you don't saw my face last night”

I thought oh my god he is my husband and his half face was burned I saw...

I saw last night but I feel so bad that he wear this mask for hide his face...

Then after that Anna aunty came and served the food to us and we are started eating. I wanted say sorry for last night and I was thinking how to say sorry but suddenly

he said “ last night you ran away from me”

I feel bad but its not my faults because it nothing matter for me his face burn or not but suddenly someone whispered in your ear that 'I am going to eat you ' what will you do? even you don't know him you never met him before how can you accept that person...

I said “sorry”

he said “how can a bride run from her husband on her wedding night and how can she left her husband all alone on her first night”

I said myself its OK but how can he said like that don't he know that it was my first time to meet him and I scared...

I said “its just I...”

he interrupted me and said “its OK finish your breakfast ”

and then he left I feel like what now i think tonight I have to talk to him...

After breakfast I was walking around this big mansion and I was wondering how big this mansion is ....

its feel like I still haven't seen it all ...

rich people.... rich people....

then I saw one plant in garden I took this plant with me and put that plant in flower pot

I asked to the gardener “what is this plant”

he said “its daisy plant”

I said “really can I take this flower pot with me please ”

he said “yes madam why not”

Beast flashback

Then I took the daisy plant pot with me and put it down on roof compound I want to see the flower of the daisy plant that's why I water daily....

15 days passed but I couldn't saw him I tried to met him but he always busy with his work if this continued like this when we are going to know each other....

One day some of his friend came home and they went his study room I remembered that butler Carlson told me before that he don't like anyone without his permission go in his study room ...

but they are going in his study room without his permission and he suddenly came back from me and

said “ what are you doing here”

I was surprised by him

I said “are you mad”

I didn't even realized that I literally called him mad ....and seriously he were angry at me I said myself ‘you are done Lisa ....’


I saw her at first time one year ago when she was riding her bicycle

I thought she was so childish but why my grandpa wants me to marry her ...

I didn't even know her I collected all her information and went to her uncle..

I know that she is orphan but her only family is her uncle and I know better about her uncle's company was going to bankrupt at anytime if he not find any investors to invest in his company ...

so I send my butler for the agreement and he agreed...

I married her just signing the marriage certificate when she saw me at first time on our wedding night... I saw her face she was scared and I deliberately scared her...

because I wanted to know how long will she tolerate me ...

she agree to marry me she know about my face her cousins sister are all rejected me but she is the only one who married me just because of money I will not give you a penny....

my face .....

if that car accident didn't happened in 15 year ago when I was 10 years old I wouldn't have lost my parents. ...

Just because of that little girl I was lived my life like orphan ....

I never smiled at anyone after happened that accident I tried my best to remembered her face but I couldn't ...

my grandparents never want me to find that girl because they said she also died in that accident because of her I lost my everything....

In school some boys always teased me because I look ugly and scary they called me beast and yes I became beast now because I am cruel and merciless ....

yes I am beast and i don't like her and that's why I don't want her but my grandpa wants me to marry her...

but I don't want to hurt her that's why I always maintained distance from her if come she tries to get close to me I grab her in my fist and never let her free in her this life....👿

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